Exemplo n.º 1
def pinMode(gpio_pin, direction, pull=0, preserve_mode_on_exit=False):
  """ Sets given digital pin to input if direction=1, output otherwise.
      'pull' will set the pull up/down resistor if setting as an input:
      pull=-1 for pull-down, pull=1 for pull up, pull=0 for none. 
      If preserve_mode_on_exit=True, the DT overlay and will remain 
      loaded, the pin will remain exported to user-space control, and 
      the INPUT/OUTPUT mode will be preserved when the program exits. """
  assert (gpio_pin in GPIO), "*Invalid GPIO pin: '%s'" % gpio_pin
  if pinmux.export(gpio_pin) and preserve_mode_on_exit:
    addToCleanup(lambda: pinmux.unexport(gpio_pin))

  gpio_num = GPIO[gpio_pin][4]
  direction_file = '%s/direction' % (GPIO_FILE_BASE + 'gpio%i' % gpio_num)

  if (direction == INPUT):
    # Pinmux:
    if (pull > 0): pull = CONF_PULLUP
    elif (pull < 0): pull = CONF_PULLDOWN
    else: pull = CONF_PULL_DISABLE
    pinmux.pinMux(GPIO[gpio_pin][2], CONF_GPIO_INPUT | pull, 
    # Set input:
    with open(direction_file, 'wb') as f:
  # Pinmux:
  pinmux.pinMux(GPIO[gpio_pin][2], CONF_GPIO_OUTPUT,
  # Set output:
  with open(direction_file, 'wb') as f:
Exemplo n.º 2
def uartInit(uart):
    """ Muxes given serial port's header pins for use. Returns True
      if successful, False otherwise. """
    tx_pinmux_filename = UART[uart.config][1]
    tx_pinmux_mode = UART[uart.config][2] | CONF_UART_TX
    pinmux.pinMux(tx_pinmux_filename, tx_pinmux_mode)

    rx_pinmux_filename = UART[uart.config][3]
    rx_pinmux_mode = UART[uart.config][4] | CONF_UART_RX
    pinmux.pinMux(rx_pinmux_filename, rx_pinmux_mode)
    # Not catching errors for now, not sure what could go wrong here...
    return True
Exemplo n.º 3
def uartInit(uart):
  """ Muxes given serial port's header pins for use. Returns True
      if successful, False otherwise. """
  tx_pinmux_filename = UART[uart.config][1]
  tx_pinmux_mode     = UART[uart.config][2] | CONF_UART_TX
  pinmux.pinMux(tx_pinmux_filename, tx_pinmux_mode)

  rx_pinmux_filename = UART[uart.config][3]
  rx_pinmux_mode     = UART[uart.config][4] | CONF_UART_RX
  pinmux.pinMux(rx_pinmux_filename, rx_pinmux_mode)    
  # Not catching errors for now, not sure what could go wrong here...
  return True
Exemplo n.º 4
  def begin(self, baud, timeout=1):
    """ Starts the serial port at the given baud rate. """
    # Set proper pinmux to match expansion headers:
    tx_pinmux_filename = UART[self.config][1]
    tx_pinmux_mode     = UART[self.config][2] | CONF_UART_TX
    pinmux.pinMux(tx_pinmux_filename, tx_pinmux_mode)

    rx_pinmux_filename = UART[self.config][3]
    rx_pinmux_mode     = UART[self.config][4] | CONF_UART_RX
    pinmux.pinMux(rx_pinmux_filename, rx_pinmux_mode)    

    port = UART[self.config][0]
    self.baud = baud
    self.ser_port = serial.Serial(port, baud, timeout=timeout)
    self.open = True 
Exemplo n.º 5
def pwmEnable(pwm_pin):
  """ Ensures given PWM output is reserved for userspace use and 
      sets proper pinmux. Sets frequency to default value if output
      not already reserved. """
  assert (pwm_pin in PWM_PINS), "*Invalid PWM pin: '%s'" % pwm_pin
  # Set pinmux mode:
  pinmux.pinMux(PWM_PINS[pwm_pin][0], PWM_PINS[pwm_pin][1])
  if ('sysfs' not in pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_REQUEST])):
    # Reserve use of output:
    pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_REQUEST], '1')
    delay(1) # Give it some time to take effect
    # Make sure output is disabled, so it won't start outputing a 
    # signal until analogWrite() is called: 
    if (pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_ENABLE]) == '1\n'):
      pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_ENABLE], '0')
    # Duty cyle must be set to 0 before changing frequency:
    pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_DUTY], '0')
    # Set frequency to default:
    pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_FREQ], str(PWM_DEFAULT_FREQ))
Exemplo n.º 6
def pinMode(gpio_pin, direction, pull=0):
  """ Sets given digital pin to input if direction=1, output otherwise.
      'pull' will set the pull up/down resistor if setting as an input:
      pull=-1 for pull-down, pull=1 for pull up, pull=0 for none. """
  assert (gpio_pin in GPIO), "*Invalid GPIO pin: '%s'" % gpio_pin
  if pinmux.export(gpio_pin):
    addToCleanup(lambda: _unexport(gpio_pin))
  if (direction == INPUT):
    # Pinmux:
    if (pull > 0): pull = CONF_PULLUP
    elif (pull < 0): pull = CONF_PULLDOWN
    else: pull = CONF_PULL_DISABLE
    pinmux.pinMux(GPIO[gpio_pin][2], CONF_GPIO_INPUT | pull)
    # Set input:
    memory.orReg(GPIO[gpio_pin][0]+GPIO_OE, GPIO[gpio_pin][1])
  # Pinmux:
  pinmux.pinMux(GPIO[gpio_pin][2], CONF_GPIO_OUTPUT)
  # Set output:
  memory.clearReg(GPIO[gpio_pin][0]+GPIO_OE, GPIO[gpio_pin][1])
Exemplo n.º 7
def pwmEnable(pwm_pin):
    """ Ensures given PWM output is reserved for userspace use and 
      sets proper pinmux. Sets frequency to default value if output
      not already reserved. """
    assert (pwm_pin in PWM_PINS), "*Invalid PWM pin: '%s'" % pwm_pin
    # Set pinmux mode:
    pinmux.pinMux(PWM_PINS[pwm_pin][0], PWM_PINS[pwm_pin][1])
    if ('sysfs' not in pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_REQUEST])):
        # Reserve use of output:
        pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_REQUEST], '1')
        delay(1)  # Give it some time to take effect
        # Make sure output is disabled, so it won't start outputing a
        # signal until analogWrite() is called:
        if (pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_ENABLE]) == '1\n'):
            pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_ENABLE], '0')
        # Duty cyle must be set to 0 before changing frequency:
        pinmux.kernelFileIO(PWM_FILES[pwm_pin][PWM_DUTY], '0')
        # Set frequency to default:
Exemplo n.º 8
def pinMode(gpio_pin, direction, pull=0):
  """ Sets given digital pin to input if direction=1, output otherwise.
      'pull' will set the pull up/down resistor if setting as an input:
      pull=-1 for pull-down, pull=1 for pull up, pull=0 for none. """
  assert (gpio_pin in GPIO), "*Invalid GPIO pin: '%s'" % gpio_pin
  if pinmux.export(gpio_pin):
    addToCleanup(lambda: pinmux.unexport(gpio_pin))
  if (direction == INPUT):
    # Pinmux:
    if (pull > 0): pull = CONF_PULLUP
    elif (pull < 0): pull = CONF_PULLDOWN
    else: pull = CONF_PULL_DISABLE
    pinmux.pinMux(GPIO[gpio_pin][2], CONF_GPIO_INPUT | pull)
    # Set input:
    memory.orReg(GPIO[gpio_pin][0]+GPIO_OE, GPIO[gpio_pin][1])
  # Pinmux:
  pinmux.pinMux(GPIO[gpio_pin][2], CONF_GPIO_OUTPUT)
  # Set output:
  memory.clearReg(GPIO[gpio_pin][0]+GPIO_OE, GPIO[gpio_pin][1])
Exemplo n.º 9
def pinMode(gpio_pin, direction, pull=0, preserve_mode_on_exit=False):
  """ Sets given digital pin to input if direction=1, output otherwise.
      'pull' will set the pull up/down resistor if setting as an input:
      pull=-1 for pull-down, pull=1 for pull up, pull=0 for none. 
      If preserve_mode_on_exit=True, the DT overlay and will remain 
      loaded, the pin will remain exported to user-space control, and 
      the INPUT/OUTPUT mode will be preserved when the program exits. """

  if 'USR' in gpio_pin:
    print 'warning: pinMode() not supported for USR LEDs'
  assert (gpio_pin in GPIO), "*Invalid GPIO pin: '%s'" % gpio_pin
  exported = pinmux.export(gpio_pin)
  if not exported:
    print "warning: could not export pin '%s', skipping pinMode()" % gpio_pin
  elif preserve_mode_on_exit:
    addToCleanup(lambda: pinmux.unexport(gpio_pin))

  direction_file = getGPIODirectionFile(gpio_pin)

  if (direction == INPUT):
    # Pinmux:
    if (pull > 0): pull = CONF_PULLUP
    elif (pull < 0): pull = CONF_PULLDOWN
    else: pull = CONF_PULL_DISABLE
    pinmux.pinMux(gpio_pin, CONF_GPIO_INPUT | pull, preserve_mode_on_exit)
    # Set input:
    with open(direction_file, 'wb') as f:
  # Pinmux:
  pinmux.pinMux(gpio_pin, CONF_GPIO_OUTPUT, preserve_mode_on_exit)
  # Set output:
  with open(direction_file, 'wb') as f: