Exemplo n.º 1
def f(rho1,sig2,beta,cov=True,GP=True):
    ##   rho -> sigma under CPTP/ GP/ GPC/ Cov map? 
    ##   output \approx 1 --> yes, output < 1 --> no.  
    ##   dim(rho1) = dim(H1) = d1
    ##   dim(sig2) = dim(H2) = d2
    ##   default: qutrit-qubit CGP, equally-spaced energy levels, inv.temp=1

    ## def problem & variables ##
    p = pic.Problem()   
    X1 = p.add_variable('X1', (d1,d1), 'hermitian') 
    X2 = p.add_variable('X2', (d2,d2), 'hermitian')
    X3 = p.add_variable('X3', (d2,d2), 'hermitian')
    ### constraints ### 
    if GP == False: 
        if cov == True:
            p.add_constraint(pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - dephase_H(pic.kron(X2, rho1)) >> 0. )         
            p.add_constraint(pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - pic.kron(X2, rho1)  >> 0. )     
        p.add_constraint(X3 >> 0)
        if cov == True:
            p.add_constraint(pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - dephase_H(pic.kron(X2, rho1)) - dephase_H(pic.kron(X3, gam1)) >> 0. )         
            p.add_constraint(pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - pic.kron(X2, rho1) - pic.kron(X3, gam1) >> 0. )     
    p.add_constraint(X1 >> 0) 
    p.add_constraint(X2 >> 0) 
    ### objective fn & solve ### 
    p.set_objective('min', pic.trace(X1))
    p.solve(verbose = 0,solver = 'cvxopt')   
    return p.obj_value().real
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_CBT_norm(J, n, m, rev=False):
    import cvxopt as cvx
    import picos as pic
    # Get completely bounded trace norm of Choi-matrix J representing quantum channel from number_of_qubits-dimensional space to m-dimensional space
    J = cvx.matrix(J)
    prob = pic.Problem(verbose=0)
    X = prob.add_variable("X", (n * m, n * m), vtype='complex')

    I = pic.new_param('I', np.eye(m))

    rho0 = prob.add_variable("rho0", (n, n), vtype='hermitian')
    rho1 = prob.add_variable("rho1", (n, n), vtype='hermitian')
    prob.add_constraint(rho0 >> 0)
    prob.add_constraint(rho1 >> 0)

    prob.add_constraint(pic.trace(rho0) == 1)
    prob.add_constraint(pic.trace(rho1) == 1)

    if (rev == True):
        # TODO FBM: tests which conention is good.
        # TODO FBM: add reference to paper

        # This is convention REVERSED with respect to the paper,
        # and seems that this is a proper one????
        C0 = pic.kron(rho0, I)
        C1 = pic.kron(rho1, I)
        C0 = pic.kron(I, rho0)
        C1 = pic.kron(I, rho1)

    F = pic.trace((J.H) * X) + pic.trace(J * (X.H))

    prob.add_constraint(((C0 & X) // (X.H & C1)) >> 0)

    prob.set_objective('max', F)


    if prob.status.count("optimal") > 0:
        #        print('solution optimal')
    elif (prob.status.count("optimal") == 0):

        print('solution not found')

    cbt_norm = prob.obj_value() / 2

    if (abs(np.imag(cbt_norm)) >= 0.00001):
        raise ValueError
        cbt_norm = np.real(cbt_norm)

    return cbt_norm
Exemplo n.º 3
def Hmin(rho, ref):
    ### compute Hmin(A|B)_rho, covariant map, ref=reference state. ###
    # def problem & variables #
    p = pic.Problem()
    X1 = p.add_variable('X1', (d1, d1), 'hermitian')
    p.add_constraint(pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - dephase_H(pic.kron(ref, rho)) >> 0.)
    p.add_constraint(X1 >> 0)
    # objective fn & solve #
    p.set_objective('min', pic.trace(X1))
    p.solve(verbose=0, solver='cvxopt')
    return -np.log2(p.obj_value().real)
Exemplo n.º 4
def f(rho1, sig2, beta=1, H1=[0, 1, 2], H2=[0, 1], cov=True, GP=True):
    ##   rho -> sigma under CPTP/ GP/ GPC/ Cov map?
    ##   output \approx 1 --> yes, output < 1 --> no.
    ##   dim(rho1) = dim(H1) = d1
    ##   dim(sig2) = dim(H2) = d2
    ##   default: qutrit-qubit CPG, equally-spaced energy levels, inv.temp=1
    d1 = len(H1)
    d2 = len(H2)
    id_d2 = pic.new_param('id_d2', np.eye(d2))

    ## def problem & variables ##
    p = pic.Problem()
    X1 = p.add_variable('X1', (d1, d1), 'hermitian')
    X2 = p.add_variable('X2', (d2, d2), 'hermitian')
    X3 = p.add_variable('X3', (d2, d2), 'hermitian')

    ## Gibbs-state:
    def g(x):
        return np.exp(-beta * x)

    exp_array1 = np.array(list(map(g, H1)))
    exp_array2 = np.array(list(map(g, H2)))
    gam1 = pic.diag(np.true_divide(exp_array1, np.sum(exp_array1)))
    gam2 = pic.diag(np.true_divide(exp_array2, np.sum(exp_array2)))
    #g2_0 = gam2[0].value

    ### constraints ###
    if GP == False:
        p.add_constraint((sig2 | X2) == 1)
        if cov == True:
                pic.kron(id_d2, X1) -
                dephase(pic.kron(X2, rho1), H1, H2) >> 0.)
            p.add_constraint(pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - pic.kron(X2, rho1) >> 0.)
        p.add_constraint((sig2 | X2) + (gam2 | X3) == 1)
        p.add_constraint(X3 >> 0)
        if cov == True:
                pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - dephase(pic.kron(X2, rho1), H1, H2) -
                pic.kron(X3, gam1) >> 0.)
                pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - pic.kron(X2, rho1) -
                pic.kron(X3, gam1) >> 0.)
    p.add_constraint(X1 >> 0)
    p.add_constraint(X2 >> 0)

    ### objective fn & solve ###
    p.set_objective('min', pic.trace(X1))
    p.solve(verbose=0, solver='cvxopt')
    return p.obj_value().real
Exemplo n.º 5
def findQDistMaximizingCHSH2ForCHSH1ValueOf(alpha):

    prob = pic.Problem()

    A = {}
    for x1, x2 in product(range(2), range(2)):
        for a1, a2 in product(range(2), range(2)):
            A[x1, x2, a1,
              a2] = prob.add_variable('A_{0}{1}{2}{3}'.format(x1, x2, a1, a2),
                                      (2, 2), 'hermitian')
            prob.add_constraint(A[x1, x2, a1, a2] >> 0)

    for x1, x2 in product(range(2), range(2)):
            sum(A[x1, x2, a1, a2] for a1 in range(2)
                for a2 in range(2)) == np.eye(2))

    #sequential constraints
    for x1, a1 in product(range(2), range(2)):
            sum([A[x1, 0, a1, a2]
                 for a2 in (0, 1)]) == sum([A[x1, 1, a1, a2]
                                            for a2 in (0, 1)]))

    z0 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])
    z1 = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1]])
    x0 = np.array([[1, 1], [1, 1]]) / 2
    x1 = np.array([[1, -1], [-1, 1]]) / 2

    B = {}
    B[0, 0] = pic.new_param('B_00', z0)
    B[0, 1] = pic.new_param('B_01', z1)
    B[1, 0] = pic.new_param('B_10', x0)
    B[1, 1] = pic.new_param('B_11', x1)

    rho = pic.new_param('rho', np.outer([1, 0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1]) / 2)

    A1 = [
        1 / 2 * sum(A[x1, x2, a1, a2] * (-1)**a1 for a1 in range(2)
                    for a2 in range(2) for x2 in range(2)) for x1 in range(2)

    A2 = [
        1 / 2 * sum(A[x1, x2, a1, a2] * (-1)**a2 for a1 in range(2)
                    for a2 in range(2) for x1 in range(2)) for x2 in range(2)

    B1 = [sum(B[y, b] * (-1)**b for b in range(2)) for y in range(2)]

    prob.add_constraint(pic.trace(CHSH(A1, B1) * rho) == alpha)

    prob.set_objective('max', pic.trace(CHSH(A2, B1) * rho))

    return [
        pic.trace(pic.kron(A[x1, x2, a1, a2], B[y, b]) * rho).get_value().real
        for x1, x2, y, a1, a2, b in product(range(2), range(2), range(2),
                                            range(2), range(2), range(2))
def f(rho1, sig2, gam1, gam2, d2, cov=True):
    # rho -> sigma under GP (set cov=False)/ GPC map? Output \approx 1 --> yes, output<1 --> no.
    #    dim(rho1) = dim(gam1)
    #    dim(sig2) = dim(gam2) = d2

    id_d2 = pic.new_param('id_d2', np.eye(d2))
    ## def problem & variables ##
    p = pic.Problem()
    X1 = p.add_variable('X1', (3, 3), 'hermitian')
    X2 = p.add_variable('X2', (d2, d2), 'hermitian')
    X3 = p.add_variable('X3', (d2, d2), 'hermitian')

    p.add_constraint((sig2 | X2) + (gam2 | X3) == 1)
    if cov == True:
            pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - dephase2(pic.kron(X2, rho1)) -
            pic.kron(X3, gam1) >> 0.)
            pic.kron(id_d2, X1) - pic.kron(X2, rho1) -
            pic.kron(X3, gam1) >> 0.)

    p.add_constraint(X1 >> 0)
    p.add_constraint(X2 >> 0)
    p.add_constraint(X3 >> 0)

    ## objective fn & solve ##
    p.set_objective('min', pic.trace(X1))
    p.solve(verbose=0, solver='cvxopt')
    return p.obj_value().real
Exemplo n.º 7
def f(rho1,sig2,gam1,gam2,cov):
    # rho -> sigma under GP (set cov=False)/ GPC map? Output \approx 1 --> yes, output<1 --> no.  
    #    dim(rho1) = dim(gam1)
    #    dim(sig2) = dim(gam2) = d2
    ## def problem & variables ##
    #TODO ask Rhea where general solution to this problem is
    p = pic.Problem()   
    X1 = p.add_variable('X1', (dim,dim), 'hermitian') 
    X2 = p.add_variable('X2', (2,2), 'hermitian')
    X3 = p.add_variable('X3', (2,2), 'hermitian')

    if cov==True:
        #time-covariance constraint included
        p.add_constraint(pic.kron(I2, X1) - dephase2(pic.kron(X2, rho1)) - pic.kron(X3, gam1) >> 0. )         
        #time-covariance constraint not included
        p.add_constraint(pic.kron(I2, X1) - pic.kron(X2, rho1) - pic.kron(X3, gam1) >> 0. )  

    p.add_constraint(X1 >> 0) 
    p.add_constraint(X2 >> 0) 
    p.add_constraint(X3 >> 0)  
    ## objective fn & solve ## 
    p.set_objective('min', pic.trace(X1))
    p.solve(verbose = 0,solver = 'cvxopt')   
    return p.obj_value().real
Exemplo n.º 8
def dephase(M,H1,H2):
    ## dephase matrix M w.r.t. H_tot = id_d2 X H1 + HR X id_d1,
    ## HR = -H2
    ## H1, H2 lists of ordered energy eigenvalues of arb dim: low to high.
    d1 = len(H1)
    d2 = len(H2)
    id_d1 = pic.new_param('id_d1', np.eye(d1))
    id_d2 = pic.new_param('id_d2', np.eye(d2)) 
    dim = d1*d2
    HR = np.negative(H2)
    H_tot = np.diag(np.matrix((pic.kron(id_d2,pic.diag(H1))+pic.kron(pic.diag(HR),id_d1)).value))
    index = [np.argwhere(i==H_tot) for i in np.unique(H_tot)]
    dephased = pic.diag(np.zeros(dim))
    for i in range(len(index)):
        a2 = np.zeros(dim)
        a2 = np.array(a2)
    for i in range(len(index)):
        dephased += PVMs[i] * M * PVMs[i]
    return dephased
Exemplo n.º 9
def CHSH(A, B):
    #chsh bell op give observables
    return pic.kron(A[0],B[0])+pic.kron(A[0],B[1])+pic.kron(A[1],B[0]) \
def team_opt(adj_mat,
   Runs the team optimization problem
   :param adj_mat: the Adjacency matrix
   :param current_weights: current node weights
   :param covariance_matrices: list of each node's large covariance matrix
   :param how: string that denotes fusion method
   :param ne: limit for number of edges to change
   :param edge_decisions: dictionary, if provided, the set of edges to set
        as 1 or 0 in their corresponding entries in PI
   :return: new adjacency matrix and new weights
    n = adj_mat.shape[0]
    beta = 1 / n
    tol = 0.1
    s = covariance_matrices[0].shape[0]
    p_size = n * s
    edge_mod_limit = ne * 2

    # Init Problem
    problem = pic.Problem()

    # Add Variables
    A = problem.add_variable('A', adj_mat.shape, 'symmetric')
    mu = problem.add_variable('mu', 1)
    Pbar = problem.add_variable('Pbar', (p_size, p_size))
    PI = problem.add_variable('PI', adj_mat.shape, 'symmetric')

    delta_list = []
    for i in range(n):
        delta_list.append(problem.add_variable('delta[{0}]'.format(i), (s, s)))

    delta_bar = problem.add_variable('delta_bar', (p_size, p_size))
    delta_array = problem.add_variable('delta_array', (p_size, s))

    # Add Params (ie constant affine expressions to help with creating constraints)
    cov_array = np.zeros((n * s, s))
    for i in range(n):
        start = i * s
        end = i * s + s
        cov_array[start:end, 0:s] = covariance_matrices[i]

    I = pic.new_param('I', np.eye(s))
    Ibar = pic.new_param('Ibar', np.eye(p_size))
    cov_array_param = pic.new_param('covs', cov_array)

    # Set Objective
    if how == 'geom':
        problem.set_objective('min', pic.trace(Pbar))
        problem.set_objective('min', pic.trace(delta_bar))

    # Constraints

    # Setting Additional Constraint such that delta_bar elements equal elements in delta_list (with some tolerance)
    for i in range(n):
        start = i * s
        end = i * s + s
            abs(delta_bar[start:end, start:end] - delta_list[i]) <= tol)
        if i < (n - 1):
            # Fill everything to left with 0s
                                             end:] == np.zeros((s, (n * s) -
            # Fill everything below with 0s
                                             start:end] == np.zeros(((n * s) -
                                                                     end, s)))

    # Setting Additional Constraint such that delta_array elements equal elements in delta_list (with some tolerance)
    for i in range(n):
        start = i * s
        end = i * s + s
            abs(delta_array[start:end, :] - delta_list[i]) <= tol)

    if how == 'geom':
        # Schur constraint
        problem.add_constraint(((Pbar & Ibar) //
                                (Ibar & delta_bar)).hermitianized >> 0)

    # Kron constraint
    problem.add_constraint(pic.kron(A, I) * cov_array_param == delta_array)

    problem.add_constraint(mu >= 0.001)
    problem.add_constraint(mu < 1)
    problem.add_constraint((A * np.ones((n, 1))) == np.ones((n, 1)))
    problem.add_constraint((beta * np.dot(np.ones(n).T, np.ones(n))) +
                           (1 - mu) * np.eye(n) >= A)

    for i in range(n):
        problem.add_constraint(A[i, i] > 0)
        for j in range(n):
            if i == j:
                problem.add_constraint(PI[i, j] == 1.0)
                problem.add_constraint(PI[i, j] <= 1.0)
                problem.add_constraint(PI[i, j] >= 0.0)

                problem.add_constraint(A[i, j] > 0)
                problem.add_constraint(A[i, j] <= PI[i, j])

    if edge_decisions is not None:
        # Ensures the set edge_decisions are maintained in PI
        for e, d in edge_decisions.items():
            if d is not None:
                problem.add_constraint(PI[e[0], e[1]] == d)
                problem.add_constraint(PI[e[1], e[0]] == d)

        # Ensures the previous edges are maintained in PI
        for i in range(n):
            for j in range(n):
                if adj_mat[i, j] == 1:
                    problem.add_constraint(PI[i, j] == 1.0)

    problem.add_constraint(abs(PI - adj_mat)**2 <= edge_mod_limit)

        problem.solve(verbose=0, solver='mosek')
        # problem_status = problem.status
        # print(problem_status)

        new_config = np.zeros(adj_mat.shape)
        new_weights = {}
        for i in range(n):
            new_weights[i] = {}

        for i in range(n):
            nw = A[i, i].value
            if nw == 0:
                nw = 0.1
            new_weights[i][i] = nw
            new_config[i, i] = 1
            for j in range(i + 1, n):
                if round(PI[i, j].value) == 1:
                    new_config[i, j] = round(PI[i, j].value)
                    new_config[j, i] = round(PI[j, i].value)
                    nw = A[i, j].value
                    if nw == 0:
                        nw = 0.1
                    new_weights[i][j] = nw
                    new_weights[j][i] = nw

        new_weights = normalize_weights(new_weights)

        return problem, problem.obj_value(), new_config, new_weights
    except Exception as e:
        print('solve error')
        return problem, 'infeasible', adj_mat, current_weights
Exemplo n.º 11
def CHAINED(n, A, B):
    result = 0
    for i in range(0, n - 1):
        result += pic.kron(A[i], B[i]) + pic.kron(A[i + 1], B[i])
    result += pic.kron(A[n - 1], B[n - 1]) - pic.kron(A[0], B[n - 1])
    return result
Exemplo n.º 12
    A2 = [
        1 / n * sum(A[x1, x2, a1, a2] * (-1)**a2 for a1 in range(2)
                    for a2 in range(2) for x1 in range(n)) for x2 in range(2)

    B1 = [sum(B[y, b] * (-1)**b for b in range(2)) for y in range(n)]

    prob.add_constraint(pic.trace(CHAINED(n, A1, B1) * rho) == alpha)

    prob.set_objective('max', pic.trace(CHSH(A2, B1) * rho))

    dist = [
        pic.trace(pic.kron(A[x1, x2, a1, a2], B[y, b]) * rho).get_value().real
        for x1, x2, y, a1, a2, b in product(range(n), range(2), range(n),
                                            range(2), range(2), range(2))

    vertices = BellPolytopeWithOneWayCommunication(
        outputsAlice, outputsBob).getListOfVertices()

    print(In_ConvexHull(vertices, vertices[0]))


#     with Model("lo1") as M:
#         # Create variable 'x' of length 4
#         x = M.variable("x", len(vertices), Domain.greaterThan(0.0))
Exemplo n.º 13
zero3 = pic.diag([1,0,0])
one3 = pic.diag([0,1,0])
two3 = pic.diag([0,0,1])
qutrit = [zero3,one3,two3]

#initialise dictionary of projectors onto total energy eigenspaces, indexed by total energy (qubit goes first)
projectors = dict()
#initalise list of unique energies
uniq_e = list()

for i in range(len(H_total)):
    e = H_total[i]
    #value of test determines whether e_total was achieved with ground or excited state on qubit
    test = i - dim_2
    if e not in uniq_e:
    #begin constructing projector onto eigenspace with total energy e
        if test > -1: #involves excited state
        else: #involves ground state
    #if projector unto state with total energy e already exists, expand that projector to include new state with the same total energy e
        if test > -1:

for key,value in projectors.items():
zero2 = pic.new_param('zero2', np.array([[1., 0.], [0., 0.]]))  # |0X0|
one2 = pic.new_param('one2', np.array([[0., 0.], [0., 1.]]))  # |1X1|
I2 = pic.new_param('I2', np.eye(2))  # Identity
X = pic.new_param('X', np.array([[0., 1.], [1., 0.]]))  # pauli X
Z = pic.new_param('Z', np.array([[1., 0.], [0., -1.]]))  # pauli Z
Y = pic.new_param('Y', np.array([[0., -1j], [1j, 0.]]))  # pauli Y

#Setting up qutrit basis states
zero3 = pic.diag([1, 0, 0])
one3 = pic.diag([0, 1, 0])
two3 = pic.diag([0, 0, 1])

#Qutrit-qubit energy eigenspace projectors
#TODO: find/write Python routine to automate this process
Pi0 = pic.new_param('Pi0',
                    pic.kron(zero2, zero3) +
                    pic.kron(one2, one3))  # |00X00|+|11X11|
Pi1 = pic.new_param('Pi1',
                    pic.kron(zero2, one3) +
                    pic.kron(one2, two3))  # |01X01|+|12X12|
Pim1 = pic.new_param('Pim1', pic.kron(one2, zero3))  # |10X10|
Pi2 = pic.new_param('Pi2', pic.kron(zero2, two3))  # |02X02|

### def initial state rho ###
rho = pic.new_param('rho', np.ones((3, 3)) * (1 / 3))
#rho = pic.diag([1/3,1/3,1/3])

### def Gibbs state's (system 1=qutrit, sys 2=qubit) ###
b = .5  # inverse temp
E0 = 0
E1 = 1.  # energy level spacing
Exemplo n.º 15
### setting up projectors onto total energy eigenspaces of qudit-qubit system ###    
#initialise dictionary of projectors onto total energy eigenspaces, indexed by total energy (qubit goes first)
projectors = dict()
#initalise list of unique energies
uniq_e = list()

for i in range(len(H_total)):
    e = H_total[i]
    #value of test determines whether e_total was achieved with ground or excited state on qubit
    test = i - dim
    if e not in uniq_e:
    #begin constructing projector onto eigenspace with total energy e
        if test > -1: #involves excited state
        else: #involves ground state
    #if projector unto state with total energy e already exists, expand that projector to include new state with the same total energy e
        if test > -1:

### def initial state rho ### 
rho = pic.new_param('rho', np.ones((dim,dim))*(1/dim))

### def Gibbs states (system 1=qudit, sys 2=qubit) ### 
b  = .5   # inverse temp