Exemplo n.º 1
 def hemis(path, subject_id, filemap, default_alignment):
     sub.hemis is a persistent map of hemispheres/cortex objects for the given HCP subject sub.
     HCP subjects have many hemispheres of the name <chirality>_<topology>_<alignment> where
     chirality is lh or rh, topology is native or an atlas name, and alignment is MSMAll or
     MSMSulc. The lh and rh hemispheres are aliases for lh_native and rh_native. The
     default_alignment of the subject determines whether MSMAll or MSMSulc alignments are aliased
     as <chirality>_<alignment> hemispheres.
     sid = subject_id
     hmaps = filemap['hemis']
     def _ctx_loader(k):
         def _f():
             try: return Subject._cortex_from_hemimap(sid, k, hmaps[k])
             except: return None
         return _f
     hemmap0 = pimms.lazy_map({k:_ctx_loader(k) for k in six.iterkeys(hmaps)})
     # one special thing: we can auto-load retinotopy from another hemisphere and interpolate it
     # onto the native hemisphere; set that up if possible (note that retinotopy is always
     # aligned to MSMAll):
     hemmap0 = Subject._cortex_setup_native_retinotopy(path, sid, hemmap0, hmaps, 'MSMAll')
     # now setup the aliases
     def _ctx_lookup(k): return lambda:hemmap0[k]
     hemmap = {}
     da = '_' + default_alignment
     for k in six.iterkeys(hmaps):
         hemmap[k] = _ctx_lookup(k)
         if k.endswith(da):
             kk = k[:-len(da)]
             hemmap[kk] = hemmap[k]
             if kk.endswith('_native'): hemmap[k[0:2]] = hemmap[k]
     return pimms.lazy_map(hemmap)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def lazy_hemi_fixer():
     tohem = hemmap[hname] # where we interpolate to; also the hem to fix
     # we only interpolate onto native hemispheres:
     if hname.split('_')[1] != 'native': return tohem
     # we want to make a lazy loader of the whole retinotopy dataset here
     def get_interpolated_retinotopy():
         if get_interpolated_retinotopy.val is not None:
             return get_interpolated_retinotopy.val
         m = {}
         # we interpolate both prf and lowres-prf
         for (rp,res) in zip([retinotopy_prefix, lowres_retinotopy_prefix], [59,32]):
             rp = rp + '_'
             # first, if we have the retinotopy from cache, we can skip this...
             if all(k in tohem.properties for k in props): continue
             fromhem = hemmap[hfrompat % (h,res)] # where we interpolate from
             if fromhem is None: continue
             fromdat = {k:fromhem.prop(k)
                        for k in six.iterkeys(fromhem.properties)
                        if k.startswith(rp)}
             # if the data isn't in the from hemi, we can't interpolate
             if len(fromdat) == 0: continue
             # convert to x/y for interpolation (avoid circular angle mean issues)
             try: (x,y) = nyvis.as_retinotopy(fromdat, 'geographical', prefix=rp)
             except: continue
             del fromdat[rp + 'polar_angle']
             del fromdat[rp + 'eccentricity']
             fromdat['x'] = x
             fromdat['y'] = y
             todat = fromhem.interpolate(tohem, fromdat, method='linear')
             # back to visual coords
             (a,e) = nyvis.as_retinotopy(todat, 'visual')
             todat = todat.remove('x').remove('y')
             # save results in our tracking variable, m
             for (k,v) in six.iteritems(todat):                       m[k]      = v
             for (k,v) in zip(['polar_angle','eccentricity'], [a,e]): m[rp + k] = v
         m = pyr.pmap(m)
         # we can save the cache...
         get_interpolated_retinotopy.val = m
         if len(m) > 0: save_retinotopy_cache(subdir, sid, hname, m, alignment=align)
         return m
     get_interpolated_retinotopy.val = None
     # figure out what properties we'll get from this
     props = []
     for (rp,res) in zip([retinotopy_prefix, lowres_retinotopy_prefix], [59,32]):
         fromh = hemmap[hfrompat % (h,res)] # where we interpolate from
         if fromh is None: props = []
         else: props = props + [k for k in six.iterkeys(fromh.properties)
                                if k.startswith(rp) and k not in tohem.properties]
     if len(props) == 0: return tohem
     m = pimms.lazy_map({p:curry(lambda k:get_interpolated_retinotopy()[k], p)
                         for p in props})
     return tohem.with_prop(m)