Exemplo n.º 1
def convert_graph_prog(request, webargs):
    if (request.method == 'POST' and webargs):
        split_webargs = webargs.split("/")
        link_only = False
        to_email = split_webargs[0]

        if (not check_email(to_email)):
            return HttpResponse("ERROR: Incorrect email address format")

            in_graph_format = split_webargs[1]
            if in_graph_format not in ("graphml", "ncol", "edgelist", "lgl",
                                       "pajek", "graphdb", "numpy", "mat"):
                return HttpResponse("ERROR: Unknown graph input format")

            out_graph_format = list(set(split_webargs[2].split(",")))
            if not out_graph_format:
                return HttpResponse(
                    "ERROR: No output formats to compute provided")

            if len(split_webargs) == 4:
                if split_webargs[3] != "l":
                    return HttpResponse(
                        "ERROR: Final parameter '{0}', expected 'l'".format(
                    link_only = True
            return HttpResponse(
                "ERROR: Error with input graph format OR invariants chosen")

        save_dir, convert_file_save_loc = getworkdirs()
        uploaded_files = writeBodyToDisk(
            request.body, save_dir)  # can only be one file # TODO: Check me

        # Check for zip
        if os.path.splitext(uploaded_files[0])[1].strip() == '.zip':
            unzip(uploaded_files[0], save_dir)
            # Delete zip so its not included in the graphs we uploaded
            uploaded_files = glob(os.path.join(
                save_dir, "*"))  # get the uploaded file names

        task_convert.delay(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, uploaded_files,
                           convert_file_save_loc, in_graph_format,
                           out_graph_format, to_email)

        if link_only:
            return HttpResponse(get_download_path(convert_file_save_loc))

        return HttpResponse("Successful job submission, please " \
                              "await reception & completion emails at {0}".format(to_email))
        return HttpResponse("There was an error! If you believe it " \
                              "is on our end please email: {0}".format(settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL))
Exemplo n.º 2
def graph_load_inv_prog(request, webargs):
    if request.method == 'POST' and webargs:

        split_webargs = webargs.split("/")
        to_email = split_webargs[0]
        if (not check_email(to_email)):
            return HttpResponse("ERROR: Incorrect email address format")

            in_graph_format = split_webargs[1]
            if in_graph_format not in ("graphml", "ncol", "edgelist", "lgl",
                                       "pajek", "graphdb", "numpy", "mat"):
                return HttpResponse("ERROR: Unknown graph input format")
            invariants = split_webargs[2:]
            for inv in invariants:
                if inv not in settings.VALID_FILE_TYPES:
                    return HttpResponse(
                        "ERROR: Invariant '{0}' unknown!".format(inv))

            if not invariants:
                return HttpResponse("ERROR: No invariants to compute provided")
            return HttpResponse(
                "ERROR: Opaque Error with input graph format OR invariants chosen"

        data_dir = os.path.join(
            settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'public',
            strftime("UploadGraph%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()))
        uploadedZip = writeBodyToDisk(request.body,
                                      data_dir)[0]  # Not necessarily a zip

        try:  # Assume its a zip first
            unzip(uploadedZip, data_dir)  # Unzip the zip
            os.remove(uploadedZip)  # Delete the zip
            print "Non-zip file uploaded ..."

        graph_invariants_loc = os.path.join(data_dir, 'graphInvariants')

        task_invariant_compute.delay(invariants, uploadedZip,
                                     graph_invariants_loc, data_dir,
                                     in_graph_format, to_email)

        sendJobBeginEmail(to_email, invariants)

        return HttpResponse("Successful job submission, please " \
                              "await reception & completion emails at {0}".format(to_email))
        return HttpResponse("There was an error! If you believe it " \
                              "is on our end please email: {0}".format(settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL))
Exemplo n.º 3
def convert_graph_prog(request, webargs):
  if(request.method == 'POST' and webargs):
    split_webargs = webargs.split("/")
    link_only = False
    to_email = split_webargs[0]

    if (not check_email(to_email)):
      return HttpResponse("ERROR: Incorrect email address format")

      in_graph_format = split_webargs[1]
      if in_graph_format not in ("graphml", "ncol", "edgelist", "lgl", "pajek", "graphdb", "numpy", "mat"):
        return HttpResponse("ERROR: Unknown graph input format")

      out_graph_format = list(set(split_webargs[2].split(",")))
      if not out_graph_format: 
        return HttpResponse("ERROR: No output formats to compute provided")

      if len(split_webargs) == 4:
        if split_webargs[3] != "l":
          return HttpResponse("ERROR: Final parameter '{0}', expected 'l'".format(split_webargs[3]))
          link_only = True
      return HttpResponse("ERROR: Error with input graph format OR invariants chosen")

    save_dir, convert_file_save_loc = getworkdirs()
    uploaded_files = writeBodyToDisk(request.body, save_dir)# can only be one file # TODO: Check me

