Exemplo n.º 1
def fnoise(sound, coverage):
    target_frames = int(flen(sound) * coverage)

    for i in range(target_frames):
        p = randint(0, flen(sound) - 1)
        f = cut(sound, p, 1)
        sound = replace_into(sound, f, randint(0, flen(sound) - 1))

    return sound
Exemplo n.º 2
def fnoise(sound, coverage):
    target_frames = int(flen(sound) * coverage)

    for i in range(target_frames):
        p = randint(0, flen(sound) - 1)
        f = cut(sound, p, 1)
        sound = replace_into(sound, f, randint(0, flen(sound) - 1))

    return sound
Exemplo n.º 3
def alias(snd, passthru=False, envelope='flat', split_size=0):
        A simple time domain bitcrush-like effect.

        The sound is cut into blocks between 1 and 64 frames in size if split_size is zero, 
        otherwise split_size is the number of frames in each block.

        Every other block is discarded, and each remaining block is repeated in place.

        Set passthru to True to return the sound without processing. (Can be useful when processing grains in list comprehensions.)

        By default, a random amplitude envelope is also applied to the final sound.
    if passthru:
        return snd

    if envelope == 'flat':
        envelope = False
    elif envelope is None:
        envelope = 'random'

    if split_size == 0:
        split_size = dsp_grain / randint(1, dsp_grain)

    packets = split(snd, split_size)
    packets = [p*2 for i, p in enumerate(packets) if i % 2]

    out = ''.join(packets)

    if envelope:
        out = env(out, envelope)

    return out 
Exemplo n.º 4
def alias(snd, passthru=False, envelope='flat', split_size=0):
        A simple time domain bitcrush-like effect.

        The sound is cut into blocks between 1 and 64 frames in size if split_size is zero, 
        otherwise split_size is the number of frames in each block.

        Every other block is discarded, and each remaining block is repeated in place.

        Set passthru to True to return the sound without processing. (Can be useful when processing grains in list comprehensions.)

        By default, a random amplitude envelope is also applied to the final sound.
    if passthru:
        return snd

    if envelope == 'flat':
        envelope = False
    elif envelope is None:
        envelope = 'random'

    if split_size == 0:
        split_size = dsp_grain / randint(1, dsp_grain)

    packets = split(snd, split_size)
    packets = [p*2 for i, p in enumerate(packets) if i % 2]

    out = ''.join(packets)

    if envelope:
        out = env(out, envelope)

    return out 
Exemplo n.º 5
def interleave(list_one, list_two):
    """ Interleave the elements of two lists.


            >>> dsp.interleave([1,1], [0,0])
            [1, 0, 1, 0]
    # find the length of the longest list
    if len(list_one) > len(list_two):
        big_list = len(list_one)
    elif len(list_two) > len(list_one):
        big_list = len(list_two)
        if rand.randint(0, 1) == 0:
            big_list = len(list_one)
            big_list = len(list_two)

    combined_lists = []

    # loop over it and insert alternating items
    for index in range(big_list):
        if index <= len(list_one) - 1:
        if index <= len(list_two) - 1:

    return combined_lists
Exemplo n.º 6
def interleave(list_one, list_two):
    """ Interleave the elements of two lists.


            >>> dsp.interleave([1,1], [0,0])
            [1, 0, 1, 0]
    # find the length of the longest list
    if len(list_one) > len(list_two):
        big_list = len(list_one)
    elif len(list_two) > len(list_one):
        big_list = len(list_two)
        if rand.randint(0, 1) == 0:
            big_list = len(list_one)
            big_list = len(list_two)

    combined_lists = []

