Exemplo n.º 1
def logList():
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("/logs  >>" + qString + "<<")  #

    selectedDay =  qString.strip()

    now = datetime.now()
    today = now.strftime("%A")
    if selectedDay == "":
        selectedDay = today

    fLog = logFile(selectedDay)

    output = []

        logss = open(fLog, 'r')

        for line in logss:
          output.append('<li>' + line.replace("\n","") + '</li>')


        output = '<ul>' + str(output) + '</ul>'
        output = str(output).replace("', '","").replace("']","").replace("['","")

       msg = " +++  " + xS("piMain.piLogFile") + " "+ fLog + " " + xS("piSchedule.notFound")

    rv = {'logList':output,  'today':today}

    page = templateSetup('piLogs', rv)
    return page.replace("&&currentDay&&",xS("piLogs."+selectedDay))
Exemplo n.º 2
def home():
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("/home  >>" + qString + "<<")  #

    # build 'ini' file menu
    fileList = iniFileMenu('edit')
    fileList += "</li><li role='presentation'><a href='/edit?newSchedule'>" + xS('piMain.newSchedule') + "</a></li>"

    fileList1 = iniFileMenu1('weekScheduleSet')

    rv = combineKeys(xP.prefs, {'pilight':'http://'+xP.prefs['server']+':'+ str(xP.prefs['pilightPort']),

        'Monday': xS("piLogs.Monday"), 'schedule1': getSchedule4Day('Monday'),
        'Tuesday': xS("piLogs.Tuesday"), 'schedule2': getSchedule4Day('Tuesday'),
        'Wednesday': xS("piLogs.Wednesday"), 'schedule3': getSchedule4Day('Wednesday'),
        'Thursday': xS("piLogs.Thursday"), 'schedule4': getSchedule4Day('Thursday'),
        'Friday': xS("piLogs.Friday"), 'schedule5': getSchedule4Day('Friday'),
        'Saturday': xS("piLogs.Saturday"), 'schedule6': getSchedule4Day('Saturday'),
        'Sunday': xS("piLogs.Sunday"), 'schedule0': getSchedule4Day('Sunday')

    page = templateSetup('piMain', rv)
    page = page.replace('&&iniFileList&&',fileList)
    page = page.replace('&&iniFileList1&&',fileList1)

    return page.replace('&&localeList&&',localesMenu())
Exemplo n.º 3
def refreshSchedule():
    global xP
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /" + caller + "  >>" + qString + "<<")

    tab = scheduleActive()

    fileList = iniFileMenu('schedule')

    newsSchedule, newsStatus, newsDate = getNews(xP.prefs)
    if newsDate != "":
        xP.prefs['newsDate'] = newsDate

    rv = combineKeys(xP.prefs, {'pilight':'http://'+xP.prefs['server']+':'+ str(xP.prefs['pilightPort']),
        'newsDisplay': newsStatus})

    page = templateSetup('piSchedule', rv)

    page = page.replace('&&iniFileList&&',fileList)

    hString = str(datetime.now())[:19]
    page = page.replace('&&datetime&&', hString) 
    page = page.replace('&&timeTable&&', tab)

    page = page.replace('&&newsDate&&', newsDate)
    return page.replace('&&news&&', newsSchedule)
Exemplo n.º 4
def control():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /" + caller + "  >>\n" + str(qString) + "\n<<")

    tab = scheduleActive()
    return "<br> >>" + caller  + "::" + str(qString) + "<<<br><br>"
Exemplo n.º 5
def updateWeekdaySchedule():
    qString = request.query_string.strip(' ,')

    schedules = qString.split(',')
    logSys("/setWeekdaySchedule  >>" + str(schedules) + "<<")
    wDays = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']

    for day in range(0,7):
        xP.prefs['weekSchedule'][wDays[day]] = schedules[day]
    prefsSaveJSON(None, None)
Exemplo n.º 6
def listPrefs():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /"+caller + "  >>" + qString + "<<", '36')  #36mCyan"

    showPrefs = (json.dumps(xP.prefs, sort_keys=True, indent=3).decode('unicode_escape'))
    showPrefs = showPrefs.replace(",",",<br>")

    return [showPrefs]
Exemplo n.º 7
def getSchedule():

