Exemplo n.º 1
def _load_pint_units() -> UnitRegistry:
    """Missing units found in project-haystack Added to the registry"""
    unit_ureg = UnitRegistry(on_redefinition='ignore')
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'haystack_units.pint'))
        UnitDefinition('%', 'percent', (), ScaleConverter(1 / 100.0)))
    return unit_ureg
Exemplo n.º 2
		def __init__(self, name, symbol, aliases, ):
			self.reference = reference
			self.is_base = is_base
			if isinstance(converter, string_types):
				converter = ParserHelper.from_string(converter)
				self.reference = UnitsContainer(converter)
				converter = ScaleConverter(converter.scale)
			super(UnitDefinition, self).__init__(name, symbol, aliases, converter)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_converter_inplace(self):
     for c in (ScaleConverter(20.0), OffsetConverter(20.0, 2)):
         fun1 = lambda x, y: c.from_reference(c.to_reference(x, y), y)
         fun2 = lambda x, y: c.to_reference(c.from_reference(x, y), y)
         for fun, (inplace, comp) in itertools.product(
             (fun1, fun2),
             ((True, self.assertIs), (False, self.assertIsNot))):
             a = np.ones((1, 10))
             ac = np.ones((1, 10))
             r = fun(a, inplace)
             np.testing.assert_allclose(r, ac)
             comp(a, r)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_multiplicative_converter(self):
     c = ScaleConverter(20.0)
     self.assertEqual(c.from_reference(c.to_reference(100)), 100)
     self.assertEqual(c.to_reference(c.from_reference(100)), 100)
Exemplo n.º 5
from mongoengine import ValidationError
from mongoengine.base.datastructures import BaseDict
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
from pint import UnitRegistry
from pint.unit import UnitDefinition
from pint.converters import ScaleConverter
from string import punctuation
from boltons.iterutils import remap, default_enter

ureg = UnitRegistry(preprocessors=[
    lambda s: s.replace("%%", " permille "),
    lambda s: s.replace("%", " percent "),
ureg.default_format = "P~"

ureg.define(UnitDefinition("percent", "%", (), ScaleConverter(0.01)))
ureg.define(UnitDefinition("permille", "%%", (), ScaleConverter(0.001)))
ureg.define(UnitDefinition("ppm", "ppm", (), ScaleConverter(1e-6)))
ureg.define(UnitDefinition("ppb", "ppb", (), ScaleConverter(1e-9)))
ureg.define("atom = 1")
ureg.define("bohr_magneton = e * hbar / (2 * m_e) = µᵇ = µ_B = mu_B")
ureg.define("electron_mass = 9.1093837015e-31 kg = mₑ = m_e")

Q_ = ureg.Quantity
delimiter, max_depth = ".", 3
max_dgts = 6
invalidChars = set(punctuation.replace("*", ""))
invalidChars.add(" ")
quantity_keys = {"display", "value", "unit"}

for mod in [
Exemplo n.º 6
from math import isclose
import sys

import CoolProp
from pint import UnitRegistry, DimensionalityError
from pint.unit import UnitsContainer, UnitDefinition
from pint.converters import ScaleConverter

try:  # pragma: no cover
    from IPython.core.ultratb import AutoFormattedTB
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    AutoFormattedTB = None

units = UnitRegistry(autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit=True)
Q_ = units.Quantity
units.define(UnitDefinition("percent", "pct", (), ScaleConverter(1.0 / 100.0)))

# Don't add the _render_traceback_ function to DimensionalityError if
# IPython isn't present. This function is only used by the IPython/ipykernel
# anyways, so it doesn't matter if it's missing if IPython isn't available.
if AutoFormattedTB is not None:  # pragma: no cover

    def render_traceback(self):
        """Render a minimized version of the DimensionalityError traceback.

