Exemplo n.º 1
def get_supported(
    versions=None,  # type: Optional[List[str]]
    noarch=False,  # type: bool
    platform=None,  # type: Optional[str]
    impl=None,  # type: Optional[str]
    abi=None,  # type: Optional[str]
    # type: (...) -> List[Pep425Tag]
    """Return a list of supported tags for each version specified in

    :param versions: a list of string versions, of the form ["33", "32"],
        or None. The first version will be assumed to support our ABI.
    :param platform: specify the exact platform you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local system platform.
    :param impl: specify the exact implementation you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter impl.
    :param abi: specify the exact abi you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter abi.
    supported = []

    # Versions must be given with respect to the preference
    if versions is None:
        version_info = get_impl_version_info()
        versions = get_all_minor_versions_as_strings(version_info)

    impl = impl or get_abbr_impl()

    abis = []  # type: List[str]

    abi = abi or get_abi_tag()
    if abi:
        abis[0:0] = [abi]

    abi3s = set()
    for suffix in get_extension_suffixes():
        if suffix.startswith(".abi"):
            abi3s.add(suffix.split(".", 2)[1])



    if not noarch:
        arch = platform or get_platform()
        arch_prefix, arch_sep, arch_suffix = arch.partition("_")
        if arch.startswith("macosx"):
            # support macosx-10.6-intel on macosx-10.9-x86_64
            match = _osx_arch_pat.match(arch)
            if match:
                name, major, minor, actual_arch = match.groups()
                tpl = "{}_{}_%i_%s".format(name, major)
                arches = []
                for m in reversed(range(int(minor) + 1)):
                    for a in get_darwin_arches(int(major), m, actual_arch):
                        arches.append(tpl % (m, a))
                # arch pattern didn't match (?!)
                arches = [arch]
        elif arch_prefix == "manylinux2010":
            # manylinux1 wheels run on most manylinux2010 systems with the
            # exception of wheels depending on ncurses. PEP 571 states
            # manylinux1 wheels should be considered manylinux2010 wheels:
            # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0571/#backwards-compatibility-with-manylinux1-wheels
            arches = [arch, "manylinux1" + arch_sep + arch_suffix]
        elif platform is None:
            arches = []
            if is_manylinux2010_compatible():
                arches.append("manylinux2010" + arch_sep + arch_suffix)
            if is_manylinux1_compatible():
                arches.append("manylinux1" + arch_sep + arch_suffix)
            arches = [arch]

        # Current version, current API (built specifically for our Python):
        for abi in abis:
            for arch in arches:
                supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, versions[0]), abi, arch))

        # abi3 modules compatible with older version of Python
        for version in versions[1:]:
            # abi3 was introduced in Python 3.2
            if version in {"31", "30"}:
            for abi in abi3s:  # empty set if not Python 3
                for arch in arches:
                    supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, version), abi, arch))

        # Has binaries, does not use the Python API:
        for arch in arches:
            supported.append(("py%s" % (versions[0][0]), "none", arch))

    # No abi / arch, but requires our implementation:
    supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, versions[0]), "none", "any"))
    # Tagged specifically as being cross-version compatible
    # (with just the major version specified)
    supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, versions[0][0]), "none", "any"))

    # No abi / arch, generic Python
    for i, version in enumerate(versions):
        supported.append(("py%s" % (version,), "none", "any"))
        if i == 0:
            supported.append(("py%s" % (version[0]), "none", "any"))

    return supported
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_supported(versions=None,
    """Return a list of supported tags for each version specified in

    :param versions: a list of string versions, of the form ["33", "32"],
        or None. The first version will be assumed to support our ABI.
    :param platform: specify the exact platform you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local system platform.
    :param impl: specify the exact implementation you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter impl.
    :param abi: specify the exact abi you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter abi.
    supported = []

