def read_meta(fname, type="auto", maxmaps=1000, **kwargs): """Read metadata for the given mapdata file. Returns a bunch of nmap, map_geometry, ivar_geometry""" import numpy as np from pixell import enmap if type == "auto": type = infer_type(fname) if type == "zip": work, flexget, has = zipfile.ZipFile(fname, "r"), zip_flexopen, zip_has elif type == "dir": work, flexget, has = fname, dir_flexopen, dir_has elif type == "mapinfo": work, flexget, has = fname, mapinfo_flexget, mapinfo_has else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized type '%s'" % str(type)) meta = bunch.Bunch(nmap=0, map_geometry=None, ivar_geometry=None) with flexget(work, "map1.fits") as f: meta["map_geometry"] = enmap.read_fits_geometry(f, **kwargs) with flexget(work, "ivar1.fits") as f: meta["ivar_geometry"] = enmap.read_fits_geometry(f, **kwargs) for i in range(maxmaps): if has(work, "map%d.fits" % (i + 1)): meta.nmap = i + 1 else: break with flexget(work, "beam.txt") as f: meta.beam = read_beam(f) with flexget(work, "info.txt") as f: read_info(f, meta) if type == "zip": work.close() return meta
def read_mapinfo(fname, type="auto", maxmaps=1000): """Reads the filenames (+info) from a link-type mapdata file, returning a dictionary {maps:[fname,...], ivars:[fname,...], beam:fname, info:{beam:num, freq:num}}""" if type == "auto": type = infer_type(fname) res = bunch.Bunch(maps=[], ivars=[], beam=None, gain=None, freq=None) if type == "zip": with zipfile.ZipFile(fname, "r") as ifile: res["beam"] = zip_readlink(ifile, "beam.txt") with"info.txt", "r") as f: read_info(f, res) for i in range(0, maxmaps): try: mapfile = zip_readlink(ifile, "map%d.fits" % (i + 1)) ivarfile = zip_readlink(ifile, "ivar%d.fits" % (i + 1)) except KeyError: break res["maps"].append(mapfile) res["ivars"].append(ivarfile) return res elif type == "dir": res["beam"] = getlink(fname + "/beam.txt") with open(fname + "/info.txt", "rb") as f: read_info(f, res) for i in range(0, maxmaps): try: mapfile = getlink(fname + "/map%d.fits" % (i + 1)) ivarfile = getlink(fname + "/ivar%d.fits" % (i + 1)) except FileNotFoundError: break res["maps"].append(mapfile) res["ivars"].append(ivarfile) return res else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized type '%s'" % str(type))
def build_mapinfo(mapfiles=None, ivarfiles=None, beamfile=None, infofile=None, gain=None, freq=None, mapdatafile=None): """Build a mapinfo dictionary based on a combination of: mapdatafile: Path to an existing symbolic-link mapdata file. Any information not specified in the other arguments will be taken from here mapfiles[], ivarfiles[], beamfile, infofile: Paths (or lists of paths for mapfiles or ivarfiles) to the maps, ivars, beam and info that make up the mapdata file. gain: real number of the gain correction to use with these maps. Overrides the mapdatafile and infofile values. freq: As gain, but for the central frequency in GHz. """ data = bunch.Bunch(maps=[], ivars=[], beam=None, gain=None, freq=None) if mapdatafile is not None: data = read_mapinfo(mapdatafile) if mapfiles is not None: data["maps"] = [os.path.realpath(fname) for fname in mapfiles] if ivarfiles is not None: data["ivars"] = [os.path.realpath(fname) for fname in ivarfiles] if beamfile is not None: data["beam"] = os.path.realpath(beamfile) if infofile is not None: with open(infofile, "rb") as f: read_info(f, data) if gain is not None: data["gain"] = gain if freq is not None: data["freq"] = freq if data["gain"] is None: data["gain"] = 1.0 return data
