Exemplo n.º 1
    def syntax_quote(form):
        if isinstance(form, Symbol) and compiler.is_compiler_special(form):
            ret = rt.list(QUOTE, form)

        elif isinstance(form, Symbol):
            if rt.namespace(form) is None and rt.name(form).endswith("#"):
                gmap = rt.deref(GEN_SYM_ENV)
                affirm(gmap is not nil, u"Gensym literal used outside a syntax quote")
                gs = rt.get(gmap, form)
                if gs is nil:
                    gs = rt.symbol(rt.str(form, rt.wrap(u"__"), rt.gensym()))
                    GEN_SYM_ENV.set_value(rt.assoc(gmap, form, gs))
                form = gs
                var = rt.resolve_in(compiler.NS_VAR.deref(), form)
                if var is nil:
                    form = rt.symbol(rt.str(rt.wrap(rt.name(rt.deref(compiler.NS_VAR))), rt.wrap(u"/"), form))
                    form = rt.symbol(rt.str(rt.wrap(rt.namespace(var)), rt.wrap(u"/"), rt.str(rt.wrap(rt.name(var)))))
            ret = rt.list(QUOTE, form)
        elif is_unquote(form):
            ret = rt.first(rt.next(form))
        elif is_unquote_splicing(form):
            raise Exception("Unquote splicing not used inside list")
        elif rt.vector_QMARK_(form) is true:
            ret = rt.list(APPLY, CONCAT, SyntaxQuoteReader.expand_list(form))
        elif rt.seq_QMARK_(form) is true:
            ret = rt.list(APPLY, LIST, rt.cons(CONCAT, SyntaxQuoteReader.expand_list(rt.seq(form))))
            ret = rt.list(QUOTE, form)
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
    def syntax_quote(form):
        if isinstance(form, Symbol) and compiler.is_compiler_special(form):
            ret = rt.list(QUOTE, form)

        elif isinstance(form, Symbol):
            if rt.namespace(form) is None and rt.name(form).endswith("#"):
                gmap = rt.deref(GEN_SYM_ENV)
                affirm(gmap is not nil, u"Gensym literal used outside a syntax quote")
                gs = rt.get(gmap, form)
                if gs is nil:
                    gs = rt.symbol(rt.str(form, rt.wrap(u"__"), rt.gensym()))
                    GEN_SYM_ENV.set_value(rt.assoc(gmap, form, gs))
                form = gs
                var = rt.resolve_in(compiler.NS_VAR.deref(), form)
                if var is nil:
                    form = rt.symbol(rt.str(rt.wrap(rt.name(rt.deref(compiler.NS_VAR))), rt.wrap(u"/"), form))
                    form = rt.symbol(rt.str(rt.wrap(rt.namespace(var)), rt.wrap(u"/"), rt.str(rt.wrap(rt.name(var)))))
            ret = rt.list(QUOTE, form)
        elif is_unquote(form):
            ret = rt.first(rt.next(form))
        elif is_unquote_splicing(form):
            return runtime_error(u"Unquote splicing not used inside list")
        elif rt.vector_QMARK_(form) is true:
            ret = rt.list(APPLY, CONCAT, SyntaxQuoteReader.expand_list(form))
        elif rt.map_QMARK_(form) is true:
            mes = SyntaxQuoteReader.flatten_map(form)
            ret = rt.list(APPLY, HASHMAP, rt.list(APPLY, CONCAT, SyntaxQuoteReader.expand_list(mes)))
        elif form is not nil and rt.seq_QMARK_(form) is true:
            ret = rt.list(APPLY, LIST, rt.cons(CONCAT, SyntaxQuoteReader.expand_list(rt.seq(form))))
            ret = rt.list(QUOTE, form)
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
def c_cast(frm, to):
    if not isinstance(to, CStructType):
        runtime_error(u"Expected a CStruct type to cast to, got " + rt.name(rt.str(to)))

    if not isinstance(frm, CStruct) and not isinstance(frm, VoidP):
        runtime_error(u"From must be a CVoidP or a CStruct, got " + rt.name(rt.str(frm)))

    return to.cast_to(frm)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def set_field(self, name, val):
        idx = self._custom_type.get_slot_idx(name)
        if idx == -1:
            runtime_error(u"Invalid field named " + rt.name(rt.str(name)) +
                          u" on type " + rt.name(rt.str(self.type())))

