Exemplo n.º 1
def val(phenny, input):
    """Check a webpage using the W3C Markup Validator."""
    if not input.group(2):
        return phenny.reply("Nothing to validate.")
    uri = input.group(2)
    if not uri.startswith("http://"):
        uri = "http://" + uri

    path = "/check?uri=%s;output=xml" % web.urllib.quote(uri)
    info = web.head("http://validator.w3.org" + path)

    result = uri + " is "

    if isinstance(info, list):
        return phenny.say("Got HTTP response %s" % info[1])

    if info.has_key("X-W3C-Validator-Status"):
        result += str(info["X-W3C-Validator-Status"])
        if info["X-W3C-Validator-Status"] != "Valid":
            if info.has_key("X-W3C-Validator-Errors"):
                n = int(info["X-W3C-Validator-Errors"].split(" ")[0])
                if n != 1:
                    result += " (%s errors)" % n
                    result += " (%s error)" % n
        result += "Unvalidatable: no X-W3C-Validator-Status"

Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: head.py Projeto: ipmb/phenny
def head(phenny, input): 
   """Provide HTTP HEAD information."""
   uri = input.group(2)
   uri = (uri or '').encode('utf-8')
   if ' ' in uri: 
      uri, header = uri.rsplit(' ', 1)
   else: uri, header = uri, None

   if not uri and hasattr(phenny, 'last_seen_uri'): 
      try: uri = phenny.last_seen_uri[input.sender]
      except KeyError: return phenny.say('?')

   if not uri.startswith('htt'): 
      uri = 'http://' + uri
   # uri = uri.replace('#!', '?_escaped_fragment_=')

   try: info = web.head(uri)
   except IOError: return phenny.say("Can't connect to %s" % uri)
   except httplib.InvalidURL: return phenny.say("Not a valid URI, sorry.")

   if not isinstance(info, list): 
      try: info = dict(info)
      except TypeError: 
         return phenny.reply('Try .head http://example.org/ [optional header]')
      info['Status'] = '200'
      newInfo = dict(info[0])
      newInfo['Status'] = str(info[1])
      info = newInfo

   if header is None: 
      data = []
      if info.has_key('Status'): 
      if info.has_key('content-type'): 
         data.append(info['content-type'].replace('; charset=', ', '))
      if info.has_key('last-modified'): 
         modified = info['last-modified']
         modified = time.strptime(modified, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')
         data.append(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC', modified))
      if info.has_key('content-length'): 
         data.append(info['content-length'] + ' bytes')
      phenny.reply(', '.join(data))
      headerlower = header.lower()
      if info.has_key(headerlower): 
         phenny.say(header + ': ' + info.get(headerlower))
         msg = 'There was no %s header in the response.' % header
Exemplo n.º 3
def service(phenny, input, command, args): 
   t = o.services[command]
   template = t.replace('${args}', urllib.quote(args.encode('utf-8'), ''))
   template = template.replace('${nick}', urllib.quote(input.nick, ''))
   uri = template.replace('${sender}', urllib.quote(input.sender, ''))

   info = web.head(uri)
   if isinstance(info, list): 
      info = info[0]
   if not 'text/plain' in info.get('content-type', '').lower(): 
      return phenny.reply("Sorry, the service didn't respond in plain text.")
   bytes = web.get(uri)
   lines = bytes.splitlines()
   if not lines: 
      return phenny.reply("Sorry, the service didn't respond any output.")