Exemplo n.º 1
 def check_len_test(self):
     """ check_len_test:
         Make sure that we load at least one color palette. Pull a color
         first to fix lazy loading.
     assert_true(len(ph.palette) > 5)
Exemplo n.º 2
def draw_circles(C):
    This function draws the shaded circles to the screen. We are drawing
    them in a function so we can reuse them quickly for blending.

    # Palette #19 is a good predefined palette with whites and blues
    pal = ph.palette(19)

    # The base radius of our circles. Everything will scale from this
    radius = 1.60
    offset = 0.50
    tc = 0.2  # Base thickness

    # All the circles will have a linear gradient from top to bottom,
    # or bottom to top (we use theta for that). The second parameter [1, 0]
    # controls the alpha (the transparency). The sizing and thickness was
    # choosen by hand to get a nice effect.

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]], [1, 0], theta=-np.pi / 2)
    C += circle(0, 0, radius + offset, thickness=tc, gradient=lg)

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]], [1, 0], theta=np.pi / 2)
    C += circle(0, 0, radius - 2 * offset, thickness=tc / 2, gradient=lg)

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[2], pal[1]], [1, 0], theta=-np.pi / 2)
    C += circle(0, 0, radius - offset, thickness=tc / 2, gradient=lg)

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[2], pal[1]], [1, 0], theta=np.pi / 2)
    C += circle(0, 0, radius + 1.5 * offset, thickness=tc / 2, gradient=lg)
Exemplo n.º 3
def teyleen_982():
    C = Canvas(**canvas_args)
    pi = np.pi

    pal = [matplotlib_colors("lavender")] + ph.palette(96)
    tc = 0.025

    dx = pi / 8
    t0 = dx
    t1 = 2 * pi - dx
    r = 1.8

    for n in range(6):
            rotation=pi / 2,

        dx *= 1.4
        t0 = dx
        t1 = 2 * pi - dx
        r -= 0.2

    return C
Exemplo n.º 4
    def load_palette_test(self):
        """ load_palette_test:
            Load up a fixed palette and check the colors

        pal = ph.palette(5)

        known_color = [232, 221, 203, 255]
        assert_true(all([c0 == c1 for c0, c1 in zip(pal[0], known_color)]))
Exemplo n.º 5
def teyleen_116():
    C = Canvas(**canvas_args)
    pal = ph.palette(152)

    x = 0.25
    C += circle(x, x, r=x / 2, color=pal[0])
    C += circle(-x, x, r=x / 2, color=pal[1])
    C += circle(x, -x, r=x / 2, color=pal[2])
    C += circle(-x, -x, r=x / 2, color=pal[3])

    C += circle(y=x / 2, r=2 - x, color=pal[4], thickness=x / 20)
    C += circle(y=-x / 2, r=2 - x, color=pal[4], thickness=x / 20)

    return C
Exemplo n.º 6
    def text_gradient_test(self):
        pal = ph.palette(15)

        C0 = ph.Canvas()
        C0 += ph.text(color=pal[0])

        C1 = ph.Canvas()
        C1 += ph.text(color=pal[1])

        g = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]])

        C2 = ph.Canvas()
        C2 += ph.text(gradient=g)

        # Now check that none of them are equal
        for x, y in itertools.combinations([C0, C1, C2], r=2):
            assert_false((x.img == y.img).all())
Exemplo n.º 7
def logo_animation(logo_text):
    pal = ph.palette(3)

    A = ph.Animation(fps=24, duration=1.5, width=800, height=800, bg=pal[2])

    lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]], theta=-np.pi / 4)

    A += ph.circle(color=pal[3])
    A += ph.filters.gaussian_blur()
    A += ph.circle(color=pal[3])

    y = ph.motion.easeInOutQuad(0, 1, flip=True)

    for i in np.arange(-6, 6, 1.0):
        A += ph.text(logo_text, y=i * y, gradient=lg, font_size=1.0)

    return A
Exemplo n.º 8
# A working file to test various aspects of the module
import numpy as np
import pixelhouse as ph

pal = ph.palette(4)

C = ph.Canvas(width=400, height=400, bg=pal[0])
C = ph.Animation(width=400, height=400, bg=pal[0])

C += ph.circle(x=1, y=-0.5, r=2, color=pal[1])
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)

with C.layer() as CX:
    CX += ph.polyline(color="k")
    CX += ph.transform.rotate(theta)
    CX += ph.filters.gaussian_blur(0.25, theta / 6)

C += ph.circle(x=-1, r=1.0)

Exemplo n.º 9
import random
import numpy as np
import pixelhouse as ph

# Start with a good predefined color palette.
# I like palette 20 since it has a bunch of muted reds and blues.
pal = ph.palette(20)

# Split the colors into our primary and background colors.
background_color, primary_colors = pal[0], pal[1:]

# Since we are coloring the circles, let's set a seed so we get
# the same result each time.

# Setup our canvas! Make it 400 by 400 pixels,
# and use the first palette color as the background.
canvas = ph.Canvas(400, 400, bg=background_color)

# Now draw some circles on the screen. We want to loop over this twice,
# once for the vertical direction and the other for the horizontal.
# To give it a wavy feel, we want every other circle to be offset a bit.