        self._fields[idx] = val
        return self
Exemplo n.º 5
    def add_refer_symbol(self, sym, var):
        assert isinstance(self, Namespace)

        name = rt.name(sym)
        prev_binding = self._registry.get(name, None)
        if prev_binding is not None:
            print rt.str(rt.wrap(u"Warning: "), sym, rt.wrap(u" already refers to "), prev_binding)._str

        self._registry[name] = var
        return var
Exemplo n.º 6
    def get_field(self, name):
        idx = self._custom_type.get_slot_idx(name)
        if idx == -1:
            runtime_error(u"Invalid field named " + rt.name(rt.str(name)) +
                          u" on type " + rt.name(rt.str(self.type())))

        if self._custom_type.is_mutable(name):
            return self._fields[idx]
            return self.get_field_immutable(idx)
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: ffi.py Projeto: kidaa/pixie
def c_cast(frm, to):
    """(cast from to)
    Converts a VoidP to a CStruct. From is either a VoidP or a CStruct, to is a CStruct type."""
    if not isinstance(to, CStructType):
        runtime_error(u"Expected a CStruct type to cast to, got " + rt.name(rt.str(to)))

    if not isinstance(frm, CStruct) and not isinstance(frm, VoidP):
        runtime_error(u"From must be a CVoidP or a CStruct, got " + rt.name(rt.str(frm)))

    return to.cast_to(frm)
Exemplo n.º 8
def c_cast(frm, to):
    """(cast from to)
    Converts a VoidP to a CStruct. From is either a VoidP or a CStruct, to is a CStruct type."""
    if not isinstance(to, CStructType):
        runtime_error(u"Expected a CStruct type to cast to, got " + rt.name(rt.str(to)))

    if not isinstance(frm, CStruct) and not isinstance(frm, VoidP):
        runtime_error(u"From must be a CVoidP or a CStruct, got " + rt.name(rt.str(frm)))

    return to.cast_to(frm)
Exemplo n.º 9
def load_reader(rdr):
    import pixie.vm.reader as reader
    import pixie.vm.compiler as compiler
    import sys

    if not we_are_translated():
        print "Loading file while interpreted, this may take time"

    val = PXIC_WRITER.deref()
    if val is nil:
        pxic_writer = None
        pxic_writer = val.get_pxic_writer()

    with compiler.with_ns(u"user"):
        while True:
            if not we_are_translated():
            form = reader.read(rdr, False)
            if form is reader.eof:
                return nil

                compiled = compiler.compile(form)

            except WrappedException as ex:
                meta = rt.meta(form)
                if meta is not nil:
                    ci = rt.interpreter_code_info(meta)
                    add_info(ex, ci.__repr__())
                add_info(ex, u"Compiling: " + rt.name(rt.str(form)))
                raise ex

                if pxic_writer is not None:


            except WrappedException as ex:
                meta = rt.meta(form)
                if meta is not nil:
                    ci = rt.interpreter_code_info(meta)
                    add_info(ex, ci.__repr__())
                add_info(ex, u"Running: " + rt.name(rt.str(form)))
                raise ex

    if not we_are_translated():
        print "done"

    return nil
Exemplo n.º 10
def load_reader(rdr):
    import pixie.vm.reader as reader
    import pixie.vm.compiler as compiler
    import sys

    if not we_are_translated():
        print "Loading file while interpreted, this may take time"

    val = PXIC_WRITER.deref()
    if val is nil:
        pxic_writer = None
        pxic_writer = val.get_pxic_writer()

    with compiler.with_ns(u"user"):
        while True:
            if not we_are_translated():
            form = reader.read(rdr, False)
            if form is reader.eof:
                return nil

                compiled = compiler.compile(form)

            except WrappedException as ex:
                meta = rt.meta(form)
                if meta is not nil:
                    ci = rt.interpreter_code_info(meta)
                    add_info(ex, ci.__repr__())
                add_info(ex, u"Compiling: " + rt.name(rt.str(form)))
                raise ex

                if pxic_writer is not None:


            except WrappedException as ex:
                meta = rt.meta(form)
                if meta is not nil:
                    ci = rt.interpreter_code_info(meta)
                    add_info(ex, ci.__repr__())
                add_info(ex, u"Running: " + rt.name(rt.str(form)))
                raise ex

    if not we_are_translated():
        print "done"

    return nil
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __repr__(self):
        import pixie.vm.rt as rt
        s = []
        trace = self._trace[:]
        for x in trace:
        s.extend([u"RuntimeException: " + rt.name(rt.str(self._data)) + u" " +
                  rt.name(rt.str(self._msg)) + u"\n"])

        return u"".join(s)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def ffi_set_value(self, ptr, val):
        if isinstance(val, CCallback):
            casted = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, ptr)
            casted[0] = val.get_raw_closure()
        elif val is nil:
            casted = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, ptr)
            casted[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, 0)
            frm_name = rt.name(rt.str(val.type()))
            to_name = rt.name(rt.str(self))
            affirm(False, u"Cannot encode " + frm_name + u" as " + to_name)

        return None
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: ffi.py Projeto: kidaa/pixie
    def ffi_set_value(self, ptr, val):
        if isinstance(val, CCallback):
            casted = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, ptr)
            casted[0] = val.get_raw_closure()
        elif val is nil:
            casted = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, ptr)
            casted[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, 0)
            frm_name = rt.name(rt.str(val.type()))
            to_name = rt.name(rt.str(self))
            affirm(False, u"Cannot encode " + frm_name + u" as " + to_name)

        return None
Exemplo n.º 14
    def set_field(self, name, val):
        idx = self._custom_type.get_slot_idx(name)
        if idx == -1:
            runtime_error(u"Invalid field named " + rt.name(rt.str(name)) +
                          u" on type " + rt.name(rt.str(self.type())))

        old_val = self._fields[idx]
        if isinstance(old_val, AbstractMutableCell):
            old_val.set_mutable_cell_value(self._custom_type, self._fields,
                                           name, idx, val)
            self._fields[idx] = val
        return self
Exemplo n.º 15
    def get_field(self, name):
        idx = self._custom_type.get_slot_idx(name)
        if idx == -1:
            runtime_error(u"Invalid field named " + rt.name(rt.str(name)) +
                          u" on type " + rt.name(rt.str(self.type())))

        if self._custom_type.is_mutable(name):
            value = self._fields[idx]
            value = self.get_field_immutable(idx)

        if isinstance(value, AbstractMutableCell):
            return value.get_mutable_cell_value()
            return value
Exemplo n.º 16
def ffi_callback(args, ret_type):
    """(ffi-callback args ret-type)
       Creates a ffi callback type. Args is a vector of CType args. Ret-type is the CType return
       type of the callback. Returns a ffi callback type that can be used with ffi-prep-callback."""
    args_w = [None] * rt.count(args)

    for x in range(rt.count(args)):
        arg = rt.nth(args, rt.wrap(x))
        if not isinstance(arg, object.Type):
            runtime_error(u"Expected type, got " + rt.name(rt.str(arg)))
        args_w[x] = arg

    if not isinstance(ret_type, object.Type):
        runtime_error(u"Expected type, got " + rt.name(rt.str(ret_type)))

    return CFunctionType(args_w, ret_type)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def set_field(self, name, val):
        idx = self._custom_type.get_slot_idx(name)
        if idx == -1:
                u"Invalid field named " + rt.name(rt.str(name)) +
                u" on type " + rt.name(rt.str(self.type())),

        old_val = self.get_field_by_idx(idx)
        if isinstance(old_val, AbstractMutableCell):
            old_val.set_mutable_cell_value(self._custom_type, self, name, idx,
            self.set_field_by_idx(idx, val)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: ffi.py Projeto: kidaa/pixie
def ffi_callback(args, ret_type):
    """(ffi-callback args ret-type)
       Creates a ffi callback type. Args is a vector of CType args. Ret-type is the CType return
       type of the callback. Returns a ffi callback type that can be used with ffi-prep-callback."""
    args_w = [None] * rt.count(args)

    for x in range(rt.count(args)):
        arg = rt.nth(args, rt.wrap(x))
        if not isinstance(arg, object.Type):
            runtime_error(u"Expected type, got " + rt.name(rt.str(arg)))
        args_w[x] = arg

    if not isinstance(ret_type, object.Type):
        runtime_error(u"Expected type, got " + rt.name(rt.str(ret_type)))

    return CFunctionType(args_w, ret_type)
Exemplo n.º 19
def struct_size(tp):
    """(struct-size tp)
    Gives the size of the given CStruct type tp, in bytes."""
    if not isinstance(tp, CStructType):
        runtime_error(u"Expected a CStruct type to get the size of, got " + rt.name(rt.str(tp)))

    return rt.wrap(tp.get_size())
Exemplo n.º 20
    def inner_invoke(self, args):
        from pixie.vm.keyword import keyword
        import pixie.vm.rt as rt
        from pixie.vm.string import String
        import pixie.vm.persistent_vector as vector

        with with_ns(u"user"):

        acc = vector.EMPTY
        for x in self._argv:
            acc = rt.conj(acc, rt.wrap(x))


        rdr = MetaDataReader(PromptReader())
        with with_ns(u"user"):
            while True:
                    val = read(rdr, False)
                    if val is eof:
                    val = interpret(compile(val))
                except WrappedException as ex:
                    print "Error: ", ex._ex.__repr__()
                if val is keyword(u"exit-repl"):
                val = rt.str(val)
                assert isinstance(val, String), "str should always return a string"
                print val._str
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: ffi.py Projeto: kidaa/pixie
def struct_size(tp):
    """(struct-size tp)
    Gives the size of the given CStruct type tp, in bytes."""
    if not isinstance(tp, CStructType):
        runtime_error(u"Expected a CStruct type to get the size of, got " + rt.name(rt.str(tp)))

    return rt.wrap(tp.get_size())
Exemplo n.º 22
def load_file(filename):
    import pixie.vm.reader as reader
    import pixie.vm.compiler as compiler
    f = open(str(filename._str))
    data = f.read()
    rdr = reader.StringReader(unicode(data))
    result = nil
    while True:
        form = reader.read(rdr, False)
        print "printing"
        print rt.str(form)._str
        if form is reader.eof:
            return result
        print "compiling"
        result = compiler.compile(form).invoke([])
        print "compiled"
Exemplo n.º 23
    def set_val(self, k, v):
        (tp, offset) = self._type.get_desc(k)

        if tp is None:
            runtime_error(u"Invalid field name: " + rt.name(rt.str(k)))

        offset = rffi.ptradd(self._buffer, offset)
        tp.ffi_set_value(rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, offset), v)

        return nil
Exemplo n.º 24
    def add_refer_symbol(self, sym, var):
        assert isinstance(self, Namespace)

        name = rt.name(sym)
        prev_binding = self._registry.get(name, None)
        if prev_binding is not None:
            print rt.name(rt.str(rt.wrap(u"Warning: "), sym, rt.wrap(u" already refers to "), prev_binding))

        self._registry[name] = var
        return var
Exemplo n.º 25
Arquivo: ffi.py Projeto: kidaa/pixie
    def set_val(self, k, v):
        (tp, offset) = self._type.get_desc(k)

        if tp is None:
            runtime_error(u"Invalid field name: " + rt.name(rt.str(k)))

        offset = rffi.ptradd(self._buffer, offset)
        tp.ffi_set_value(rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, offset), v)

        return nil
Exemplo n.º 26
 def ffi_set_value(self, ptr, val):
     pnt = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, ptr)
     if isinstance(val, String):
         pnt = rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARPP, ptr)
         utf8 = unicode_to_utf8(rt.name(val))
         raw = rffi.str2charp(utf8)
         pnt[0] = raw
         return CCharPToken(raw)
     elif isinstance(val, Buffer):
         pnt[0] = val.buffer()
     elif isinstance(val, VoidP):
         pnt[0] = val.raw_data()
     elif val is nil:
         pnt[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, 0)
     elif isinstance(val, CStruct):
         pnt[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, val.raw_data())
         frm_name = rt.name(rt.str(val.type()))
         to_name = rt.name(rt.str(self))
         affirm(False, u"Cannot encode " + frm_name + u" as " + to_name)
Exemplo n.º 27
Arquivo: ffi.py Projeto: kidaa/pixie
 def ffi_set_value(self, ptr, val):
     pnt = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDPP, ptr)
     if isinstance(val, String):
         pnt = rffi.cast(rffi.CCHARPP, ptr)
         utf8 = unicode_to_utf8(rt.name(val))
         raw = rffi.str2charp(utf8)
         pnt[0] = raw
         return CCharPToken(raw)
     elif isinstance(val, Buffer):
         pnt[0] = val.buffer()
     elif isinstance(val, VoidP):
         pnt[0] = val.raw_data()
     elif val is nil:
         pnt[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, 0)
     elif isinstance(val, CStruct):
         pnt[0] = rffi.cast(rffi.VOIDP, val.raw_data())
         frm_name = rt.name(rt.str(val.type()))
         to_name = rt.name(rt.str(self))
         affirm(False, u"Cannot encode " + frm_name + u" as " + to_name)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def set_field(self, name, val):
        idx = self._custom_type.get_slot_idx(name)
        if idx == -1:
            runtime_error(u"Invalid field named " + rt.name(rt.str(name)) + u" on type " + rt.name(rt.str(self.type())),

