pcpib = ffib.variables['pcp'][:]
    lons = ffib.variables['longitude'][:]
    lats = ffib.variables['latitude'][:]
    cdaysib = ffib.getncattr(
    )  #contributing days is a global attribute rather than a variable

    fftr = Dataset(infiletr, 'r')
    pcptr = fftr.variables['pcp'][:]
    cdaystr = fftr.getncattr(
    )  #contributing days is a global attribute rather than a variable
    print cdaystr

    print np.max(pcpib)
    print np.max(pcptr)

    perc_cont = np.zeros_like(pcptr)
    perc_cont[:, :] = np.nan

    perc_cont = (pcpib / pcptr) * 100.

    print np.nanmax(perc_cont)

    label = " "  #""TC contribution to precipitation (%) " + str(y1) + "-" + str(y2)
    bounds = np.linspace(0, 100, 11)
    pl.map_composite_data(perc_cont, lats, lons, outfile, "SIO2", 'BuPu',
                          label, bounds, 'perc')

    np.savetxt(datadirib + outfile_data, perc_cont, '%.4f')
Exemplo n.º 2
			print 'here'
			pcp_sum_dict[res] = pcp_tot
			cdays_sum_dict[res] = cdays
			lons_overall_dict[res] = lons
			lats_overall_dict[res] = lats

		#print pcp_sum_dict
		for x in range(xr):
			for y in range(yr):
				pcp[x,y] = pcp_tot[x,y]/cdays #divide the precip total by the number of days
		print np.max(pcp)

		label = res #""TRMM precipitation (mm/day) " + str(y1) + "-" + str(y2)
		bounds = np.linspace(0, 16, 9)
		pl.map_composite_data(pcp, lats, lons, outfile, "SIO2", 'Blues', label, bounds)

	if lt == 6:
		infile = datadir + str(lt) + "/ukmo_nwp.comp_pcp_total."+str(lt)+"-days.2009-2010.n320.nc"
		print infile
		outfile = "ukmo_nwp.comp_pcp_total."+str(lt)+"-days.2009-2010.n320_mmday.png"
		ff = Dataset(infile, 'r')
		lons = ff.variables['longitude'][:]
		lats = ff.variables['latitude'][:]
		cdays = ff.getncattr('contributing_days')  # contributing days is a global attribute rather than a variable
		pcp_tot = ff.variables['unknown'][:]
		print pcp_tot
		pcp_sum_dict['n320'] += pcp_tot
		cdays_sum_dict['n320'] += cdays
Exemplo n.º 3
infile = datadir + "analysis.comp_pcp_tc.201903_idai.nc"
# infile = datadir + "2019/analysis.comp_pcp_tc.201903.nc"
print infile
outfile = "analysis.gpm_imerg.comp_pcp_tc.idai.png"

ff = Dataset(infile, 'r')
pcp = ff.variables['pcp'][:]
lons = ff.variables['lon'][:]
#lons = lons + 180
lats = ff.variables['lat'][:]
cdays = ff.getncattr(
)  # contributing days is a global attribute rather than a variable
print cdays

pcp_new = np.zeros((1800, 3600))

for x in range(3600):
    for y in range(1800):
        pcp_new[y, x] = pcp[
            x, y]  # /cdays #divide the precip total by the number of days

print pcp_new
print np.max(pcp_new)
label = " "  # ""TC-related precipitation (mm) " + str(y1) + "-" + str(y2)
bounds = np.linspace(0, 1000, 11)
pl.map_composite_data(pcp_new, lats, lons, outfile, "SIO2", 'Blues', label,
Exemplo n.º 4

print np.nanmax(trmmpcp)
print np.nanmax(dens_sum_an)

trmm_obs_precip_per_tc_mmper6h = trmmpcp / dens_sum_an
trmm_obs_precip_per_tc_mmph = trmm_obs_precip_per_tc_mmper6h / 6

print np.nanmax(trmm_obs_precip_per_tc_mmper6h)
print np.nanmax(trmm_obs_precip_per_tc_mmph)

bounds1 = np.linspace(0, 50, 11)
label1=' '
outfile = "trmm_pcp_per_tc.analysis_tracks.mmph_2006-2016.png"
pl.map_composite_data(trmm_obs_precip_per_tc_mmph, lats, lons, outfile, "SIO3", 'Purples', label1, bounds1,"contour")

#get the forecast track density for the whole period, for each lead time (saved as yearly files)
fcst_dens_sum = np.zeros((7,72,144)) #lead time, lat, lon
for lt in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]:
	for y1, y2 in zip(year1s, year2s):
		densfile = ukmodensdir + str(lt) + "/" + str(y1)+str(y2) + "/ukmo_nwp.density.lt"+str(lt)+"_days."+str(y1)+str(y2)+".nc"
		ffdens = Dataset(densfile,'r')
		dens = ffdens.variables['density'][:]
		fcst_dens_sum[lt,:,:] += dens[:,:]
print fcst_dens_sum

#avgtotpcp = totalpcp / 10

ff20182019 = Dataset(file20182019, 'r')
pcp20182019 = ff20182019.variables['pcp'][:]
print np.shape(pcp20182019)
pcp20182019_new = np.zeros((481, 640))
for x in range(640):
    for y in range(481):
        pcp20182019_new[y, x] = pcp20182019[x, y]

cdays20182019 = ff20182019.getncattr('contributing_days')

pcp20182019_mm = pcp20182019_new / cdays20182019

#bias = avgtotpcp - pcp20182019_new

pcp20182019_ma = np.ma.masked_where(pcp20182019_new == 0, pcp20182019_new)
totalpcp_ma = np.ma.masked_where(totalpcp == 0, totalpcp)

bias = pcp20182019_ma - (totalpcp_ma / 10)
perc = (bias / (totalpcp_ma / 10)) * 100

print bias

label3 = " "  #""UKMO - TRMM precipitation bias (mm/day) " + res + " " + str(lt) + " days lead time"

bounds3 = np.linspace(-100, 100, 21)

pl.map_composite_data(perc, lats, lons, outfile_bias, "SIO2", 'RdBu', label3,
                      bounds3, 'bias')
Exemplo n.º 6
    bias = ecpcp_mmday - gpmpcp_mmday

    print "bias max: ", np.nanmax(bias)
    print "bias min: ", np.nanmin(bias)

    #print ecpcp
    #print gpmpcp_mmday
    #print bias

    label1 = " "  #""UKMO precipitation (mm/day) "+res+" "+str(lt)+" days lead time"
    label2 = " "  #""TRMM precipitation (mm/day) "+res
    label3 = " "  #""UKMO - TRMM precipitation bias (mm/day) " + res + " " + str(lt) + " days lead time"
    bounds1 = np.linspace(0, 60, 7)
    bounds3 = np.linspace(-30, 30, 7)
    pl.map_composite_data(ecpcp_mmday, lats, lons, outfile_ec, "SIO2",
                          'Purples', label1, bounds1)
    pl.map_composite_data(gpmpcp_mmday, lats, lons, outfile_gpm, "SIO2",
                          'Purples', label2, bounds1)
    pl.map_composite_data(bias, lats, lons, outfile_bias, "SIO2", 'RdBu',
                          label3, bounds3, 'bias')


    ecfilesum = ecdir + "/idai_precip_sum_mm_ensmean_lt_" + str(lt) + "days.nc"

    ffecsum = Dataset(ecfilesum, 'r')
    ecpcpsum = ffecsum.variables['tc_precip'][:]

    print np.nanmax(ecpcpsum)

    biassum = ecpcpsum - gpmpcp
        cdaystrmm = fftrmm.getncattr('contributing_days')

        trmmpcp_mm = trmmpcp / cdaystrmm

        bias = ukmopcp_mm - trmmpcp_mm

        print ukmopcp_mm
        print trmmpcp_mm
        print bias

        label1 = " "  #""UKMO precipitation (mm/day) "+res+" "+str(lt)+" days lead time"
        label2 = " "  #""TRMM precipitation (mm/day) "+res
        label3 = " "  #""UKMO - TRMM precipitation bias (mm/day) " + res + " " + str(lt) + " days lead time"
        bounds1 = np.linspace(0, 2, 9)
        bounds3 = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, 7)
        pl.map_composite_data(ukmopcp_mm, lats, lons, outfile_ukmo, "SIO2",
                              'Blues', label1, bounds1)
        pl.map_composite_data(trmmpcp_mm, lats, lons, outfile_trmm, "SIO2",
                              'Blues', label2, bounds1)
        pl.map_composite_data(bias, lats, lons, outfile_bias, "SIO2", 'RdBu',
                              label3, bounds3, 'bias')

#here, add the composites for the total across the entire period, once remapping is finished

#here, add the composites for the total across the entire period, once remapping is finished
for lt in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]:
    ukmofile = ukmodir + str(lt) + "/ukmo_nwp.comp_pcp_tc." + str(
        lt) + "_days.072006-122016.n320.nc"
    trmmfile = trmmdir + "trmm.comp_pcp_tc.072006-122016_n320.nc"
    outfile_ukmo = "ukmo_nwp.comp_pcp_tc.072006-122016.n320." + str(
        lt) + "-days.png"
    outfile_trmm = "trmm.comp_pcp_tc.072006-1220160.n320.png"

	bias = ukmo_data - trmm_data

	print ukmo_data
	print trmm_data
	print bias

	label = " "#""UKMO - TRMM precipitation bias (mm/day) " + res + " " + str(lt) + " days lead time"
	bounds = np.linspace(-25, 25, 11)
	#pl.map_composite_data(bias, lats, lons, outfile_bias, "SIO2", 'PuOr', label, bounds,'bias')

	for season in ['DJFM','NDJFMA','MJJASO']:
		ukmofile = ukmodir + str(lt) + "/ukmo_nwp.perc_cont_tc_rainfall."+str(lt)+"-days.072006-122016"+season+".n320.txt"
		trmmfile = trmmdir + "trmm_ibtracs.perc_cont_tc_rainfall.072006-122016."+season+"_n320.txt"
		outfile_bias = "ukmo_bias.perc_cont_tc_rainfall.072006-122016."+str(lt)+"-days."+season+".n320.png"
		lonlatfile = trmmdir+"trmm.comp_pcp_tc.072006-122016_n320.nc"
		fflatlon = Dataset(lonlatfile, 'r')
		lons = fflatlon.variables['longitude'][:]
		lats = fflatlon.variables['latitude'][:]

		ukmo_data = np.genfromtxt(ukmofile)
		trmm_data = np.genfromtxt(trmmfile)

		bias = ukmo_data - trmm_data

		label = " "  # ""UKMO - TRMM precipitation bias (mm/day) " + res + " " + str(lt) + " days lead time"
		bounds = np.linspace(-25, 25, 11)
		pl.map_composite_data(bias, lats, lons, outfile_bias, "SIO2", 'PuOr', label, bounds, 'bias')
Exemplo n.º 9
        #pl.map_composite_data(dens, lats,lons, outfile, "SIO3", 'Greens', label,bounds,"contour")

        lons_overall = lons
        lats_overall = lats

        dens_sum_nwp += dens

        infile_ib = datadir_ib + "analysis.density." + str(y1) + str(
            y2) + ".nc"
        outfile_ib = "analysis_track_density." + str(y1) + str(y2) + ".png"

        ffib = Dataset(infile_ib, 'r')
        dens_ib = ffib.variables['density'][:]
        label = ' '
        bounds = np.linspace(0, 20, 11)
        pl.map_composite_data(dens_ib, lats, lons, outfile_ib, "SIO3",
                              'Greens', label, bounds, "contour")

        dens_sum_ib += dens_ib

        outfile_bias = "ukmo_nwp.track_density_bias.vs_analysis.lt" + str(
            lt) + "_days." + str(y1) + str(y2) + ".png"
        bias = dens - dens_ib

        #bounds_bias = np.linspace(-5, 5, 11)
        bounds_bias = np.array([-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
        pl.map_composite_data(bias, lats, lons, outfile_bias, "SIO3", 'BrBG',
                              label, bounds_bias, "contour", 'bias')

    #map the track density across all the years/TC seasons
    #print dens_sum
    #print lons_overall