Exemplo n.º 1
def get_export_entry(specification):
    m = ENTRY_RE.search(specification)
    if not m:
        result = None
        if '[' in specification or ']' in specification:
            raise DistlibException('Invalid specification '
                                   '%r' % specification)
        d = m.groupdict()
        name = d['name']
        path = d['callable']
        colons = path.count(':')
        if colons == 0:
            prefix, suffix = path, None
            if colons != 1:
                raise DistlibException('Invalid specification '
                                       '%r' % specification)
            prefix, suffix = path.split(':')
        flags = d['flags']
        if flags is None:
            if '[' in specification or ']' in specification:
                raise DistlibException('Invalid specification '
                                       '%r' % specification)
            flags = []
            flags = [f.strip() for f in flags.split(',')]
        result = ExportEntry(name, prefix, suffix, flags)
    return result
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _parse_directive(self, directive):
        Validate a directive.
        :param directive: The directive to validate.
        :return: A tuple of action, patterns, thedir, dir_patterns
        words = directive.split()
        if len(words) == 1 and words[0] not in (
                'include', 'exclude', 'global-include', 'global-exclude',
                'recursive-include', 'recursive-exclude', 'graft', 'prune'):
            # no action given, let's use the default 'include'
            words.insert(0, 'include')

        action = words[0]
        patterns = thedir = dir_pattern = None

        if action in ('include', 'exclude', 'global-include',
            if len(words) < 2:
                raise DistlibException('%r expects <pattern1> <pattern2> ...' %

            patterns = [convert_path(word) for word in words[1:]]

        elif action in ('recursive-include', 'recursive-exclude'):
            if len(words) < 3:
                raise DistlibException(
                    '%r expects <dir> <pattern1> <pattern2> ...' % action)

            thedir = convert_path(words[1])
            patterns = [convert_path(word) for word in words[2:]]

        elif action in ('graft', 'prune'):
            if len(words) != 2:
                raise DistlibException('%r expects a single <dir_pattern>' %

            dir_pattern = convert_path(words[1])

            raise DistlibException('unknown action %r' % action)

        return action, patterns, thedir, dir_pattern
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_hash(self, data, hash_kind=None):
     if hash_kind is None:
         hash_kind = self.hash_kind
         hasher = getattr(hashlib, hash_kind)
     except AttributeError:
         raise DistlibException('Unsupported hash algorithm: %r' %
     result = hasher(data).digest()
     result = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(result).rstrip(b'=').decode('ascii')
     return hash_kind, result
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get_distribution_names(self):
     Return all the distribution names known to this locator.
     result = set()
     page = self.get_page(self.base_url)
     if not page:
         raise DistlibException('Unable to get %s' % self.base_url)
     for match in self._distname_re.finditer(page.data):
     return result
Exemplo n.º 5
def parse_name_and_version(p):
    A utility method used to get name and version from a string.

    From e.g. a Provides-Dist value.

    :param p: A value in a form 'foo (1.0)'
    :return: The name and version as a tuple.
    m = NAME_VERSION_RE.match(p)
    if not m:
        raise DistlibException('Ill-formed name/version string: \'%s\'' % p)
    d = m.groupdict()
    return d['name'].strip().lower(), d['ver']
Exemplo n.º 6
def finder(package):
    Return a resource finder for a package.
    :param package: The name of the package.
    :return: A :class:`ResourceFinder` instance for the package.
    if package in _finder_cache:
        result = _finder_cache[package]
        if package not in sys.modules:
        module = sys.modules[package]
        path = getattr(module, '__path__', None)
        if path is None:
            raise DistlibException('You cannot get a finder for a module, '
                                   'only for a package')
        loader = getattr(module, '__loader__', None)
        finder_maker = _finder_registry.get(type(loader))
        if finder_maker is None:
            raise DistlibException('Unable to locate finder for %r' % package)
        result = finder_maker(module)
        _finder_cache[package] = result
    return result
Exemplo n.º 7
    def locate(self, requirement, prereleases=False):
        Find the most recent distribution which matches the given

        :param requirement: A requirement of the form 'foo (1.0)' or perhaps
                            'foo (>= 1.0, < 2.0, != 1.3)'
        :param prereleases: If ``True``, allow pre-release versions
                            to be located. Otherwise, pre-release versions
                            are not returned.
        :return: A :class:`Distribution` instance, or ``None`` if no such
                 distribution could be located.
        result = None
        r = parse_requirement(requirement)
        if r is None:
            raise DistlibException('Not a valid requirement: %r' % requirement)
        scheme = get_scheme(self.scheme)
        self.matcher = matcher = scheme.matcher(r.requirement)
        logger.debug('matcher: %s (%s)', matcher, type(matcher).__name__)
        versions = self.get_project(r.name)
        if versions:
            # sometimes, versions are invalid
            slist = []
            vcls = matcher.version_class
            for k in versions:
                    if not matcher.match(k):
                        logger.debug('%s did not match %r', matcher, k)
                        if prereleases or not vcls(k).is_prerelease:
                                'skipping pre-release '
                                'version %s of %s', k, matcher.name)
                except Exception:
                    logger.warning('error matching %s with %r', matcher, k)
                    pass  # slist.append(k)
            if len(slist) > 1:
                slist = sorted(slist, key=scheme.key)
            if slist:
                logger.debug('sorted list: %s', slist)
                result = versions[slist[-1]]
        if result and r.extras:
            result.extras = r.extras
        self.matcher = None
        return result
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, path, **kwargs):
     Initialise an instance.
     :param path: The root of the directory tree to search.
     :param kwargs: Passed to the superclass constructor,
                    except for:
                    * recursive - if True (the default), subdirectories are
                      recursed into. If False, only the top-level directory
                      is searched,
     self.recursive = kwargs.pop('recursive', True)
     super(DirectoryLocator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
     path = os.path.abspath(path)
     if not os.path.isdir(path):
         raise DistlibException('Not a directory: %r' % path)
     self.base_dir = path
Exemplo n.º 9
 def mount(self, append=False):
     pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename))
     if not is_compatible(self):
         msg = 'Wheel %s not mountable in this Python.' % pathname
         raise DistlibException(msg)
     if pathname in sys.path:
         logger.debug('%s already in path', pathname)
         if append:
             sys.path.insert(0, pathname)
         extensions = self._get_extensions()
         if extensions:
             if _hook not in sys.meta_path:
             _hook.add(pathname, extensions)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def newer(self, source, target):
        """Tell if the target is newer than the source.

        Returns true if 'source' exists and is more recently modified than
        'target', or if 'source' exists and 'target' doesn't.

        Returns false if both exist and 'target' is the same age or younger
        than 'source'. Raise PackagingFileError if 'source' does not exist.

        Note that this test is not very accurate: files created in the same
        second will have the same "age".
        if not os.path.exists(source):
            raise DistlibException("file '%r' does not exist" %
        if not os.path.exists(target):
            return True

        return os.stat(source).st_mtime > os.stat(target).st_mtime
Exemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, filename=None, sign=False, verify=False):
     Initialise an instance using a (valid) filename.
     self.sign = sign
     self.verify = verify
     self.buildver = ''
     self.pyver = [PYVER]
     self.abi = ['none']
     self.arch = ['any']
     self.dirname = os.getcwd()
     if filename is None:
         self.name = 'dummy'
         self.version = '0.1'
         self._filename = self.filename
         m = NAME_VERSION_RE.match(filename)
         if m:
             info = m.groupdict('')
             self.name = info['nm']
             self.version = info['vn']
             self.buildver = info['bn']
             self._filename = self.filename
             dirname, filename = os.path.split(filename)
             m = FILENAME_RE.match(filename)
             if not m:
                 raise DistlibException('Invalid name or '
                                        'filename: %r' % filename)
             if dirname:
                 self.dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname)
             self._filename = filename
             info = m.groupdict('')
             self.name = info['nm']
             self.version = info['vn']
             self.buildver = info['bn']
             self.pyver = info['py'].split('.')
             self.abi = info['bi'].split('.')
             self.arch = info['ar'].split('.')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def process_directive(self, directive):
        Process a directive which either adds some files from ``allfiles`` to
        ``files``, or removes some files from ``files``.

        :param directive: The directive to process. This should be in a format
                     compatible with distutils ``MANIFEST.in`` files:

        # Parse the line: split it up, make sure the right number of words
        # is there, and return the relevant words.  'action' is always
        # defined: it's the first word of the line.  Which of the other
        # three are defined depends on the action; it'll be either
        # patterns, (dir and patterns), or (dirpattern).
        action, patterns, thedir, dirpattern = self._parse_directive(directive)

        # OK, now we know that the action is valid and we have the
        # right number of words on the line for that action -- so we
        # can proceed with minimal error-checking.
        if action == 'include':
            for pattern in patterns:
                if not self._include_pattern(pattern, anchor=True):
                    logger.warning('no files found matching %r', pattern)

        elif action == 'exclude':
            for pattern in patterns:
                if not self._exclude_pattern(pattern, anchor=True):
                        'no previously-included files '
                        'found matching %r', pattern)

        elif action == 'global-include':
            for pattern in patterns:
                if not self._include_pattern(pattern, anchor=False):
                        'no files found matching %r '
                        'anywhere in distribution', pattern)

        elif action == 'global-exclude':
            for pattern in patterns:
                if not self._exclude_pattern(pattern, anchor=False):
                        'no previously-included files '
                        'matching %r found anywhere in '
                        'distribution', pattern)

        elif action == 'recursive-include':
            for pattern in patterns:
                if not self._include_pattern(pattern, prefix=thedir):
                        'no files found matching %r '
                        'under directory %r', pattern, thedir)

        elif action == 'recursive-exclude':
            for pattern in patterns:
                if not self._exclude_pattern(pattern, prefix=thedir):
                        'no previously-included files '
                        'matching %r found under directory %r', pattern,

        elif action == 'graft':
            if not self._include_pattern(None, prefix=dirpattern):
                logger.warning('no directories found matching %r', dirpattern)

        elif action == 'prune':
            if not self._exclude_pattern(None, prefix=dirpattern):
                    'no previously-included directories found '
                    'matching %r', dirpattern)
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            # This should never happen, as it should be caught in
            # _parse_template_line
            raise DistlibException('invalid action %r' % action)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def find(self, requirement, meta_extras=None, prereleases=False):
        Find a distribution and all distributions it depends on.

        :param requirement: The requirement specifying the distribution to
                            find, or a Distribution instance.
        :param meta_extras: A list of meta extras such as :test:, :build: and
                            so on.
        :param prereleases: If ``True``, allow pre-release versions to be
                            returned - otherwise, don't return prereleases
                            unless they're all that's available.

        Return a set of :class:`Distribution` instances and a set of

        The distributions returned should be such that they have the
        :attr:`required` attribute set to ``True`` if they were
        from the ``requirement`` passed to ``find()``, and they have the
        :attr:`build_time_dependency` attribute set to ``True`` unless they
        are post-installation dependencies of the ``requirement``.

        The problems should be a tuple consisting of the string
        ``'unsatisfied'`` and the requirement which couldn't be satisfied
        by any distribution known to the locator.

        self.provided = {}
        self.dists = {}
        self.dists_by_name = {}
        self.reqts = {}

        meta_extras = set(meta_extras or [])
        if ':*:' in meta_extras:
            # :meta: and :run: are implicitly included
            meta_extras |= set([':test:', ':build:', ':dev:'])

        if isinstance(requirement, Distribution):
            dist = odist = requirement
            logger.debug('passed %s as requirement', odist)
            dist = odist = self.locator.locate(requirement,
            if dist is None:
                raise DistlibException('Unable to locate %r' % requirement)
            logger.debug('located %s', odist)
        dist.requested = True
        problems = set()
        todo = set([dist])
        install_dists = set([odist])
        while todo:
            dist = todo.pop()
            name = dist.key  # case-insensitive
            if name not in self.dists_by_name:
                #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
                other = self.dists_by_name[name]
                if other != dist:
                    self.try_to_replace(dist, other, problems)

