Exemplo n.º 1
                                        axes=(0, 1)),
                           axes=(0, 1))

def sos(x0):
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(x0)**2, axis=-1))

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Radially sampled Shepp-Logan
    N, spokes, nc = 288, 72, 8
    kx, ky = radial(N, spokes)
    kx = np.reshape(kx, (N, spokes), 'F').flatten().astype(np.float32)
    ky = np.reshape(ky, (N, spokes), 'F').flatten().astype(np.float32)
    k = kspace_shepp_logan(kx, ky, ncoil=nc).astype(np.complex64)
    k = whiten(k)  # whitening seems to help conditioning of Gx, Gy

    # # Instead of whitening, maybe you prefer to reduce coils:
    # nc = 4
    # U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(k, full_matrices=False)
    # k = U[:, :nc] @ np.diag(S[:nc]) @ Vh[:nc, :nc]

    # Take a look at the sampling pattern:
    plt.scatter(kx, ky, .1)
    plt.title('Radial Sampling Pattern')

    # Get the GRAPPA operators!
    t0 = time()
    Gx, Gy = radialgrappaop(kx, ky, k, nspokes=spokes)
Exemplo n.º 2
from pygrappa import ttgrappa
from utils import gridder

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Simulate a radial trajectory
    sx, spokes, nc = 128, 128, 8
    kx, ky = radial(sx, spokes)

    # We reorder the samples like this for easier undersampling later
    kx = np.reshape(kx, (sx, spokes)).flatten('F')
    ky = np.reshape(ky, (sx, spokes)).flatten('F')

    # Sample Shepp-Logan at points (kx, ky) with nc coils:
    kspace = kspace_shepp_logan(kx, ky, ncoil=nc)
    k = kspace.copy()

    # Get some calibration data -- ideally we would want to simulate
    # something other than the image we're going to reconstruct, but
    # since this is just proof of concept, we'll go ahead
    cx = kx.copy()
    cy = ky.copy()
    calib = k.copy()
    # calib = np.tile(calib[:, None, :], (1, 2, 1))
    calib = calib[:, None, :] # middle axis is the through-time dim

    # Undersample: R=2
    k[::2] = 0

    # Reconstruct with Non-Cartesian GRAPPA
Exemplo n.º 3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from phantominator import radial, kspace_shepp_logan
from skimage.measure import compare_nrmse, compare_ssim
from skimage.morphology import convex_hull_image
from skimage.filters import threshold_li

from pygrappa import radialgrappaop, grog

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Radially sampled Shepp-Logan
    N, spokes, nc = 288, 72, 8
    kx, ky = radial(N, spokes)
    kx = np.reshape(kx, (N, spokes), 'F').flatten()
    ky = np.reshape(ky, (N, spokes), 'F').flatten()
    k = kspace_shepp_logan(kx, ky, ncoil=nc)
    k = whiten(k) # whitening seems to help conditioning of Gx, Gy

    # # Instead of whitening, maybe you prefer to reduce coils:
    # nc = 4
    # U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(k, full_matrices=False)
    # k = U[:, :nc] @ np.diag(S[:nc]) @ Vh[:nc, :nc]

    # Put in correct shape for radialgrappaop
    k = np.reshape(k, (N, spokes, nc))
    kx = np.reshape(kx, (N, spokes))
    ky = np.reshape(ky, (N, spokes))

    # Take a look at the sampling pattern:
    plt.scatter(kx, ky, .1)
    plt.title('Radial Sampling Pattern')