    # loop over it and insert alternating items
    for index in range(big_list):
        if index <= len(list_one) - 1:
        if index <= len(list_two) - 1:

    return combined_lists
Exemplo n.º 7
def env(
    """ Temp wrapper for new env function \n
        Purpose and Function of each parameter:
          * wavetype: Specifies the wavetype that the original audio string is multiplied with
                    * Options:
                        *  sine/sine2pi
                        *  cos/cos2pi
                        *  hann
                        *  tri
                        *  saw/line
                        *  isaw/phasor
                        *  vary
                        *  impulse
                        *  square
                        *  random
          * fullres: Does not currently change the sound
          * highval: Does not currently change the sound
          * lowval: Does not currently change the sound
          * wtype: Sets the wave type (0-8), but it is easier just to use the wavetype parameter
          * amp: Changes the amplitude of the wave that the audio string is multiplied with
          * phase: Changes the phase of the wave that the audio string is multiplied with
          * offset: Offsets the wave that the audio string is multiplied with
          * mult: A multiplier for the frequency of the wave that the original audio string is multiplied with.

    # Quick and dirty mapping to transition to the new api
    if wavetype == "sine2pi" or wavetype == "sine":
        wtype = 0
    elif wavetype == "cos2pi" or wavetype == "cos":
        wtype = 1
    elif wavetype == "hann":
        wtype = 2
    elif wavetype == "tri":
        wtype = 3
    elif wavetype == "saw" or wavetype == "line":
        wtype = 4
    elif wavetype == "isaw" or wavetype == "phasor":
        wtype = 5
    elif wavetype == "vary":
        wtype = 6
    elif wavetype == "impulse":
        wtype = 7
    elif wavetype == "square":
        wtype = 8
    elif wavetype == "random":
        wtype = randint(0, 8)

    return cenv(audio_string, int(wtype), float(amp), float(phase), float(offset), float(mult))
Exemplo n.º 8
def env(audio_string,
    """ Temp wrapper for new env function \n
        Purpose and Function of each parameter:
          * wavetype: Specifies the wavetype that the original audio string is multiplied with
                    * Options:
                        *  sine/sine2pi
                        *  cos/cos2pi
                        *  hann
                        *  tri
                        *  saw/line
                        *  isaw/phasor
                        *  vary
                        *  impulse
                        *  square
                        *  random
          * fullres: Does not currently change the sound
          * highval: Does not currently change the sound
          * lowval: Does not currently change the sound
          * wtype: Sets the wave type (0-8), but it is easier just to use the wavetype parameter
          * amp: Changes the amplitude of the wave that the audio string is multiplied with
          * phase: Changes the phase of the wave that the audio string is multiplied with
          * offset: Offsets the wave that the audio string is multiplied with
          * mult: A multiplier for the frequency of the wave that the original audio string is multiplied with.

    # Quick and dirty mapping to transition to the new api
    if wavetype == 'sine2pi' or wavetype == 'sine':
        wtype = 0
    elif wavetype == 'cos2pi' or wavetype == 'cos':
        wtype = 1
    elif wavetype == 'hann':
        wtype = 2
    elif wavetype == 'tri':
        wtype = 3
    elif wavetype == 'saw' or wavetype == 'line':
        wtype = 4
    elif wavetype == 'isaw' or wavetype == 'phasor':
        wtype = 5
    elif wavetype == 'vary':
        wtype = 6
    elif wavetype == 'impulse':
        wtype = 7
    elif wavetype == 'square':
        wtype = 8
    elif wavetype == 'random':
        wtype = randint(0, 8)

    return cenv(audio_string, int(wtype), float(amp), float(phase),
                float(offset), float(mult))
Exemplo n.º 9
def vsplit(input, minsize, maxsize):
    # min/max size is in frames...
    output = []
    pos = 0

    for chunk in range(flen(input) / minsize):
        chunksize = randint(minsize, maxsize)
        if pos + chunksize < flen(input) - chunksize:
            output.append(cut(input, pos, chunksize))
            pos += chunksize

    return output
Exemplo n.º 10
def vsplit(input, minsize, maxsize):
    # min/max size is in frames...
    output = []
    pos = 0

    for chunk in range(flen(input) / minsize):
        chunksize = randint(minsize, maxsize)
        if pos + chunksize < flen(input) - chunksize:
            output.append(cut(input, pos, chunksize))
            pos += chunksize

    return output
Exemplo n.º 11
def rotate(items, start=0, vary=False):
    """ Rotate a list by a given (optionally variable) offset 

            >>> dsp.rotate(range(10), 3)
            [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2]

            >>> dsp.rotate(range(10), vary=True)
            [6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

            >>> dsp.rotate(range(10), vary=True)
            [8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

    if vary == True:
        start = rand.randint(0, len(items))

    return items[-start % len(items):] + items[:-start % len(items)]
Exemplo n.º 12
def wavetable(wtype="sine", size=512, highval=1.0, lowval=0.0):
    """ The end is near. That'll do, wavetable()
    wtable = []
    wave_types = [
        "sine", "gauss", "cos", "line", "saw", "impulse", "phasor", "sine2pi",
        "cos2pi", "vary", "flat"

    if wtype == "random":
        wtype = wave_types[int(rand(0, len(wave_types) - 1))]

    if wtype == "sine":
        wtable = [
            math.sin(i * math.pi) * (highval - lowval) + lowval
            for i in frange(size, 1.0, 0.0)

    elif wtype == "hann" or wtype == "hanning":
        wtable = [
            0.5 * (1 - math.cos((2 * math.pi * i) / (size - 1)))
            for i in range(size)

    elif wtype == "gauss":

        def gauss(x):
            # From: http://johndcook.com/python_phi.html
            # Prolly doing it wrong!
            a1 = 0.254829592
            a2 = -0.284496736
            a3 = 1.421413741
            a4 = -1.453152027
            a5 = 1.061405429
            p = 0.3275911

            sign = 1
            if x < 0:
                sign = -1
            x = abs(x) / math.sqrt(2.0)

            t = 1.0 / (1.0 + p * x)
            y = 1.0 - (((((a5 * t + a4) * t) + a3) * t + a2) * t +
                       a1) * t * math.exp(-x * x)

            return abs(abs(sign * y) - 1.0)

        wtable = [
            gauss(i) * (highval - lowval) + lowval
            for i in frange(size, 2.0, -2.0)
    elif wtype == "sine2pi":
        wtable = [
            math.sin(i * math.pi * 2) * (highval - lowval) + lowval
            for i in frange(size, 1.0, 0.0)

    elif wtype == "cos2pi":
        wtable = [
            math.cos(i * math.pi * 2) * (highval - lowval) + lowval
            for i in frange(size, 1.0, 0.0)

    elif wtype == "cos":
        wtable = [
            math.cos(i * math.pi) * (highval - lowval) + lowval
            for i in frange(size, 1.0, 0.0)

    elif wtype == "itri":
        # Inverted triangle
        wtable = [
            math.fabs(i) for i in frange(size, highval, lowval - highval)
        ]  # Only really a triangle wave when centered on zero

    elif wtype == "tri":
        wtable = [(2.0 / (size + 1)) *
                  ((size + 1) / 2.0 - math.fabs(i - ((size - 1) / 2.0)))
                  for i in range(size)]

    elif wtype == "saw" or wtype == "line":
        wtable = [i for i in frange(size, highval, lowval)]

    elif wtype == "phasor":
        wtable = wavetable("line", size, highval, lowval)

    elif wtype == "impulse":
        wtable = [float(randint(-1, 1)) for i in range(size / randint(2, 12))]
        wtable.extend([0.0 for i in range(size - len(wtable))])

    elif wtype == "vary":
        if size < 32:
            bsize = size
            bsize = size / int(rand(2, 16))

        btable = [[
                                len(wave_types) - 1))],
            rand(lowval, highval)
        ] for i in range(bsize)]

        if len(btable) > 0:
            btable[0] = lowval
            btable = [lowval]

        wtable = breakpoint(btable, size)
    elif wtype == "flat":
        wtable = [highval for i in range(size)]

    return wtable
Exemplo n.º 13
def rcut(snd, length):
    """ Cut a segment of a given length from a random position in the given sound. """
    return cut(snd, randint(0, flen(snd) - length), length)
Exemplo n.º 14
def noise(length):
    return ''.join([
        byte_string(randint(-32768, 32767))
        for i in range(length * audio_params[0])
Exemplo n.º 15
def wavetable(wtype="sine", size=512, highval=1.0, lowval=0.0):
    """ The end is near. That'll do, wavetable()
    wtable = []
    wave_types = ["sine", "gauss", "cos", "line", "saw", "impulse", "phasor", "sine2pi", "cos2pi", "vary", "flat"]

    if wtype == "random":
        wtype = wave_types[int(rand(0, len(wave_types) - 1))]

    if wtype == "sine":
        wtable = [math.sin(i * math.pi) * (highval - lowval) + lowval for i in frange(size, 1.0, 0.0)]

    elif wtype == "hann" or wtype == "hanning":
        wtable = [ 0.5 * ( 1 - math.cos((2 * math.pi * i) / (size - 1))) for i in range(size) ]

    elif wtype == "gauss":
        def gauss(x):
            # From: http://johndcook.com/python_phi.html
            # Prolly doing it wrong!
            a1 =  0.254829592
            a2 = -0.284496736
            a3 =  1.421413741
            a4 = -1.453152027
            a5 =  1.061405429
            p  =  0.3275911

            sign = 1
            if x < 0:
                sign = -1
            x = abs(x)/math.sqrt(2.0)

            t = 1.0/(1.0 + p * x)
            y = 1.0 - (((((a5 * t + a4) * t) + a3) * t + a2) * t + a1) * t * math.exp(-x * x)

            return abs(abs(sign * y) - 1.0)

        wtable = [gauss(i) * (highval - lowval) + lowval for i in frange(size, 2.0, -2.0)] 
    elif wtype == "sine2pi":
        wtable = [math.sin(i * math.pi * 2) * (highval - lowval) + lowval for i in frange(size, 1.0, 0.0)]

    elif wtype == "cos2pi":
        wtable = [math.cos(i * math.pi * 2) * (highval - lowval) + lowval for i in frange(size, 1.0, 0.0)]

    elif wtype == "cos":
        wtable = [math.cos(i * math.pi) * (highval - lowval) + lowval for i in frange(size, 1.0, 0.0)]

    elif wtype == "itri":
        # Inverted triangle
        wtable = [math.fabs(i) for i in frange(size, highval, lowval - highval)] # Only really a triangle wave when centered on zero 

    elif wtype == "tri":
        wtable = [ (2.0 / (size + 1)) * ((size + 1) / 2.0 - math.fabs(i - ((size - 1) / 2.0))) for i in range(size) ]

    elif wtype == "saw" or wtype == "line":
        wtable = [i for i in frange(size, highval, lowval)]

    elif wtype == "phasor":
        wtable = wavetable("line", size, highval, lowval)

    elif wtype == "impulse":
        wtable = [float(randint(-1, 1)) for i in range(size / randint(2, 12))]
        wtable.extend([0.0 for i in range(size - len(wtable))])

    elif wtype == "vary":
        if size < 32:
            bsize = size
            bsize = size / int(rand(2, 16))

        btable = [ [wave_types[int(rand(0, len(wave_types)-1))], rand(lowval, highval)] for i in range(bsize) ]

        if len(btable) > 0:
            btable[0] = lowval
            btable = [lowval]

        wtable = breakpoint(btable, size) 
    elif wtype == "flat":
        wtable = [highval for i in range(size)]
    return wtable
Exemplo n.º 16
def rcut(snd, length):
    """ Cut a segment of a given length from a random position in the given sound. """
    return cut(snd, randint(0, flen(snd) - length), length)
Exemplo n.º 17
def noise(length):
    return ''.join([byte_string(randint(-32768, 32767)) for i in range(length * audio_params[0])])