Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
                 color=(255, 255, 255, 255),
                 shadow=(0, 0, 0, 255),
      File path/name to a TrueType font file.

      String to write.
      Camera object passed on to constructor of sprite
      Color in format '#RRGGBB', (255,0,0,255), 'orange' etc (as accepted 
      by PIL.ImageDraw) default (255, 255, 255, 255) i.e. white 100% alpha

      Color of shadow, default black.

      Gaussian blur radius applied to shadow layer, default 0 (no shadow)

      Point size for drawing the letters on the internal Texture. default 24

      Offsets from the top left corner for the text and space on right
      and bottom. default 5.0
      L(eft), C(entre), R(ight) default C

      filled background in ImageDraw format as above. default None i.e.
      can be passed to init otherwise needs to be set in set_shader or
      draw. default None
      filter type. BUMP will generate a normal map (indented by default,
      +BUMP or BUMP+ will make it stick out), EMBOSS, CONTOUR, BLUR and 
      SMOOTH do what they sound like they will do.
        super(FixedString, self).__init__(font, mipmap=mipmap)
        self.font = font
            imgfont = ImageFont.truetype(font, font_size)
        except IOError:
            abspath = os.path.abspath(font)
            msg = "Couldn't find font file '%s'" % font
            if font != abspath:
                msg = "%s - absolute path is '%s'" % (msg, abspath)
            raise Exception(msg)

        justify = justify.upper()
        f_type = f_type.upper()
        ascent, descent = imgfont.getmetrics()
        height = ascent + descent
        lines = string.split('\n')
        nlines = len(lines)
        maxwid = 0
        for l in lines:
            line_wid = imgfont.getsize(l)[0]
            if line_wid > maxwid:
                maxwid = line_wid
        maxwid += 2.0 * margin
        texture_wid = WIDTHS[0]
        for l in WIDTHS:
            if l > maxwid:
                texture_wid = l
            texture_wid = l
        texture_hgt = int(nlines * height + 2 * margin)

        self.im = Image.new("RGBA", (texture_wid, texture_hgt),
        self.ix, self.iy = texture_wid, texture_hgt
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.im)
        if shadow_radius > 0:
            from PIL import ImageFilter
            self._render_text(lines, justify, margin, imgfont, maxwid, height,
                              shadow, draw)
            self.im = self.im.filter(
            if background_color == None:
                im_arr = self._force_color(np.array(self.im), shadow)
                try:  # numpy not quite working fully in pypy so have to convert tobytes
                    self.im = Image.fromarray(im_arr)
                    h, w, c = im_arr.shape
                    rgb = 'RGB' if c == 3 else 'RGBA'
                    self.im = Image.frombytes(rgb, (w, h), im_arr.tobytes())

            draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.im)

        self._render_text(lines, justify, margin, imgfont, maxwid, height,
                          color, draw)

        force_color = background_color is None and shadow_radius == 0
        if f_type == '':
            self.image = np.array(self.im)
        elif 'BUMP' in f_type:
            amount = -1.0 if '+' in f_type else 1.0
            self.image = self._normal_map(np.array(self.im, dtype=np.uint8),
            force_color = False

            from PIL import ImageFilter
            if f_type == 'EMBOSS':
                self.im = self.im.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS)
            elif f_type == 'CONTOUR':
                self.im = self.im.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)
            elif f_type == 'BLUR':
                self.im = self.im.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
            elif f_type == 'SMOOTH':
                self.im = self.im.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH_MORE)
            self.image = np.array(self.im)

        if force_color:
            self.image = self._force_color(self.image, color)

        self._tex = ctypes.c_uint()

        bmedge = nlines * height + 2.0 * margin
        self.sprite = Sprite(camera=camera, w=maxwid, h=bmedge)
        buf = self.sprite.buf[0]  #convenience alias
        buf.textures = [self]
        if shader != None:
            self.sprite.shader = shader
            buf.shader = shader
        buf.unib[6] = float(maxwid / texture_wid)  #scale to fit
        buf.unib[7] = float(bmedge / texture_hgt)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
                 color=(255, 255, 255, 255),
                 outline=(0, 0, 0, 255),

      File path/name to a TrueType font file.

      String to write.

      Camera object passed on to constructor of sprite

      Color in format #RRGGBB, (255,0,0,255) etc (as accepted by PIL.ImageDraw)
      default (255, 255, 255, 255) i.e. white 100% alpha

      Point size for drawing the letters on the internal Texture. default 24

      Offsets from the top left corner for the text and space on right
      and bottom. default 5.0

      L(eft), C(entre), R(ight) default C

      filled background in ImageDraw format as above. default None i.e.

      can be passed to init otherwise needs to be set in set_shader or
      draw. default None

      filter type. BUMP will generate a normal map (indented), EMBOSS,
      CONTOUR, BLUR and SMOOTH do what they sound like they will do.
        super(FixedOutlineString, self).__init__(font, mipmap=mipmap)
        self.font = font
            imgfont = ImageFont.truetype(font, font_size)
        except IOError:
            abspath = os.path.abspath(font)
            msg = "Couldn't find font file '%s'" % font
            if font != abspath:
                msg = "%s - absolute path is '%s'" % (msg, abspath)
            raise Exception(msg)

        justify = justify.upper()
        f_type = f_type.upper()
        ascent, descent = imgfont.getmetrics()
        height = ascent + descent
        lines = string.split('\n')
        nlines = len(lines)
        maxwid = 0
        for l in lines:
            line_wid = imgfont.getsize(l)[0]
            if line_wid > maxwid:
                maxwid = line_wid
        maxwid += 2.0 * margin
        texture_wid = WIDTHS[0]
        for l in WIDTHS:
            if l > maxwid:
                texture_wid = l
            texture_wid = l
        texture_hgt = int(nlines * height + 2 * margin)

        self.im = Image.new("RGBA", (texture_wid, texture_hgt),
        self.alpha = True
        self.ix, self.iy = texture_wid, texture_hgt
        draw = ImageDraw.Draw(self.im)
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            line_len = imgfont.getsize(line)[0]
            if justify == "C":
                xoff = (maxwid - line_len) / 2.0
            elif justify == "L":
                xoff = margin
                xoff = maxwid - line_len

            # draw the outline by drawing the displaced text repeatedly
            if outline_size > 0:
                for xi in range(-outline_size, outline_size + 1):
                    for yi in range(-outline_size, outline_size + 1):
                        if xi != 0 and yi != 0:
                            draw.text((xoff + xi, margin + i * height + yi),

            draw.text((xoff, margin + i * height),

        if f_type == '':
        elif f_type == 'BUMP':
            self.im = self.make_bump_map()
            from PIL import ImageFilter
            if f_type == 'EMBOSS':
                self.im = self.im.filter(ImageFilter.EMBOSS)
            elif f_type == 'CONTOUR':
                self.im = self.im.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR)
            elif f_type == 'BLUR':
                self.im = self.im.filter(ImageFilter.BLUR)
            elif f_type == 'SMOOTH':
                self.im = self.im.filter(ImageFilter.SMOOTH_MORE)

        #self.image = self.im.convert('RGBA').tostring('raw', 'RGBA')
        self.im = self.im.convert('RGBA')
        self.image = np.array(self.im)
        self._tex = ctypes.c_int()

        bmedge = nlines * height + 2.0 * margin
        self.sprite = Sprite(camera=camera, w=maxwid, h=bmedge)
        buf = self.sprite.buf[0]  #convenience alias
        buf.textures = [self]
        if shader != None:
            self.sprite.shader = shader
            buf.shader = shader
        buf.unib[6] = float(maxwid / texture_wid)  #scale to fit
        buf.unib[7] = float(bmedge / texture_hgt)
Exemplo n.º 3
flatsh = Shader("shaders/uv_flat")
defocus = Defocus()

#Create textures
shapeimg = Texture("textures/straw1.jpg")
shapebump = Texture("textures/floor_nm.jpg", True)
shapeshine = Texture("textures/pong3.png")

#Create shape
myshape = MergeShape(camera=persp_cam)  #specify perspective view
asphere = Sphere(sides=16, slices=16)
myshape.radialCopy(asphere, step=72)
myshape.position(0.0, 0.0, 5.0)
myshape.set_draw_details(shader, [shapeimg, shapebump, shapeshine], 8.0, 0.1)

mysprite = Sprite(w=10.0, h=10.0, camera=persp_cam)
mysprite.position(0.0, 0.0, 15.0)
mysprite.set_draw_details(flatsh, [shapebump])

tick = 0
next_time = time.time() + 2.0

#load ttf font and set the font colour to 'raspberry'
arialFont = Ttffont("fonts/FreeMonoBoldOblique.ttf", "#dd00aa")
mystring = String(font=arialFont,
                  string="blurring with distance!",
                  is_3d=False)  # orthographic view
Exemplo n.º 4
  def __init__(self, shader="uv_flat", mipmap=False, separation=0.4, interlace=0):
    """ calls Texture.__init__ but doesn't need to set file name as
    texture generated from the framebuffer. Keyword Arguments:

        to use when drawing sprite, defaults to uv_flat.

        can be set to True with slight cost to speed, or use fxaa shader

        distance between the two camera positions - how wide apart the
        eye views are.

        if interlace > 0 then the images are not taken with glScissor and
        must be drawn with a special interlacing shader.
    # load shader
    if interlace <= 0: # i.e. default side by side behaviour
      self.shader = Shader.create(shader)
      self.shader = Shader(vshader_source = """
precision mediump float;
attribute vec3 vertex;
attribute vec2 texcoord;
uniform mat4 modelviewmatrix[2];
varying vec2 texcoordout;
void main(void) {
  texcoordout = texcoord;
  gl_Position = modelviewmatrix[1] * vec4(vertex,1.0);
    """, fshader_source = """
precision mediump float;
uniform sampler2D tex0;
uniform sampler2D tex1;
varying vec2 texcoordout;
void main(void) {{
  vec4 texc0 = texture2D(tex0, texcoordout);
  vec4 texc1 = texture2D(tex1, texcoordout);
  vec2 coord = vec2(gl_FragCoord);
  gl_FragColor = mix(texc0, texc1, step(0.5, fract(coord.x / {:f})));
    """.format(interlace * 2.0))

    self.camera_3d = Camera() # create 3d cam first so it becomes default instance
    self.forMtrx = np.identity(4, dtype='float32') # initially not rotated
    self.position = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    self.camera_2d = Camera(is_3d=False)
    self.offs = separation / 2.0
    self.interlace = interlace
    self.textures = []
    self.sprites = []
    self.tex_list = []
    for i in range(2):
      ix, iy = self.textures[i].ix, self.textures[i].iy
      #two sprites full width but moved so that they are centred on the
      #left and right edges. The offset values then move the uv mapping
      #so the image is on the right of the left sprite and left of the
      #right sprite
      self.sprites.append(Sprite(z=20.0, w=ix, h=iy, flip=True))
      if interlace <= 0:
        self.sprites[i].positionX(-ix/2.0 + i*ix)
        self.sprites[i].set_offset((i * 0.5 - 0.25, 0.0))
        self.sprites[i].set_2d_size(w=ix, h=iy)
      self.textures[i].blend = True
      self.textures[i].mipmap = mipmap
    opengles.glColorMask(1, 1, 1, 1)
Exemplo n.º 5
cloudTex = []
cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud2.png", True))
cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud3.png", True))
cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud4.png", True))
cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud5.png", True))
cloudTex.append(Texture("textures/cloud6.png", True))

# Setup cloud positions and cloud image refs
cz = 0.0
clouds = []  # an array for the clouds
for b in range(0, cloudno):
    size = 0.5 + random.random() / 2.0
    cloud = Sprite(w=size * widex,
                   h=size * widey,
                   x=150.0 * (random.random() - 0.5),
                   z=cloud_depth - cz)
    cloud.set_draw_details(shader, [cloudTex[int(random.random() * 4.99999)]],
                           0.0, 0.0)
    cz = cz + zd

CAMERA = Camera.instance()
CAMERA.position((0.0, 0.0, 50.0))
CAMERA.was_moved = False
# Fetch key presses
mykeys = Keyboard()

while DISPLAY.loop_running():
    # the z position of each cloud is held in clouds[i].unif[2] returned by cloud.z()