def solve(self, maxiter=500, maxerr=1e-6): self.prepare() rhs =, self.junk_rhs) solver = utils.CG(self.A, rhs, M=self.M, while True or solver.i < maxiter and solver.err > maxerr: solver.step() yield bunch.Bunch(i=solver.i, err=solver.err, x=self.dof.unzip(solver.x)[0])
def websky_decode(data, cosmology, mass_interp): """Go from a raw websky catalog to pos, z and m200""" chi = np.sum(data.T[:3]**2, 0)**0.5 # comoving Mpc a = pyccl.scale_factor_of_chi(cosmology, chi) z = 1 / a - 1 R = data.T[6].astype(float) * 1e6 * utils.pc # m. This is *not* r200! rho_m = calc_rho_c(0, cosmology) * cosmology["Omega_m"] m200m = 4 / 3 * np.pi * rho_m * R**3 m200 = mass_interp(m200m, z) ra, dec = utils.rect2ang(data.T[:3]) return bunch.Bunch(z=z, ra=ra, dec=dec, m200=m200)
def read_tileset_geometry(ipathfmt, itile1=(None, None), itile2=(None, None)): itile1, itile2 = find_tile_range(ipathfmt, itile1, itile2) mfile1 = ipathfmt % {"y": itile1[0], "x": itile1[1]} mfile2 = ipathfmt % {"y": itile2[0] - 1, "x": itile2[1] - 1} m1 = enmap.read_map(mfile1) m2 = m1 if mfile1 == mfile2 else enmap.read_map(mfile2) wy, wx = m1.shape[-2:] oshape = tuple( np.array(m1.shape[-2:]) * (itile2 - itile1 - 1) + np.array(m2.shape[-2:])) return bunch.Bunch(shape=m1.shape[:-2] + oshape, wcs=m1.wcs, dtype=m1.dtype, tshape=m1.shape[-2:])
def get_params_battaglia(m200, z, cosmology): """Return a bunch of xc, alpha, beta, gamma for a cluster with the given m200 in SI units.""" # First get the gnfw parameters. utils.gnfw has the opposite sign for # beta and gamma as nemo, but otherwise the same convention z1 = z + 1 m = m200 / (1e14 * utils.M_sun) P0 = 18.1 * m**0.154 * z1**-0.758 xc = 0.497 * m**-0.00865 * z1**0.731 beta = 4.35 * m**0.0393 * z1**0.415 alpha = 1 gamma = -0.3 # Go from battaglia convention to standard gnfw beta = gamma - alpha * beta return bunch.Bunch(xc=xc, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, P0=P0)
def read_info(fileobj, out=None): if out is None: out = bunch.Bunch() try: out.beam = fileobj.beam out.freq = fileobj.freq except AttributeError: for line in fileobj: line = line.decode() toks = line.split(":") if len(toks) == 0 or line.startswith("#"): continue if toks[0] == "gain": out["gain"] = float(toks[1]) elif toks[0] == "freq": out["freq"] = float(toks[1]) else: raise IOError("Unrecognized key '%s' in info ifle" % (toks[0])) return out
def parse_args(args, noglob=False): if isinstance(args, str): args = shlex.split(args) res, unkown = arg_parser.parse_known_args(args) res = bunch.Bunch(**res.__dict__) # Glob expansion if not noglob: ifiles = [] for pattern in res.ifiles: matches = glob.glob(pattern) if len(matches) > 0: ifiles += matches else: ifiles.append(pattern) res.ifiles = ifiles return res
def build_case_tsz(data, size=1 * utils.arcmin, scaling=None): if scaling is None: scaling = utils.tsz_spectrum(data.freqs * 1e9) / np.abs( utils.tsz_spectrum(data.freq0 * 1e9)) # Get the fourier shapes lprofs = (utils.tsz_tform(size, data.l) * data.beams).astype( data.maps.dtype) lprofs /= np.max(lprofs, (-2, -1))[:, None, None] # Get the real-space templates for the model profs1d = [] for i in range(data.n): lprof1d = utils.tsz_tform(size, np.arange(len( data.bls[i]))) * data.bls[i] lprof1d /= np.max(lprof1d) br = data.beam_profiles[i][0] profs1d.append(np.array([br, curvedsky.harm2profile(lprof1d, br)])) modeller = analysis.ModellerScaled(data.maps.shape, data.maps.wcs, profs1d, scaling) return bunch.Bunch(profile=lprofs, scaling=scaling, modeller=modeller)
def read(fname, splits=None, type="auto", maxmaps=1000, **kwargs): """Read the maps, ivars, beam, gain and fequency from a mapdata file, and return them as a bunch of maps:[map,...], ivars:[ivar,...], beam:[:], gain:num, freq:num. All maps are read by default. Use the splits argument to read only a subset, e.g. splits=[0] to read only the first map for each of maps and ivars. All unrecognized arguments are forwarded to enmap.read_fits and used when reading the maps, allowing for subset reading etc.""" import numpy as np from pixell import enmap if type == "auto": type = infer_type(fname) if type == "zip": work, flexget = zipfile.ZipFile(fname, "r"), zip_flexopen elif type == "dir": work, flexget = fname, dir_flexopen elif type == "mapinfo": work, flexget = fname, mapinfo_flexget else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized type '%s'" % str(type)) data = bunch.Bunch(maps=[], ivars=[], beam=None, gain=None, freq=None) with flexget(work, "info.txt") as f: read_info(f, data) with flexget(work, "beam.txt") as f: # This supports theformats [l,b,...] and [b]. The beam is assumed to # start at l=0 and have a step of 1 data.beam = read_beam(f) if splits is None: for i in range(0, maxmaps): try: with flexget(work, "map%d.fits" % (i + 1)) as f: mapfile = enmap.read_fits(f, **kwargs) with flexget(work, "ivar%d.fits" % (i + 1)) as f: ivarfile = enmap.read_fits(f, **kwargs) except FileNotFoundError: break data["maps"].append(mapfile) data["ivars"].append(ivarfile) else: for i in range(splits): with flexget(work, "map%d.fits" % (i + 1)) as f: data["maps"].append(enmap.read_fits(f, **kwargs)) with flexget(work, "ivar%d.fits" % (i + 1)) as f: data["ivars"].append(enmap.read_fits(f, **kwargs)) if type == "zip": work.close() return data
def read_hdf(ifile): res = bunch.Bunch() with h5py.File(ifile, "r") as hfile: for key in hfile: res[key] = hfile[key][()] return res
def search_maps_tiled(ifiles, odir, tshape=(1000, 1000), margin=100, padding=150, mode="find", icat=None, box=None, pixbox=None, sel=None, mask=None, templates=default_templates, cl_cmb=None, freq0=98.0, nmat1="constcorr", nmat2="constcorr", snr1=5, snr2=4, comps="TQU", dtype=np.float32, comm=None, cont=False, sim_cat=None, sim_noise=False, verbose=False): wdir = odir + "/work" utils.mkdir(wdir) if comm is None: comm = bunch.Bunch(rank=0, size=1) tshape = np.zeros(2, int) + tshape meta = mapdata.read_meta(ifiles[0]) # Allow us to slice the map that will be tiled geo = enmap.Geometry(*meta.map_geometry) if pixbox is not None or box is not None: geo = geo.submap(pixbox=pixbox, box=box) if sel is not None: geo = geo[sel] shape = np.array(geo.shape[-2:]) ny, nx = (shape + tshape - 1) // tshape def is_done(ty, tx): return os.path.isfile("%s/cat_%03d_%03d.fits" % (wdir, ty, tx)) tyxs = [(ty, tx) for ty in range(ny) for tx in range(nx) if (not cont or not is_done(ty, tx))] for ind in range(comm.rank, len(tyxs), comm.size): # Get basic area of this tile tyx = np.array(tyxs[ind]) if verbose: print("%2d Processing tile %2d %2d of %2d %2d" % (comm.rank, tyx[0], tyx[1], ny, nx)) yx1 = tyx * tshape yx2 = np.minimum((tyx + 1) * tshape, shape) # Apply padding wyx1 = yx1 - margin - padding wyx2 = yx2 + margin + padding # Transform from box-relative pixbox to global pixbox off = enmap.pixbox_of(meta.map_geometry[1], *geo)[0] wyx1 += off wyx2 += off # Process this tile res = search_maps(ifiles, mode=mode, icat=icat, pixbox=[wyx1, wyx2], templates=templates, mask=mask, cl_cmb=cl_cmb, freq0=freq0, nmat1=nmat1, nmat2=nmat2, snr1=snr1, snr2=snr2, comps=comps, dtype=dtype, sim_cat=sim_cat, sim_noise=sim_noise, verbose=verbose) # Write tile results to work directory. We do this to avoid using too much memory, # and to allow us to continue write_results(wdir, res, padding=padding, tag="%03d_%03d" % tuple(tyx)) comm.Barrier() # When everything's done, merge things into single files if comm.rank == 0: merge_results(wdir, odir, geo, tshape=tshape, margin=margin, verbose=verbose)
