def selectDeptVer(self, direct=False): fromScene = self.chkFromScene() self.curDept = mc.optionMenu('cmbDepts', q=1, v=1) mc.optionMenu('cmbDeptVer', e=1, sl=1) mc.optionMenu('cmbRetake', e=1, sl=1) if not self.curDept in ["LAYOUT", "BLOCKING", "ANIMATION" ] and not direct: mc.optionMenu('cmbCategory', e=1, sl=1) if fromScene: self.mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot(silent="disabled") if not self.curDept in ["LAYOUT", "BLOCKING", "ANIMATION" ] and not direct: curDeptCat = deptDict[self.mayaShot.deptShort][1] mc.optionMenu('cmbCategory', e=1, v=curDeptCat) if self.mayaShot.validShot: curDeptVer = int(self.mayaShot.deptVer) curDeptShort = self.mayaShot.deptShort curCategory = deptDict[curDeptShort][1] uiCategory = mc.optionMenu('cmbCategory', q=1, v=1) if self.curDept in ["LAYOUT", "BLOCKING", "ANIMATION"]: mc.optionMenu('cmbRetake', e=1, v=curDeptVer) else: if curCategory == uiCategory: mc.optionMenu('cmbDeptVer', e=1, v=curDeptVer) wsPath = self.mayaShot.shotPath else: curDeptShort = self.getCurDeptShort() res = "rig" if curDeptShort in midAstDepts else "texture" cmsObj = self.getCmsObj(res, curDeptShort) wsPath = cmsObj.wsPath if self.curDept in ["LAYOUT", "BLOCKING", "ANIMATION"]: retakes = utils.findLastRetake(wsPath, "ma", True) if retakes: mc.optionMenu('cmbRetake', e=1, v=retakes[-1]) self.loadVersions()
def setDept(self, fromScene=True): self.mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot(silent="disabled") if self.mayaShot.validShot and fromScene: curDeptShort = self.mayaShot.deptShort if curDeptShort in deptDict.keys(): curDept = deptDict[curDeptShort][0].upper() mc.optionMenu('cmbDepts', e=1, v=curDept)
def importCam(): epsq = "sq000" shot = "sh000" stereo = False sel_cam = mc.optionMenu('cmb_camList',q=1,v=1) typ = sel_cam[-1] mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot() if not mayaShot.validShot: msgWin("Error", "Invalid Shot or Project", True) else: epsq = mayaShot.epSqName shot = mayaShot.shName stereo = mayaShot.projInfo.stereo importCamera(epsq, shot, stereo, typ)
def importAudio(silent = False): mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot() if not mayaShot.validShot: msgWin("Error", "Invalid Shot or Project", silent) return False audioNodes = = "audio") if audioNodes: for aud in audioNodes: mc.delete(aud) audFilePath = os.path.join((mayaShot.projInfo.mapDrive + "/"), mayaShot.projInfo.soundFldr, mayaShot.epSqName, "sc-%s.wav"%mayaShot.shot) if os.path.exists(audFilePath): audnode = mc.sound(file = audFilePath, offset = 101, n = "%s%s_aud"%(mayaShot.epSqName, mayaShot.shName)) setAudio = 'global string $gPlayBackSlider; timeControl -e -ds 1 -s "%s" $gPlayBackSlider;' % audnode mel.eval("%s" % setAudio) msgWin("Message", "Successfully imported audio : %s"%audFilePath, silent) return True else: msgWin("Error", "Audio file does not exist : %s"%audFilePath, silent) return False
def chkFromScene(self): mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot(silent="disabled") fromScene = False if mayaShot.validShot: fromScene = True curDeptShort = mayaShot.deptShort curDept = deptDict[curDeptShort][0] uiDept = mc.optionMenu('cmbDepts', q=1, v=1).lower() if not curDept == uiDept: fromScene = False curEpsq = mayaShot.epsqNum uiEpsq = mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode', q=1, v=1) if not curEpsq == uiEpsq: fromScene = False curShot = mayaShot.shot uiShot = mc.optionMenu('cmbShot', q=1, v=1) if not curShot == uiShot: fromScene = False return fromScene
def loadShots(self): self.mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot(silent="disabled") if self.mayaShot.validShot: self.shotNum = self.mayaShot.shot else: self.shotNum = mc.optionMenu('cmbShot', q=1, v=1) if not self.shotNum: self.shotNum = "001" menuItems = mc.optionMenu('cmbShot', q=True, ill=True) if menuItems: mc.deleteUI(menuItems) epsqNum = mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode', q=1, v=True) excelPath = '%s/%s_%s%s_bld.xls' % (self.breakDownPath, self.projInfo.projShort, self.projInfo.epOrSeq, epsqNum) xlShots = utils.getXLShots(excelPath) shotIndex = 1 if xlShots: xlShotList = sorted(xlShots.keys()) for i in range(len(xlShotList)): mc.menuItem(label=xlShotList[i], p='cmbShot') if self.shotNum == xlShotList[i]: shotIndex = i + 1 mc.optionMenu('cmbShot', e=1, sl=shotIndex) self.selectDeptVer()
def takePlayblast(silent = True, custom = False, customPath = None): renWidth = mc.getAttr("defaultResolution.width") renHeight = mc.getAttr("defaultResolution.height") aspRatio = renWidth/float(renHeight) width = renWidth/2 if renWidth > 960 else renWidth height = renHeight/2 if renWidth > 960 else renHeight mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot() if not mayaShot.validShot: msgWin("Warning", "Invalid Shot or Project", True) if not custom: return False else: viewport = getActiveViewport(silent) if not viewport: return False mc.setFocus(viewport) scCam = mc.modelPanel(viewport, q = True, cam = True) scCamSshp = mc.listRelatives(scCam, c = 1, s = 1, ni = 1) stereo = True if mc.nodeType(scCamSshp == "stereoRigCamera") else False soundName = "NoIdea" else: if round(aspRatio, 2) == 1.78: width = 960 height = 540 else: width = mayaShot.projInfo.resWidth/2 if mayaShot.projInfo.resWidth > 1280 else mayaShot.projInfo.resWidth height = mayaShot.projInfo.resHeight/2 if mayaShot.projInfo.resWidth > 1280 else mayaShot.projInfo.resHeight soundName = "%s%s_aud"%(mayaShot.epSqName, mayaShot.shName) scCam = mayaShot.getSceneCamera(False) stereo = mayaShot.projInfo.stereo sceneCleanup(True) if not scCam or not mc.objExists(scCam): msgWin('Error', "Couldn't find a valid camera in the scene", silent) return False if stereo and custom: getCam = mc.confirmDialog(title = 'Select Camera', message = 'Which Stereo Camera do you want to take Playblast from?', button = ['Left','Center','Right','Cancel'], cb = 'Cancel', ds = 'Cancel') if getCam == 'Left': scCam = scCam.replace("_camCt", "_camLt") elif getCam == 'Right': scCam = scCam.replace("_camCt", "_camRt") elif getCam == 'Cancel': return False if mc.window('playBlastWindow', exists = 1): mc.deleteUI('playBlastWindow') if mc.windowPref ('playBlastWindow', exists = 1): mc.windowPref ('playBlastWindow', remove = 1) pbTmp = mc.window("playBlastWindow", wh = (1000, 700), te = 50, le = 50) mc.paneLayout() modPane = mc.modelPanel() mc.showWindow(pbTmp) mc.lookThru(scCam, modPane) mc.modelEditor(modPane, e=True, allObjects=0) mc.modelEditor(modPane, e=True, nurbsSurfaces=1, polymeshes=1,fluids=1,strokes=1) mc.modelEditor(modPane, e=True, da='smoothShaded') mc.modelEditor(modPane, e=True, av = True) sounds ='%s*'%soundName, typ='audio') if not sounds: sounds ='audio') sound = sounds[0] if sounds else '' st = mc.playbackOptions(q = True, ast = True) en = mc.playbackOptions(q = True, aet = True) blastPath = os.path.join(os.environ['TMP'], 'tempPlayblast.avi') if custom: # Find the highlighted range on timeSlider (if any).. aPlayBackSlider = mel.eval('$tmpVar=$gPlayBackSlider') times = mc.timeControl(aPlayBackSlider, q=True, rng=1) times = times.replace('"', '').split(':') if int(times[1]) != int(times[0]) +1 : # 'll be currentTime & currentTime+1 evenif no range selected ==> Exclude that case! st = int(times[0]) en = int(times[1]) -1 finalPath = None else: st = 101 en = 100 + mayaShot.frames finalPath = customPath if customPath else mayaShot.shotPath.replace(".%s"%mayaShot.projInfo.mayaExt, ".avi") saveVersion(finalPath) width = width*2 height = height*2 mc.playblast(st = st, et = en, fmt = 'movie', f = blastPath, s = sound, c = 'Lagarith', fo = True, orn = True, p = 50, qlt = 100, w = width, h = height) if finalPath: try: shutil.copyfile(blastPath, finalPath) except: msgWin("Error", "Error copying %s to %s"%(blastPath, finalPath), False) mc.deleteUI(pbTmp) return True
def sceneCleanup(silent = True): mc.displayColor('headsUpDisplayLabels', 16, dormant=True) namespaces = mc.namespaceInfo(lon = True) if "Suleiman00s_pr01" in namespaces: mc.namespace(ren = ("Suleiman00s_pr01", "Suleiman00p_pr01"), f = True) mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot() if not mayaShot.validShot: msgWin("Error", "Invalid Shot or Project", silent) return False epsq = mayaShot.epSqName shot = mayaShot.shName stereoCams = [] mc.setAttr("defaultResolution.width", mayaShot.projInfo.resWidth) mc.setAttr("defaultResolution.height", mayaShot.projInfo.resHeight) mc.setAttr("defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio", mayaShot.projInfo.aspectRatio) camPattern = "(ep|sq)[0-9]{3}sh[0-9]{3}([a-b]{1})?_camCt" camName = "%s%s_camCt" % (epsq, shot) scCams = = "camera") renCams = [] for cam in scCams: camTr = mc.listRelatives(cam, p = True) pMatch =, camTr[0]) if pMatch: renCams.append(camTr[0]) if not renCams: msgWin("Error", "Couldn't find a valid camera", silent) return False if len(renCams) > 1: msgWin("Error", "Too many cameras in the scene.\nPlease delete unwanted cameras", silent) return False if not renCams[0] == camName: mc.rename(renCams[0], camName) if mayaShot.projInfo.stereo: stereoCams = mc.listRelatives(camName, c = 1, typ = 'transform') for stCam in stereoCams: nodeTyp = mc.nodeType(stCam, i = True) if "constraint" in nodeTyp: continue if mc.getAttr(stCam + ".tx") < 0: mc.rename(stCam, camName.replace("_camCt", "_camLt")) else: mc.rename(stCam, camName.replace("_camCt", "_camRt")) camShape = "%sCenterCamShape" % camName else: camShape = "%sShape" % camName camShps = mc.listRelatives(camName, c = True, s = True) for shp in camShps: sMatch =, shp) if sMatch: mc.rename(shp, shp.replace(, camName)) else: print "Unable to find correct name for %s" % shp camParent = mc.listRelatives(camName, p = True) if camParent: camParent = camParent[0] if not camParent in ["CAM", "Aim_camera", "Ctl_Camera", "camera_group"]: if not mc.objExists("CAM"): = "CAM", em = True) try: mc.parent(camName, "CAM") except: pass camTopGrp = mc.listRelatives("CAM", p = True) if not camTopGrp == "CAMERAS": if not mc.objExists("CAMERAS"): = "CAMERAS", em = True) try: mc.parent("CAM", "CAMERAS") except: pass huds = ["HUDShotName", "HUDUserName", "HUDfocalLength", "HUDFrameNo"] for hud in huds: if mc.headsUpDisplay(hud, ex = True): mc.headsUpDisplay(hud, rem = True) focLen = mc.getAttr("%s.focalLength" % camShape) mc.headsUpDisplay('HUDfocalLength', s = 5, b = 1, bs = 'small', l = 'focalLength: %s' % focLen, lfs = 'large') mc.headsUpDisplay('HUDShotName', s = 6, b = 1, bs = 'small', l = 'shot: %s%s' % (epsq, shot), lfs = 'large') #username = os.environ['USERNAME'] #mc.headsUpDisplay('HUDUserName', s = 7, b = 1, bs = 'small', l = 'user: %s' % username, lfs = 'large') mc.headsUpDisplay('HUDFrameNo', s = 8, b = 1, bs = 'small', l = 'frame: ', lfs = 'large', c = 'import maya.cmds as mc; mc.currentTime(q = True)', atr = True) scnCameras = [camName] if stereoCams: scnCameras.extend(mc.listRelatives(camName, c = 1, typ = 'transform')) for scnCam in scnCameras:, e = 1, dfg = 0, dgm = 1, dr = 1, ovr = 1.1) if mayaShot.projInfo.stereo and scnCam.endswith("_camCt"): scnCam = scnCam + "CenterCam" mc.setAttr('%sShape.displayGateMaskOpacity' % scnCam, l = 0) mc.setAttr('%sShape.displayGateMaskOpacity' % scnCam, 1) mc.setAttr ('%sShape.displayGateMaskColor' % scnCam, l = 0) mc.setAttr ('%sShape.displayGateMaskColor' % scnCam, 0, 0, 0) if mc.objExists('hudFix_node'): mc.delete('hudFix_node') mayaShot.moveAssetsToGrps() shotFrames = mayaShot.frames mc.playbackOptions(min=101, max=100+int(shotFrames), ast=101, aet=100+int(shotFrames)) om.MGlobal.displayInfo("Scene cleaned up.")
def saveFile(self, local=False): pBlast, cchChk, pbStat = False, False, True cmsObj = self.getCmsObj() if cmsObj.deptShort in ["ly", "bk", "an"]: pBlast = mc.checkBox("chkPlayblast", q=1, v=1) if pBlast: viewport = utils.getActiveViewport() if not viewport: utils.msgWin( "Error", "Couldn't get active viewport. Please\nactivate viewport and try again.", False) return cchChk = mc.checkBox("chkCache", q=1, v=1) if cchChk: cacheDataObj = ppc.CacheDataXml() cacheExportError = cacheDataObj.checkExportErrors(False) if cacheExportError: return mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot(silent="disabled") if not mayaShot.validShot: utils.msgWin("Error", "Not a valid shot", False) return if not (mayaShot.deptShort == cmsObj.deptShort): msg = "Scene department does not match the dept selected in manager." utils.msgWin("Error", msg, False) return if not (mayaShot.epSqName == cmsObj.epsq and mayaShot.shName == cmsObj.shot): msg = "Scene shot number does not match the shot selected in manager." msg += "\nDo you want to save using the shot number selected in manager?" msg += "\nThis will rename camera and obtain frames from breakdown list." conf = mc.confirmDialog(t="Warning", m=msg, button=['Save', 'Cancel'], cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel') if conf == 'Cancel': return if local: wsFileFldr = mc.fileDialog2(dialogStyle=1, fm=3) if wsFileFldr: newFilePath = os.path.join( wsFileFldr[0], "%s.%s" % (cmsObj.fileName, cmsObj.ext)) if os.path.exists(newFilePath): utils.saveVersion(newFilePath) mc.file(rename=newFilePath) mc.file(save=True) blastPath = newFilePath.replace(".%s" % cmsObj.ext, ".avi") else: utils.msgWin("Error", "No folder selected", True) return else: wsFilePath = os.path.join(cmsObj.wsPath, "%s.%s" % (cmsObj.fileName, cmsObj.ext)) utils.saveVersion(wsFilePath) mc.file(rename=wsFilePath) utils.sceneCleanup() mc.file(save=True) blastPath = None msg = "File successfully Saved" if pBlast: pbStat = utils.takePlayblast(True, False, blastPath) mc.refresh() if cchChk and not local: cacheDataObj = ppc.CacheDataXml() cacheDataObj.writeXML() msg = "File successfully Saved and Cached" if not pbStat: msg = msg + "\n\nThere were errors while taking the playblast.\nPlease check the script editor for details." utils.msgWin("Success", msg, False) self.loadVersions()