from picterra import APIClient

# Replace this with the id of one of your detectors
detector_id = 'd552605b-6972-4a68-8d51-91e6cb531c24'

# Set the PICTERRA_API_KEY environment variable to define your API key
client = APIClient()
print('Uploading raster...')
raster_id = client.upload_raster('data/raster1.tif', name='a nice raster')
print('Upload finished, starting detector...')
result_id = client.run_detector(detector_id, raster_id)
client.download_result_to_file(result_id, 'result.geojson')
print('Detection finished, results are in result.geojson')
Exemplo n.º 2
from picterra import APIClient

# Replace this with the id of one of your detectors
detector_id = 'd552605b-6972-4a68-8d51-91e6cb531c24'
# Replace this with the id of a folder in which the
# raster should be uploaded.
folder_id = '63207fe9-32b8-410f-a72d-00803cca7bf3'

# Set the PICTERRA_API_KEY environment variable to define your API key
client = APIClient()
print('Uploading raster...')
raster_id = client.upload_raster('data/raster1.tif',
                                 name='a nice raster',
print('Upload finished, starting detector...')
result_id = client.run_detector(detector_id, raster_id)
client.download_result_to_feature_collection(result_id, 'result.geojson')
print('Detection finished, results are in result.geojson')
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pprint import pprint
from picterra import APIClient

# Set the PICTERRA_API_KEY environment variable to define your API key
client = APIClient()
# The Id of a folder/project you own
folder_id = "7ec40c11-f181-436a-9d33-d7b3f63e0e0f"

raster_id = client.upload_raster('data/raster1.tif', name='A nice raster')
print('Uploaded raster=', raster_id)

for raster in client.list_rasters():
    pprint('raster %s' % "\n".join(["%s=%s" % item for item in raster.items()]))

raster_id = client.upload_raster(
    'data/raster1.tif', name='Another nice raster in a nice folder',
    folder_id=folder_id, captured_at="2020-01-01T12:34:56.789Z"
print('Uploaded raster=', raster_id)

for raster in client.list_rasters(folder_id):
    pprint('raster %s' % "\n".join(["%s=%s" % item for item in raster.items()]))

print('Deleted raster=', raster_id)
Exemplo n.º 4
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from pprint import pprint
from picterra import APIClient

# Set the PICTERRA_API_KEY environment variable to define your API key
client = APIClient()
# The Id of a folder/project you own
folder_id = "7ec40c11-f181-436a-9d33-d7b3f63e0e0f"

local_raster_id = client.upload_raster('data/raster1.tif',
                                       name='A nice raster')
print('Uploaded local raster=', local_raster_id)

for raster in client.list_rasters():
    pprint('raster %s' % "\n".join(["%s=%s" % item
                                    for item in raster.items()]))

wms_raster_id = client.upload_remote_raster(
        "coordinates": [[[8.531441688537598, 47.3669375756445],
                         [8.555259704589844, 47.3669375756445],
                         [8.555259704589844, 47.37530808909385],
                         [8.531441688537598, 47.37530808909385],
                         [8.531441688537598, 47.3669375756445]]]