def search_maps(ifiles, mode="find", icat=None, sel=None, pixbox=None, box=None, templates=default_templates, cl_cmb=None, freq0=98.0, nmat1="constcorr", nmat2="constcorr", snr1=5, snr2=4, comps="TQU", dtype=np.float32, apod=15 * utils.arcmin, verbose=False, sim_cat=None, sim_noise=False, mask=None): """Search the maps given by ifiles for objects, returning a bunch containing a catalog of objects, etc. Arguments: * ifiles: A list of paths to mapdata files. These should be in µK units. * mode: What operation to do. Either "find" or "fit". Defaults to "find" * "find": Do a blind object search in the maps. * "fit": Do forced photometry on the positions provided in the input catalog icat. * sel, pixbox, box: These let you work with a subset of the maps. Same meaning as in enmap.read_map. Default to None. * templates: What spectral and spatial shapes to look for. This is a list of tuples that will be passed to build_cases. Defaults to default_templates. * cl_cmb: The CMB angular power spectrum. Ideally [TQU,TQU,nl] (note: not TEB). Used to build the blind noise model. * freq0: The reference frequency in GHz. This is used when reporting the overall flux of multifrequency templates. * nmat1: The noise model to use for the first pass of the search. These are built from simple analytic models, not measured from the data. "constcov": A constant covariance noise model. This is fast, but purely harmonic, so it can't handle variations in hitcount. "constcorr": A constant correlation noise model, where a constant noise spectrum is modulated by the hitcount. Handles both correlations and spatial variations, in a limited way. [default] * nmat2: The noise model to use for the second pass of the search. These are built from maps cleaned using the first pass. Defaults to "constcorr". "none": Disables the second pass, returning the catalog found in the first pass "constcov", "constcorr": As nmat1, but measured from the data. The power spectra are smoothed isotropically for now. * snr1: The S/N threshold used for the first pass in "find" mode. Defaults to 5. * snr2. The S/N threshold used for the second pass in "find" mode. Defaults to 4. * comps: Controls the Stokes parameters considered. Can be "T" or "TQU". Defaults to "TQU". * dtype: The maps will be cast to this data type after reading in. Defaults to np.float32. * apod: How much apodization is used at the edges (including edges of unhit areas), in radians. This is necessary to avoid ringing artifacts in the fourier transforms. Defaults to 15 arcmin. * verbose: Whether to print what it's doing. Defaults to False. * sim_noise: Whether to replace the raw data with noise. Currently a cmb-less constcorr realization. Should fix this. * sim_cat: A catalog to inject into the maps before the search. Defaults to None. * mask: Path to a mask enmap that's True in bad regions and False in good regions. Bad regions will be given zero weight and apodized. Returns a bunch with the following members: * cat: A catalog with the data type [("ra", "d"), ("dec", "d"), ("snr", "d", (ncomp,)), ("flux_tot", "d", (ncomp,)), ("dflux_tot", "d", (ncomp,)), ("flux", "d", (nfield,ncomp)), ("dflux", "d", (nfield,ncomp)), ("case", "i"), ("contam", "d", (nfield,))] * maps: The maps that were searched [nfreq,ncomp,ny,nx] * model: The best-fit model * snr: The S/N ratio for the input maps [ny,nx] * resid_snr: The S/N ratio after subtracting the best-fit model * freqs: The frequencies, in GHz * fconvs: The µK -> mJy/sr flux conversion factor for each frequency * inds: The index of each entry in the output catalog in the input catalog. Only relevant when mode == "fit". """ # Read in the total intensity data if verbose: print("Reading T from %s" % str(ifiles)) data = read_data(ifiles, sel=sel, pixbox=pixbox, box=box, dtype=dtype, apod=apod, mask=mask) data.freq0 = freq0 ncomp = len(comps) nfield = len(data.maps) cat_dtype = [("ra", "d"), ("dec", "d"), ("snr", "d", (ncomp, )), ("flux_tot", "d", (ncomp, )), ("dflux_tot", "d", (ncomp, )), ("flux", "d", (nfield, ncomp)), ("dflux", "d", (nfield, ncomp)), ("case", "i"), ("contam", "d", (nfield, ))] cases = build_cases(data, templates) # Get the part of the catalog inside our area if mode == "fit": inds = np.where( np.any([icat.dec, icat.ra], order=0) > 0, 0))[0] subicat = icat[inds] else: inds = None # Abort if we have no data to process if np.all(data.ivars == 0): map_tot = enmap.zeros((nfield, ncomp) + data.maps.shape[-2:], data.maps.wcs, dtype) cat = np.zeros(0, cat_dtype) return bunch.Bunch(cat=cat, maps=map_tot, model=map_tot, snr=map_tot[0, 0], resid_snr=map_tot[0, 0], hits=map_tot[0, 0], fconvs=data.fconvs, freqs=data.freqs, inds=inds) # Build our noise model, based on a 1/l spectrum + cmb + a foreground penalty cmb = build_cmb_2d(*data.maps.geometry, cl_cmb, dtype=data.maps.dtype) if cl_cmb is not None else None fg_var = build_foreground_var(data.maps) nmat = build_nmat_prior(data, type=nmat1, fg_var=fg_var, cmb=cmb[0, 0] if cmb is not None else None) # Optionally inject signal. FIXME: This should be moved after nmat is defined, # so we can let nmat handle the noise simulation if sim_noise: data.maps = nmat.simulate() * data.apod if sim_cat is not None: inject_objects(data, cases, slice_cat_comp(sim_cat, 0)) # Total intensity if mode == "find": if verbose: print("1st pass T find") res_t = find_objects(data, cases, nmat, snmin=snr1, resid=nmat2 == "none", verbose=verbose) elif mode == "fit": if verbose: print("1st pass T measure") res_t = measure_objects(data, cases, nmat, slice_cat_comp(subicat, 0), resid=nmat2 == "none", verbose=verbose) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized mode '%s'" % (mode)) if nmat2 != "none": noise = data.maps - res_t.model if "bad_mask" in res_t: noise_apod = enmap.apod_mask(1 - res_t.bad_mask, 10 * utils.arcmin, edge=False) noise *= noise_apod noise /= np.mean(noise_apod**2) #enmap.write_map("noise.fits", noise) del noise_apod nmat = build_nmat_empirical(data, noise, fg_var=fg_var, type=nmat2) if mode == "find": if verbose: print("2nd pass T find") res_t = find_objects(data, cases, nmat, snmin=snr2, resid=True, verbose=verbose) elif mode == "fit": if verbose: print("2nd pass T measure") res_t = measure_objects(data, cases, nmat, slice_cat_comp(subicat, 0), resid=True, verbose=verbose) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized mode '%s'" % (mode)) res = [res_t] # Polarization is always "fit", since anything that would be found in polarization # would definitely be found in total intensity if comps == "T": pass elif comps == "TQU": # Measure polarization too for comp in [1, 2]: if verbose: print("Reading %s from %s" % (comps[comp], str(ifiles))) data = read_data(ifiles, sel=sel, pixbox=pixbox, box=box, comp=comp, apod=apod) data.freq0 = freq0 # Optionally inject signal if sim_cat is not None: inject_objects(data, cases, slice_cat_comp(sim_cat, comp)) if verbose: print("1st pass %s measure" % comps[comp]) nmat = build_nmat_prior(data, type=nmat1, pol=True, cmb=cmb[comp, comp] if cmb is None else None) res_p = measure_objects(data, cases, nmat,, verbose=verbose) if nmat2 != "none": if verbose: print("2nd pass %s measure" % comps[comp]) nmat = build_nmat_empirical(data, noise_map=data.maps - res_p.model, type=nmat2) res_p = measure_objects(data, cases, nmat,, verbose=verbose) res.append(res_p) # First the catalog cat = np.zeros(len(, cat_dtype).view(np.recarray) cat.ra = cat.dec = = cat.contam = for i in range(len(res)): cat.snr[:, i] = res[i].cat.snr cat.flux_tot[:, i] = res[i].cat.flux_tot cat.dflux_tot[:, i] = res[i].cat.dflux_tot cat.flux[:, :, i] = res[i].cat.flux cat.dflux[:, :, i] = res[i].cat.dflux # Then the maps map_tot = enmap.samewcs(np.concatenate([r.maps[:, None] for r in res], 1), data.maps) model_tot = enmap.samewcs( np.concatenate([r.model[:, None] for r in res], 1), data.maps) result = bunch.Bunch(cat=cat, maps=map_tot, model=model_tot, fconvs=data.fconvs, freqs=data.freqs, inds=inds) # These only exist in "find" mode for key in ["snr", "resid_snr", "hits"]: result[key] = res_t[key] if key in res_t else None return result
def build_case_ptsrc(data, scaling=None): if scaling is None: scaling = np.full(data.n, 1.0) scaling = np.asarray(scaling).astype(data.maps.dtype) modeller = analysis.ModellerPerfreq(data.maps.shape, data.maps.wcs, data.beam_profiles) return bunch.Bunch(profile=data.beams, scaling=scaling, modeller=modeller)
def read_data(fnames, sel=None, pixbox=None, box=None, geometry=None, comp=0, split=0, unit="flux", dtype=np.float32, beam_rmax=5 *, beam_res=2 * utils.arcsec, deconv_pixwin=True, apod=15 * utils.arcmin, mask=None, ivscale=[1, 0.5, 0.5]): """Read multi-frequency data for a single split of a single component, preparing it for analysis.""" # Read in our data files and harmonize br = np.arange(0, beam_rmax, beam_res) data = bunch.Bunch(maps=[], ivars=[], beams=[], freqs=[], l=None, bls=[], names=[], beam_profiles=[]) for ifile in fnames: d =, sel=sel, pixbox=pixbox, box=box, geometry=geometry) # The 0 here is just selecting the first split. That is, we don't support splits data.maps.append(d.maps[split].astype(dtype)[comp]) data.ivars.append(d.ivars[split].astype(dtype) * ivscale[comp]) data.freqs.append(d.freq) if data.l is None: data.l = d.maps[0].modlmap() data.beams.append( enmap.ndmap( np.interp(data.l, np.arange(len(d.beam)), d.beam / np.max(d.beam)), d.maps[0].wcs).astype(dtype)) data.names.append(".".join(os.path.basename(ifile).split(".")[:-1])) data.bls.append(d.beam) data.beam_profiles.append( np.array([br, curvedsky.harm2profile(d.beam, br)]).astype(dtype)) data.maps = enmap.enmap(data.maps) data.ivars = enmap.enmap(data.ivars) data.beams = enmap.enmap(data.beams) data.freqs = np.array(data.freqs) if unit == "uK": data.fconvs = np.full(len(data.freqs), 1.0, dtype) elif unit == "flux": data.fconvs = (utils.dplanck(data.freqs * 1e9, utils.T_cmb) / 1e3).astype(dtype) # uK -> mJy/sr else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized unit '%s'" % str(unit)) data.n = len(data.freqs) # Apply the unit data.maps *= data.fconvs[:, None, None] data.ivars /= data.fconvs[:, None, None]**2 if mask is not None: mask_map = 1 - enmap.read_map(mask, sel=sel, pixbox=pixbox, box=box) data.ivars *= mask_map del mask_map # Should generalize this to handle internal map edges and frequency differences mask = enmap.shrink_mask(enmap.grow_mask(data.ivars > 0, 1 * utils.arcmin), 1 * utils.arcmin) apod_map = enmap.apod_mask(mask, apod) data.apod = apod_map data.fapod = np.mean(apod_map**2) data.maps *= apod_map data.ivars *= apod_map**2 # Get the pixel window and optionall deconvolve it data.wy, data.wx = [ w.astype(dtype) for w in enmap.calc_window(data.maps.shape) ] if deconv_pixwin: data.maps = enmap.ifft( enmap.fft(data.maps) / data.wy[:, None] / data.wx[None, :]).real return data