radius = 0.40

for k, y in enumerate(np.arange(-6, 6, radius)):

    for x in np.arange(-6, 6, radius * 2.5):

        # If k is odd (eg. every other one), offset it!
        if k % 2:
Exemplo n.º 10
# Testing chained animation

import numpy as np
import random
import pixelhouse as ph
from pixelhouse.filters import gaussian_blur

pal = ph.palette(0)

x = np.linspace(0, 2, 100)

C = ph.Animation(400, 400, bg=pal[0])
C += ph.rectangle(x=x, x1=x + 1, color=pal[3])

C2 = C.blank(duration=1)
C2 += ph.circle(x=x, color=pal[2])
C2 += gaussian_blur()
C += C2

Exemplo n.º 11
import pixelhouse as ph
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import center_of_mass

pal = ph.palette(3)
g = ph.gradient.linear([pal[2], pal[3]])

class squish(ph.transform.elastic.ElasticTransform):
    def __init__(self, art):
        self.art = art
        self.dt = 0.01

    def measure_CoM(self, cvs, t):
        bg = cvs.copy()
        self.art.draw(bg, t)
        mask = bg.alpha / 255

        y, x = center_of_mass(mask)
        cx = cvs.inverse_transform_x(x)
        cy = cvs.inverse_transform_y(y)

        return np.array([cx, cy])

    def draw(self, cvs, t=0.0):

        gravity = 5.0

        # c0 = self.measure_CoM(cvs, t-self.dt)
        # c1 = self.measure_CoM(cvs, t)
        # c2 = self.measure_CoM(cvs, t+self.dt)
Exemplo n.º 12
import numpy as np
import pixelhouse as ph
from pixelhouse.filters import gaussian_blur
import pixelhouse.transform.elastic as el

pal = ph.palette(8)
f_font = "../pixelhouse/fonts/Montserrat-Medium.otf"

C = ph.Canvas(500, 100, bg=pal[2])
C = ph.Animation(500, 100, bg=pal[2])  # , fps=10)
lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]])

C += ph.text("pixelhouse", font_size=2 * 0.78, font=f_font, color="w")
C += ph.text("pixelhouse", font_size=2 * 0.75, font=f_font, gradient=lg)

a = ph.motion.easeInOutQuad(0, 0.12, True)

z = np.linspace(2 * np.pi, 0)
C += el.wave(amplitude=3 * a, wavelength=1.5, offset=z)

z = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)
C += el.wave(amplitude=a, wavelength=0.3, offset=z)

z = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi)
C += el.wave(amplitude=a / 2, wavelength=0.3 / 7, offset=z + 0.2)

# ph.canvas2gif(C, "wave_effect.gif", duration=0.1,
#              palettesize=32, gifsicle=True)

Exemplo n.º 13
import numpy as np
import pixelhouse as ph

# Palette #6 looks like the beach
pal = ph.palette(6)

canvas = ph.Canvas(400, 400, bg=pal[2])

# Draw a circle, fuzz it, then draw it again
canvas += ph.circle(color=pal[3])
canvas += ph.filters.gaussian_blur()
canvas += ph.circle(color=pal[3])

# Build a nice but subtle linear gradient for the text
# Angle it at -45 degress (-pi/4)
lg = ph.gradient.linear([pal[0], pal[1]], theta=-np.pi / 4)

# Draw the text and repeat it vertically
for i in np.arange(-6, 6, 1.0):
    canvas += ph.text("pixelhouse", y=i, gradient=lg)

Exemplo n.º 14
 def out_of_bounds_test(self):
     """ out_of_bounds_test:
         Try to access a palette that doesn't exist.
Exemplo n.º 15
        dy = np.zeros_like(coords[1]).astype(np.float)

        dist = np.array(dist)

        theta = self.theta(t)
        amplitude = cvs.transform_length(self.amplitude(t), is_discrete=False)

        dy += amplitude * np.cos(theta) * dist[:, :, np.newaxis]
        dx += amplitude * np.sin(theta) * dist[:, :, np.newaxis]

        dy[:, :, 0] *= 0

        self.transform(cvs, dy, dx, coords, self.mode(t), order=0)

pal = ph.palette(13)
# w,h = 3*600, 3*200
scale = 4
w, h = scale * 600, scale * 200

C = ph.Canvas(w, h)
C += ph.text(

dist = erosion_distance(C, kernel_size=3, decay=0.8,
Exemplo n.º 16
        x = p * np.cos(theta)
        y = p * np.sin(theta)

        if is_overlap(x, y, r):

        color = np.random.randint(1, 5)
        pts.append((x, y, r, color))

    np.save(f_pts, np.array(pts))

pts = np.load(f_pts)

pal = ph.palette(114)
# C = ph.Canvas(600, 600, bg=pal[0])
C = ph.Animation(600, 600, bg=pal[0], fps=30)

idx = np.argsort(pts[:, -2])
pts = pts[idx]

for x, y, r, color in tqdm(pts):
    u = int(color)

    if u == 1:
        t = np.linspace(0, 100)
        theta = ph.motion.easeInSine(0, 2 * np.pi, flip=True)(t)
        tx = np.arctan2(y, x)
        rx = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)