Exemplo n.º 1
def loadArbitraryFeatures(params, idxes,auxidxes = []):
  feat_all = []
  aux_all = []
  if params.get('multi_model',0) == 0:
    params['nmodels'] = 1
  for i in xrange(params['nmodels']):
      #----------------------------- Loop -------------------------------------#
      features_path = params['feat_file'][i] if params.get('multi_model',0) else params['feat_file']
      if features_path.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'mat':
        features_struct = scipy.io.loadmat(features_path)
        features = features_struct['feats'][:,idxes].astype(theano.config.floatX) # this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
      elif features_path.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'hdf5':
        #If the file is one of Vik's HDF5 Files
        features_struct = h5py.File(features_path,'r')
        features = features_struct['feats'][idxes,:].astype(theano.config.floatX) # this is a N x 2032128 array of features
      elif features_path.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'bin':
        features_struct = picsom_bin_data(features_path) 
        features = np.array(features_struct.get_float_list(idxes)).T.astype(theano.config.floatX) # this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
        print "Working on Bin file now"
      elif features_path.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'txt':
          #This is for feature concatenation.
          # NOTE: Assuming same order of features in all the files listed in the txt file
          feat_Flist = open(features_path, 'r').read().splitlines()
          feat_list = []
          for f in feat_Flist:
              f_struct = picsom_bin_data(f) 
              print feat_list[-1].shape
      	  # this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
          features = np.concatenate(feat_list, axis=0).astype(theano.config.floatX)
          print "Combined all the features. Final size is %d %d"%(features.shape[0],features.shape[1])
      aux_inp = []
      aux_inp_file = params['aux_inp_file'][i] if params.get('multi_model',0) else params.get('aux_inp_file',None)
      if aux_inp_file != None:
          # Load Auxillary input file, one vec per image
          # NOTE: Assuming same order as feature file
          auxidxes = idxes if auxidxes == [] else auxidxes
          if aux_inp_file.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'bin':
              f_struct = picsom_bin_data(aux_inp_file)
              aux_inp = np.array(f_struct.get_float_list(auxidxes)).T.astype(theano.config.floatX)
          elif aux_inp_file.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'txt':
              feat_Flist = open(aux_inp_file, 'r').read().splitlines()
              feat_list = []
              for f in feat_Flist:
                  f_struct = picsom_bin_data(f)
                  print feat_list[-1].shape
	              # this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
              aux_inp = np.concatenate(feat_list, axis=0)

  if params.get('multi_model',0) == 0:
    return features, aux_inp
    return feat_all, aux_all
def loadArbitraryFeatures(params, idxes):

    feat_all = []
    aux_all = []
    if params.get('multi_model', 0) == 0:
        params['nmodels'] = 1

    for i in xrange(params['nmodels']):
        #----------------------------- Loop -------------------------------------#
        features_path = params['feat_file'][i] if params.get(
            'multi_model', 0) else params['feat_file']
        if features_path.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == 'mat':
            features_struct = scipy.io.loadmat(features_path)
            features = features_struct['feats'][:, idxes].astype(
            )  # this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
        elif features_path.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == 'hdf5':
            #If the file is one of Vik's HDF5 Files
            features_struct = h5py.File(features_path, 'r')
            features = features_struct['feats'][idxes, :].astype(
            )  # this is a N x 2032128 array of features
        elif features_path.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == 'bin':
            features_struct = picsom_bin_data(features_path)
            features = np.array(
                )  # this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
            print "Working on Bin file now"
        elif features_path.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == 'txt':
            #This is for feature concatenation.
            # NOTE: Assuming same order of features in all the files listed in the txt file
            feat_Flist = open(features_path, 'r').read().splitlines()
            feat_list = []
            for f in feat_Flist:
                f_struct = picsom_bin_data(f)
                print feat_list[-1].shape
        # this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
            features = np.concatenate(feat_list,
            print "Combined all the features. Final size is %d %d" % (
                features.shape[0], features.shape[1])

        aux_inp = []
        aux_inp_file = params['aux_inp_file'][i] if params.get(
            'multi_model', 0) else params['aux_inp_file']
        if aux_inp_file != None:
            # Load Auxillary input file, one vec per image
            # NOTE: Assuming same order as feature file
            f_struct = picsom_bin_data(aux_inp_file)
            aux_inp = np.array(f_struct.get_float_list(idxes)).T.astype(


    if params.get('multi_model', 0) == 0:
        return features, aux_inp
        return feat_all, aux_all
    def __init__(self, params):
        dataset = params.get('dataset', 'coco')
        feature_file = params.get('feature_file', 'vgg_feats.mat')
        data_file = params.get('data_file', 'dataset.json')
        mat_new_ver = params.get('mat_new_ver', -1)
        print 'Initializing data provider for dataset %s...' % (dataset, )
        self.hdf5Flag = 0  #Flag indicating whether the dataset is an HDF5 File.
        #Large HDF5 files are stored (by Vik) as one image
        #  per row, going against the conventions of the other
        # storage formats

        # !assumptions on folder structure
        self.dataset_root = os.path.join('data', dataset)
        self.image_root = os.path.join('data', dataset, 'imgs')

        # load the dataset into memory
        dataset_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_root, data_file)
        print 'BasicDataProvider: reading %s' % (dataset_path, )
        self.dataset = json.load(open(dataset_path, 'r'))

        # load the image features into memory
        features_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_root, feature_file)
        print 'BasicDataProvider: reading %s' % (features_path, )

        if feature_file.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == 'mat':
            if mat_new_ver == 1:
                features_struct = h5py.File(features_path)
                self.features = np.array(
                features_struct = scipy.io.loadmat(features_path)
                self.features = features_struct['feats']
        #The condition below makes consuming HDF5 features easy
        #   This is what I (Vik) use for features extracted in an unsupervised
        #   manner
        elif feature_file.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == 'hdf5':
            self.hdf5Flag = 1
            features_struct = h5py.File(features_path)
            self.features = features_struct[
                'features']  #The dataset in the HDF5 file is named 'features'
        elif feature_file.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == 'bin':
            features_struct = picsom_bin_data(features_path)
            self.features = np.array(
            # this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
            print "Working on Bin file now"
        elif feature_file.rsplit('.', 1)[1] == 'txt':
            #This is for feature concatenation.
            # NOTE: Assuming same order of features in all the files listed in the txt file
            feat_Flist = open(features_path, 'r').read().splitlines()

            feat_list = []

            for f in feat_Flist:
                f_struct = picsom_bin_data(os.path.join(self.dataset_root, f))
                print feat_list[-1].shape

# this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
            self.features = np.concatenate(feat_list, axis=0)
            print "Combined all the features. Final size is %d %d" % (
                self.features.shape[0], self.features.shape[1])

        if self.hdf5Flag == 1:
            #Because the HDF5 file is currently stored as one feature per row
            self.img_feat_size = self.features.shape[1]
            self.img_feat_size = self.features.shape[0]

        self.aux_pres = 0
        self.aux_inp_size = 0
        if params.get('en_aux_inp', 0):
            # Load Auxillary input file, one vec per image
            # NOTE: Assuming same order as feature file
            f_struct = picsom_bin_data(
                os.path.join(self.dataset_root, params['aux_inp_file']))
            self.aux_inputs = np.array(f_struct.get_float_list(-1)).T.astype(
            self.aux_pres = 1
            self.aux_inp_size = self.aux_inputs.shape[0]

        # group images by their train/val/test split into a dictionary -> list structure
        self.split = defaultdict(list)
        for img in self.dataset['images']:
            if img['split'] != 'train':

        # Build tables for length based sampling
        lenHist = defaultdict(int)
        self.lenMap = defaultdict(list)
        if (dataset == 'coco'):
            self.min_len = 7
            self.max_len = 27
            for iid, img in enumerate(self.split['train']):
                for sid, sent in enumerate(img['sentences']):
                    ix = max(min(len(sent['tokens']), self.max_len),
                    lenHist[ix] += 1
                    self.lenMap[ix].append((iid, sid))
            raise ValueError(
                'ERROR: Dont know how to do len splitting for this dataset')

        self.lenCdist = np.cumsum(lenHist.values())
  def __init__(self, params):
    dataset = params.get('dataset', 'coco')
    feature_file = params.get('feature_file', 'vgg_feats.mat')
    data_file = params.get('data_file', 'dataset.json')
    mat_new_ver = params.get('mat_new_ver', -1)
    print 'Initializing data provider for dataset %s...' % (dataset, )
    self.hdf5Flag = 0 #Flag indicating whether the dataset is an HDF5 File.
                 #Large HDF5 files are stored (by Vik) as one image 
                 #  per row, going against the conventions of the other
                 # storage formats

    # !assumptions on folder structure
    self.dataset_root = os.path.join('data', dataset)
    self.image_root = os.path.join('data', dataset, 'imgs')

    # load the dataset into memory
    dataset_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_root, data_file)
    print 'BasicDataProvider: reading %s' % (dataset_path, )
    self.dataset = json.load(open(dataset_path, 'r'))

    # load the image features into memory
    features_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_root, feature_file)
    print 'BasicDataProvider: reading %s' % (features_path, )
    if feature_file.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'mat':
        if mat_new_ver == 1:
            features_struct = h5py.File(features_path)
            self.features = np.array(features_struct[features_struct.keys()[0]],dtype=theano.config.floatX)
            features_struct = scipy.io.loadmat(features_path)
            self.features = features_struct['feats']
    #The condition below makes consuming HDF5 features easy
    #   This is what I (Vik) use for features extracted in an unsupervised
    #   manner
    elif feature_file.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'hdf5':
        self.hdf5Flag = 1
        features_struct = h5py.File(features_path)
        self.features = features_struct['features'] #The dataset in the HDF5 file is named 'features'
    elif feature_file.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'bin':
        features_struct = picsom_bin_data(features_path) 
        self.features = np.array(features_struct.get_float_list(-1)).T.astype(theano.config.floatX) 
		# this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
        print "Working on Bin file now"                                        
    elif feature_file.rsplit('.',1)[1] == 'txt':
        #This is for feature concatenation.
        # NOTE: Assuming same order of features in all the files listed in the txt file
        feat_Flist = open(features_path, 'r').read().splitlines()
        feat_list = []
        for f in feat_Flist:
            f_struct = picsom_bin_data(os.path.join(self.dataset_root,f)) 
            print feat_list[-1].shape
		    # this is a 4096 x N numpy array of features
        self.features = np.concatenate(feat_list, axis=0)
        print "Combined all the features. Final size is %d %d"%(self.features.shape[0],self.features.shape[1])
    if self.hdf5Flag == 1:
        #Because the HDF5 file is currently stored as one feature per row 
        self.img_feat_size = self.features.shape[1]
        self.img_feat_size = self.features.shape[0]

    self.aux_pres = 0
    self.aux_inp_size = 0
    if params.get('en_aux_inp',0):
        # Load Auxillary input file, one vec per image
        # NOTE: Assuming same order as feature file
        f_struct = picsom_bin_data(os.path.join(self.dataset_root,params['aux_inp_file'])) 
        self.aux_inputs = np.array(f_struct.get_float_list(-1)).T.astype(theano.config.floatX) 
        self.aux_pres = 1
        self.aux_inp_size = self.aux_inputs.shape[0]

    # group images by their train/val/test split into a dictionary -> list structure
    self.split = defaultdict(list)
    for img in self.dataset['images']:
      if img['split'] != 'train':
    # Build tables for length based sampling
    lenHist = defaultdict(int)
    self.lenMap = defaultdict(list)
    if(dataset == 'coco'):
        self.min_len = 7
        self.max_len = 27
        for iid, img in enumerate(self.split['train']): 
          for sid, sent in enumerate(img['sentences']):
            ix = max(min(len(sent['tokens']),self.max_len),self.min_len)
            lenHist[ix] += 1
        raise ValueError('ERROR: Dont know how to do len splitting for this dataset')

    self.lenCdist = np.cumsum(lenHist.values())