            ireqts = dist.run_requires | dist.meta_requires
            sreqts = dist.build_requires
            ereqts = set()
            if dist in install_dists:
                for key in ('test', 'build', 'dev'):
                    e = ':%s:' % key
                    if e in meta_extras:
                        ereqts |= getattr(dist, '%s_requires' % key)
            all_reqts = ireqts | sreqts | ereqts
            for r in all_reqts:
                providers = self.find_providers(r)
                if not providers:
                    logger.debug('No providers found for %r', r)
                    provider = self.locator.locate(r, prereleases=prereleases)
                    # If no provider is found and we didn't consider
                    # prereleases, consider them now.
                    if provider is None and not prereleases:
                        provider = self.locator.locate(r, prereleases=True)
                    if provider is None:
                        logger.debug('Cannot satisfy %r', r)
                        problems.add(('unsatisfied', r))
                        n, v = provider.key, provider.version
                        if (n, v) not in self.dists:
                        if r in ireqts and dist in install_dists:
                            logger.debug('Adding %s to install_dists',
                for p in providers:
                    name = p.key
                    if name not in self.dists_by_name:
                        self.reqts.setdefault(p, set()).add(r)
                        other = self.dists_by_name[name]
                        if other != p:
                            # see if other can be replaced by p
                            self.try_to_replace(p, other, problems)

        dists = set(self.dists.values())
        for dist in dists:
            dist.build_time_dependency = dist not in install_dists
            if dist.build_time_dependency:
                logger.debug('%s is a build-time dependency only.',
        logger.debug('find done for %s', odist)
        return dists, problems
Exemplo n.º 14
    def install(self, paths, maker, **kwargs):
        Install a wheel to the specified paths. If kwarg ``warner`` is
        specified, it should be a callable, which will be called with two
        tuples indicating the wheel version of this software and the wheel
        version in the file, if there is a discrepancy in the versions.
        This can be used to issue any warnings to raise any exceptions.
        If kwarg ``lib_only`` is True, only the purelib/platlib files are
        installed, and the headers, scripts, data and dist-info metadata are
        not written.

        The return value is a :class:`InstalledDistribution` instance unless
        ``options.lib_only`` is True, in which case the return value is ``None``.

        dry_run = maker.dry_run
        warner = kwargs.get('warner')
        lib_only = kwargs.get('lib_only', False)

        pathname = os.path.join(self.dirname, self.filename)
        name_ver = '%s-%s' % (self.name, self.version)
        data_dir = '%s.data' % name_ver
        info_dir = '%s.dist-info' % name_ver

        metadata_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, METADATA_FILENAME)
        wheel_metadata_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'WHEEL')
        record_name = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'RECORD')

        wrapper = codecs.getreader('utf-8')

        with ZipFile(pathname, 'r') as zf:
            with zf.open(wheel_metadata_name) as bwf:
                wf = wrapper(bwf)
                message = message_from_file(wf)
            wv = message['Wheel-Version'].split('.', 1)
            file_version = tuple([int(i) for i in wv])
            if (file_version != self.wheel_version) and warner:
                warner(self.wheel_version, file_version)

            if message['Root-Is-Purelib'] == 'true':
                libdir = paths['purelib']
                libdir = paths['platlib']

            records = {}
            with zf.open(record_name) as bf:
                with CSVReader(stream=bf) as reader:
                    for row in reader:
                        p = row[0]
                        records[p] = row

            data_pfx = posixpath.join(data_dir, '')
            info_pfx = posixpath.join(info_dir, '')
            script_pfx = posixpath.join(data_dir, 'scripts', '')

            # make a new instance rather than a copy of maker's,
            # as we mutate it
            fileop = FileOperator(dry_run=dry_run)
            fileop.record = True  # so we can rollback if needed

            bc = not sys.dont_write_bytecode  # Double negatives. Lovely!

            outfiles = []  # for RECORD writing

            # for script copying/shebang processing
            workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
            # set target dir later
            # we default add_launchers to False, as the
            # Python Launcher should be used instead
            maker.source_dir = workdir
            maker.target_dir = None
                for zinfo in zf.infolist():
                    arcname = zinfo.filename
                    if isinstance(arcname, text_type):
                        u_arcname = arcname
                        u_arcname = arcname.decode('utf-8')
                    # The signature file won't be in RECORD,
                    # and we  don't currently don't do anything with it
                    if u_arcname.endswith('/RECORD.jws'):
                    row = records[u_arcname]
                    if row[2] and str(zinfo.file_size) != row[2]:
                        raise DistlibException('size mismatch for '
                                               '%s' % u_arcname)
                    if row[1]:
                        kind, value = row[1].split('=', 1)
                        with zf.open(arcname) as bf:
                            data = bf.read()
                        _, digest = self.get_hash(data, kind)
                        if digest != value:
                            raise DistlibException('digest mismatch for '
                                                   '%s' % arcname)

                    if lib_only and u_arcname.startswith((info_pfx, data_pfx)):
                        logger.debug('lib_only: skipping %s', u_arcname)
                    is_script = (u_arcname.startswith(script_pfx)
                                 and not u_arcname.endswith('.exe'))

                    if u_arcname.startswith(data_pfx):
                        _, where, rp = u_arcname.split('/', 2)
                        outfile = os.path.join(paths[where], convert_path(rp))
                        # meant for site-packages.
                        if u_arcname in (wheel_metadata_name, record_name):
                        outfile = os.path.join(libdir, convert_path(u_arcname))
                    if not is_script:
                        with zf.open(arcname) as bf:
                            fileop.copy_stream(bf, outfile)
                        # Double check the digest of the written file
                        if not dry_run and row[1]:
                            with open(outfile, 'rb') as bf:
                                data = bf.read()
                                _, newdigest = self.get_hash(data, kind)
                                if newdigest != digest:
                                    raise DistlibException('digest mismatch '
                                                           'on write for '
                                                           '%s' % outfile)
                        if bc and outfile.endswith('.py'):
                                pyc = fileop.byte_compile(outfile)
                            except Exception:
                                # Don't give up if byte-compilation fails,
                                # but log it and perhaps warn the user
                                logger.warning('Byte-compilation failed',
                        fn = os.path.basename(convert_path(arcname))
                        workname = os.path.join(workdir, fn)
                        with zf.open(arcname) as bf:
                            fileop.copy_stream(bf, workname)

                        dn, fn = os.path.split(outfile)
                        maker.target_dir = dn
                        filenames = maker.make(fn)

                if lib_only:
                    logger.debug('lib_only: returning None')
                    dist = None
                    # Generate scripts

                    # Try to get pydist.json so we can see if there are
                    # any commands to generate. If this fails (e.g. because
                    # of a legacy wheel), log a warning but don't give up.
                    commands = None
                    file_version = self.info['Wheel-Version']
                    if file_version == '1.0':
                        # Use legacy info
                        ep = posixpath.join(info_dir, 'entry_points.txt')
                            with zf.open(ep) as bwf:
                                epdata = read_exports(bwf)
                            commands = {}
                            for key in ('console', 'gui'):
                                k = '%s_scripts' % key
                                if k in epdata:
                                    commands['wrap_%s' % key] = d = {}
                                    for v in epdata[k].values():
                                        s = '%s:%s' % (v.prefix, v.suffix)
                                        if v.flags:
                                            s += ' %s' % v.flags
                                        d[v.name] = s
                        except Exception:
                            logger.warning('Unable to read legacy script '
                                           'metadata, so cannot generate '
                            with zf.open(metadata_name) as bwf:
                                wf = wrapper(bwf)
                                commands = json.load(wf).get('commands')
                        except Exception:
                            logger.warning('Unable to read JSON metadata, so '
                                           'cannot generate scripts')
                    if commands:
                        console_scripts = commands.get('wrap_console', {})
                        gui_scripts = commands.get('wrap_gui', {})
                        if console_scripts or gui_scripts:
                            script_dir = paths.get('scripts', '')
                            if not os.path.isdir(script_dir):
                                raise ValueError('Valid script path not '
                            maker.target_dir = script_dir
                            for k, v in console_scripts.items():
                                script = '%s = %s' % (k, v)
                                filenames = maker.make(script)

                            if gui_scripts:
                                options = {'gui': True}
                                for k, v in gui_scripts.items():
                                    script = '%s = %s' % (k, v)
                                    filenames = maker.make(script, options)

                    p = os.path.join(libdir, info_dir)
                    dist = InstalledDistribution(p)

                    # Write SHARED
                    paths = dict(paths)  # don't change passed in dict
                    del paths['purelib']
                    del paths['platlib']
                    paths['lib'] = libdir
                    p = dist.write_shared_locations(paths, dry_run)
                    if p:

                    # Write RECORD
                    dist.write_installed_files(outfiles, paths['prefix'],
                return dist
            except Exception:  # pragma: no cover
                logger.exception('installation failed.')