Exemplo n.º 1
def _gen_store_1(chunk_size):

    t0 = default_timer()
    # chunk_size = 10000
    # print("chunks")
    for i in range(n_spikes // chunk_size):
        # print(i, end='\r')
        a, b = i * chunk_size, (i + 1) * chunk_size

        # Load a chunk from HDF5.
        assert isinstance(arr, h5py.Dataset)
        sub_arr = arr[a:b]
        assert isinstance(sub_arr, np.ndarray)
        sub_sc = sc[a:b]
        sub_spikes = np.arange(a, b)

        # Split the spikes.
        sub_spc = _spikes_per_cluster(sub_spikes, sub_sc)

        # Go through the clusters.
        clusters = sorted(sub_spc.keys())
        for cluster in clusters:
            idx = _index_of(sub_spc[cluster], sub_spikes)

            # Save part of the array to a binary file.
            with open(_flat_file(cluster), 'ab') as f:
    # print()

    # ds = DiskStore(_store_path)

    # # Next, put the flat binary files back to HDF5.
    # # print("flat to HDF5")
    # for cluster in range(n_clusters):
    #     # print(cluster, end='\r')
    #     data = np.fromfile(_flat_file(cluster),
    #                        dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, n_channels))
    #     ds.store(cluster, data=data)

    print("time", default_timer() - t0)
    # print()

    # Test.
    cluster = 0
    # arr2 = ds.load(cluster, 'data')
    arr2 = np.fromfile(_flat_file(cluster),
                       dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, n_channels))

    ac(arr[spc[cluster], :], arr2)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _gen_store_1(chunk_size):

    t0 = default_timer()
    # chunk_size = 10000
    # print("chunks")
    for i in range(n_spikes // chunk_size):
        # print(i, end='\r')
        a, b = i * chunk_size, (i + 1) * chunk_size

        # Load a chunk from HDF5.
        assert isinstance(arr, h5py.Dataset)
        sub_arr = arr[a:b]
        assert isinstance(sub_arr, np.ndarray)
        sub_sc = sc[a:b]
        sub_spikes = np.arange(a, b)

        # Split the spikes.
        sub_spc = _spikes_per_cluster(sub_spikes, sub_sc)

        # Go through the clusters.
        clusters = sorted(sub_spc.keys())
        for cluster in clusters:
            idx = _index_of(sub_spc[cluster], sub_spikes)

            # Save part of the array to a binary file.
            with open(_flat_file(cluster), 'ab') as f:
    # print()

    # ds = DiskStore(_store_path)

    # # Next, put the flat binary files back to HDF5.
    # # print("flat to HDF5")
    # for cluster in range(n_clusters):
    #     # print(cluster, end='\r')
    #     data = np.fromfile(_flat_file(cluster),
    #                        dtype=np.float32).reshape((-1, n_channels))
    #     ds.store(cluster, data=data)

    print("time", default_timer() - t0)
    # print()

    # Test.
    cluster = 0
    # arr2 = ds.load(cluster, 'data')
    arr2 = np.fromfile(_flat_file(cluster), dtype=np.float32).reshape(
        (-1, n_channels))

    ac(arr[spc[cluster], :], arr2)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _reset_store():
    for path in (_store_path, '_flat'):
        if op.exists(path):


f = open_h5('test', 'r')

sc = _load_spike_clusters()
arr = f.read('/test')
spikes = np.arange(n_spikes)
spc = _spikes_per_cluster(spikes, sc)

def _flat_file(cluster):
    return op.join('_flat', str(cluster))

def _free_cache():
    os.system('sudo sh -c "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"')

# @profile
def _gen_store_1(chunk_size):
Exemplo n.º 4
def _reset_store():
    for path in (_store_path, '_flat'):
        if op.exists(path):


f = open_h5('test', 'r')

sc = _load_spike_clusters()
arr = f.read('/test')
spikes = np.arange(n_spikes)
spc = _spikes_per_cluster(spikes, sc)

def _flat_file(cluster):
    return op.join('_flat', str(cluster))

def _free_cache():
    os.system('sudo sh -c "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"')

# @profile
def _gen_store_1(chunk_size):