def download_other_user_items_example(): pixiv = Pikax(settings.username, settings.password) other_user = pixiv.visits(user_id=201323) # visit other user by id illusts = other_user.illusts(limit=25) # get his illustrations # download mangas = other_user.mangas(limit=10) # get his mangas # download bookmarks = other_user.bookmarks(limit=15) # get his bookmarks # download
class ResultTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: self.pikax = Pikax(settings.username, settings.password) self.result1 = self.pikax.rank(25) self.result2 ='arknights', limit=10) def test_result(self): self.assertIsNotNone(self.result2.artworks) self.assertIsNotNone(self.result1.artworks) def test_operator(self): # this method does not check if it is correct, only check if it works without error result = self.result2.likes > 10 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) result = self.result1.likes < 20 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) result = self.result1.likes <= 12 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) result = self.result1.likes >= 7 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) result = self.result2.likes != 0 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) result = self.result1.likes == 5 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) result = self.result1.bookmarks >= 5 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) result = self.result1.bookmarks > 123 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) result = self.result1.views < 123456 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) result = self.result2.views != 567587 self.assertIsInstance(result, PikaxResult) def test_result_add(self): sum_result = self.result1 + self.result2 self.assertEqual(len(sum_result), 25 + 10) def test_result_sub(self): sub_result = self.result1 - self.result2 self.assertEqual(len(sub_result), 25)
def __init__(self): self.pikax = Pikax() self.user = None self.logged = False
class PikaxHandler: def __init__(self): self.pikax = Pikax() self.user = None self.logged = False def login(self, username, password): status, client = LoginHandler().android_login(username, password) if status is LoginHandler.LoginStatus.ANDROID: self.pikax.logged_client = client self.logged = True else: raise PikaxException(texts.get('PIKAX_FAILED_LOGIN')) def rank(self, rank_type, limit, date, content, folder, pages_limit): try: old_limit = settings.MAX_PAGES_PER_ARTWORK if pages_limit: settings.MAX_PAGES_PER_ARTWORK = 1 result = self.pikax.rank(rank_type=rank_type, limit=limit, date=date, content=content), folder=folder) settings.MAX_PAGES_PER_ARTWORK = old_limit except PikaxException as e: import sys sys.stdout.write(texts.get('PIKAX_RANK_FAILED').format(error=e)) def search(self, keyword, limit, sort, match, popularity, folder, pages_limit): try: old_limit = settings.MAX_PAGES_PER_ARTWORK if pages_limit: settings.MAX_PAGES_PER_ARTWORK = 1 result =, limit=limit, sort=sort, match=match, popularity=popularity), folder) settings.MAX_PAGES_PER_ARTWORK = old_limit except PikaxException as e: import sys sys.stdout.write(texts.get('PIKAX_SEARCH_FAILED').format(error=e)) def download_by_illust_ids(self, illust_ids): try: artworks, fails = self.pikax.get_id_processor().process(ids=illust_ids, process_type=params.ProcessType.ILLUST) result = DefaultPikaxResult(artworks, download_type=params.DownloadType.ILLUST) except ArtworkError as e: sys.stdout.write(texts.get('PIKAX_ILLUST_ID_FAILED').format(error=e)) def download_by_artist_id(self, artist_id, limit, content, folder, likes, pages_limit): try: old_limit = settings.MAX_PAGES_PER_ARTWORK if pages_limit: settings.MAX_PAGES_PER_ARTWORK = 1 artist = self.pikax.visits(user_id=artist_id) content_to_method = { params.Content.ILLUST: artist.illusts, params.Content.MANGA: artist.mangas } if not likes: limit = None try: result = content_to_method[content](limit=limit) except KeyError: # bookmark is not included in the method result = artist.bookmarks(limit=limit) if likes: result = (result.likes > likes).renew_artworks(util.trim_to_limit(result.likes > likes, limit)), folder=folder) settings.MAX_PAGES_PER_ARTWORK = old_limit except PikaxException as e: sys.stdout.write(str(e))
def download_with_filter_example2(): pixiv = Pikax(settings.username, settings.password) results ='初音', limit=75, popularity=1000) # search new_results = (results.bookmarks > 1000).views > 20000 # get likes > 1000 and views > 20000 # download
def download_with_filter_example(): pixiv = Pikax() results = pixiv.rank(limit=35) # top 35 daily ranking new_results = results.bookmarks > 1000 # filters likes > 1000 # download
def download_daily_rankings_example(): pixiv = Pikax() results = pixiv.rank(limit=9)
def download_by_artwork_id_example(): pixiv = Pikax()
def download_own_bookmarks_example(): pixiv = Pikax() user = pixiv.login(username=settings.username, password=settings.password) # login bookmarks = user.bookmarks(limit=15) # get bookmarks # download
def download_search_example(): pixiv = Pikax(settings.username, settings.password) results ='arknights', limit=15, popularity=1000, match=params.Match.PARTIAL)
def setUp(self) -> None: self.pikax = Pikax(settings.username, settings.password) self.result1 = self.pikax.rank(25) self.result2 ='arknights', limit=10)