    # Versions must be given with respect to the preference
    if versions is None:
        versions = []
        version_info = get_impl_version_info()
        major = version_info[:-1]
        # Support all previous minor Python versions.
        for minor in range(version_info[-1], -1, -1):
            versions.append(''.join(map(str, major + (minor, ))))

    impl = impl or get_abbr_impl()

    abis = []

    abi = abi or get_abi_tag()
    if abi:
        abis[0:0] = [abi]

    abi3s = set()
    for suffix in get_extension_suffixes():
        if suffix.startswith('.abi'):
            abi3s.add(suffix.split('.', 2)[1])



    if not noarch:
        arch = platform or get_platform()
        if arch.startswith('macosx'):
            # support macosx-10.6-intel on macosx-10.9-x86_64
            match = _osx_arch_pat.match(arch)
            if match:
                name, major, minor, actual_arch = match.groups()
                tpl = '{}_{}_%i_%s'.format(name, major)
                arches = []
                for m in reversed(range(int(minor) + 1)):
                    for a in get_darwin_arches(int(major), m, actual_arch):
                        arches.append(tpl % (m, a))
                # arch pattern didn't match (?!)
                arches = [arch]
        elif platform is None and is_manylinux1_compatible():
            arches = [arch.replace('linux', 'manylinux1'), arch]
            arches = [arch]

        # Current version, current API (built specifically for our Python):
        for abi in abis:
            for arch in arches:
                supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), abi, arch))

        # abi3 modules compatible with older version of Python
        for version in versions[1:]:
            # abi3 was introduced in Python 3.2
            if version in {'31', '30'}:
            for abi in abi3s:  # empty set if not Python 3
                for arch in arches:
                    supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, version), abi, arch))

        # Has binaries, does not use the Python API:
        for arch in arches:
            supported.append(('py%s' % (versions[0][0]), 'none', arch))

    # No abi / arch, but requires our implementation:
    supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), 'none', 'any'))
    # Tagged specifically as being cross-version compatible
    # (with just the major version specified)
    supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0][0]), 'none', 'any'))

    # No abi / arch, generic Python
    for i, version in enumerate(versions):
        supported.append(('py%s' % (version, ), 'none', 'any'))
        if i == 0:
            supported.append(('py%s' % (version[0]), 'none', 'any'))

    return supported
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_supported(
    version=None,  # type: Optional[str]
    platform=None,  # type: Optional[str]
    impl=None,  # type: Optional[str]
    abi=None  # type: Optional[str]
    # type: (...) -> List[Pep425Tag]
    """Return a list of supported tags for each version specified in

    :param version: a string version, of the form "33" or "32",
        or None. The version will be assumed to support our ABI.
    :param platform: specify the exact platform you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local system platform.
    :param impl: specify the exact implementation you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter impl.
    :param abi: specify the exact abi you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter abi.
    supported = []

    # Versions must be given with respect to the preference
    if version is None:
        version_info = get_impl_version_info()
        versions = get_all_minor_versions_as_strings(version_info)
        versions = [version]

    impl = impl or get_abbr_impl()

    abis = []  # type: List[str]

    abi = abi or get_abi_tag()
    if abi:
        abis[0:0] = [abi]

    abi3s = set()  # type: Set[str]
    for suffix in get_extension_suffixes():
        if suffix.startswith('.abi'):
            abi3s.add(suffix.split('.', 2)[1])



    arch = platform or get_platform()
    arch_prefix, arch_sep, arch_suffix = arch.partition('_')
    if arch.startswith('macosx'):
        # support macosx-10.6-intel on macosx-10.9-x86_64
        match = _osx_arch_pat.match(arch)
        if match:
            name, major, minor, actual_arch = match.groups()
            tpl = '{}_{}_%i_%s'.format(name, major)
            arches = []
            for m in reversed(range(int(minor) + 1)):
                for a in get_darwin_arches(int(major), m, actual_arch):
                    arches.append(tpl % (m, a))
            # arch pattern didn't match (?!)
            arches = [arch]
    elif arch_prefix == 'manylinux2014':
        arches = [arch]
        # manylinux1/manylinux2010 wheels run on most manylinux2014 systems
        # with the exception of wheels depending on ncurses. PEP 599 states
        # manylinux1/manylinux2010 wheels should be considered
        # manylinux2014 wheels:
        # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0599/#backwards-compatibility-with-manylinux2010-wheels
        if arch_suffix in {'i686', 'x86_64'}:
            arches.append('manylinux2010' + arch_sep + arch_suffix)
            arches.append('manylinux1' + arch_sep + arch_suffix)
    elif arch_prefix == 'manylinux2010':
        # manylinux1 wheels run on most manylinux2010 systems with the
        # exception of wheels depending on ncurses. PEP 571 states
        # manylinux1 wheels should be considered manylinux2010 wheels:
        # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0571/#backwards-compatibility-with-manylinux1-wheels
        arches = [arch, 'manylinux1' + arch_sep + arch_suffix]
    elif platform is None:
        arches = []
        if is_manylinux2014_compatible():
            arches.append('manylinux2014' + arch_sep + arch_suffix)
        if is_manylinux2010_compatible():
            arches.append('manylinux2010' + arch_sep + arch_suffix)
        if is_manylinux1_compatible():
            arches.append('manylinux1' + arch_sep + arch_suffix)
        arches = [arch]

    # Current version, current API (built specifically for our Python):
    for abi in abis:
        for arch in arches:
            supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), abi, arch))

    # abi3 modules compatible with older version of Python
    for version in versions[1:]:
        # abi3 was introduced in Python 3.2
        if version in {'31', '30'}:
        for abi in abi3s:   # empty set if not Python 3
            for arch in arches:
                supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, version), abi, arch))

    # Has binaries, does not use the Python API:
    for arch in arches:
        supported.append(('py%s' % (versions[0][0]), 'none', arch))

    # No abi / arch, but requires our implementation:
    supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), 'none', 'any'))

    # No abi / arch, generic Python
    for i, version in enumerate(versions):
        supported.append(('py%s' % (version,), 'none', 'any'))
        if i == 0:
            supported.append(('py%s' % (version[0]), 'none', 'any'))

    return supported
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_supported(
    versions=None,  # type: Optional[List[str]]
    noarch=False,  # type: bool
    platform=None,  # type: Optional[str]
    impl=None,  # type: Optional[str]
    abi=None  # type: Optional[str]
    # type: (...) -> List[Pep425Tag]
    """Return a list of supported tags for each version specified in

    :param versions: a list of string versions, of the form ["33", "32"],
        or None. The first version will be assumed to support our ABI.
    :param platform: specify the exact platform you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local system platform.
    :param impl: specify the exact implementation you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter impl.
    :param abi: specify the exact abi you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter abi.
    supported = []

    # Versions must be given with respect to the preference
    if versions is None:
        version_info = get_impl_version_info()
        versions = get_all_minor_versions_as_strings(version_info)

    impl = impl or get_abbr_impl()

    abis = []  # type: List[str]

    abi = abi or get_abi_tag()
    if abi:
        abis[0:0] = [abi]

    abi3s = set()
    for suffix in get_extension_suffixes():
        if suffix.startswith('.abi'):
            abi3s.add(suffix.split('.', 2)[1])



    if not noarch:
        arch = platform or get_platform()
        arch_prefix, arch_sep, arch_suffix = arch.partition('_')
        if arch.startswith('macosx'):
            # support macosx-10.6-intel on macosx-10.9-x86_64
            match = _osx_arch_pat.match(arch)
            if match:
                name, major, minor, actual_arch = match.groups()
                tpl = '{}_{}_%i_%s'.format(name, major)
                arches = []
                for m in reversed(range(int(minor) + 1)):
                    for a in get_darwin_arches(int(major), m, actual_arch):
                        arches.append(tpl % (m, a))
                # arch pattern didn't match (?!)
                arches = [arch]
        elif arch_prefix == 'manylinux2010':
            # manylinux1 wheels run on most manylinux2010 systems with the
            # exception of wheels depending on ncurses. PEP 571 states
            # manylinux1 wheels should be considered manylinux2010 wheels:
            # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0571/#backwards-compatibility-with-manylinux1-wheels
            arches = [arch, 'manylinux1' + arch_sep + arch_suffix]
        elif platform is None:
            arches = []
            if is_manylinux2010_compatible():
                arches.append('manylinux2010' + arch_sep + arch_suffix)
            if is_manylinux1_compatible():
                arches.append('manylinux1' + arch_sep + arch_suffix)
            arches = [arch]

        # Current version, current API (built specifically for our Python):
        for abi in abis:
            for arch in arches:
                supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), abi, arch))

        # abi3 modules compatible with older version of Python
        for version in versions[1:]:
            # abi3 was introduced in Python 3.2
            if version in {'31', '30'}:
            for abi in abi3s:   # empty set if not Python 3
                for arch in arches:
                    supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, version), abi, arch))

        # Has binaries, does not use the Python API:
        for arch in arches:
            supported.append(('py%s' % (versions[0][0]), 'none', arch))

    # No abi / arch, but requires our implementation:
    supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), 'none', 'any'))
    # Tagged specifically as being cross-version compatible
    # (with just the major version specified)
    supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0][0]), 'none', 'any'))

    # No abi / arch, generic Python
    for i, version in enumerate(versions):
        supported.append(('py%s' % (version,), 'none', 'any'))
        if i == 0:
            supported.append(('py%s' % (version[0]), 'none', 'any'))

    return supported
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_supported(versions=None, noarch=False, platform=None,
                  impl=None, abi=None):
    """Return a list of supported tags for each version specified in

    :param versions: a list of string versions, of the form ["33", "32"],
        or None. The first version will be assumed to support our ABI.
    :param platform: specify the exact platform you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local system platform.
    :param impl: specify the exact implementation you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter impl.
    :param abi: specify the exact abi you want valid
        tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter abi.
    supported = []

    # Versions must be given with respect to the preference
    if versions is None:
        versions = []
        version_info = get_impl_version_info()
        major = version_info[:-1]
        # Support all previous minor Python versions.
        for minor in range(version_info[-1], -1, -1):
            versions.append(''.join(map(str, major + (minor,))))

    impl = impl or get_abbr_impl()

    abis = []

    abi = abi or get_abi_tag()
    if abi:
        abis[0:0] = [abi]

    abi3s = set()
    for suffix in get_extension_suffixes():
        if suffix.startswith('.abi'):
            abi3s.add(suffix.split('.', 2)[1])



    if not noarch:
        arch = platform or get_platform()
        if arch.startswith('macosx'):
            # support macosx-10.6-intel on macosx-10.9-x86_64
            match = _osx_arch_pat.match(arch)
            if match:
                name, major, minor, actual_arch = match.groups()
                tpl = '{}_{}_%i_%s'.format(name, major)
                arches = []
                for m in reversed(range(int(minor) + 1)):
                    for a in get_darwin_arches(int(major), m, actual_arch):
                        arches.append(tpl % (m, a))
                # arch pattern didn't match (?!)
                arches = [arch]
        elif platform is None and is_manylinux1_compatible():
            arches = [arch.replace('linux', 'manylinux1'), arch]
            arches = [arch]

        # Current version, current API (built specifically for our Python):
        for abi in abis:
            for arch in arches:
                supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), abi, arch))

        # abi3 modules compatible with older version of Python
        for version in versions[1:]:
            # abi3 was introduced in Python 3.2
            if version in {'31', '30'}:
            for abi in abi3s:   # empty set if not Python 3
                for arch in arches:
                    supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, version), abi, arch))

        # Has binaries, does not use the Python API:
        for arch in arches:
            supported.append(('py%s' % (versions[0][0]), 'none', arch))

    # No abi / arch, but requires our implementation:
    supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), 'none', 'any'))
    # Tagged specifically as being cross-version compatible
    # (with just the major version specified)
    supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0][0]), 'none', 'any'))

    # No abi / arch, generic Python
    for i, version in enumerate(versions):
        supported.append(('py%s' % (version,), 'none', 'any'))
        if i == 0:
            supported.append(('py%s' % (version[0]), 'none', 'any'))

    return supported