    # Check for zip
    if os.path.splitext(uploaded_files[0])[1].strip() == '.zip':
      unzip(uploaded_files[0], save_dir)
      # Delete zip so its not included in the graphs we uploaded
      uploaded_files = glob(os.path.join(save_dir, "*")) # get the uploaded file names

    task_convert.delay(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, uploaded_files, convert_file_save_loc,
    in_graph_format, out_graph_format, to_email)

    if link_only:
      return HttpResponse(get_download_path(convert_file_save_loc))

    return HttpResponse("Successful job submission, please " \
                          "await reception & completion emails at {0}".format(to_email))
    return HttpResponse("There was an error! If you believe it " \
                          "is on our end please email: {0}".format(settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL))
Exemplo n.º 4
def graph_load_inv_prog(request, webargs):
  if request.method == 'POST' and webargs:

    split_webargs = webargs.split("/")
    to_email = split_webargs[0]
    if (not check_email(to_email)):
      return HttpResponse("ERROR: Incorrect email address format")

      in_graph_format = split_webargs[1]
      if in_graph_format not in ("graphml", "ncol", "edgelist", "lgl", "pajek", "graphdb", "numpy", "mat"):
        return HttpResponse("ERROR: Unknown graph input format")
      invariants = split_webargs[2:]
      for inv in invariants:
        if inv not in settings.VALID_FILE_TYPES:
          return HttpResponse("ERROR: Invariant '{0}' unknown!".format(inv))

      if not invariants: 
        return HttpResponse("ERROR: No invariants to compute provided")
      return HttpResponse("ERROR: Opaque Error with input graph format OR invariants chosen")

    data_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'public', strftime("UploadGraph%a%d%b%Y_%H.%M.%S/", localtime()))
    uploadedZip = writeBodyToDisk(request.body, data_dir)[0] # Not necessarily a zip

    try: # Assume its a zip first
      unzip(uploadedZip, data_dir) # Unzip the zip
      os.remove(uploadedZip) # Delete the zip
      print "Non-zip file uploaded ..."

    graph_invariants_loc = os.path.join(data_dir, 'graphInvariants')

    task_invariant_compute.delay(invariants, uploadedZip, graph_invariants_loc, 
        data_dir, in_graph_format, to_email)

    sendJobBeginEmail(to_email, invariants)

    return HttpResponse("Successful job submission, please " \
                          "await reception & completion emails at {0}".format(to_email))
    return HttpResponse("There was an error! If you believe it " \
                          "is on our end please email: {0}".format(settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL))
Exemplo n.º 5
def build_graph_prog(request, webargs):
    if request.method == "POST" and webargs:

        webargs = webargs.split("/")
        proj_dir, site, subject, session, scanId = webargs[:5]
        email = webargs[6]
        if (not check_email(email)):
            return HttpResponse("ERROR: Incorrect email address format")

        invariants = webargs[7:]

        proj_dir = os.path.join("public", proj_dir)

        # Adapt project name if necesary on disk
        proj_dir = adaptProjNameIfReq(
                proj_dir))  # Fully qualify AND handle identical projects

        usrDefProjDir = os.path.join(proj_dir, site, subject, session, scanId)
        """ Define data directory paths """
        derivatives, graphs = defDataDirs(usrDefProjDir)

        # Create a model object to save data to DB
        grModObj = BuildGraphModel(project_name=webargs[0])
        grModObj.location = usrDefProjDir  # The particular scan location

        grModObj.site = site
        grModObj.subject = subject
        grModObj.session = session
        grModObj.scanId = scanId
        grModObj.save()  # Save project data to DB after file upload

        graph_size = webargs[5]
        save_dir = getworkdir()
        uploaded_files = writeBodyToDisk(request.body, save_dir)
        graph_loc = os.path.join(save_dir, "graphs")
        if not os.path.exists(graph_loc): os.makedirs(graph_loc)

        # add entry to owned project
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            ownedProjModObj = OwnedProjects(project_name=grModObj.project_name, \
              owner=grModObj.owner, is_private=form.cleaned_data["Project_Type"] == "private")

        print "\nSaving all files complete..."

        # TEST #
    derivatives = "/home/disa/test/build_test"
    graphs = derivatives
    # END TEST #

        sendJobBeginEmail(email, invariants)
        task_build.delay(save_dir, graph_loc, graph_size, invariants, save_dir,
        return HttpResponse("Successful job submission, please " \
                              "await reception & completion emails at {0}".format(email))
        return HttpResponse("There was an error! If you believe it " \
                              "is on our end please email: {0}".format(settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL))