Exemplo n.º 1
def get_tempo_result(parfile, timfile):
    """This function is to get the results from tempo and write them to a file.

    parfile : str
        The file to read parameters.
    timfile : str
        The file to read toas.

    A file named as parfile name ends with '.tempo_test' stored residuals in the
    first column
    t1_toas = t1u.read_toa_file(timfile)
    t1u.run_tempo(t1_toas, parfile)
    t1_resids = t1_toas.get_resids(units="phase")

    outfile = parfile + ".tempo_test"
    f = open(outfile, "w")
    outstr = "residuals_phase "
    outstr += "\n"
    for res in t1_resids:
        outstr = longdouble2str(res) + "\n"
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_tempo2_result(parfile, timfile, general2=None):
    """This function is to get the results from tempo and write them to a file.
    parfile : str
        The file to read parameters.
    timfile : str
        The file to read toas.
    general2 : list/ None
        The values required from tempo2 general2 plugin.
    A file named as parfile name ends with '.tempo2_test' stored residuals in the
    first column, binary delay in the second column and general2 results if
    general2 are provided.
    if not has_tempo2_utils:
        raise ImportError(
            "To get tempo2 general2 results, tempo2_utils are"
            " required. See page"
            " https://github.com/demorest/tempo_utils"
    residuals = t2u.general2(parfile, timfile, ["pre"])["pre"]
    outfile = parfile + ".tempo2_test"
    f = open(outfile, "w")
    outstr = "residuals "

    if general2 is not None and general2 != []:
        tempo2_vals = t2u.general2(parfile, timfile, general2)
        for keys in general2:
            outstr += keys + " "

    outstr += "\n"
    for ii in range(len(residuals)):
        outstr = longdouble2str(residuals[ii]) + " "
        if general2 is not None:
            for keys in general2:
                outstr += longdouble2str(tempo2_vals[keys][ii]) + " "
        outstr += "\n"
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_longdouble_str_roundtrip_is_exact(i, f):
    ld = np.longdouble(i) + np.longdouble(f)
    assert ld == str2longdouble(longdouble2str(ld))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_longdouble2str_same_as_str_and_repr(i, f):
    ld = np.longdouble(i) + np.longdouble(f)
    assert longdouble2str(ld) == str(ld)
    assert longdouble2str(ld) == repr(ld)
Exemplo n.º 5
def tempo_polyco_table_writer(polycoTable, filename='polyco.dat'):
    Write tempo style polyco file from an astropy table

    Tempo style polyco file:
    The polynomial ephemerides are written to file 'polyco.dat'.  Entries
    are listed sequentially within the file.  The file format is::

        Line  Columns     Item
        ----  -------   -----------------------------------
         1       1-10   Pulsar Name
                11-19   Date (dd-mmm-yy)
                20-31   UTC (hhmmss.ss)
                32-51   TMID (MJD)
                52-72   DM
                74-79   Doppler shift due to earth motion (10^-4)
                80-86   Log_10 of fit rms residual in periods
         2       1-20   Reference Phase (RPHASE)
                21-38   Reference rotation frequency (F0)
                39-43   Observatory number
                44-49   Data span (minutes)
                50-54   Number of coefficients
                55-75   Observing frequency (MHz)
                76-80   Binary phase
         3*      1-25   Coefficient 1 (COEFF(1))
                26-50   Coefficient 2 (COEFF(2))
                51-75   Coefficient 3 (COEFF(3))
        * Subsequent lines have three coefficients each, up to NCOEFF

    One polyco file could include more then one entrie

    The pulse phase and frequency at time T are then calculated as::

        DT = (T-TMID)*1440
        PHASE = RPHASE + DT*60*F0 + COEFF(1) + DT*COEFF(2) + DT^2*COEFF(3) + ....
        FREQ(Hz) = F0 + (1/60)*(COEFF(2) + 2*DT*COEFF(3) + 3*DT^2*COEFF(4) + ....)

    polycoTable: astropy table
        Polycos style table
    filename : str
        Name of the output poloco file.

    f = open(filename, 'w')
    lenTable = len(polycoTable)
    if lenTable == 0:
        errorMssg = ("Insufficent polyco data." +
                     " Please make sure polycoTable has data.")
        raise AttributeError(errorMssg)

    for i in range(lenTable):
        entry = polycoTable['entry'][i]
        psrname = polycoTable['psr'][i].ljust(10)
        dateDMY = polycoTable['date'][i].ljust(10)
        utcHMS = polycoTable['utc'][i][0:9].ljust(10)
        tmid_mjd = utils.longdouble2str(entry.tmid.value) + ' '
        dm = str(polycoTable['dm'][i]).ljust(72 - 52 + 1)
        dshift = str(polycoTable['doppler'][i]).ljust(79 - 74 + 1)
        logrms = str(polycoTable['logrms'][i]).ljust(80 - 86 + 1)
        line1 = psrname + dateDMY + utcHMS + tmid_mjd + dm + dshift + logrms + '\n'

        # Get the reference phase
        rph = (entry.rphase.int + entry.rphase.frac).value[0]
        # FIXME: sometimes raises error, sometimes loses precision!
        rphase = utils.longdouble2str(rph)[0:19].ljust(20)
        f0 = ('%.12lf' % entry.f0).ljust(38 - 21 + 1)
        obs = entry.obs.ljust(43 - 39 + 1)
        tspan = str(round(entry.mjdspan.to('min').value,
                          4))[0].ljust(49 - 44 + 1)
        if len(tspan) >= (49 - 44 + 1):  # Hack to fix read errors in python
            tspan = tspan + ' '
        ncoeff = str(entry.ncoeff).ljust(54 - 50 + 1)
        obsfreq = str(polycoTable['obsfreq'][i]).ljust(75 - 55 + 1)
        binPhase = str(polycoTable['binary_phase'][i]).ljust(80 - 76 + 1)
        line2 = rphase + f0 + obs + tspan + ncoeff + obsfreq + binPhase + '\n'

        coeffBlock = ""
        for j, coeff in enumerate(entry.coeffs):
            coeffBlock += ('%.17e' % coeff).ljust(25)
            if (j + 1) % 3 == 0:
                coeffBlock += '\n'

        f.write(line1 + line2 + coeffBlock)