Exemplo n.º 1
def isAtSite(ds, run):
    blocks = []
    ph = phedex(ds)
    # get list of blocks for input dataset directly from DBS3
    # documentation: https://cmsweb.cern.ch/dbs/prod/global/DBSReader/
    connection = wma.init_connection('cmsweb.cern.ch')
    #returns a string which represents a list, so we have to eval
    blockDicts = ast.literal_eval(
            wma.httpget(connection, wma.DBS3_URL + "blocks?dataset=%s&run_num=%s" % (ds, run)))

    for blockDict in blockDicts:
        block = blockDict['block_name']
        # print "block is: %s"%block

          # it's unclear what probing custodiality means; remove this check
          # for b in filter(lambda b :b.name==block,ph.block):
          #     for replica in filter(lambda r : r.custodial=='y',b.replica):
          #         if replica.complete!='y':
          #             print block,'not complete at custodial site'
          #             #print block,'not complete at custodial site but ignoring'
          #             #blocks.append('#'+block.split('#')[-1])
          #         else:
          #             print block,'complete at custodial site'
          #             blocks.append('#'+block.split('#')[-1])

        blocks.append('#' + block.split('#')[-1])

    if len(blocks) == 0:
        print "No possible block for %s in %s" % (run, ds)
        return False
        print "\n\n\t Block testing succeeded for %s in %s \n\n" % (run, ds)
        print blocks
        return list(set(blocks))
Exemplo n.º 2
def isAtSite(ds, run):
  #dbsq1='dbs search --noheader --production --query "find block,block.status where dataset = %s and run = %s"'%(ds,run)
  #os.system('curl https://cmsweb.cern.ch/das/cli --insecure > das_client.py')
  #os.system('chmod a+x das_client.py')
  dbsq1='./das_client.py --limit=0 --query="block dataset=%s run=%s"'%(ds,run)
  print dbsq1
  for line in os.popen(dbsq1):
      if line.find("#")==-1: continue
      #if status!=0:
      #  print block,'not closed'
      #  continue

      for b in filter(lambda b :b.name==block,ph.block):
        for replica in filter(lambda r : r.custodial=='y',b.replica):
          if replica.complete!='y':
            print block,'not complete at custodial site'
            #print block,'not complete at custodial site but ignoring'
            print block,'complete at custodial site'
  if len(blocks)==0:
    print "No possible block for %s in %s"%(run,ds)
    return False
    print "\n\n\t Block testing at succeeded for %s in %s \n\n"%(run,ds)
    return list(set(blocks))
Exemplo n.º 3
def isAtSite(ds, run):
    blocks = []
    dbsq1 = 'dbs search --noheader --production --query "find block,block.status where dataset = %s and run = %s"' % (
    ph = phedex(ds)
    print dbsq1
    for line in os.popen(dbsq1):
        block = line.split()[0]
        status = int(line.split()[1])
        if status != 0:
            print block, "not closed"

        for b in filter(lambda b: b.name == block, ph.block):
            for replica in filter(lambda r: r.custodial == "y", b.replica):
                if replica.complete != "y":
                    print block, "not complete at custodial site"
                    blocks.append("#" + block.split("#")[-1])

    if len(blocks) == 0:
        print "No possible block for %s in %s" % (run, ds)
        return False
        print "\n\n\t Block testing at succeeded for %s in %s \n\n" % (run, ds)
        return list(set(blocks))
Exemplo n.º 4
def isAtSite(ds, run):
  dbsq1='dbs search --noheader --production --query "find block,block.status where dataset = %s and run = %s"'%(ds,run)
  print dbsq1
  for line in os.popen(dbsq1):
      if status!=0:
        print block,'not closed'

      for b in filter(lambda b :b.name==block,ph.block):
        for replica in filter(lambda r : r.custodial=='y',b.replica):
          if replica.complete!='y':
            print block,'not complete at custodial site'
  if len(blocks)==0:
    print "No possible block for %s in %s"%(run,ds)
    return False
    print "\n\n\t Block testing at succeeded for %s in %s \n\n"%(run,ds)
    return list(set(blocks))
Exemplo n.º 5
def isAtSite(ds, run):
    blocks = []
    ph = phedex(ds)
    # get list of blocks for input dataset directly from DBS3
    # documentation: https://cmsweb.cern.ch/dbs/prod/global/DBSReader/
    connection = wma.init_connection('cmsweb.cern.ch')
    #returns a string which represents a list, so we have to eval
    blockDicts = ast.literal_eval(
                    wma.DBS3_URL + "blocks?dataset=%s&run_num=%s" % (ds, run)))

    for blockDict in blockDicts:
        block = blockDict['block_name']
        # print "block is: %s"%block

        # it's unclear what probing custodiality means; remove this check
        # for b in filter(lambda b :b.name==block,ph.block):
        #     for replica in filter(lambda r : r.custodial=='y',b.replica):
        #         if replica.complete!='y':
        #             print block,'not complete at custodial site'
        #             #print block,'not complete at custodial site but ignoring'
        #             #blocks.append('#'+block.split('#')[-1])
        #         else:
        #             print block,'complete at custodial site'
        #             blocks.append('#'+block.split('#')[-1])

        blocks.append('#' + block.split('#')[-1])

    if len(blocks) == 0:
        print "No possible block for %s in %s" % (run, ds)
        return False
        print "\n\n\t Block testing succeeded for %s in %s \n\n" % (run, ds)
        print blocks
        return list(set(blocks))
Exemplo n.º 6
def parallel_test(arguments, force=False):
    DEBUGME = False
    global countOld
    req, old_useful_info = arguments
        if DEBUGME: print "+"
        global numberofrequestnameprocessed
        numberofrequestnameprocessed += 1


        if DEBUGME: print "-"
        ##faking announced status
        if req["request_name"]=='etorassa_EWK-Summer12_DR53X-00089_T1_IT_CNAF_MSS_batch77res_v1__121009_233442_92':
            req["status"] = 'announced'
        if req["request_name"]=='etorassa_JME-Summer12-00060_batch1_v2__120209_133317_6868':
            req["status"] = 'announced'
        if req["request_name"]=='jbadillo_TOP-Summer12-00234_00073_v0__140124_154429_3541':
            req["status"] = 'announced'
        ##faking rejected status
        if req["request_name"]=='spinoso_SUS-Summer12pLHE-00001_4_v1_STEP0ATCERN_130914_172555_5537':
            req["status"] = "rejected"

        if not "status" in req:
            ## this is garbage anyways
            return {}
        req_status = req["status"]

        if req_status in skippable_stati:
            print "Rquest in skippable_stati"
            return None

        # the name
        req_name = req["request_name"]
        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_request_name"] = req_name

        phedexObj = None
        phedexObjInput = None

        allowSkippingOnRandom = None

        if DEBUGME:
            print "--"
        #transform the workload in a dictionnary for convenience , can also be made an object
        dict_from_workload = {}

        # check if in the old and in complete_stati, just copy and go on
        matching_reqs = filter(lambda oldreq: oldreq['pdmv_request_name'] == req_name, old_useful_info)
        skewed = False
        deadWood = False
        if len(matching_reqs) == 1:

            pdmv_request_dict = matching_reqs[0]
            if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_completion_eta_in_DAS'] < 0 and req["status"].startswith('running'):
                skewed = True
            if req["status"].startswith('running'):
                skewed = True
            if req["status"] == 'completed':
                skewed = True
            if 'pdmv_expected_events' in pdmv_request_dict and pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_expected_events'] == -1:
                skewed = True
            if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_in_DAS'] == '?':
                skewed = True
            if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_dataset_name'] == '?':
                skewed = True
            if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_dataset_name'] == 'None Yet' and req["status"] not in priority_changable_stati:
                skewed = True
            if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_evts_in_DAS'] < 0:
                skewed = True
            if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_evts_in_DAS'] == 0 and req["status"] in ['announced']:
                skewed = True
            if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_in_DAS'] in [None, 'PRODUCTION'] and req["status"] in ['announced', 'normal-archived']:
                skewed = True

            if pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_status_from_reqmngr"] != req_status and req_status != "normal-archived":
                print "CHANGE OF STATUS, do something !"
                skewed = True

            if 'pdmv_monitor_time' in pdmv_request_dict:
                up = time.mktime(time.strptime(pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_monitor_time']))
                now = time.mktime(time.gmtime())
                deltaUpdate = (now - up) / (60. * 60. * 24.)
                ##this (with a small number) will create a huge blow to the updating
                if deltaUpdate > 10 and countOld <= 100:
                  print 'too long ago'
                  skewed = True
                  countOld += 1

            if not 'pdmv_monitor_time' in pdmv_request_dict:
                  skewed = True

            ##known bad status
            for bad in []:#'JME-Summer12_DR53X-00098','JME-Summer12_DR53X-00097','vlimant_Run2012']:
                if bad in req_name:
                    skewed = True

            #add that field after the fact
            if not 'pdmv_running_sites' in pdmv_request_dict:
                pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_running_sites'] = []

            ##needs to be used by user drives the need to T2/T3 field to be up to date
            needsToBeUsed = True
            notNeededByUSers = ['GEN-SIM', 'GEN-RAW']
            for eachTier in notNeededByUSers:
              if pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"].endswith(eachTier):
                needsToBeUsed = False

            if 'pdmv_status_in_DAS' in pdmv_request_dict and not pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_in_DAS'] in ['VALID', 'PRODUCTION']:
                needsToBeUsed = False

            if not needsToBeUsed:
                print "not doing phedex call"

            noSites = True
            if 'pdmv_at_T2' in pdmv_request_dict and len(pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T2']):
                noSites = False
            if 'pdmv_at_T3' not in pdmv_request_dict:
                pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T3'] = []

            if not force:
                noSites = False

            if noSites and needsToBeUsed and (not 'pdmv_at_T2' in pdmv_request_dict or pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T2'] == []):
                if not phedexObj:
                    phedexObj = phedex(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"])
                pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T2'] = atT2(phedexObj)
            elif not 'pdmv_at_T2' in pdmv_request_dict:
                pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T2'] = []

            if 'pdmv_input_dataset' not in pdmv_request_dict:
                if not dict_from_workload:
                    print "##DEBUG## trying to get dict_from_workload"
                    dict_from_workload = getDictFromWorkload(req_name)
                if not dict_from_workload:
                    return {}
                if 'InputDatasets' in dict_from_workload[req_name] and len(dict_from_workload[req_name]['InputDatasets']):
                    pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_input_dataset'] = dict_from_workload[req_name]['InputDatasets'][0]
                    pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_input_dataset'] = ''

            if not 'pdmv_custodial_sites' in pdmv_request_dict or pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_custodial_sites']==[]:
                if not phedexObj:
                    phedexObj = phedex(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"])
                pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_custodial_sites'] = custodials(phedexObj)

            if not 'pdmv_open_evts_in_DAS' in pdmv_request_dict:
                pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_open_evts_in_DAS'] = 0

            if 'amaltaro' in req_name and ('type' in req and req['type'] == 'TaskChain'):
                skewed = False

            #needs to be put by hand once in all workflows
            if (pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_from_reqmngr'] in complete_stati) and ('pdmv_performance' not in pdmv_request_dict or pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_performance']=={}):
                print "skewed with no perf"
                from Performances import Performances
                pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_performance'] = Performances(req_name)

            if (pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_from_reqmngr'] in complete_stati) and not skewed and not force:
                print "** %s is there already" % req_name
                return pdmv_request_dict

            print req_name," is skewed ? ",skewed
            if allowSkippingOnRandom != None and skewed and random.random()> allowSkippingOnRandom and not force:
                  return pdmv_request_dict

        #if needs to be added to the db since it is not present already
            decide = random.random()
            if allowSkippingOnRandom != None and decide > allowSkippingOnRandom:
                #update only 1 out of 10
                print "Skipping new request",req_name,len(matching_reqs)
                return {}

        if len(matching_reqs)==1:
            print "Updating", req_name
            print "Processing", req_name

        if not 'pdmv_configs' in pdmv_request_dict or pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_configs'] == []:
            print "##DEBUG## trying to get dict_from_workload2"
            if not dict_from_workload:
                dict_from_workload = getDictFromWorkload(req_name)
            if not dict_from_workload:
                return {}
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_configs'] = configsFromWorkload(dict_from_workload[req_name])

        # assign the date
        if not 'pdmv_submission_date' in pdmv_request_dict or not 'pdmv_submission_time' in pdmv_request_dict:
            ##load it on demand only
            print "##DEBUG## trying to get dict_from_workload3"
            if not dict_from_workload:
                dict_from_workload = getDictFromWorkload(req_name)
            if not dict_from_workload:
                return {}

            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_submission_date"] = datelist_to_str(

            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_submission_time"] = timelist_to_str(

            if DEBUGME:
                print "----"
            if  pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_submission_date"][:2] in ["11", "12"]:
                print "Very old request " + req_name
                return {}

        if DEBUGME:
            print "-----"

