Exemplo n.º 1
def _parse_editable(editable_req):
    url = editable_req

    # If a file path is specified with extras, strip off the extras.
    url_no_extras, extras = _strip_extras(url)

    if os.path.isdir(url_no_extras):
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(url_no_extras, "setup.py")):
            raise PipError(
                "Directory %r is not installable. File 'setup.py' not found." %
        # Treating it as code that has already been checked out
        url_no_extras = _path_to_url(url_no_extras)

    if url_no_extras.lower().startswith("file:"):
        return _parse_local_package_name(
            url_no_extras[len("file://"):]), url_no_extras

    if "+" not in url:
        raise PipError(
            "%s should either be a path to a local project or a VCS url "
            "beginning with svn+, git+, hg+, or bzr+" % editable_req)

    package_name = _egg_fragment(url)
    if not package_name:
        raise PipError(
            "Could not detect requirement name for '%s', please specify one "
            "with #egg=your_package_name" % editable_req)

    return package_name, url
Exemplo n.º 2
def _parse_requirement_url(req_str):
    original_req_str = req_str

    # Some requirements lines begin with a `git+` or similar to indicate the VCS. If this is the
    # case, remove this before proceeding any further.
    for v in VCS_SCHEMES:
        if req_str.startswith(v + "+"):
            req_str = req_str[len(v) + 1:]

    # Strip out the marker temporarily while we parse out any potential URLs
    marker_sep = "; " if _is_url(req_str) else ";"
    marker_str = None
    link = None
    if ";" in req_str:
        req_str, marker_str = req_str.split(marker_sep, 1)

    if _is_url(req_str):
        link = Link(req_str)
        path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(req_str))
        p, _ = _strip_extras(path)
        url = _get_url_from_path(p, req_str)
        if url is not None:
            link = Link(url)

    # it's a local file, dir, or url
    if link is not None:
        # Handle relative file URLs
        if link.scheme == "file" and re.search(r"\.\./", link.url):
            link = Link(
        # wheel file
        if link.is_wheel:
            wheel_info = WHEEL_FILE_RE.match(link.filename)
            if wheel_info is None:
                raise PipError(f"Invalid wheel name: {link.filename}")
            wheel_name = wheel_info.group("name").replace("_", "-")
            wheel_version = wheel_info.group("ver").replace("_", "-")
            req_str = f"{wheel_name}=={wheel_version}"
            # set the req to the egg fragment.  when it's not there, this
            # will become an 'unnamed' requirement
            req_str = _egg_fragment(link.url)
            if req_str is None:
                raise PipError(
                    f"Missing egg fragment in URL: {original_req_str}")
            req_str = f"{req_str}@{link.url}"

    # Reassemble the requirement string with the original marker
    if marker_str is not None:
        req_str = f"{req_str}{marker_sep}{marker_str}"

    return req_str
Exemplo n.º 3
def installed_distributions(
        local: bool = False,
        paths: List[os.PathLike] = []) -> Dict[str, Distribution]:
    # Check whether our version of pip supports the `--path` parameter
    if pip_api.PIP_VERSION < parse("19.2") and paths:
        raise PipError(
            f"pip {pip_api.PIP_VERSION} does not support the `paths` argument")
    if pip_api.PIP_VERSION < parse("9.0.0"):
        return _old_installed_distributions(local)
    return _new_installed_distributions(local, paths)
Exemplo n.º 4
def parse_requirements(filename, options=None, include_invalid=False):
    to_parse = {filename}
    parsed = set()
    name_to_req = {}

    while to_parse:
        filename = to_parse.pop()
        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)

        # Combine multi-line commands
        lines = "".join(_read_file(filename)).replace("\\\n", "").splitlines()
        lines_enum = enumerate(lines, 1)
        lines_enum = _ignore_comments(lines_enum)
        lines_enum = _skip_regex(lines_enum, options)

        for lineno, line in lines_enum:
            req = None
            known, _ = parser.parse_known_args(line.strip().split())
            if known.req:
                try:  # Try to parse this as a requirement specification
                    req = requirements.Requirement(known.req)
                except requirements.InvalidRequirement:
                    except PipError as e:
                        if include_invalid:
                            req = UnparsedRequirement(known.req, str(e),
                                                      filename, lineno)

            elif known.requirements:
                full_path = os.path.join(dirname, known.requirements)
                if full_path not in parsed:
            elif known.editable:
                name, url = _parse_editable(known.editable)
                req = requirements.Requirement("%s @ %s" % (name, url))
                pass  # This is an invalid requirement

            # If we've found a requirement, add it
            if req:
                if not isinstance(req, UnparsedRequirement):
                    req.comes_from = "-r {} (line {})".format(filename, lineno)

                if req.name not in name_to_req:
                    name_to_req[req.name.lower()] = req
                    raise PipError(
                        "Double requirement given: %s (already in %s, name=%r)"
                        % (req, name_to_req[req.name], req.name))

    return name_to_req
Exemplo n.º 5
def _check_invalid_requirement(req):
    if os.path.sep in req:
        add_msg = "It looks like a path."
        if os.path.exists(req):
            add_msg += " It does exist."
            add_msg += " File '%s' does not exist." % (req)
    elif "=" in req and not any(op in req for op in operators):
        add_msg = "= is not a valid operator. Did you mean == ?"
        add_msg = traceback.format_exc()
    raise PipError("Invalid requirement: '%s'\n%s" % (req, add_msg))
Exemplo n.º 6
def _parse_local_package_name(path):
    """Tokenize setup.py and walk the syntax tree to find the package name"""
        with open(os.path.join(path, "setup.py")) as f:
            tree = ast.parse(f.read())
        setup_kwargs = [
            expr.value.keywords for expr in tree.body
            if isinstance(expr, ast.Expr) and isinstance(expr.value, ast.Call)
            and expr.value.func.id == "setup"
        value = [kw.value for kw in setup_kwargs if kw.arg == "name"][0]
        return value.s
    except (IndexError, AttributeError, IOError, OSError):
        raise PipError("Directory %r is not installable. "
                       "Could not parse package name from 'setup.py'." % path)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _get_url_from_path(path, name):
    if _looks_like_path(name) and os.path.isdir(path):
        if _is_installable_dir(path):
            return _path_to_url(path)
        # TODO: The is_installable_dir test here might not be necessary
        #       now that it is done in load_pyproject_toml too.
        raise PipError(
            f"Directory {name!r} is not installable. Neither 'setup.py' "
            "nor 'pyproject.toml' found.")
    if not _is_archive_file(path):
        return None
    if os.path.isfile(path):
        return _path_to_url(path)
    urlreq_parts = name.split("@", 1)
    if len(urlreq_parts) >= 2 and not _looks_like_path(urlreq_parts[0]):
        # If the path contains '@' and the part before it does not look
        # like a path, try to treat it as a PEP 440 URL req instead.
        return None
    return _path_to_url(path)
Exemplo n.º 8
def parse_requirements(
    filename: os.PathLike,
    options: Optional[Any] = None,
    include_invalid: bool = False,
    strict_hashes: bool = False,
) -> Dict[str, Union[Requirement, UnparsedRequirement]]:
    to_parse = {filename}
    parsed = set()
    name_to_req = {}

    while to_parse:
        filename = to_parse.pop()
        dirname = os.path.dirname(filename)

        # Combine multi-line commands
        lines = "".join(_read_file(filename)).replace("\\\n", "").splitlines()
        lines_enum = enumerate(lines, 1)
        lines_enum = _ignore_comments(lines_enum)
        lines_enum = _skip_regex(lines_enum, options)

        for lineno, line in lines_enum:
            req: Optional[Union[Requirement, UnparsedRequirement]] = None
            known, _ = parser.parse_known_args(line.strip().split())

            hashes_by_kind = defaultdict(list)
            if known.hashes:
                for hsh in known.hashes:
                    kind, hsh = hsh.split(":", 1)
                    if kind not in VALID_HASHES:
                        raise PipError(
                            "Invalid --hash kind %s, expected one of %s" %
                            (kind, VALID_HASHES))

            if known.req:
                req_str = str().join(known.req)
                    parsed_req_str = _parse_requirement_url(req_str)
                except PipError as e:
                    if include_invalid:
                        req = UnparsedRequirement(req_str, str(e), filename,

                try:  # Try to parse this as a requirement specification
                    if req is None:
                        req = Requirement(
                except requirements.InvalidRequirement:
                    except PipError as e:
                        if include_invalid:
                            req = UnparsedRequirement(req_str, str(e),
                                                      filename, lineno)

            elif known.requirement:
                full_path = os.path.join(dirname, known.requirement)
                if full_path not in parsed:
            elif known.editable:
                name, url = _parse_editable(known.editable)
                req = Requirement(
                    "%s @ %s" % (name, url),
                pass  # This is an invalid requirement

            # If we've found a requirement, add it
            if req:
                if not isinstance(req, UnparsedRequirement):
                    req.comes_from = "-r {} (line {})".format(
                        filename, lineno)  # type: ignore
                    if req.marker is not None and not req.marker.evaluate():

                if req.name not in name_to_req:
                    name_to_req[req.name.lower()] = req
                    raise PipError(
                        "Double requirement given: %s (already in %s, name=%r)"
                        % (req, name_to_req[req.name], req.name))

    if strict_hashes:
        missing_hashes = [
            req for req in name_to_req.values() if not req.hashes
        if len(missing_hashes) > 0:
            raise PipError(
                "Missing hashes for requirement in %s, line %s" %
                (missing_hashes[0].filename, missing_hashes[0].lineno))

    return name_to_req