        The default Jupyter/IPython traceback includes a lot of
        context from within pint that actually raises the
        DimensionalityError. This context isn't really needed for
        this particular error, since the problem is almost certainly in
        the user code. This function removes the additional context.
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_multiplicative_converter(self):
     c = ScaleConverter(20.0)
     assert c.is_multiplicative
     assert not c.is_logarithmic
     assert c.from_reference(c.to_reference(100)) == 100
     assert c.to_reference(c.from_reference(100)) == 100
Exemplo n.º 8
	def constructCurrencyDefinition(rate):
		parserHelper=ParserHelper.from_word(baseCurrencyISOCode) * rate.rate
		unit=UnitDefinition(rate.iso, symbol=None, aliases=[rate.name.replace(" ", "_")], reference=UnitsContainer(parserHelper), is_base=False, converter=ScaleConverter(parserHelper))
		#return unit
		return rate.iso+" = "+str(rate.rate)+" "+baseCurrencyISOCode
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_multiplicative_converter(self):
     c = ScaleConverter(20.)
     self.assertEqual(c.from_reference(c.to_reference(100)), 100)
     self.assertEqual(c.to_reference(c.from_reference(100)), 100)
Exemplo n.º 10
from math import isclose
import sys

import CoolProp
from pint import UnitRegistry, DimensionalityError
from pint.unit import UnitsContainer, UnitDefinition
from pint.converters import ScaleConverter
try:  # pragma: no cover
    from IPython.core.ultratb import AutoFormattedTB
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    AutoFormattedTB = None

units = UnitRegistry(autoconvert_offset_to_baseunit=True)
Q_ = units.Quantity
units.define(UnitDefinition('percent', 'pct', (), ScaleConverter(1.0 / 100.0)))

# Don't add the _render_traceback_ function to DimensionalityError if
# IPython isn't present. This function is only used by the IPython/ipykernel
# anyways, so it doesn't matter if it's missing if IPython isn't available.
if AutoFormattedTB is not None:  # pragma: no cover

    def render_traceback(self):
        """Render a minimized version of the DimensionalityError traceback

        The default Jupyter/IPython traceback includes a lot of
        context from within pint that actually raises the
        DimensionalityError. This context isn't really needed for
        this particular error, since the problem is almost certainly in
        the user code. This function removes the additional context.
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_multiplicative_converter(self):
     c = ScaleConverter(20.)
     self.assertEqual(c.from_reference(c.to_reference(100)), 100)
     self.assertEqual(c.to_reference(c.from_reference(100)), 100)
Exemplo n.º 12
import numpy as np
from math import ceil
from dataclasses import dataclass, replace

from pint import UnitRegistry
from pint.definitions import UnitDefinition
from pint.converters import ScaleConverter

from typing import Callable, Tuple, Optional

ureg = UnitRegistry()

ureg.define(UnitDefinition('percent', None, (), ScaleConverter(1 / 100)))
Q = ureg.Quantity

class Mortgage(object):
    loan_amount: Q = Q(500_000, 'dollars')
    home_value: Q = Q(600_000, 'dollars')
    duration: Q = Q(10, 'years')
    base_rate: Q = Q(4, 'percent') / Q(1, 'year')
    base_closing_costs: Q = Q(5_000, 'dollars')

    #: The cost as a ratio of the loan amount for each point.
    #: See the CFPB for more detail:
    #:     https://www.consumerfinance.gov/ask-cfpb/what-are-discount-points-and-lender-credits-and-how-do-they-work-en-136/
    cost_per_point: Q = Q(1, 'percent / dp')
Exemplo n.º 13
if globals().get('U_', None) is None:

    # filename = resource_filename(PKG, 'spectrochempy.txt')
    U_ = UnitRegistry(on_redefinition='ignore')  # filename)

    U_.define('__wrapped__ = 1')  # <- hack to avoid an error with pytest (doctest activated)
    U_.define('@alias point = count')
    U_.define('transmittance = 1. / 100.')
    U_.define('absolute_transmittance = 1.')
    U_.define('absorbance = 1. = a.u.')
    U_.define('Kubelka_Munk = 1. = K.M.')

    U_.define('ppm = 1. = ppm')

    U_.define(UnitDefinition('percent', 'pct', (), ScaleConverter(1 / 100.0)))
    U_.define(UnitDefinition('weight_percent', 'wt_pct', (), ScaleConverter(1 / 100.0)))

    U_.default_format = ''  # .2fK'
    Q_ = U_.Quantity
    Q_.default_format = ''  # .2fK'

    del UnitRegistry  # to avoid importing it

    warn('Unit registry was already set up. Bypassed the new loading')

U_.enable_contexts('spectroscopy', 'boltzmann', 'chemistry')