        old_val = self.get_field_by_idx(idx)
        if isinstance(old_val, AbstractMutableCell):
            old_val.set_mutable_cell_value(self._custom_type, self, name, idx, val)
            self.set_field_by_idx(idx, val)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 29
def c_struct(name, size, spec):
    d = {}
    for x in range(rt.count(spec)):
        row = rt.nth(spec, rt.wrap(x))
        nm = rt.nth(row, rt.wrap(0))
        tp = rt.nth(row, rt.wrap(1))
        offset = rt.nth(row, rt.wrap(2))

        affirm(isinstance(nm, Keyword), u"c-struct field names must be keywords")
        if not isinstance(tp, CType):
            runtime_error(u"c-struct field types must be c types, got: " + rt.name(rt.str(tp)))

        d[nm] = (tp, offset.int_val())

    return CStructType(rt.name(name), size.int_val(), d)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def get_field(self, name):
        idx = self._custom_type.get_slot_idx(name)
        if idx == -1:
            runtime_error(u"Invalid field named " + rt.name(rt.str(name)) + u" on type " + rt.name(rt.str(self.type())),

        if self._custom_type.is_mutable(name):
            value = self.get_field_by_idx(idx)
            value = self.get_field_immutable(idx)

        if isinstance(value, AbstractMutableCell):
            return value.get_mutable_cell_value()
            return value
Exemplo n.º 31
def write_object(obj, wtr):
    if isinstance(obj, String):
        write_string(rt.name(obj), wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Integer):
        write_int(obj.int_val(), wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, BigInteger):  #TODO test
        write_bigint(obj.bigint_val(), wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Float):
        write_float(obj.float_val(), wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Code):
        write_code(obj, wtr)
    elif obj is nil:
    elif isinstance(obj, Var):
        #wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_var)
        write_var(obj, wtr)
    elif rt._satisfies_QMARK_(rt.IMap.deref(), obj):
        write_map(obj, wtr)
    elif rt._satisfies_QMARK_(rt.IVector.deref(), obj):
        write_vector(obj, wtr)
    elif rt._satisfies_QMARK_(rt.ISeq.deref(), obj):
        write_seq(obj, wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Keyword):
        wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_keyword)
    elif isinstance(obj, LinePromise):
        wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_line_promise)
    elif obj is true:
        write_tag(TRUE, wtr)
    elif obj is false:
        write_tag(FALSE, wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Symbol):
        write_symbol(obj, wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Namespace):
        wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_namespace)
    elif isinstance(obj, InterpreterCodeInfo):
        wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_interpreter_code_info)
        from pixie.vm.libs.pxic.util import write_handlers
        handler = write_handlers.get(obj.type(), None)
        if handler is None:
            runtime_error(u"Object is not supported by pxic writer: " +
            write_tag(TAGGED, wtr)
            write_string_raw(obj.type().name(), wtr)
            write_object(handler.invoke([obj]), wtr)
Exemplo n.º 32
def write_object(obj, wtr):
    if isinstance(obj, String):
        write_string(rt.name(obj), wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Integer):
        write_int(obj.int_val(), wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, BigInteger): #TODO test
        write_bigint(obj.bigint_val(), wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Float):
        write_float(obj.float_val(), wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Code):
        write_code(obj, wtr)
    elif obj is nil:
    elif isinstance(obj, Var):
        #wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_var)
        write_var(obj, wtr)
    elif rt._satisfies_QMARK_(rt.IMap.deref(), obj):
        write_map(obj, wtr)
    elif rt._satisfies_QMARK_(rt.IVector.deref(), obj):
        write_vector(obj, wtr)
    elif rt._satisfies_QMARK_(rt.ISeq.deref(), obj):
        write_seq(obj, wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Keyword):
        wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_keyword)
    elif isinstance(obj, LinePromise):
        wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_line_promise)
    elif obj is true:
        write_tag(TRUE, wtr)
    elif obj is false:
        write_tag(FALSE, wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Symbol):
        write_symbol(obj, wtr)
    elif isinstance(obj, Namespace):
        wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_namespace)
    elif isinstance(obj, InterpreterCodeInfo):
        wtr.write_cached_obj(obj, write_interpreter_code_info)
        from pixie.vm.libs.pxic.util import write_handlers
        handler = write_handlers.get(obj.type(), None)
        if handler is None:
            runtime_error(u"Object is not supported by pxic writer: " + rt.name(rt.str(obj.type())))
            write_tag(TAGGED, wtr)
            write_string_raw(obj.type().name(), wtr)
            write_object(handler.invoke([obj]), wtr)
Exemplo n.º 33
def c_struct(name, size, spec):
    """(c-struct name size spec)
       Creates a CStruct named name, of size size, with the given spec. Spec is a vector
       of vectors. Each row of the format [field-name type offset]"""
    d = {}
    for x in range(rt.count(spec)):
        row = rt.nth(spec, rt.wrap(x))
        nm = rt.nth(row, rt.wrap(0))
        tp = rt.nth(row, rt.wrap(1))
        offset = rt.nth(row, rt.wrap(2))

        affirm(isinstance(nm, Keyword), u"c-struct field names must be keywords")
        if not isinstance(tp, CType):
            runtime_error(u"c-struct field types must be c types, got: " + rt.name(rt.str(tp)))

        d[nm] = (tp, offset.int_val())

    tp = CStructType(rt.name(name), size.int_val(), d)
    proto._dispose_BANG_.extend(tp, _dispose_cstruct)
    return tp
Exemplo n.º 34
def repl():
    from pixie.vm.keyword import keyword
    import pixie.vm.rt as rt
    from pixie.vm.string import String

    with with_ns(u"user"):

    rdr = PromptReader()
    while True:
        with with_ns(u"user"):
                val = interpret(compile(read(rdr, True)))
            except WrappedException as ex:
                print "Error: ", ex._ex.__repr__()
            if val is keyword(u"exit-repl"):
            val = rt.str(val)
            assert isinstance(val, String), "str should always return a string"
            print val._str
Exemplo n.º 35
Arquivo: ffi.py Projeto: kgann/pixie
def c_struct(name, size, spec):
    """(c-struct name size spec)
       Creates a CStruct named name, of size size, with the given spec. Spec is a vector
       of vectors. Each row of the format [field-name type offset]"""
    d = {}
    for x in range(rt.count(spec)):
        row = rt.nth(spec, rt.wrap(x))
        nm = rt.nth(row, rt.wrap(0))
        tp = rt.nth(row, rt.wrap(1))
        offset = rt.nth(row, rt.wrap(2))

        affirm(isinstance(nm, Keyword),
               u"c-struct field names must be keywords")
        if not isinstance(tp, CType):
            runtime_error(u"c-struct field types must be c types, got: " +

        d[nm] = (tp, offset.int_val())

    tp = CStructType(rt.name(name), size.int_val(), d)
    proto._dispose_BANG_.extend(tp, _dispose_cstruct)
    return tp
Exemplo n.º 36
def gensym():
    rt.reset_BANG_(gensym_id, rt._add(rt.deref(gensym_id), rt.wrap(1)))
    i = rt.deref(gensym_id)

    return rt.symbol(rt.str(rt.wrap(u"gensym_"), i))
Exemplo n.º 37
def gensym2(prefix):
    rt.reset_BANG_(gensym_id, rt._add(rt.deref(gensym_id), rt.wrap(1)))
    i = rt.deref(gensym_id)

    return rt.symbol(rt.str(prefix, i))
Exemplo n.º 38
def gensym2(prefix):
    rt.reset_BANG_(gensym_id, rt._add(rt.deref(gensym_id), rt.wrap(1)))
    i = rt.deref(gensym_id)

    return rt.symbol(rt.str(prefix, i))