    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    if caller != 'schedule':
        qString = ""
        qString = request.query_string.strip()

    logSys("/schedule  >>" + qString + "<<")


    if qString != "":
        aSchedule = qString
        aSchedule = "Select INI "
        if 'iniFile' in xP.prefs:
            aSchedule = xP.prefs['iniFile']

            renew = True

    xP.switchTime = datetime.now().replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0) + timedelta(hours=24)
    #log2DayFile(False, ' .. activated Schedule  .. ' + str(xP.switchTime))

    prefsSaveJSON('iniFile', aSchedule)

    jobLines = jobsRead(aSchedule)

    cJob = sched.add_job(renewSchedule, 'date', run_date=str(xP.switchTime), id="renew")

    tab = scheduleActive()

    msg = " next SwitchTime  :: " + str(xP.switchTime)
    #print("activated Schedule " + msg)
    #log2DayFile(False, msg)

    fileList = iniFileMenu('schedule')

    newsSchedule, newsStatus, newsDate = getNews(xP.prefs)
    if newsDate != "":
        xP.prefs['newsDate'] = newsDate

    rv = combineKeys(xP.prefs, {'pilight':'http://'+xP.prefs['server']+':'+ str(xP.prefs['pilightPort']),
        'newsDisplay': newsStatus})

    page = templateSetup('piSchedule', rv)
    page = page.replace('&&iniFileList&&',fileList)

    hString = str(datetime.now())[:19]
    page = page.replace('&&datetime&&', hString) 
    page = page.replace('&&timeTable&&', tab)

    page = page.replace('&&newsDate&&', newsDate)
    return page.replace('&&news&&', newsSchedule)
Exemplo n.º 8
def gMapsApi(address, **geo_args):
        'address': address

    gPrefs = {}

    if (address == ""):
        gPrefs["status"] = "  *** piGeoDetails 'gmaps' needs a location string!"
        return gPrefs

    url = GEOCODE_BASE_URL + '?' + urllib.urlencode(geo_args)

    with closing(urlopen(url)) as response:
        rv = json.loads(response.read())
        #logInfo("\n" + str(rv).replace("u'", "'"))
        logSys("\n" + str(rv).encode('utf-8').replace("u'", "'"))

        #19498 19:13:01 - piGeoDetails gMapsApi #69    
        {'status': 'ZERO_RESULTS', 'results': []}

        if (type(rv) is dict):
            status = rv['status']
            if status != "OK":
                gPrefs['status'] = (" *** Request failed  for %s with %s. (HTTP code  %s)" % (str(geo_args), status, response.getcode()))
                gPrefs['location'] = 'Location :: ' + str(status)
                return gPrefs

            gPrefs['latitude'] = rv['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']
            gPrefs['longitude'] = rv['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']

            gPrefs['address'] = rv['results'][0]['formatted_address'].encode('utf-8')

            for s in rv['results'][0]['address_components']:
                for d in s:
                    if s[d][0] == 'locality':
                        #gPrefs ["location"] = s['short_name']
                        gPrefs ["location"] = s['long_name'].encode('utf-8')

                    if s[d][0] == 'country':
                        gPrefs ["locale"] = s['short_name'].encode('utf-8')

            gPrefs['geo'] = 'gmaps'
            gPrefs['status'] = response.getcode() #"200"

            #&&---- print ("  *** piGeoDetails (gmaps) failed to deliver location for >>%s<<" % (str(address)))
            gPrefs['status'] = " *** gmaps ERROR ***"

        return gPrefs
Exemplo n.º 9
def removeJob():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /" + caller + "  >>" + qString + "<<")

    try :
       logInfo("Job may have been removed already")

    page = refreshSchedule()
    return page   #.replace('&&language&&', piStrings.getLocale())
Exemplo n.º 10
def xDelete():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /" + caller + "  >>\n" + str(qString) + "\n<<")

    qString = json.loads(urllib2.unquote(qString))

    fName = qString[0]['fName']     #file name
    pName = qString[1]['pName']     #placeholder file name

    if fName == "":
       fName = pName
Exemplo n.º 11
def fire_pilight(arg):
    global xP

    message = arg['message']
    info = arg['info']

    url = ('http://' + xP.prefs['server'] + ':' + str(xP.prefs['pilightPort']) + message)

    request = urllib2.Request(url)
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)

    logSys ("url " + url)
    logInfo ("\n    " + "\033[1m" + "pilight control >" + info + "<" + "\033[0m")
    log2DayFile(False, info)
Exemplo n.º 12
def iniRead():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /" + caller + "  >>" + qString + "<<")

    jobLines = jobsRead(qString)

    output = '<table class="table table-striped table-bordered"><tbody>'
    for job in aJobs:
        #logSys("out: " + str(job))
        if job != []:
            output += "<tr><td> " + str(job[0]) + "</td><td> " + str(job[1]) + "</td><td> " + str(job[2]) + "</td></tr> "

    output += '</tbody></table>'

    return output
Exemplo n.º 13
def jobsRead(cIniFile = 'piSchedule.ini'):
    if cIniFile == "":
        cIniFile = 'piSchedule.ini'

    jobLines = ""
        msg = "read INI Jobs file >> " + cIniFile + "<<"

        jobLines = jobsReadFile(cIniFile)
        logSys (msg + "\n" + str(jobLines))
        logInfo (msg)

        pass            #if fails get 'piSchedule.ini' or initialize it

    return jobLines
Exemplo n.º 14
def geoPrefs(xPrefs):

    info = " ** Geolocation details."

    cLocation = ""
    if 'location' in xPrefs:
        cLocation = xPrefs['location'].encode('utf-8')

    rv = {}
    if 'geo' not in xPrefs:
        xPrefs['geo'] = 'ip'

    if xPrefs['geo'] == 'fix':
            rv['latitude'] = xPrefs['latitude']
            rv['longitude'] = xPrefs['longitude']
            info += "  GeoCoordinates fixed!"

    if (xPrefs['geo']  == "-ip") or (xPrefs['geo']  == "ip"):
        rv = ipApi()

        # testing purpose only
        #print ("ipApi " + str(rv))
        #rv['location'] = ""
        #rv = {}

        if (('location' in rv) == False) or (rv['location'] == ""):
            #logInfo("  *** piGeoDetails (ip) failed, try (gmaps) *** \n", '31') # red
            logSys("  *** piGeoDetails (ip) failed, try (gmaps) *** \n", '31') # red
            xPrefs['geo'] = "-gmaps"

    if (xPrefs['geo'] == "-gmaps") or (xPrefs['geo'] == "gmaps"):
        rv = gMapsApi(cLocation)
        logSys(" geo gmaps status: " + str(rv['status']))

        if rv['status'] != 200:
            return rv

    rvS =  sunrise_sunset.getSunrise_Sunset(rv['latitude'], rv['longitude']) 

    rv['sunset'] = rvS['sunset']
    rv['sunrise'] = rvS['sunrise']
    rv['status'] = rvS['status']

    #print(" ***&&&  GeoDetails: " + str(rv))
    return rv
Exemplo n.º 15
def setPrefs():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /"+caller + "  >>" + qString + "<<")

    if qString != "":
        xP.prefs[caller] = qString

        prefsSaveJSON(caller, qString)

    #if caller == 'newsDate':
    #    qString = caller  + "::" + xP.prefs[caller]

    if caller in xP.prefs:
        qString = caller  + "::" + xP.prefs[caller]

    return getSchedule()
Exemplo n.º 16
def suntime():
#  support Sunrise/Sunset with time values
#  time is calculated for actual day!

    if ('latitude' in xP.prefs) and ('longitude' in xP.prefs):

        rvS = sunrise_sunset.getSunrise_Sunset(xP.prefs['latitude'], xP.prefs['longitude'])
        xP.prefs['sunrise'] = rvS['sunrise']
        xP.prefs['sunset'] = rvS['sunset']

        logSys("&&  check suntime   sunrise:  " + str(xP.prefs['sunrise']))
        logSys("&&  check suntime   sunset:  " + str(xP.prefs['sunset']))

        prefsSaveJSON(None, None)

Exemplo n.º 17
def onoff():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    message = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys(caller + " >>\n" + message + "\n<<")

    device = message.split(",")[0]
    state = message.split(",")[1]

    logSys(" on/off for device: " + device + " with " + state)
    #{"action":"control","code":{"device":"Bad","state": "on"}}

    message = '/send?{"action":"control","code":{"device":"' + device \
            + '","state":"' + state + '"}}'

    arg = {}
    arg['info'] = ' timeline on/off ' + device + ' state ' +state
    arg['message'] = message

Exemplo n.º 18
def send():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    message = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys(caller + " >>\n" + message + "\n<<")

    arg = {}
    arg['message'] = "/send?" + message

# {%22action%22:%22control%22,%22code%22:{%22device%22:%22Bad%22,%22state%22:%22off%22}}
# {"action":"control","code":{"device":"Bad","state":"off"}}

    info = message
    info = info.replace('%22', '"').replace('/send?','')
    info = info.replace('{"action":"control","code":', '')
    info = info.replace('{', '').replace('}', '').replace('"', '')
    arg['info'] = "/send " + info


    return [info]
Exemplo n.º 19
def about():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    message = request.query_string.strip()

    logSys(str(caller) + " >>" + str(platform.uname()) + "<<")

    rv = {'about': xS("piMain.about"),
        'gotoMain': xS("piPrefs.gotoMain"),
        'back': xS("piEdit.back"),

        'version': xP.prefs['version'],
        'pilightVersion': xP.prefs['pilightVersion'],
        'server': xP.prefs['server'],
        'port': xP.prefs['port'],
        'iniFile': xP.prefs['iniFile'],
        'locale': xP.prefs['locale'],
        'geo': xP.prefs['geo'],
        'platform': str(platform.platform()).replace("'","")

    return templateSetup('piAbout', rv)
Exemplo n.º 20
def main():
    global xP, piPortDelta

        logInfo('\n________Started   piSchedule  (cMain)________')
        logSys ('\n________Started   piSchedule  (cMain)________')

        debug(mode=False)        # Bottle debug mode <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

        xP.switchTime = datetime.now().replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0)+  timedelta(hours=24)

        xP.prefs = prefsSetup()            # includes geoDetails, suntime

        info = logPrefsDetails(xP.prefs)

        if xP.prefs['ssdp'] != "OK":
            print ("\n ** NO 'ssdp' connection! **")
            return xP.prefs['ssdp']

        if (len(sys.argv) == 2) and sys.argv[1] == "-prefs":
            return 0

        #x= 1/0            # logERR Testing only

        sched.start()    # start the scheduler
        renewSchedule()  # if iniFile is set, load jobList of it

        # starting bottle with web page
        app.run(host = xP.prefs['server'], port = xP.prefs['port'], reloader=False)


    logInfo('Finished Main\n')
    logSys('Finished Main\n')
Exemplo n.º 21
def main():
    #if len(sys.argv) == 1:
    #    return      # Initialized only

        calling = sys.argv[1]
        calling = "-ip"

    if (calling == "-help"):
        print ("""  --- piGeoDetails Help
    piGeoDetails returns the geolocation (city, locale code, latitude, longitude)
    based on the current IP or a given location. 
    Call:   piGeoDetails.py [argument] 
      arguments are:
        -ip     uses IP based search
        -gmaps  uses Google Maps, needs location data 

        With using IP based search (-ip) and the return string for 'city' is empty,
        an alternative Google Maps search will run if the 'location' was 
        passed also.

    location = ""
    if (len(sys.argv) == 3):
        location = (sys.argv[2]).encode('utf-8')   # address="San+Francisco"

    rv = geoPrefs(calling, location)

    if rv['status'] != 200:
        logInfo (json.dumps(rv, sort_keys=True, indent=3).decode('unicode_escape'), color)
        logSys (json.dumps(rv, sort_keys=True, indent=3).decode('unicode_escape'), color)

    return rv
Exemplo n.º 22
def fSave():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /" + caller + "  >>\n" + str(qString) + "\n<<")

    qString = json.loads(urllib2.unquote(qString))

    fName = qString[0]['fName']     #file name
    pName = qString[1]['pName']     #placeholder file name
    if fName == "":
      fName = pName

    iniFiles =  glob.glob("*.ini")
    fileList = ""
    for x in iniFiles:
       if fName == x:
           shutil.copy2(fName, fName + '.bak')
           logSys(" Make .bak Copy of >>" +fName + "<<")

    xjobs = qString[2]['jobs'].replace('|','\n')

    f = open(fName, 'w')
Exemplo n.º 23
def getWeekDaySchedule():
    weekSchedule = {}
    newSchedule = "--"
    if 'weekSchedule' in xP.prefs:
        weekSchedule = xP.prefs['weekSchedule']
        currentDay = (datetime.now().strftime("%A"))
        logSys(" weekday schedule currentDay >>" + currentDay + "<<")

        if currentDay in weekSchedule:
            newSchedule = weekSchedule[currentDay]

            logSys(" weekday schedule newSchedule >>" + newSchedule + "<<")

            #check if file for 'newSchedule' exists
                dummy = open(newSchedule, 'r')
                newSchedule = "--"

    logSys(" weekday schedule is >>" + newSchedule + "<<")
    return newSchedule
Exemplo n.º 24
def getNews(xpPrefs):
# ---------------------------
    global xP
    response = ""
    newsStatus = ""
    newsDate = ""


        global xP
        url = xpPrefs['news']

        request = urllib2.Request(url)
        response = urllib2.urlopen(request).read()

        newsStatus = "color: gray;" #'display:none'
        nLine = 0
        lines = response.split('\n')
        for line in lines:
            if nLine == 0:
                # first line holds 'newsDate', compare with 'newsDate' in prefs
                # and enable news link if news date newer
                logSys("  ..  getNews >>" + lines[nLine].strip() + "<<")
                newsDate = lines[nLine].strip()
                if 'newsDate' in xpPrefs and newsDate > xpPrefs['newsDate']:
                    newsStatus = "color: blue;" #'display:block'
                    xP.prefs['newsDate'] = newsDate
                    newsDate = ""

                lines[nLine] = "<div align='right' style=\'margin-bottom:-5px;padding-right: 100px;\'> \
                        <b>" + lines[nLine] + "</b></div><p style='margin:0;padding-left: 50px;padding-right: 100px;'>"

            if lines[nLine][0:3] == "** " :
                lines[nLine] = "<b> " + lines[nLine][3:] + "</b>"

            if lines[nLine][0:3] == "   " : 
                lines[nLine] = "<span style='margin-left:20px;'>" + lines[nLine][3:] + "</span>"

            if lines[nLine][0:3] == "|| " : 
                lines[nLine] = "<blockquote style='margin-top:-10px;margin-left:35px;'><small><tt>" + lines[nLine][3:] + "</tt></small></blockquote>"

            if lines[nLine][0:3] == "__ ":
                lines[nLine] = "<u> " + lines[nLine][3:] + "</u>"

            if lines[nLine][0:3] == "===":
                lines[nLine] = "</p><hr style='margin-top: -5px; margin-bottom: 0px;'><p style='padding-left: 50px;padding-right: 100px;'>"

            cLine = lines[nLine]
            linkA = cLine.find(" [")
            if linkA != -1:
                linkM = cLine.find("](", linkA)
                if linkM != -1:
                   linkE = cLine.find(")", linkM)
                   if linkE != -1:
                       linkDesc = cLine[(linkA+2):linkM]
                       link =     cLine[(linkM+2):linkE]
                       cLink =  "<a href='" + link + "'>" + linkDesc + "</a>"
                       lines[nLine] = lines[nLine].replace(lines[nLine][(linkA+1):(linkE+1)], cLink)
            lines[nLine] = lines[nLine].replace("   ", " &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;")
            nLine = nLine +1
        response = "<br>".join(lines)
        logSys ("--- getNews failed from: " + url)
        response = []

    return  response, newsStatus, newsDate
Exemplo n.º 25
def edit():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /" + caller + "  >>" + qString + "<<")

    page = templateSetup('piEdit', xP.prefs)

    addJob = False
    fileName  = request.query_string
    if fileName == 'addJob':
       addJob = True

    # build the html list of devices
    devices = pilightConfig('devices')

    #<a role="menuitem" onclick="changeDevice(this)">Haustuer</a>
    deviceList = ""
    for d in devices:
       deviceList += '<a role="menuitem" onclick="changeDevice(this)">'+d+'</a>'

    page = page.replace('&&deviceList&&', deviceList)

    # replace date/time string
    hString = str(datetime.now())[:19]
    page = page.replace('&&datetime&&', hString)

    if addJob == True:
        page = page.replace('&&JOBS&&',"")
        page = page.replace('&&FILE&&',"")

        page = page.replace('&&jobDefEdit&&','display:none')
        page = page.replace('&&jobDefExec&&','display:block')

        page = page.replace('&&displaySchedule&&','display:none')

        page = page.replace('&&jobAdd&&','display:none')
        page = page.replace('&&jobExec&&','display:block')

        page = page.replace('&&jobDefEdit&&','display:block')
        page = page.replace('&&jobDefExec&&','display:none')

        page = page.replace('&&displaySchedule&&','display:block')

        page = page.replace('&&jobAdd&&','display:block')
        page = page.replace('&&jobExec&&','display:none')

        #  newSchedule
        if fileName == 'newSchedule':
            fileName = 'newDaySchedule.ini'
            f = open(fileName, 'w')
            f.write(' * Define new Schedule')

        if fileName == "" or fileName == None:
            fileName = 'piSchedule.ini'

        # read the selected 'ini' file to textbox
        jobFile = jobsReadFile(fileName, setName=False)

        #logSys("\n$$\n" + str(jobFile) + "\n$$\n")

        jobList = ""
        for line in jobFile:
            jobList = jobList + '<option>' + line +'</option>'

        page = page.replace('&&JOBS&&',str(jobList))

        # set the 'ini' file name  
        page = page.replace('&&FILE&&',str(fileName))

    return (page)
Exemplo n.º 26
def timelineSchedule():
    caller = request.fullpath[1:]
    qString = request.query_string.strip()
    logSys("  /" + caller + "  >>\n" + str(qString) + "\n<<")

    rv = combineKeys(xP.prefs, 
        {'editJob': xS("piEdit.editJob"),
        'editJobs': xS("piEdit.editJobs"),
        'edit': xS("piEdit.edit"),
        'insert': xS("piEdit.insert"),
        'delete': xS("piEdit.delete"),
        'change': xS("piEdit.change"),
        'close': xS("piEdit.close"),
        'changeRow': xS("piEdit.changeRow"),
        'insertRow': xS("piEdit.insertRow"),
        'help': xS("piEdit.help"),
        'toggleHelp': xS("piEdit.toggleHelp"),
        'advanceEditHelp': xS("piEdit.advanceEditHelp"),
        'timelineEditHelp': xS("piEdit.timelineEditHelp"),
        'legend': xS("piEdit.legend"),

        'scheduleFile': xS("piEdit.scheduleFile")})

    page = templateSetup('piTimeLine', rv)

    fileName = xP.prefs['iniFile']
    jobsList = jobsRead(fileName)

    jobs = ""
    nJ = len(jobsList)

    while ni < nJ:
        if jobsList[ni] != "\n":
            jobs += jobsList[ni] +  "||"
        ni += 1

    page = page.replace('&&FILE&&',str(fileName))
    page = page.replace("&&jobLines&&", jobs.replace("\n",""))

    # build the html list of devices
    #<a role="menuitem" onclick="changeDevice(this)">Haustuer</a>
    devices = pilightConfig('devices')
    deviceList = ""

    firstDevice = ""
    for d in devices:
        if deviceList == "":
            firstDevice = d
        deviceList += '<a role="menuitem" onclick="changeDevice(this)">'+d+'</a>'

    if qString != "":
        firstDevice = qString

    firstDeviceStatus = str(devices[firstDevice]['state'])
    logSys(" device details: "+ firstDevice + "  " + str(devices[firstDevice]['state']))

    page = page.replace('&&firstDevice&&', firstDevice)
    page = page.replace('&&firstDeviceStatus&&', firstDeviceStatus)
    page = page.replace('&&deviceList&&', deviceList)

    page = page.replace('&&sunrise&&',(xP.prefs['sunrise'])[11:])
    page = page.replace('&&sunset&&',(xP.prefs['sunset'])[11:])

    startTime = "10:00:00"
    if 'timelineStart' in xP.prefs :
        startTime = xP.prefs['timelineStart']

    endTime = "24:00:00"
    if 'timelineEnd' in xP.prefs :
        endTime = xP.prefs['timelineEnd']

    page = page.replace('&&endTime&&', endTime)
    page = page.replace('&&startTime&&', startTime)

    return page
Exemplo n.º 27
def piDiscover(service, timeout=2, retries=1):
    global xP
        prefsFile = open(xP.prefsJSONfile, 'r')
        fPrefs = json.loads(prefsFile.read())
        fPrefs = {}

    group = ("", 1900)
    message = "\r\n".join([
        'M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1',
        'HOST: {0}:{1}'.format(*group),
        'MAN: "ssdp:discover"',
        'ST: {st}','MX: 3','',''])

    responses = {}
        server =  str(fPrefs['server'])
        server = ""
    port = ''
    error = 'OK'

    i = 0;
    for _ in range(retries):
        i += 1
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
        sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVTIMEO, struct.pack('LL', 0, 10000));
        sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
        sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 2)
        sock.sendto(message.format(st=service), group)
        while True:
                responses[i] = sock.recv(1024);
            except socket.timeout:
                error = 'timeout'
                error = 'no pilight ssdp connections found'

    r = responses.values()

    if len(r) > 0:
       locationsrc = re.search('Location:([0-9.]+):(.*)', str(r[0]), re.IGNORECASE)
       if locationsrc:
           server = locationsrc.group(1).strip()
           port = locationsrc.group(2).strip()

    configFile = '/etc/pilight/config.json'
    piPrefs = {}
        prefsFile = open(configFile, 'r')
        piPrefs = json.loads(prefsFile.read())

        if  'webserver-http-port' in piPrefs['settings']:
            port = piPrefs['settings']['webserver-http-port']
        if  'webserver-port' in piPrefs['settings']:
            port = piPrefs['settings']['webserver-port']

        logERR(True)    # will terminate / quiet

    pilightVersion = str(piPrefs['registry']['pilight']['version']['current'])

    rv = [server, port, pilightVersion, error]

    #print (" ** piDiscover  pilight (v." + version + ") **\n" 
    #       + (str(responses)).replace("\\x00","").replace("\\r\\n","\n"))

    logInfo (" ** piDiscover  pilight " + str(rv), xColor)
    logSys  (" ** piDiscover  pilight " + str(rv), xColor)

    return rv
Exemplo n.º 28
def scheduleSet(onTime, actualDevice, currentSwitch, switchTime):

    ''' lampe2; on,+:02
        actualDevice=    lampe2; 
        currentSwitch=   on,+:02
    actualSwitch = currentSwitch.strip().replace("%20", "").split(",")

    if ('on' in actualSwitch or 'off' in actualSwitch) == False:
        return xS("piSchedule.noState")  # ERROR: no on/off

    if xP.prefs['pilightVersion'] > '7.0':     # for 7.0 Nightly
        message = "/control?device=" + actualDevice + "&state=" + str(actualSwitch[0])
        message = '/send?{"action":"control","code":{"device":"' + actualDevice \
            + '","state":"' + str(actualSwitch[0]) + '"}}'

    # piSchedule direct on/off switching 
    if len(actualSwitch) == 1:
        arg = {}
        arg['message'] = message
        info = '{0:12} {1:15}'.format(actualDevice[0:12], currentSwitch.replace(',', ' '))
        arg['info'] = info
        #sleep(2)  # for testing .. delay between directly switching
        jmsg = [str(onTime)[0:19], actualDevice, currentSwitch]
        return [onTime, jmsg, switchTime]

    xTime = onTime
    deltaTime = "*"

    # check xTime if valid and process different time options
    # xTime = '2014-04-17 22:06:00'  NEED secs, even if ':00'

    for nSwitch in actualSwitch:
        nSwitch = nSwitch.strip()

        # have dateTime or sunrise or sunset
        if nSwitch == 'sunrise':
            xTime = parser.parse(xP.prefs['sunrise'])
        elif nSwitch == 'sunset':
            xTime = parser.parse(xP.prefs['sunset'])

        # --- use deltaTime          
        # '+' add or '-' subtract time value
        # '~' add or '~-' subtract 'random' time value
        elif nSwitch[0] == '+' or nSwitch[0] == "-"  \
         or nSwitch[0] == "~":
            h = 0
            min = 0
            sec = 0

            random_subtract = False
            if nSwitch[0:2] == "~-":  #  subtract random time 
                random_subtract = True
                delta = nSwitch[2:]
                delta = nSwitch[1:]

            xDelta = delta.split(":")
            nDelta = len(xDelta)
            if nDelta >= 1:
                h = 0 if xDelta[0] == '' else int(xDelta[0])
            if nDelta >= 2:
                min = 0 if xDelta[1] == '' else int(xDelta[1])
            if nDelta == 3:
                sec = 0 if xDelta[2] == '' else int(xDelta[2])
            deltaTime = timedelta(hours=h, minutes=min, seconds=sec)

            if nSwitch[0] == '+':  # # add timedelta
                logInfo ("   delta + : " + nSwitch)
                xTime = xTime + deltaTime           #++++++++

            if nSwitch[0] == '-':  # # substract timedelta
                logInfo ("   delta - : " + nSwitch)
                deltaTime = -deltaTime
                xTime = xTime + deltaTime           #++++++++

            elif nSwitch[0] == '~':  # # add random minutes  
                rMin = h * 60 + min
                if random_subtract:
                    deltaTime = -timedelta(minutes=random.randrange(rMin))
                    deltaTime = timedelta(minutes=random.randrange(rMin))
                logInfo ("   random  : " + nSwitch + " --> deltaTime  : " + str(deltaTime))
                xTime = xTime + deltaTime           #++++++++

               # ... use deltaTime

        elif nSwitch == 'on' or nSwitch == "off" or nSwitch == "time" :
            # check for absolute time not to be 24:00 and any other unknown format
                if (nSwitch == "24:00"):
                    nSwitch = "23:59"  
                xTime = parser.parse(nSwitch)
                nSwitch = 'err:' + str(nSwitch)
                logInfo(" +++ " + xS("piSchedule.unknownString") + ">>" + nSwitch + "<<")

        logInfo(" +++++ check  nSwitch >>" + str(nSwitch) +"<<   xTime >>" + str(xTime) + "<<")

    xTime = xTime + timedelta(seconds=random.randrange(60))

    logInfo ("  baseTime + delta : " + str(xTime)[0:19])

    # remember 'on' state time
    wasOnTime = onTime
    onTime = xTime
    jmsg = []

    # check if xTime is before actual time
    if (xTime < datetime.now()):
        logInfo (" +++  SKIP : " + str(xTime)[0:19] + "  :: "
         + currentSwitch.strip() + "   +++ " + xS("piSchedule.beforeTime") + " +++")
        logInfo (" ..set Job : " + str(xTime)[0:19] + "  :: " + actualDevice + "  :: " + currentSwitch)

        jmsg = [str(xTime)[0:19], actualDevice, currentSwitch]
        jobName = str(int(time.time() * 1000))[6:]
        info = ('{0:12} {1:15} '.format(actualDevice[0:12], currentSwitch.replace(',', ' ')))

        if 'off' in actualSwitch:
            info = info + "  (on: " + str(wasOnTime)[11:16] + ")"

        cJob = (sched.add_job(fire_pilight, 'date', run_date=str(xTime), args=[{'message':message, 'info':info}], id=jobName))

        logSys("  .. Job to be appended to jobs    id=jobName " + jobName + "\n " + str(cJob) + "\n"+ str([{'message':message, 'info':info}]))
        logSys("&&   xTime " + str(xTime) + " switchT " + str(switchTime))

        if xTime > switchTime:
            switchTime = xTime

    return [onTime, jmsg, switchTime]