def get_bandstructure(self):
        phonopy_obj = self.phonopy_obj

        frequency_unit_factor = VaspToTHz
        is_eigenvectors = False

        unit_cell = phonopy_obj.unitcell.get_cell()
        sym_tol = phonopy_obj.symmetry.tolerance
        if self.band_conf is not None:
            parameters = read_kpath(self.band_conf)
            parameters = generate_kpath_ase(unit_cell, sym_tol)
        if not parameters:
            return None, None, None

        # Distances calculated in phonopy.band_structure.BandStructure object
        # are based on absolute positions of q-points in reciprocal space
        # as calculated by using the cell which is handed over during instantiation.
        # Fooling that object by handing over a "unit cell" diag(1,1,1) instead clashes
        # with calculation of non-analytical terms.
        # Hence generate appropriate distances and special k-points list based on fractional
        # coordinates in reciprocal space (to keep backwards compatibility with previous
        # FHI-aims phonon implementation).
        bands = []
        bands_distances = []
        distance = 0.0
        bands_special_points = [distance]
        bands_labels = []
        label = parameters[0]["startname"]
        for b in parameters:
            kstart = np.array(b["kstart"])
            kend = np.array(b["kend"])
            npoints = b["npoints"]
            dk = (kend - kstart) / (npoints - 1)
            bands.append([(kstart + dk * n) for n in range(npoints)])
            dk_length = np.linalg.norm(dk)

            for n in range(npoints):
                bands_distances.append(distance + dk_length * n)

            distance += dk_length * (npoints - 1)
            label = [b["startname"], b["endname"]]

        bs_obj = BandStructure(bands,

        freqs = bs_obj.get_frequencies()

        return np.array(freqs), np.array(bands), np.array(bands_labels)