Exemplo n.º 1
    def dyn_value(self, t, q, v, update_geometry=False):
        J_am = self.robot.momentumJacobian(q, v, update_geometry)
        J_am = J_am[3:, :]
        L = J_am * v

        L_ref, dL_ref, ddL_ref = self._ref_traj(t)
        dL_des = dL_ref - self.kp * (L - L_ref)

        # Justin's code to compute drift (does not work)
        #g = self.robot.bias(q,0*v)
        #b = self.robot.bias(q,v)
        #b -= g;
        #com_p = self.robot.com(q)
        #cXi = SE3.Identity()
        #oXi = self.robot.data.oMi[1]
        #cXi.rotation = oXi.rotation
        #cXi.translation = oXi.translation - com_p
        #b_com = cXi.actInv(se3.Force(b[:6,0]))
        #b_com = b_com.angular;

        # Del Prete's quick and dirty way to compute drift
        #b_com[:] = 0.0;
        # compute momentum Jacobian at next time step assuming zero acc
        dt = 1e-3
        q_next = se3.integrate(self.robot.model, q, dt * v)
        se3.ccrba(self.robot.model, self._data, q_next, v)
        J_am_next = self._data.Ag[3:, :]
        b_com = (J_am_next - J_am) * v / dt

        return J_am[self._mask, :], b_com[self._mask, :], dL_des[self._mask, 0]
Exemplo n.º 2
def finiteDifferencesdA_dq(model, data, q, v, h):
    q0 = q.copy()
    v0 = v.copy()
    tensor_dAi_dq = np.zeros((6, model.nv, model.nv))
    se3.forwardKinematics(model, data, q0, v0)
    se3.computeJacobians(model, data, q0)
    pcom_ref = se3.centerOfMass(model, data, q0).copy()
    se3.ccrba(model, data, q0, v0)
    A0i = data.Ag.copy()
    oMc_ref = se3.SE3.Identity()  #data.oMi[1].copy()
    oMc_ref.translation = pcom_ref  #oMc_ref.translation - pcom_ref
    for j in range(model.nv):
        #vary q
        vh = np.matrix(np.zeros((model.nv, 1)))
        vh[j] = h
        q_integrated = se3.integrate(model, q0.copy(), vh)
        se3.forwardKinematics(model, data, q_integrated)
        se3.computeJacobians(model, data, q_integrated)
        pcom_int = se3.centerOfMass(model, data, q_integrated).copy()
        se3.ccrba(model, data, q_integrated, v0)
        A0_int = data.Ag.copy()
        oMc_int = se3.SE3.Identity()  #data.oMi[1].copy()
        oMc_int.translation = pcom_int  #oMc_int.translation - pcom_int
        cMc_int = oMc_ref.inverse() * oMc_int
        A0_int = cMc_int.dualAction * A0_int
        tensor_dAi_dq[:, :, j] = (A0_int - A0i) / h
    return tensor_dAi_dq
    def forward_robot(self, q, dq):
        # Update the pinocchio model.
        self.robot.forwardKinematics(q, dq)
        se3.ccrba(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, q, dq)

        self.last_q = q.copy()
        self.last_dq = dq.copy()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _update_centroidal_quantities(self):
        pin.ccrba(self._model, self._data, self._q, self._q_dot)

        self._hg = np.zeros_like(self._data.hg)
        self._hg[0:3] = np.copy(self._data.hg.angular)
        self._hg[3:6] = np.copy(self._data.hg.linear)

        self._Ag = np.zeros_like(self._data.Ag)
        self._Ag[0:3] = np.copy(self._data.Ag[3:6, :])
        self._Ag[3:6] = np.copy(self._data.Ag[0:3, :])

        self._Ig = np.zeros_like(self._data.Ig)
        self._Ig[0:3, 0:3] = np.copy(self._data.Ig)[3:6, 3:6]
        self._Ig[3:6, 3:6] = np.copy(self._data.Ig)[0:3, 0:3]
Exemplo n.º 5
    def dyn_value(self, t, q, v):
        #(hg_ref, vhg_ref, ahg_ref) = self._ref_traj(t)
        vhg_ref = np.matrix([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]).T
        model =   self.robot.model
        data =    self.robot.data 
        JMom =    se3.ccrba(model, data, q, v)
        hg_prv = data.hg.vector.copy()[self._mask,:]
        #self.p_error = data.hg.vector.copy()[self._mask,:] - vhg_ref[self._mask,:]
        #self.v_error = self.robot.fext[self._mask,:] - vhg_ref[self._mask,:]
        #self.v_error = self.robot.fext[self._mask,:] 
        #self.v_error = data.hg.vector.copy()[self._mask,:] - vhg_ref[self._mask,:]
        #self.a_des   = -self.kv*self.v_error #+model.gravity.vector[self._mask,:]

        self.a_des   = self.kv*self.robot.fext[self._mask,:]#vhg_ref #+model.gravity.vector[self._mask,:]
        #self.drift = 0 * self.a_des
        #self.a_des   = 
        p_com = data.com[0]
        cXi = SE3.Identity()
        oXi = self.robot.data.oMi[1]
        cXi.rotation = oXi.rotation
        cXi.translation = oXi.translation - p_com
        m_gravity = model.gravity.copy()
        b = se3.nle(model,data,q,v)
        model.gravity = m_gravity
        f_ff = se3.Force(b[:6])
        f_com = cXi.act(f_ff)
        hg_drift = f_com.angular 
        #print JMom.copy()[self._mask,:].shape
        #print self.__gain_matrix.shape
        self._jacobian = JMom.copy()[self._mask,:] * self.__gain_matrix
        return self._jacobian, self.drift, self.a_des
Exemplo n.º 6
 def dyn_value(self, t, q, v):
     (self.hg_ref, self.dhg_ref, aahg_ref) = self._ref_traj(t)
     JMom = se3.ccrba(self.robot.model, self.robot.data, q, v)
     b = self._getBiais(q,v)
     self.hg_act =  self.robot.data.hg.np.A.copy()
     self.dhg_act = self._calculateHdot(q)
     self.p_error = self.hg_act[self._mask,:] - self.hg_ref[self._mask,:]        
     self.v_error = self.dhg_act[self._mask,:] - self.dhg_ref[self._mask,:]
     self.dh_des =  - ((self.kp * self.p_error) + (self.kv*self.v_error) )
     self.h_des = - (self.kp * self.p_error)
     self._jacobian = JMom.copy()[self._mask,:] * self.__gain_matrix
     #self.drift = 0*self.dh_des
     return self._jacobian, self.drift, self.h_des
Exemplo n.º 7
# Get URDF filename
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
pinocchio_model_dir = os.path.join(script_dir, "../urdf")
urdf_filename = pinocchio_model_dir + "/talos_full_legs_v2.urdf"

# Load URDF model
model = pinocchio.buildModelFromUrdf(urdf_filename,
data = model.createData()
print('model name: ' + model.name)

# Normal configuration (every joint is in origin)
q = pinocchio.neutral(model)
q[7:] = numpy.ndarray((12,), buffer=numpy.array([0.0, 0.028730477193730477, -0.7060605463076763, 1.4774145045100333, \
                                                 -0.771353958202357, -0.028730477193733783, 0.0, -0.028730477193724013, -0.7060605463076761, \
                                                 1.4774145045100333, -0.7713539582023572, 0.028730477193724013]))
v = pinocchio.utils.zero(model.nv)

# Computes the centroidal mapping, the centroidal momentum and the Centroidal Composite
# Rigid Body Inertia, puts the result in Data and returns the centroidal mapping.
pinocchio.ccrba(model, data, q, v)

# Shows the Inertia Matrix

# Computes and shows the center of mass
print('Centre of mass:')
print(pinocchio.centerOfMass(model, data, q))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def update(self, solo, qmes12, vmes12):
        """Update the quantities of the Interface based on the last measurements from the simulation

            solo (object): Pinocchio wrapper for the quadruped
            qmes12 (19x1 array): the position/orientation of the trunk and angular position of actuators
            vmes12 (18x1 array): the linear/angular velocity of the trunk and angular velocity of actuators


        # Rotation matrix from the world frame to the base frame
        self.oRb = pin.Quaternion(qmes12[3:7]).matrix()

        # Linear and angular velocity in base frame
        self.vmes12_base = vmes12.copy()
                         0:1] = self.oRb.transpose() @ self.vmes12_base[0:3,
                         0:1] = self.oRb.transpose() @ self.vmes12_base[3:6,
        """# Update Kinematics (required or automatically done by other functions?)
        pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, qmes12, self.vmes12_base)

        self.mean_feet_z = solo.data.oMf[self.indexes[0]].translation[2, 0]
        for i in self.indexes[1:]:
            self.mean_feet_z = np.min((self.mean_feet_z, solo.data.oMf[i].translation[2, 0]))
        qmes12[2, 0] -= self.mean_feet_z"""

        # Update Kinematics (required or automatically done by other functions?)
        pin.forwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, qmes12, self.vmes12_base)
        pin.framesForwardKinematics(solo.model, solo.data, qmes12)

        # Get center of mass from Pinocchio
        pin.centerOfMass(solo.model, solo.data, qmes12, self.vmes12_base)

        # Update position/orientation of frames
        pin.updateFramePlacements(solo.model, solo.data)

        pin.ccrba(solo.model, solo.data, qmes12, self.vmes12_base)

        # Update minimum height of feet
        # TODO: Rename mean_feet_z into min_feet_z
        self.mean_feet_z = solo.data.oMf[self.indexes[0]].translation[2, 0]
        """for i in self.indexes:
            self.mean_feet_z += solo.data.oMf[i].translation[2, 0]
        self.mean_feet_z *= 0.25"""
        for i in self.indexes[1:]:
            self.mean_feet_z = np.min(
                (self.mean_feet_z, solo.data.oMf[i].translation[2, 0]))
        self.mean_feet_z = 0.0

        # Store position, linear velocity and angular velocity in global frame
        self.oC = solo.data.com[0]
        self.oV = solo.data.vcom[0]
        self.oW = vmes12[3:6]

        pin.crba(solo.model, solo.data, qmes12)

        # Get SE3 object from world frame to base frame
        self.oMb = pin.SE3(pin.Quaternion(qmes12[3:7]), self.oC)
        self.RPY = pin.rpy.matrixToRpy(self.oMb.rotation)

        # Get SE3 object from world frame to local frame
        self.oMl = pin.SE3(
            pin.utils.rotate('z', self.RPY[2, 0]),
            np.array([qmes12[0, 0], qmes12[1, 0], self.mean_feet_z]))

        # Get position, linear velocity and angular velocity in local frame
        self.lC = self.oMl.inverse() * self.oC
        self.lV = self.oMl.rotation.transpose() @ self.oV
        self.lW = self.oMl.rotation.transpose() @ self.oW

        # Pos, vel and acc of feet
        for i, j in enumerate(self.indexes):
            # Position of feet in local frame
            self.o_feet[:, i:(i + 1)] = solo.data.oMf[j].translation
            self.l_feet[:, i:(
                i + 1)] = self.oMl.inverse() * solo.data.oMf[j].translation

            # getFrameVelocity output is in the frame of the foot so a transform is required
            self.ov_feet[:, i:(
                i + 1)] = solo.data.oMf[j].rotation @ pin.getFrameVelocity(
                    solo.model, solo.data, j).vector[0:3, 0:1]
            self.lv_feet[:, i:(
                i + 1
            )] = self.oMl.rotation.transpose() @ self.ov_feet[:, i:(i + 1)]

            # getFrameAcceleration output is in the frame of the foot so a transform is required
            self.oa_feet[:, i:(
                i + 1)] = solo.data.oMf[j].rotation @ pin.getFrameAcceleration(
                    solo.model, solo.data, j).vector[0:3, 0:1]
            self.la_feet[:, i:(
                i + 1
            )] = self.oMl.rotation.transpose() @ self.oa_feet[:, i:(i + 1)]

        # Orientation of the base in local frame
        # Base and local frames have the same yaw orientation in world frame
        self.abg[0:2] = self.RPY[0:2]

        # Position of shoulders in world frame
        for i in range(4):
            self.o_shoulders[:, i:(i + 1)] = self.oMl * self.l_shoulders[:, i]

        return 0
# EXERCIZE 2: Compute robot kinetic energy
#get a random generalized velocity 
v = rand(model.nv)
# Update the joint and frame placements
# compute using generalized velocities and system mass matrix
#  .....

## compare with pinocchio native function
#print "TEST2: ", EkinRobot - data.kinetic_energy

##EXERCISE 3: Build the transformation matrix to use com coordinates
# get the location of the base frame
w_base = data.oMi[1].translation
#compute centroidal quantitities (hg, Ag and Ig)
pin.ccrba(model, data, q, v)

# G_T_B = ...

# EXERCISE 4: Check the mass matrix becomes block diagonal if you appy the tranform
# M_g = ...

#print "\n The mass matrix expressed at the com becomes diagonal: \n", M_g

# EXERSISE 5: Check that joint gravity vector nullifies
# Gg = ...
Exemplo n.º 10
 def cam(self, q, vel):
     hg = []
     for i in range(0, len(q)):
         se3.ccrba(self.model, self.data, q[i], vel[i])
     return hg