Exemplo n.º 1
def list_configurations():
    """Prints a list of installed OpenVPN configurations."""
    lis = Application.get_app('openvpn').app.configs
    configs = dict()
    for c in lis:
        configs[c] = []

    # Checks if configuration is installed for a given config_id
    for app_name in Application.get_supported_apps():
        app = Application.get_app(app_name)
        if not app.strategy == 'openvpn' and app.configure:
            #  configured_list = [c for c in lis if app.find_config(c)]
            [configs[c].extend([app.strategy]) for c in lis if app.find_config(c)]

    if len(configs) > 0:
        # Prints out the list
        print("List of OpenVPN configurations")
        for c in sorted(configs):
            dis = ''
            for app in configs[c]:
                dis += '[' + app + ']'
            print('   %s %s' % (re.sub('_',' ',c), dis))
        print("No OpenVPN configurations found!")
Exemplo n.º 2
def parse_conf_file():
    """Parses configure file 'pia.conf' using the Parser Class"""
    pia_section = _Parser("pia")
    configure_section = _Parser("configure")

    if getattr(pia_section, "openvpn_auto_login", None):
        Application.set_option(getattr(props, 'openvpn'), autologin=pia_section.openvpn_auto_login)

    if getattr(configure_section, "apps", None):
        for app in configure_section.apps:
            Application.set_option(getattr(props, app), configure=True)

    if getattr(configure_section, "hosts", None):
        props.hosts = configure_section.hosts
Exemplo n.º 3
def auto_configure():
    for config in openvpn.configs:
        for app_name in Application.get_supported_apps():
            app = Application.get_app(app_name)
            if app.configure:
                app.config(*getattr(openvpn, config))
Exemplo n.º 4
def remove_configurations():
    for app_name in Application.get_supported_apps():
        app = Application.get_app(app_name)
        if not app.strategy == 'openvpn':  # We don't want to delete OpenVPN files!
Exemplo n.º 5
def exclude():
    ex = props.commandline['exclude']
    for e in ex.split():
        app = Application.get_app(e)
        if app and not app.strategy == 'openvpn':
            app.configure = False
Exemplo n.º 6
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import os
import sys
import re

from pia import properties, __version__
from pia.applications import Application
from pia.properties import props
from pia.docopt import docopt

# Checks to see which supported applications are installed
props.apps = Application.check_apps()

# Shortcut for the openvpn app object
openvpn = props.openvpn.app

def run():
    """Main function run from command line"""
    props.commandline = commandline_interface()
    tmp_dict = dict([(re.sub('-', '_', x[2:].strip()), props.commandline[x])
                     for x in props.commandline if not x == 'HOST']).copy()
    tmp_dict.update({'HOST': props.commandline['HOST']})
    props.commandline = tmp_dict

    if props.commandline['list_configurations']: