Exemplo n.º 1
class TestWorker(object):

    def setup(self):
        with patch('%s.Config' % pbm) as mock_config:
            self.cls = Worker()
        self.config = mock_config.return_value

    def test_parse_args(self):
        argv = ['-V']
        res = self.cls.parse_args(argv)
        assert isinstance(res, argparse.Namespace)
        assert res.version is True

    def test_parse_args_parser(self):
        argv = ['-V']
        desc = 'PiFace input change event queue processor/worker'
        with patch('%s.argparse.ArgumentParser' % pbm,
                   spec_set=argparse.ArgumentParser) as mock_parser:
        assert mock_parser.mock_calls == [
            call().add_argument('-w', '--no-process', dest='process_events',
                                action='store_false', default=True,
                                help='do not process events, just log what '
                                'would be done (note this will cause events to '
                                'pile up on disk)'),
            call().add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose',
                                help='verbose output. specify twice '
                                'for debug-level output.'),
            call().add_argument('-V', '--version', dest='version',
                                help='print version number and exit.'),

    def test_entry_point_version(self, capsys):
        argv = ['piface-worker', '-V']
        with patch.object(sys, 'argv', argv):
            with patch('%s.run' % pb) as mock_run:
                with pytest.raises(SystemExit) as excinfo:
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == "pyface-webhooks %s " \
            "<https://github.com/jantman/piface_webhooks>\n" % VERSION
        assert err == ''
        assert excinfo.value.code == 0
        assert mock_run.mock_calls == []

    def test_entry_verbose(self, capsys):
        argv = ['piface-worker', '-v']
        with patch.object(sys, 'argv', argv):
            with patch('%s.logger.setLevel' % pbm) as mock_set_level:
                with patch('%s.run' % pb) as mock_run:
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == ''
        assert err == ''
        assert mock_set_level.mock_calls == [call(logging.INFO)]
        assert mock_run.mock_calls == [call()]

    def test_entry_debug(self, capsys):
        argv = ['piface-worker', '-vv']
        with patch.object(sys, 'argv', argv):
            with patch('%s.logger.setLevel' % pbm) as mock_set_level:
                with patch('%s.run' % pb) as mock_run:
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == ''
        assert err == ''
        assert mock_set_level.mock_calls == [call(logging.DEBUG)]
        assert mock_run.mock_calls == [call()]

    def test_entry_none(self, capsys):
        argv = ['piface-worker']
        with patch.object(sys, 'argv', argv):
            with patch('%s.logger.setLevel' % pbm) as mock_set_level:
                with patch('%s.run' % pb) as mock_run:
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == ''
        assert err == ''
        assert mock_set_level.mock_calls == []
        assert mock_run.mock_calls == [call()]
        assert self.cls.process_events is True

    def test_entry_no_write(self, capsys):
        argv = ['piface-worker', '--no-process']
        with patch.object(sys, 'argv', argv):
            with patch('%s.logger.setLevel' % pbm) as mock_set_level:
                with patch('%s.run' % pb) as mock_run:
        out, err = capsys.readouterr()
        assert out == ''
        assert err == ''
        assert mock_set_level.mock_calls == []
        assert mock_run.mock_calls == [call()]
        assert self.cls.process_events is False

    def test_run(self):
        with patch('%s._alwaystrue' % pb) as mock_true:
            with patch('%s.handle_files' % pb) as mock_handle:
                with patch('%s.logger' % pbm) as mock_logger:
                    mock_true.side_effect = [True, True, False]
        assert mock_true.mock_calls == [call(), call(), call()]
        assert mock_handle.mock_calls == [call(), call()]
        assert mock_logger.mock_calls == [
            call.info("Beginning file handling loop")

    def test_alwaystrue(self):
        assert self.cls._alwaystrue() is True

    def test_handle_files(self):
        flist = [

        ex = Exception('foo')

        def se_handle(fname, evt_datetime, pin, state):
            if fname == 'pinevent_1420863332.123456_pin2_state1':
                raise ex

        type(self.config).QUEUE_PATH = '/foo/bar'

        with patch('%s.logger' % pbm) as mock_logger:
            with patch('%s.os.listdir' % pbm) as mock_listdir:
                with patch('%s.handle_one_file' % pb) as mock_handle:
                    with patch('%s.os.unlink' % pbm) as mock_unlink:
                        mock_listdir.return_value = flist
                        mock_handle.side_effect = se_handle
        assert mock_logger.mock_calls == [
            call.info("Found %d new events", 3),
            call.debug('File handled; removing: %s',
            call.debug('File handled; removing: %s',
            call.exception('Execption while handling event file %s',
        assert mock_listdir.mock_calls == [call('/foo/bar')]
        assert mock_handle.mock_calls == [
                 datetime(2015, 1, 9, 23, 15, 26, 123456),
                 2, 1),
                 datetime(2015, 1, 9, 23, 15, 26, 123456),
                 3, 0),
                 datetime(2015, 1, 9, 23, 15, 32, 123456),
                 2, 1),
        assert mock_unlink.mock_calls == [

    def test_handle_files_keyboard_interrupt(self):
        flist = [

        def se_handle(fname, evt_datetime, pin, state):
            if fname == 'pinevent_1420863332.123456_pin2_state1':
                raise KeyboardInterrupt

        type(self.config).QUEUE_PATH = '/foo/bar'

        with patch('%s.logger' % pbm) as mock_logger:
            with patch('%s.os.listdir' % pbm) as mock_listdir:
                with patch('%s.handle_one_file' % pb) as mock_handle:
                    with patch('%s.os.unlink' % pbm) as mock_unlink:
                        mock_listdir.return_value = flist
                        mock_handle.side_effect = se_handle
                        with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
        assert mock_logger.mock_calls == [
            call.info("Found %d new events", 2),
            call.debug('File handled; removing: %s',
        assert mock_listdir.mock_calls == [call('/foo/bar')]
        assert mock_handle.mock_calls == [
                 datetime(2015, 1, 9, 23, 15, 26, 123456),
                 3, 0),
                 datetime(2015, 1, 9, 23, 15, 32, 123456),
                 2, 1),
        assert mock_unlink.mock_calls == [

    def test_handle_files_none(self):
        flist = [
        type(self.config).QUEUE_PATH = '/foo/bar'

        with patch('%s.logger' % pbm) as mock_logger:
            with patch('%s.os.listdir' % pbm) as mock_listdir:
                with patch('%s.handle_one_file' % pb) as mock_handle:
                    with patch('%s.os.unlink' % pbm) as mock_unlink:
                        mock_listdir.return_value = flist
        assert mock_logger.mock_calls == []
        assert mock_listdir.mock_calls == [call('/foo/bar')]
        assert mock_handle.mock_calls == []
        assert mock_unlink.mock_calls == []

    def test_handle_one_file(self):

        def se_exc(*argv):
            raise Exception()

        mock_cb1 = Mock()
        mock_cb2 = Mock()
        mock_cb2.side_effect = se_exc
        cbs = [mock_cb1, mock_cb2]

        pins = [
            {'name': 'pin0', 'states': ['pin0state0', 'pin0state1']},
            {'name': 'pin1', 'states': ['pin1state0', 'pin1state1']},
            {'name': 'pin2', 'states': ['pin2state0', 'pin2state1']},
            {'name': 'pin3', 'states': ['pin3state0', 'pin3state1']},

        type(self.config).CALLBACKS = cbs
        type(self.config).PINS = pins

        with patch('%s.logger' % pbm) as mock_logger:
                'myfname', datetime(2015, 2, 13, 1, 2, 3, 123456), 2, 0)
        assert mock_logger.mock_calls == [
            call.debug("Handling event: pin=%d state=%d dt=%s (%s)",
                       2, 0, datetime(2015, 2, 13, 1, 2, 3, 123456), 'myfname'),
            call.debug("Running callback: %s", mock_cb1),
            call.debug("Callback finished"),
            call.debug("Running callback: %s", mock_cb2),
            call.exception("Callback raised an exception."),
            call.debug("All callbacks finished.")
        assert mock_cb1.mock_calls == [
            call(datetime(2015, 2, 13, 1, 2, 3, 123456), 2, 0, 'pin2',
        assert mock_cb2.mock_calls == [
            call(datetime(2015, 2, 13, 1, 2, 3, 123456), 2, 0, 'pin2',

    def test_handle_one_file_keyboard_interrupt(self):

        def se_exc(*argv):
            raise KeyboardInterrupt()

        mock_cb1 = Mock()
        mock_cb2 = Mock()
        mock_cb2.side_effect = se_exc
        cbs = [mock_cb1, mock_cb2]

        pins = [
            {'name': 'pin0', 'states': ['pin0state0', 'pin0state1']},
            {'name': 'pin1', 'states': ['pin1state0', 'pin1state1']},
            {'name': 'pin2', 'states': ['pin2state0', 'pin2state1']},
            {'name': 'pin3', 'states': ['pin3state0', 'pin3state1']},

        type(self.config).CALLBACKS = cbs
        type(self.config).PINS = pins

        with patch('%s.logger' % pbm) as mock_logger:
            with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
                    'myfname', datetime(2015, 2, 13, 1, 2, 3, 123456), 2, 0)
        assert mock_logger.mock_calls == [
            call.debug("Handling event: pin=%d state=%d dt=%s (%s)",
                       2, 0, datetime(2015, 2, 13, 1, 2, 3, 123456), 'myfname'),
            call.debug("Running callback: %s", mock_cb1),
            call.debug("Callback finished"),
            call.debug("Running callback: %s", mock_cb2),
        assert mock_cb1.mock_calls == [
            call(datetime(2015, 2, 13, 1, 2, 3, 123456), 2, 0, 'pin2',
        assert mock_cb2.mock_calls == [
            call(datetime(2015, 2, 13, 1, 2, 3, 123456), 2, 0, 'pin2',
Exemplo n.º 2
 def setup(self):
     with patch('%s.Config' % pbm) as mock_config:
         self.cls = Worker()
     self.config = mock_config.return_value
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_init(self):
     with patch('%s.Config' % pbm) as mock_config:
         cls = Worker()
     assert mock_config.mock_calls == [call()]
     assert cls.config == mock_config.return_value
     assert cls.process_events is True