Exemplo n.º 1
def linear_response_1loop(w, W, phi_r):
    calculate one-loop correction to the propagator around mean-field theory
    :param w: frequency
    :param W: weight matrix, weighted by postsynaptic gain
    :param phi_r: firing rates
    :return: propagator matrix

    par = params.params()

    b = par.b
    gain = par.gain
    N = par.N

    Tmax = 100
    dt_ccg = 1
    wmax = 1. / dt_ccg
    dw = 1. / Tmax

    w_calc = np.arange(-wmax, wmax, dw) * math.pi
    dw *= math.pi
    Nw = w_calc.size

    g0 = np.dot(W, phi_r) + b
    phi_1 = phi_prime(g0, gain)
    phi_1_diag = np.diag(phi_1)

    phi_2 = phi_prime2(g0, gain)
    phi_2_diag = np.diag(phi_2)

    F1 = linear_response_fun(w, np.dot(phi_1_diag, W), phi_r)
    Fbar = np.dot(g_fun(w) * W, F1)

    Fbar_int = np.zeros((N, N), dtype='complex128')

    for o in range(Nw):
        Fbar1 = np.dot(
            g_fun(w_calc[o]) * W,
            linear_response_fun(w_calc[o], np.dot(phi_1_diag, W), phi_r))
        Fbar2 = np.dot(
            g_fun(w - w_calc[0]) * W,
            linear_response_fun(w - w_calc[o], np.dot(phi_1_diag, W), phi_r))
        Fbar_int += np.dot(Fbar1 * Fbar2, np.dot(phi_1_diag, Fbar)) * dw

    linear_response_1loop = np.dot(np.dot(F1, phi_2_diag / 2.),
                                   Fbar_int) / (2 * math.pi**1)

    return linear_response_1loop
Exemplo n.º 2
def rates_1loop(W):
    inputs: weight matrix
    calculate one-loop correction for steady-state firing rates in fluctuation expansion

    import params
    from phi import phi_prime
    from phi import phi_prime2

    par = params.params()
    N = par.N
    gain = par.gain
    b = par.b

    phi_r = rates_ss(W)
    Tmax = 100
    dt_ccg = 1.
    wmax = 1. / dt_ccg
    dw = 1. / Tmax

    w = np.arange(-wmax, wmax, dw) * math.pi
    dw = dw * math.pi
    Nw = w.size

    g0 = np.dot(W, phi_r) + b
    phi_1 = phi_prime(g0, gain)
    phi_1 = np.diag(phi_1)

    phi_2 = phi_prime2(g0, gain)
    Fbarsum = np.zeros((N, Nw), dtype=complex)

    for o in range(Nw):  # first compute Fbar over dummy frequency
        Fbar1 = np.dot(
            g_fun(w[o]) * W, linear_response_fun(w[o], np.dot(phi_1, W),
        Fbarsum[:, o] = np.dot(Fbar1 * Fbar1.conj(),
                               phi_r)  # sum over first inner vertex

    Fbarsum_int = np.sum(Fbarsum,
                         axis=1) * dw  # integrate over dummy frequency

    F1 = linear_response_fun(0., np.dot(phi_1, W), phi_r)

    r_1loop = np.dot(F1, .5 * phi_2 * Fbarsum_int) / (
        (2 * math.pi)**1)  # sum over second inner vertex
    return r_1loop