        # the request itself!
        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_request"] = req

        # check the status
        req_status = req["status"]
        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_status_from_reqmngr"] = req_status

        if req_status in priority_changable_stati:
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_status"] = "ch_prio"
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_status"] = "fix_prio"

        #request type
        pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_type'] = req["type"]
        if DEBUGME:
            print "------"
        # number of running days
        if pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_status_from_reqmngr"].startswith('running'):
            #set only when the requests is in running mode, not anytime after
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_running_days"] = get_running_days(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_submission_date"])
        elif not "pdmv_running_days" in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_running_days"] = 0

        if DEBUGME:
            print "-------"

        # get the running jobs
        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_all_jobs"] = get_all_jobs(req)

        # get the running jobs
        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_running_jobs"] = get_running_jobs(req)

        # get the jobs pending in the batch systems
        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_pending_jobs"] = get_pending_jobs(req)

        # get Extras --> slow down---------------
        raw_expected_evts = None
        priority = -1
        # assign the campaign and the prepid guessing from the string, then try to get it from the extras
        if not dict_from_workload:
            print "##DEBUG## trying to get dict_from_workload4"
            dict_from_workload = getDictFromWorkload(req_name)
        if not dict_from_workload:
            return {}

        if 'RequestTransition' in dict_from_workload[req_name]:
            status_history = []
            transitions = dict_from_workload[req_name]['RequestTransition']
            for transition in transitions:
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_history_from_reqmngr'] = status_history
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_history_from_reqmngr'] = []

        if ('PrepID' in dict_from_workload[req_name]) and (dict_from_workload[req_name]['PrepID'] != None):
            print "##DEBUG## prepid is not None"
            prep_id = dict_from_workload[req_name]['PrepID']
            prep_id = 'No-Prepid-Found'
        ##known comuping fck-ups
        if 'RequestName' in dict_from_workload[req_name]:
            __computing_fck_ups = {
                "alahiff_HIG-Summer12DR53X-02171_00353_v0__141218_204531_2518" : "HIG-Summer12DR53X-02171",
                "alahiff_TOP-Summer12DR53X-00276_00354_v0__141218_204512_1227" : "TOP-Summer12DR53X-00276",
                "alahiff_TOP-Summer12DR53X-00275_00355_v0__141218_204521_7100" : "TOP-Summer12DR53X-00275",
                "alahiff_BTV-Phys14DR-00012_00033_v0_castor_141217_165406_5018" : "BTV-Phys14DR-00012",
                "alahiff_B2G-Phys14DR-00058_00084_v0__150105_195309_2573" : "B2G-Phys14DR-00058",
                "alahiff_EXO-Phys14DR-00078_00053_v0__141217_165317_4158" : "EXO-Phys14DR-00078",
                "alahiff_EXO-Phys14DR-00078_00053_v0__141217_165326_9241" : "EXO-Phys14DR-00078",
                "alahiff_BTV-Phys14DR-00011_00033_v0_castor_141217_165355_3898" : "BTV-Phys14DR-00011",
                "alahiff_BTV-Phys14DR-00016_00033_v0_castor_141217_165416_6880" : "BTV-Phys14DR-00016",
                "alahiff_BTV-Phys14DR-00023_00033_v0_castor_141217_165305_1759" : "BTV-Phys14DR-00023",
                "alahiff_HIG-Phys14DR-00042_00080_v0__150105_195258_4618" : "HIG-Phys14DR-00042",
                "jen_a_ACDC_HIG-Phys14DR-00042_00080_v0__150113_211610_5968" : "HIG-Phys14DR-00042",
                "alahiff_BTV-Phys14DR-00023_00033_v0_castor_141217_165437_3766" : "BTV-Phys14DR-00023",
                "alahiff_BTV-Phys14DR-00021_00033_v0_castor_141217_165426_7676" : "BTV-Phys14DR-00021",
                "alahiff_HIG-Phys14DR-00041_00081_v0__150105_195249_1950" : "HIG-Phys14DR-00041",
                "jen_a_ACDC_HIG-Phys14DR-00041_00081_v0__150113_211059_5006" : "HIG-Phys14DR-00041"
            if dict_from_workload[req_name]['RequestName'] in __computing_fck_ups:
                prep_id = __computing_fck_ups[dict_from_workload[req_name]['RequestName']]

        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_prep_id"] = prep_id
        campaign = get_campaign_from_prepid(prep_id)
        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_campaign"] = campaign
        req_extras = {}

        # Priority
        retrievePriority = False
        if not 'pdmv_priority' in pdmv_request_dict:
            retrievePriority = True
        if not 'pdmv_present_priority' in pdmv_request_dict:
            retrievePriority = True
        if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_from_reqmngr'] in priority_changable_stati + ['acquired', 'running', 'running-open', 'running-closed']:
            retrievePriority = True

        if retrievePriority:
            print "##DEBUG## trying to get dict_from_workload5"
            if not dict_from_workload:
                dict_from_workload = getDictFromWorkload(req_name)
            if not dict_from_workload:
                return {}
            if 'InitialPriority' in dict_from_workload[req_name]:
                pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_priority"] = dict_from_workload[req_name]['InitialPriority']
                pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_priority"] = dict_from_workload[req_name]['RequestPriority']

            if DEBUGME:
                print "----------"
            # Present priority
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_present_priority"] = dict_from_workload[req_name]['RequestPriority']

        if DEBUGME:
            print "-----------"

        # Query yet another service to get the das entry of the prepid
        ## try and reduce the number of calls to get_dataset_name url
        dataset_name = "None Yet"
        dataset_list = []
        if 'pdmv_dataset_name' in pdmv_request_dict:
            dataset_name = pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"]
        if 'pdmv_dataset_list' in pdmv_request_dict:
            dataset_list = pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_dataset_list']
        makedsnquery = False
        if (not 'pdmv_dataset_name' in pdmv_request_dict):
            makedsnquery = True
        if 'pdmv_dataset_name' in pdmv_request_dict and (pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"] in ['?','None Yet'] or 'None-' in pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"] or '24Aug2012' in pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"]):
            makedsnquery = True

        if 'pdmv_dataset_list' in pdmv_request_dict and not pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_dataset_list']:
            makedsnquery = True

        if req_status in priority_changable_stati:
            makedsnquery = False

        if req_status == "assigned":
            makedsnquery = True

        if force:
            makedsnquery = True

        if makedsnquery:
            dataset_name, dataset_list = get_dataset_name(

        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"] = dataset_name
        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_list"] = dataset_list

        deltaUpdate = 0
        ##remove an old field
        if 'pdmv_update_time' in pdmv_request_dict:

        if 'pdmv_monitor_time' in pdmv_request_dict:
            up = time.mktime(time.strptime(pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_monitor_time']))
            now = time.mktime(time.gmtime())
            deltaUpdate = (now-up) / (60. * 60. * 24.)
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_monitor_time"] = time.asctime()

        if deltaUpdate > 2. or DEBUGME or force or pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_from_reqmngr'].startswith('running') or skewed:
            #do the expensive procedure rarely or for request which have been update more than 2 days ago
            print "\tSumming for", req_name
            status,evts,openN = get_status_nevts_from_dbs(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"])
            ## aggregate number of events for all output datasets
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_dataset_statuses'] = {}
            for other_ds in pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_dataset_list']:
                if other_ds == pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"]:
                    other_status,other_evts,other_openN = status,evts,openN
                    other_status,other_evts,other_openN = get_status_nevts_from_dbs( other_ds )
                pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_dataset_statuses'][other_ds] = {
                        'pdmv_status_in_DAS': other_status,
                        'pdmv_evts_in_DAS': other_evts,
                        'pdmv_open_evts_in_DAS': other_openN}
            if status:
                print "\t\tUpdating %s %s %s" % (status, evts, openN)
                pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_status_in_DAS"] = status
                pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_evts_in_DAS"] = evts
                pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_open_evts_in_DAS"] = openN
                ## add this only when the summing is done
                print "\t\tPassed %s %s %s" % (status, evts, openN)
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_monitor_time"] = time.asctime()
            print "\tSkipping summing for",req_name
            ## move the next line out to go over the "pass" above

        if not "pdmv_status_in_DAS" in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_status_in_DAS"] = None
        if not "pdmv_evts_in_DAS" in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_evts_in_DAS"] = 0
        if not "pdmv_open_evts_in_DAS" in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_open_evts_in_DAS"] = 0

        if not 'pdmv_expected_events' in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_expected_events'] = -1

        if not 'pdmv_expected_events_per_ds' in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_expected_events_per_ds'] = {}

        ## why having "expected events" not calculated if the output dataset has no status yet ?
        #to prevent stupid update from garbage requests announced or skewed but enrecoverable
        if pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_expected_events"] < 0 or (skewed and pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_in_DAS'] and not pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_in_DAS'] in ['DELETED', 'DEPRECATED'] and pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_expected_events"] < 0) or force:
            print "Getting expected events"
            print "##DEBUG## trying to get dict_from_workload5.5"
            if not dict_from_workload:
                dict_from_workload = getDictFromWorkload(req_name)
            if not dict_from_workload:
                return {}

            raw_expected_evts = get_expected_events_withdict(dict_from_workload[req_name])
            if DEBUGME:
                print "--------"

            # get the expected number of evts
            expected_evts =- 1
            if raw_expected_evts == None or raw_expected_evts == 'None':
                expected_evts =- 1
                expected_evts = int(raw_expected_evts)
            if DEBUGME:
                print "---------"
            pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_expected_events"] = expected_evts
            ## get an expected per output dataset if possible
            ##Reqmgr2 doesn't support this so we set to empty dict for all wfs
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_expected_events_per_ds'] = {}

        completion = 0
        if  pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_expected_events"] > 0.:
            completion = 100*(float(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_evts_in_DAS"]) + float(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_open_evts_in_DAS"]))/pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_expected_events"]

        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_completion_in_DAS"] = float("%2.2f" % completion)
        if DEBUGME:
            print "----------"
        pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_completion_eta_in_DAS"] = calc_eta(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_completion_in_DAS"], pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_running_days"])

        if not 'pdmv_running_sites' in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_running_sites'] = []

        #find open blocks for running at sites
        if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_from_reqmngr'].startswith('running'):
            if not phedexObj:
                phedexObj = phedex(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"])
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_running_sites'] = runningSites(phedexObj)

        if not 'pdmv_assigned_sites' in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_assigned_sites'] = []

        if not 'pdmv_custodial_sites' in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_custodial_sites'] = []

        if (pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_assigned_sites'] == []
                or pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_custodial_sites'] == []):

            print "##DEBUG## trying to get dict_from_workload6"
            if not dict_from_workload:
                dict_from_workload = getDictFromWorkload(req_name)
            if not dict_from_workload:
                return {}
            #find out the keys that has constraints
            if 'SiteWhitelist' in dict_from_workload[req_name]:
                sites = set(dict_from_workload[req_name]['SiteWhitelist'])
                sites = []

            if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_in_DAS']:
                if not phedexObj:
                    phedexObj = phedex(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"])
                pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_custodial_sites'] = custodials(phedexObj)
                ##TO-DO works only for 1st entry of site?
                if pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_custodial_sites'] == []:
                    pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_custodial_sites'] = filter(
                            lambda s : s.startswith('T1_'), sites)

            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_assigned_sites'] = list(sites)

        needsToBeUsed = True
        notNeededByUSers = ['GEN-SIM', 'GEN-RAW']
        for eachTier in notNeededByUSers:
            if pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"].endswith(eachTier):
                needsToBeUsed = False

        noSites = True
        if 'pdmv_at_T2' in pdmv_request_dict and len(pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T2']):
            noSites = False
        if 'pdmv_at_T3' not in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T3'] = []

        if noSites and needsToBeUsed and (not 'pdmv_at_T2' in pdmv_request_dict or pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T2']==[]):
            if not phedexObj:
                phedexObj = phedex(pdmv_request_dict["pdmv_dataset_name"])

            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T2'] = atT2(phedexObj)
        elif not 'pdmv_at_T2' in pdmv_request_dict:
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_at_T2'] = []

        if (pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_status_from_reqmngr'] in complete_stati) and ('pdmv_performance' not in pdmv_request_dict or pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_performance']=={}):
            print "updating for perf"
            from Performances import Performances
            pdmv_request_dict['pdmv_performance'] = Performances(req_name)

        print "#numebr of processed: %s" % (numberofrequestnameprocessed)
        return pdmv_request_dict

        import traceback
        ##something failed lets produce traceback file for future investigations...
        trf = '/home/pdmvserv/stats/traceback/traceback_%s.txt' % (req["request_name"])
        print req["request_name"],"IS A DEAD FAILING REQUEST"
        print trf
        tr = open(trf, 'w')

        return {}