def build_obs(self, id, obs, noise_model=None): # Signal must have the right dtype, or the pmat we build will break later t1 = time.time() tod = obs.signal.astype(self.dtype_tod, copy=False) ctime = obs.timestamps # Set up cuts handling pcut = PmatCut(obs.glitch_flags) # Build the local geometry and pointing matrix for this observation if self.recenter: rot = recentering_to_quat_lonlat( *evaluate_recentering(self.recenter, ctime=ctime[len(ctime) // 2], geom=(self.shape, self.wcs), site=SITE)) else: rot = None # Ideally we would include cuts in the pmat. It would slightly simplify PmatCut, which # would skip the "clear" step, and it would make the map_div calculation simpler. # However, doing so changes the result, which should be investigated. pmat = coords.pmat.P.for_tod(obs, comps=self.comps, geom=(self.shape, self.wcs), rot=rot) t2 = time.time() # Build the noise model if noise_model is None: noise_model = self.noise_model srate = (len(ctime) - 1) / (ctime[-1] - ctime[0]) nmat =, srate=srate) t3 = time.time() tod = nmat.apply(tod) t4 = time.time() map_rhs = enmap.zeros((self.ncomp, ) + self.shape, self.wcs, self.dtype_map) junk_rhs = np.zeros(pcut.njunk, self.dtype_tod) ## FIXME #so3g.test_cuts(pcut.cuts.ranges) pcut.backward(tod, junk_rhs) pmat.to_map(dest=map_rhs, signal=tod) t5 = time.time() # After this we don't need the tod values any more, so we are free to mess with them. map_div = enmap.zeros((self.ncomp, self.ncomp) + self.shape, self.wcs, self.dtype_map) junk_div = np.ones(pcut.njunk, self.dtype_tod) tod[:] = 0 pcut.forward(tod, junk_div) tod *= nmat.ivar[:, None] pcut.backward(tod, junk_div) #pmat.to_weights(dest=map_div, det_weights=nmat.ivar.astype(self.dtype_tod)) # Full manual build of map_div for i in range(self.ncomp): map_div[i] = 0 map_div[i, i] = 1 tod[:] = 0 pmat.from_map(map_div[i], dest=tod) pcut.clear(tod) tod *= nmat.ivar[:, None] map_div[i] = 0 pmat.to_map(signal=tod, dest=map_div[i]) t6 = time.time() if np.any(map_div[0, 0, 0, :] != 0) or np.any( map_div[0, 0, -1, :] != 0) or np.any( map_div[0, 0, :, 0] != 0) or np.any( map_div[0, 0, :, -1] != 0): warnings.warn("Local work space was too small - data truncated") # And return the ML data for this observation data = bunch.Bunch(id=id, ndet=obs.dets.count, nsamp=len(ctime), dets=obs.dets.vals, shape=self.shape, wcs=self.wcs, pmat=pmat, pcut=pcut, nmat=nmat, map_rhs=map_rhs, map_div=map_div, junk_rhs=junk_rhs, junk_div=junk_div) #L.debug("build %-70s : Pbuild %8.3f Nbuild %8.3f Pw' %8.3f N %8.3f Pm' %8.3f %3d %6d" % (id, t2-t1, t3-t2, t6-t5, t4-t3, t5-t4, data.ndet, data.nsamp)) return data
c11 = [hp.alm2cl(alms[0][i], alms[0][i]) for i in range(3)] c22 = [hp.alm2cl(alms[1][i], alms[1][i]) for i in range(3)] cross = hp.alm2cl(alms[0][0], alms[1][0]) if white or tube[0] == "S": zeros.append(cross) c12 = [] else: c12 = [cross] ls = np.arange(c11[0].size) return ls, c11, c22, c12, zeros for key in config.keys(): print(f"Test {key}") c = bunch.Bunch(config[key]) nside, shape, wcs, res = get_geom(c) nsim = noise.SONoiseSimulator( nside=nside, shape=shape, wcs=wcs, homogenous=c.homogenous, sky_fraction=c.fsky if c.homogenous else None, ) ells, nlt, nlp = nsim.get_noise_spectra(, ncurve_sky_fraction=c.fsky) if not (c.homogenous): try: if nside is not None: mask = hp.read_map(c.mask) else: