Exemplo n.º 1
 def _parse_use(self, data):
     c = ChunkedDataDict()
     neg, pos = split_negations(data)
     if neg or pos:
         c.add_bare_global(neg, pos)
     return c
Exemplo n.º 2
 def enabled_use(self):
     use = ChunkedDataDict()
     use.update_from_stream(chunked_data(k, *v) for k, v in self.pkg_use)
     return use
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _parse_use(self, data):
     c = ChunkedDataDict()
     neg, pos = split_negations(data)
     if neg or pos:
         c.add_bare_global(neg, pos)
     return c
Exemplo n.º 4
 def masked_use(self, data):
     c = ChunkedDataDict()
     neg, pos = split_negations(data)
     if neg or pos:
         c.add_bare_global(neg, pos)
     return c
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self, profile, repositories, vdb, name=None,
                 root='/', prefix='/', incrementals=const.incrementals,
                 triggers=(), **settings):
        # voodoo, unfortunately (so it goes)
        # break this up into chunks once it's stabilized (most of code
        # here has already, but still more to add)
        self._triggers = triggers
        self.name = name

        # prevent critical variables from being changed in make.conf
        for k in profile.profile_only_variables.intersection(settings.keys()):
            del settings[k]

        if 'CHOST' in settings and 'CBUILD' not in settings:
            settings['CBUILD'] = settings['CHOST']

        # if unset, MAKEOPTS defaults to CPU thread count
        if 'MAKEOPTS' not in settings:
            settings['MAKEOPTS'] = '-j%i' % cpu_count()

        # map out sectionname -> config manager immediately.
        repositories_collapsed = [r.collapse() for r in repositories]
        repositories = [r.instantiate() for r in repositories_collapsed]

        self.fetcher = settings.pop("fetcher")

        self.default_licenses_manager = OverlayedLicenses(*repositories)
        vdb_collapsed = [r.collapse() for r in vdb]
        vdb = [r.instantiate() for r in vdb_collapsed]
        self.repos_raw = {
            collapsed.name: repo for (collapsed, repo) in izip(
                repositories_collapsed, repositories)}
            (collapsed.name, repo) for (collapsed, repo) in izip(
                vdb_collapsed, vdb))
        self.repos_raw.pop(None, None)
        if profile.provides_repo is not None:
            self.repos_raw['package.provided'] = profile.provides_repo

        self.profile = profile
        pkg_masks, pkg_unmasks, pkg_keywords, pkg_licenses = [], [], [], []
        pkg_use, self.bashrcs = [], []

        self.ebuild_hook_dir = settings.pop("ebuild_hook_dir", None)

        for key, val, action in (
            ("package.mask", pkg_masks, parse_match),
            ("package.unmask", pkg_unmasks, parse_match),
            ("package.keywords", pkg_keywords, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.accept_keywords", pkg_keywords, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.license", pkg_licenses, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.use", pkg_use, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.env", self.bashrcs, package_env_splitter),

            for fp in settings.pop(key, ()):
                    if key == "package.env":
                        base = self.ebuild_hook_dir
                        if base is None:
                            base = os.path.dirname(fp)
                        action = partial(action, base)
                    for fs_obj in iter_scan(fp, follow_symlinks=True):
                        if not fs_obj.is_reg or '/.' in fs_obj.location:
                            action(x) for x in
                            iter_read_bash(fs_obj.location, allow_line_cont=True))
                except EnvironmentError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                        raise MissingFile(fp, key)
                    raise_from(Failure("failed reading '%s': %s" % (fp, e)))
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise_from(Failure("failed reading '%s': %s" % (fp, e)))

        for x in incrementals:
            if isinstance(settings.get(x), basestring):
                settings[x] = tuple(settings[x].split())

        # roughly... all incremental stacks should be interpreted left -> right
        # as such we start with the profile settings, and append ours onto it.
        for k, v in profile.default_env.iteritems():
            if k not in settings:
                settings[k] = v
            if k in incrementals:
                settings[k] = v + tuple(settings[k])

        # next we finalize incrementals.
        for incremental in incrementals:
            # Skip USE/ACCEPT_LICENSE for the time being; hack; we need the
            # negations currently so that pkg iuse induced enablings can be
            # disabled by negations. For example, think of the profile doing
            # USE=-cdr for brasero w/ IUSE=+cdr. Similarly, ACCEPT_LICENSE is
            # skipped because negations are required for license filtering.
            if incremental not in settings or incremental in ("USE", "ACCEPT_LICENSE"):
            s = set()
                s, settings[incremental],
                'While expanding %s ' % (incremental,))
            settings[incremental] = tuple(s)

        # use is collapsed; now stack use_expand.
        use = settings['USE'] = set(optimize_incrementals(
            list(settings.get('USE', ())) + os.environ.get('USE', '').split()))

        self._extend_use_for_features(use, settings.get("FEATURES", ()))

        for u in profile.use_expand:
            v = settings.get(u)
            if v is None:
            u2 = u.lower()+"_"
            use.update(u2 + x for x in v.split())

        if 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS' not in settings:
            raise Failure("No ACCEPT_KEYWORDS setting detected from profile, "
                          "or user config")
        s = set()
        default_keywords = []
            s, settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'],
            'while expanding ACCEPT_KEYWORDS')
        settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'] = set(default_keywords)

        self.use = use

        if "ARCH" not in settings:
            raise Failure(
                "No ARCH setting detected from profile, or user config")

        self.arch = self.stable_arch = settings["ARCH"]
        self.unstable_arch = "~%s" % self.arch

        # ~amd64 -> [amd64, ~amd64]
        for x in default_keywords[:]:
            if x.startswith("~"):
        default_keywords = unstable_unique(default_keywords + [self.arch])

        accept_keywords = pkg_keywords + list(profile.accept_keywords)
        vfilters = [self.make_keywords_filter(
            self.arch, default_keywords, accept_keywords, profile.keywords,
            incremental="package.keywords" in incrementals)]

        del default_keywords, accept_keywords

        # we can finally close that fricking
        # "DISALLOW NON FOSS LICENSES" bug via this >:)
        master_license = []
        master_license.extend(settings.get('ACCEPT_LICENSE', ()))
        if master_license or pkg_licenses:
            vfilters.append(self.make_license_filter(master_license, pkg_licenses))

        del master_license

        # if it's made it this far...

        self.root = settings["ROOT"] = root
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.settings = ProtectedDict(settings)

        for data in self.settings.get('bashrc', ()):
            source = local_source(data)
            # this is currently local-only so a path check is ok
            # TODO make this more general
            if not os.path.exists(source.path):
                raise Failure(
                    'user-specified bashrc %r does not exist' % (data,))
            self.bashrcs.append((packages.AlwaysTrue, source))

        # stack use stuff first, then profile.
        self.enabled_use = ChunkedDataDict()
            chunked_data(k, *split_negations(v)) for k, v in pkg_use)

        for attr in ('', 'stable_'):
             c = ChunkedDataDict()
             c.merge(getattr(profile, attr + 'forced_use'))
             c.add_bare_global((), (self.arch,))
             setattr(self, attr + 'forced_use', c)

             c = ChunkedDataDict()
             c.merge(getattr(profile, attr + 'masked_use'))
             setattr(self, attr + 'disabled_use', c)

        self.repos = []
        self.vdb = []
        self.repos_configured = {}
        self.repos_configured_filtered = {}

        rev_names = {repo: name for name, repo in self.repos_raw.iteritems()}

        profile_masks = profile._incremental_masks()
        profile_unmasks = profile._incremental_unmasks()
        repo_masks = {r.repo_id: r._visibility_limiters() for r in repositories}

        for l, repos, filtered in ((self.repos, repositories, True),
                                   (self.vdb, vdb, False)):
            for repo in repos:
                if not repo.configured:
                    pargs = [repo]
                        for x in repo.configurables:
                            if x == "domain":
                            elif x == "settings":
                            elif x == "profile":
                                pargs.append(getattr(self, x))
                    except AttributeError as ae:
                        raise_from(Failure("failed configuring repo '%s': "
                                           "configurable missing: %s" % (repo, ae)))
                    wrapped_repo = repo.configure(*pargs)
                    wrapped_repo = repo
                key = rev_names.get(repo)
                self.repos_configured[key] = wrapped_repo
                if filtered:
                    config = getattr(repo, 'config', None)
                    masters = getattr(config, 'masters', ())
                    if masters is None:
                        # tough cookies.  If a user has an overlay, no masters
                        # defined, we're not applying the portdir masks.
                        # we do this both since that's annoying, and since
                        # frankly there isn't any good course of action.
                        masters = ()
                    global_masks = [repo_masks.get(master, [(), ()]) for master in masters]
                    masks = set()
                    for neg, pos in global_masks:
                    unmasks = set(chain(pkg_unmasks, *profile_unmasks))
                    filtered = generate_filter(masks, unmasks, *vfilters)
                if filtered:
                    wrapped_repo = visibility.filterTree(wrapped_repo, filtered, True)
                self.repos_configured_filtered[key] = wrapped_repo

        self.use_expand_re = re.compile(
            "^(?:[+-])?(%s)_(.*)$" %
            "|".join(x.lower() for x in sorted(profile.use_expand, reverse=True)))
Exemplo n.º 6
class domain(config_domain):

    # XXX ouch, verify this crap and add defaults and stuff
    _types = {
        'profile': 'ref:profile', 'fetcher': 'ref:fetcher',
        'repositories': 'lazy_refs:repo', 'vdb': 'lazy_refs:repo',
        'name': 'str', 'triggers': 'lazy_refs:trigger',
    for _thing in list(const.incrementals) + ['bashrc']:
        _types[_thing] = 'list'
    for _thing in ('package.mask', 'package.keywords', 'package.license',
                   'package.use', 'package.unmask', 'package.env',
        _types[_thing] = 'list'
    for _thing in ('root', 'CHOST', 'CBUILD', 'CTARGET', 'CFLAGS', 'PATH',
        _types[_thing] = 'str'

    # TODO this is missing defaults
    pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint(
        _types, typename='domain',
        required=['repositories', 'profile', 'vdb', 'fetcher', 'name'],

    del _types, _thing

    def __init__(self, profile, repositories, vdb, name=None,
                 root='/', prefix='/', incrementals=const.incrementals,
                 triggers=(), **settings):
        # voodoo, unfortunately (so it goes)
        # break this up into chunks once it's stabilized (most of code
        # here has already, but still more to add)
        self._triggers = triggers
        self.name = name

        # prevent critical variables from being changed in make.conf
        for k in profile.profile_only_variables.intersection(settings.keys()):
            del settings[k]

        if 'CHOST' in settings and 'CBUILD' not in settings:
            settings['CBUILD'] = settings['CHOST']

        # if unset, MAKEOPTS defaults to CPU thread count
        if 'MAKEOPTS' not in settings:
            settings['MAKEOPTS'] = '-j%i' % cpu_count()

        # map out sectionname -> config manager immediately.
        repositories_collapsed = [r.collapse() for r in repositories]
        repositories = [r.instantiate() for r in repositories_collapsed]

        self.fetcher = settings.pop("fetcher")

        self.default_licenses_manager = OverlayedLicenses(*repositories)
        vdb_collapsed = [r.collapse() for r in vdb]
        vdb = [r.instantiate() for r in vdb_collapsed]
        self.repos_raw = {
            collapsed.name: repo for (collapsed, repo) in izip(
                repositories_collapsed, repositories)}
            (collapsed.name, repo) for (collapsed, repo) in izip(
                vdb_collapsed, vdb))
        self.repos_raw.pop(None, None)
        if profile.provides_repo is not None:
            self.repos_raw['package.provided'] = profile.provides_repo

        self.profile = profile
        pkg_masks, pkg_unmasks, pkg_keywords, pkg_licenses = [], [], [], []
        pkg_use, self.bashrcs = [], []

        self.ebuild_hook_dir = settings.pop("ebuild_hook_dir", None)

        for key, val, action in (
            ("package.mask", pkg_masks, parse_match),
            ("package.unmask", pkg_unmasks, parse_match),
            ("package.keywords", pkg_keywords, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.accept_keywords", pkg_keywords, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.license", pkg_licenses, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.use", pkg_use, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.env", self.bashrcs, package_env_splitter),

            for fp in settings.pop(key, ()):
                    if key == "package.env":
                        base = self.ebuild_hook_dir
                        if base is None:
                            base = os.path.dirname(fp)
                        action = partial(action, base)
                    for fs_obj in iter_scan(fp, follow_symlinks=True):
                        if not fs_obj.is_reg or '/.' in fs_obj.location:
                            action(x) for x in
                            iter_read_bash(fs_obj.location, allow_line_cont=True))
                except EnvironmentError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                        raise MissingFile(fp, key)
                    raise_from(Failure("failed reading '%s': %s" % (fp, e)))
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise_from(Failure("failed reading '%s': %s" % (fp, e)))

        for x in incrementals:
            if isinstance(settings.get(x), basestring):
                settings[x] = tuple(settings[x].split())

        # roughly... all incremental stacks should be interpreted left -> right
        # as such we start with the profile settings, and append ours onto it.
        for k, v in profile.default_env.iteritems():
            if k not in settings:
                settings[k] = v
            if k in incrementals:
                settings[k] = v + tuple(settings[k])

        # next we finalize incrementals.
        for incremental in incrementals:
            # Skip USE/ACCEPT_LICENSE for the time being; hack; we need the
            # negations currently so that pkg iuse induced enablings can be
            # disabled by negations. For example, think of the profile doing
            # USE=-cdr for brasero w/ IUSE=+cdr. Similarly, ACCEPT_LICENSE is
            # skipped because negations are required for license filtering.
            if incremental not in settings or incremental in ("USE", "ACCEPT_LICENSE"):
            s = set()
                s, settings[incremental],
                'While expanding %s ' % (incremental,))
            settings[incremental] = tuple(s)

        # use is collapsed; now stack use_expand.
        use = settings['USE'] = set(optimize_incrementals(
            list(settings.get('USE', ())) + os.environ.get('USE', '').split()))

        self._extend_use_for_features(use, settings.get("FEATURES", ()))

        for u in profile.use_expand:
            v = settings.get(u)
            if v is None:
            u2 = u.lower()+"_"
            use.update(u2 + x for x in v.split())

        if 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS' not in settings:
            raise Failure("No ACCEPT_KEYWORDS setting detected from profile, "
                          "or user config")
        s = set()
        default_keywords = []
            s, settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'],
            'while expanding ACCEPT_KEYWORDS')
        settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'] = set(default_keywords)

        self.use = use

        if "ARCH" not in settings:
            raise Failure(
                "No ARCH setting detected from profile, or user config")

        self.arch = self.stable_arch = settings["ARCH"]
        self.unstable_arch = "~%s" % self.arch

        # ~amd64 -> [amd64, ~amd64]
        for x in default_keywords[:]:
            if x.startswith("~"):
        default_keywords = unstable_unique(default_keywords + [self.arch])

        accept_keywords = pkg_keywords + list(profile.accept_keywords)
        vfilters = [self.make_keywords_filter(
            self.arch, default_keywords, accept_keywords, profile.keywords,
            incremental="package.keywords" in incrementals)]

        del default_keywords, accept_keywords

        # we can finally close that fricking
        # "DISALLOW NON FOSS LICENSES" bug via this >:)
        master_license = []
        master_license.extend(settings.get('ACCEPT_LICENSE', ()))
        if master_license or pkg_licenses:
            vfilters.append(self.make_license_filter(master_license, pkg_licenses))

        del master_license

        # if it's made it this far...

        self.root = settings["ROOT"] = root
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.settings = ProtectedDict(settings)

        for data in self.settings.get('bashrc', ()):
            source = local_source(data)
            # this is currently local-only so a path check is ok
            # TODO make this more general
            if not os.path.exists(source.path):
                raise Failure(
                    'user-specified bashrc %r does not exist' % (data,))
            self.bashrcs.append((packages.AlwaysTrue, source))

        # stack use stuff first, then profile.
        self.enabled_use = ChunkedDataDict()
            chunked_data(k, *split_negations(v)) for k, v in pkg_use)

        for attr in ('', 'stable_'):
             c = ChunkedDataDict()
             c.merge(getattr(profile, attr + 'forced_use'))
             c.add_bare_global((), (self.arch,))
             setattr(self, attr + 'forced_use', c)

             c = ChunkedDataDict()
             c.merge(getattr(profile, attr + 'masked_use'))
             setattr(self, attr + 'disabled_use', c)

        self.repos = []
        self.vdb = []
        self.repos_configured = {}
        self.repos_configured_filtered = {}

        rev_names = {repo: name for name, repo in self.repos_raw.iteritems()}

        profile_masks = profile._incremental_masks()
        profile_unmasks = profile._incremental_unmasks()
        repo_masks = {r.repo_id: r._visibility_limiters() for r in repositories}

        for l, repos, filtered in ((self.repos, repositories, True),
                                   (self.vdb, vdb, False)):
            for repo in repos:
                if not repo.configured:
                    pargs = [repo]
                        for x in repo.configurables:
                            if x == "domain":
                            elif x == "settings":
                            elif x == "profile":
                                pargs.append(getattr(self, x))
                    except AttributeError as ae:
                        raise_from(Failure("failed configuring repo '%s': "
                                           "configurable missing: %s" % (repo, ae)))
                    wrapped_repo = repo.configure(*pargs)
                    wrapped_repo = repo
                key = rev_names.get(repo)
                self.repos_configured[key] = wrapped_repo
                if filtered:
                    config = getattr(repo, 'config', None)
                    masters = getattr(config, 'masters', ())
                    if masters is None:
                        # tough cookies.  If a user has an overlay, no masters
                        # defined, we're not applying the portdir masks.
                        # we do this both since that's annoying, and since
                        # frankly there isn't any good course of action.
                        masters = ()
                    global_masks = [repo_masks.get(master, [(), ()]) for master in masters]
                    masks = set()
                    for neg, pos in global_masks:
                    unmasks = set(chain(pkg_unmasks, *profile_unmasks))
                    filtered = generate_filter(masks, unmasks, *vfilters)
                if filtered:
                    wrapped_repo = visibility.filterTree(wrapped_repo, filtered, True)
                self.repos_configured_filtered[key] = wrapped_repo

        self.use_expand_re = re.compile(
            "^(?:[+-])?(%s)_(.*)$" %
            "|".join(x.lower() for x in sorted(profile.use_expand, reverse=True)))

    def _extend_use_for_features(self, use_settings, features):
        # hackish implementation; if test is on, flip on the flag
        if "test" in features:

        if "prefix" in features or "force-prefix" in features:

    def make_license_filter(self, master_license, pkg_licenses):
        """Generates a restrict that matches iff the licenses are allowed."""
        return delegate(partial(self.apply_license_filter, master_license, pkg_licenses))

    def apply_license_filter(self, master_licenses, pkg_licenses, pkg, mode):
        """Determine if a package's license is allowed."""
        # note we're not honoring mode; it's always match.
        # reason is that of not turning on use flags to get acceptable license
        # pairs, maybe change this down the line?

        matched_pkg_licenses = []
        for atom, licenses in pkg_licenses:
            if atom.match(pkg):
                matched_pkg_licenses += licenses

        raw_accepted_licenses = master_licenses + matched_pkg_licenses
        license_manager = getattr(pkg.repo, 'licenses', self.default_licenses_manager)

        for and_pair in pkg.license.dnf_solutions():
            accepted = incremental_expansion_license(
                and_pair, license_manager.groups,
                msg_prefix="while checking ACCEPT_LICENSE for %s" % (pkg,))
            if accepted.issuperset(and_pair):
                return True
        return False

    def make_keywords_filter(self, arch, default_keys, accept_keywords,
                             profile_keywords, incremental=False):
        """Generates a restrict that matches iff the keywords are allowed."""
        if not accept_keywords and not profile_keywords:
            return packages.PackageRestriction(
                "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch(*default_keys))

        if "~" + arch.lstrip("~") not in default_keys:
            # stable; thus empty entries == ~arch
            unstable = "~" + arch
            def f(r, v):
                if not v:
                    return r, unstable
                return r, v
            data = collapsed_restrict_to_data(
                ((packages.AlwaysTrue, default_keys),),
                (f(*i) for i in accept_keywords))
            if incremental:
                f = collapsed_restrict_to_data
                f = non_incremental_collapsed_restrict_to_data
            data = f(((packages.AlwaysTrue, default_keys),), accept_keywords)

        if incremental:
            raise NotImplementedError(self.incremental_apply_keywords_filter)
            #f = self.incremental_apply_keywords_filter
            f = self.apply_keywords_filter
        return delegate(partial(f, data, profile_keywords))

    def incremental_apply_keywords_filter(data, pkg, mode):
        # note we ignore mode; keywords aren't influenced by conditionals.
        # note also, we're not using a restriction here.  this is faster.
        allowed = data.pull_data(pkg)
        return any(True for x in pkg.keywords if x in allowed)

    def apply_keywords_filter(data, profile_keywords, pkg, mode):
        # note we ignore mode; keywords aren't influenced by conditionals.
        # note also, we're not using a restriction here.  this is faster.
        pkg_keywords = pkg.keywords
        for atom, keywords in profile_keywords:
            if atom.match(pkg):
                pkg_keywords += keywords
        allowed = data.pull_data(pkg)
        if '**' in allowed:
            return True
        if "*" in allowed:
            for k in pkg_keywords:
                if k[0] not in "-~":
                    return True
        if "~*" in allowed:
            for k in pkg_keywords:
                if k[0] == "~":
                    return True
        return any(True for x in pkg_keywords if x in allowed)

    def split_use_expand_flags(self, use_stream):
        matcher = self.use_expand_re.match
        stream = ((matcher(x), x) for x in use_stream)
        flags, ue_flags = predicate_split(bool, stream, itemgetter(0))
        return map(itemgetter(1), flags), [(x[0].groups(), x[1]) for x in ue_flags]

    def get_package_use_unconfigured(self, pkg, for_metadata=True):
        """Determine use flags for a given package.

        Roughly, this should result in the following, evaluated l->r: non
        USE_EXPAND; profiles, pkg iuse, global configuration, package.use
        configuration, commandline?  stack profiles + pkg iuse; split it into
        use and use_expanded use; do global configuration + package.use
        configuration overriding of non-use_expand use if global configuration
        has a setting for use_expand.

            pkg: package object
            for_metadata (bool): if True, we're doing use flag retrieval for
                metadata generation; otherwise, we're just requesting the raw use flags

            Three groups of use flags for the package in the following order:
            immutable flags, enabled flags, and disabled flags.

        pre_defaults = [x[1:] for x in pkg.iuse if x[0] == '+']
        if pre_defaults:
            pre_defaults, ue_flags = self.split_use_expand_flags(pre_defaults)
                x[1] for x in ue_flags if x[0][0].upper() not in self.settings)

        attr = 'stable_' if self.stable_arch in pkg.keywords \
            and self.unstable_arch not in self.settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'] else ''
        disabled = getattr(self, attr + 'disabled_use').pull_data(pkg)
        immutable = getattr(self, attr + 'forced_use').pull_data(pkg)

        # lock the configurable use flags to only what's in IUSE, and what's forced
        # from the profiles (things like userland_GNU and arch)
        enabled = self.enabled_use.pull_data(pkg, pre_defaults=pre_defaults)

        # support globs for USE_EXPAND vars
        use_globs = [u for u in enabled if u.endswith('*')]
        enabled_use_globs = []
        for glob in use_globs:
            for u in pkg.iuse_stripped:
                if u.startswith(glob[:-1]):

        if for_metadata:
            preserves = pkg.iuse_stripped

        return immutable, enabled, disabled

    def get_package_use_buildable(self, pkg):
        # isolate just what isn't exposed for metadata- anything non-IUSE
        # this brings in actual use flags the ebuild shouldn't see, but that's
        # a future enhancement to be done when USE_EXPAND is kept separate from
        # mainline USE in this code.

        metadata_use = self.get_package_use_unconfigured(pkg, for_metadata=True)[1]
        raw_use = self.get_package_use_unconfigured(pkg, for_metadata=False)[1]
        enabled = raw_use.difference(metadata_use)

        return enabled

    def get_package_bashrcs(self, pkg):
        for source in self.profile.bashrcs:
            yield source
        for restrict, source in self.bashrcs:
            if restrict.match(pkg):
                yield source
        if not self.ebuild_hook_dir:
        # matching portage behaviour... it's whacked.
        base = pjoin(self.ebuild_hook_dir, pkg.category)
        for fp in (pkg.package, "%s:%s" % (pkg.package, pkg.slot),
                   getattr(pkg, "P", "nonexistent"), getattr(pkg, "PF", "nonexistent")):
            fp = pjoin(base, fp)
            if os.path.exists(fp):
                yield local_source(fp)

    def _mk_nonconfig_triggers(self):
        return ebuild_generate_triggers(self)

    def _get_tempspace(self):
        path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_TMPDIR", None)
        if path is not None:
            path = pjoin(path, 'portage')
        return path

    def ebuild_repos(self):
        """Group of all ebuild repos bound with configuration data."""
        return util.RepositoryGroup(
            x for x in self.repos
            if isinstance(x.raw_repo, ebuild_repo._ConfiguredTree))

    def ebuild_repos_raw(self):
        """Group of all ebuild repos without filtering."""
        return util.RepositoryGroup(
            x for x in self.repos_configured.itervalues()
            if isinstance(x.raw_repo, ebuild_repo._UnconfiguredTree))

    def binary_repos(self):
        """Group of all binary repos bound with configuration data."""
        return util.RepositoryGroup(
            x for x in self.repos
            if isinstance(x.raw_repo, binary_repo.ConfiguredBinpkgTree))

    def binary_repos_raw(self):
        """Group of all binary repos without filtering."""
        return util.RepositoryGroup(
            x for x in self.repos_configured.itervalues()
            if isinstance(x.raw_repo, binary_repo.tree))

    # multiplexed repos
    all_ebuild_repos = klass.alias_attr("ebuild_repos.combined")
    all_raw_ebuild_repos = klass.alias_attr("ebuild_repos_raw.combined")
    all_binary_repos = klass.alias_attr("binary_repos.combined")
    all_raw_binary_repos = klass.alias_attr("binary_repos_raw.combined")

    def repo_containing_ebuild(self, path):
        """Determine if an ebuild is in a repo.

        Note that this will only return a repo if the ebuild is properly placed
        in the proper category/PN directory structure.

            path (str): path to ebuild file

            configured ebuild repo object if a matching repo is found, otherwise None.
        ebuild_path = os.path.abspath(path)
        if not (os.path.isfile(ebuild_path) and ebuild_path.endswith('.ebuild')):
            raise ValueError("'%s' is not an ebuild" % path)

        repo_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
            ebuild_path, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir))

        for repo in self.ebuild_repos:
            if repo.location == repo_path:
                return repo
        return None
Exemplo n.º 7
class domain(pkgcore.config.domain.domain):

    # XXX ouch, verify this crap and add defaults and stuff
    _types = {
        'profile': 'ref:profile',
        'fetcher': 'ref:fetcher',
        'repositories': 'lazy_refs:repo',
        'vdb': 'lazy_refs:repo',
        'name': 'str',
        'triggers': 'lazy_refs:trigger',
    for _thing in list(const.incrementals) + ['bashrc']:
        _types[_thing] = 'list'
    for _thing in [
            'package.mask', 'package.keywords', 'package.license',
            'package.use', 'package.unmask', 'package.env',
        _types[_thing] = 'list'
    for _thing in [
            'root', 'CHOST', 'CBUILD', 'CTARGET', 'CFLAGS', 'PATH',
        _types[_thing] = 'str'

    # TODO this is missing defaults
    pkgcore_config_type = ConfigHint(
        required=['repositories', 'profile', 'vdb', 'fetcher', 'name'],

    del _types, _thing

    def __init__(self,
        # voodoo, unfortunately (so it goes)
        # break this up into chunks once it's stabilized (most of code
        # here has already, but still more to add)
        self._triggers = triggers

        # prevent critical variables from being changed by the user in make.conf
        for k in set(profile.profile_only_variables).intersection(
            del settings[k]

        if 'CHOST' in settings and 'CBUILD' not in settings:
            settings['CBUILD'] = settings['CHOST']

        # map out sectionname -> config manager immediately.
        repositories_collapsed = [r.collapse() for r in repositories]
        repositories = [r.instantiate() for r in repositories_collapsed]

        self.fetcher = settings.pop("fetcher")

        self.default_licenses_manager = OverlayedLicenses(*repositories)
        vdb_collapsed = [r.collapse() for r in vdb]
        vdb = [r.instantiate() for r in vdb_collapsed]
        self.repos_raw = {
            collapsed.name: repo
            for (collapsed, repo) in izip(repositories_collapsed, repositories)
            (collapsed.name, repo)
            for (collapsed, repo) in izip(vdb_collapsed, vdb))
        self.repos_raw.pop(None, None)
        if profile.provides_repo is not None:
            self.repos_raw['package.provided'] = profile.provides_repo

        self.profile = profile
        pkg_maskers, pkg_unmaskers, pkg_keywords, pkg_licenses = [], [], [], []
        pkg_use, self.bashrcs = [], []

        self.ebuild_hook_dir = settings.pop("ebuild_hook_dir", None)

        for key, val, action in (
            ("package.mask", pkg_maskers, parse_match),
            ("package.unmask", pkg_unmaskers, parse_match),
            ("package.keywords", pkg_keywords, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.accept_keywords", pkg_keywords,
            ("package.license", pkg_licenses, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.use", pkg_use, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.env", self.bashrcs, package_env_splitter),

            for fp in settings.pop(key, ()):
                    if key == "package.env":
                        base = self.ebuild_hook_dir
                        if base is None:
                            base = os.path.dirname(fp)
                        action = partial(action, base)
                    for fs_obj in iter_scan(fp, follow_symlinks=True):
                        if not fs_obj.is_reg or '/.' in fs_obj.location:
                            action(x) for x in iter_read_bash(fs_obj.location))
                except EnvironmentError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                        raise MissingFile(fp, key)
                    raise_from(Failure("failed reading '%s': %s" % (fp, e)))
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise_from(Failure("failed reading '%s': %s" % (fp, e)))

        self.name = name
        settings.setdefault("PKGCORE_DOMAIN", name)
        for x in incrementals:
            if isinstance(settings.get(x), basestring):
                settings[x] = tuple(settings[x].split())

        # roughly... all incremental stacks should be interpreted left -> right
        # as such we start with the profile settings, and append ours onto it.
        for k, v in profile.default_env.iteritems():
            if k not in settings:
                settings[k] = v
            if k in incrementals:
                settings[k] = v + tuple(settings[k])

        # next we finalize incrementals.
        for incremental in incrementals:
            # Skip USE/ACCEPT_LICENSE for the time being; hack; we need the
            # negations currently so that pkg iuse induced enablings can be
            # disabled by negations. For example, think of the profile doing
            # USE=-cdr for brasero w/ IUSE=+cdr. Similarly, ACCEPT_LICENSE is
            # skipped because negations are required for license filtering.
            if incremental not in settings or incremental in (
                    "USE", "ACCEPT_LICENSE"):
            s = set()
            incremental_expansion(s, settings[incremental],
                                  'While expanding %s ' % (incremental, ))
            settings[incremental] = tuple(s)

        # use is collapsed; now stack use_expand.
        use = settings['USE'] = set(
            optimize_incrementals(settings.get("USE", ())))

        self._extend_use_for_features(use, settings.get("FEATURES", ()))

        self.use_expand = frozenset(profile.use_expand)
        self.use_expand_hidden = frozenset(profile.use_expand_hidden)
        for u in profile.use_expand:
            v = settings.get(u)
            if v is None:
            u2 = u.lower() + "_"
            use.update(u2 + x for x in v.split())

        if not 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS' in settings:
            raise Failure("No ACCEPT_KEYWORDS setting detected from profile, "
                          "or user config")
        s = set()
        default_keywords = []
        incremental_expansion(s, settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'],
                              'while expanding ACCEPT_KEYWORDS')
        settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'] = set(default_keywords)

        self.use = use

        if "ARCH" not in settings:
            raise Failure(
                "No ARCH setting detected from profile, or user config")

        self.arch = self.stable_arch = settings["ARCH"]
        self.unstable_arch = "~%s" % self.arch

        # ~amd64 -> [amd64, ~amd64]
        for x in default_keywords[:]:
            if x.startswith("~"):
        default_keywords = unstable_unique(default_keywords + [self.arch])

        accept_keywords = pkg_keywords + list(profile.accept_keywords)
        vfilters = [
                                      in incrementals)

        del default_keywords, accept_keywords

        # we can finally close that fricking
        # "DISALLOW NON FOSS LICENSES" bug via this >:)
        master_license = []
        master_license.extend(settings.get('ACCEPT_LICENSE', ()))
        if master_license or pkg_licenses:
                self.make_license_filter(master_license, pkg_licenses))

        del master_license

        # if it's made it this far...

        self.root = settings["ROOT"] = root
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.settings = ProtectedDict(settings)

        for data in self.settings.get('bashrc', ()):
            source = local_source(data)
            # this is currently local-only so a path check is ok
            # TODO make this more general
            if not os.path.exists(source.path):
                raise Failure('user-specified bashrc %r does not exist' %
                              (data, ))
            self.bashrcs.append((packages.AlwaysTrue, source))

        # stack use stuff first, then profile.
        self.enabled_use = ChunkedDataDict()
            chunked_data(k, *split_negations(v)) for k, v in pkg_use)

        for attr in ('', 'stable_'):
            c = ChunkedDataDict()
            c.merge(getattr(profile, attr + 'forced_use'))
            c.add_bare_global((), (self.arch, ))
            setattr(self, attr + 'forced_use', c)

            c = ChunkedDataDict()
            c.merge(getattr(profile, attr + 'masked_use'))
            setattr(self, attr + 'disabled_use', c)

        self.repos = []
        self.vdb = []
        self.repos_configured = {}
        self.repos_configured_filtered = {}

        rev_names = {repo: name for name, repo in self.repos_raw.iteritems()}

        profile_masks = profile._incremental_masks()
        profile_unmasks = profile._incremental_unmasks()
        repo_masks = {
            r.repo_id: r._visibility_limiters()
            for r in repositories

        for l, repos, filtered in ((self.repos, repositories, True),
                                   (self.vdb, vdb, False)):
            for repo in repos:
                if not repo.configured:
                    pargs = [repo]
                        for x in repo.configurables:
                            if x == "domain":
                            elif x == "settings":
                            elif x == "profile":
                                pargs.append(getattr(self, x))
                    except AttributeError as ae:
                            Failure("failed configuring repo '%s': "
                                    "configurable missing: %s" % (repo, ae)))
                    wrapped_repo = repo.configure(*pargs)
                    wrapped_repo = repo
                key = rev_names.get(repo)
                self.repos_configured[key] = wrapped_repo
                if filtered:
                    config = getattr(repo, 'config', None)
                    masters = getattr(config, 'masters', ())
                    if masters is None:
                        # tough cookies.  If a user has an overlay, no masters
                        # defined, we're not applying the portdir masks.
                        # we do this both since that's annoying, and since
                        # frankly there isn't any good course of action.
                        masters = ()
                    masks = [
                        repo_masks.get(master, [(), ()]) for master in masters
                    mask_atoms = set()
                    for neg, pos in masks:
                    unmask_atoms = set(chain(pkg_unmaskers, *profile_unmasks))
                    filtered = self.generate_filter(
                        generate_unmasking_restrict(unmask_atoms), *vfilters)
                if filtered:
                    wrapped_repo = visibility.filterTree(
                        wrapped_repo, filtered, True)
                self.repos_configured_filtered[key] = wrapped_repo

        if profile.virtuals:
            l = [
                x for x in (getattr(v, 'old_style_virtuals', None)
                            for v in self.vdb) if x is not None
            profile_repo = profile.make_virtuals_repo(
                multiplex.tree(*repositories), *l)
            self.repos_raw["profile virtuals"] = profile_repo
            self.repos_configured_filtered["profile virtuals"] = profile_repo
            self.repos_configured["profile virtuals"] = profile_repo
            self.repos = [profile_repo] + self.repos

        self.use_expand_re = re.compile(
            "^(?:[+-])?(%s)_(.*)$" %
            "|".join(x.lower() for x in sorted(self.use_expand, reverse=True)))

    def _extend_use_for_features(self, use_settings, features):
        # hackish implementation; if test is on, flip on the flag
        if "test" in features:

        if "prefix" in features or "force-prefix" in features:

    def generate_filter(self, masking, unmasking, *extra):
        # note that we ignore unmasking if masking isn't specified.
        # no point, mainly
        r = ()
        if masking:
            if unmasking:
                r = (packages.OrRestriction(masking,
                                            disable_inst_caching=True), )
                r = (masking, )
        vfilter = packages.AndRestriction(disable_inst_caching=True,
                                          *(r + extra))
        return vfilter

    def make_license_filter(self, master_license, pkg_licenses):
        """Generates a restrict that matches iff the licenses are allowed."""
        return delegate(
            partial(self.apply_license_filter, master_license, pkg_licenses))

    def apply_license_filter(self, master_licenses, pkg_licenses, pkg, mode):
        """Determine if a package's license is allowed."""
        # note we're not honoring mode; it's always match.
        # reason is that of not turning on use flags to get acceptable license
        # pairs, maybe change this down the line?

        matched_pkg_licenses = []
        for atom, licenses in pkg_licenses:
            if atom.match(pkg):
                matched_pkg_licenses += licenses

        raw_accepted_licenses = master_licenses + matched_pkg_licenses
        license_manager = getattr(pkg.repo, 'licenses',

        for and_pair in pkg.license.dnf_solutions():
            accepted = incremental_expansion_license(
                msg_prefix="while checking ACCEPT_LICENSE for %s" % (pkg, ))
            if accepted.issuperset(and_pair):
                return True
        return False

    def make_keywords_filter(self,
        """Generates a restrict that matches iff the keywords are allowed."""
        if not accept_keywords and not profile_keywords:
            return packages.PackageRestriction(
                "keywords", values.ContainmentMatch(*default_keys))

        if "~" + arch.lstrip("~") not in default_keys:
            # stable; thus empty entries == ~arch
            unstable = "~" + arch

            def f(r, v):
                if not v:
                    return r, unstable
                return r, v

            data = collapsed_restrict_to_data(
                ((packages.AlwaysTrue, default_keys), ),
                (f(*i) for i in accept_keywords))
            if incremental:
                f = collapsed_restrict_to_data
                f = non_incremental_collapsed_restrict_to_data
            data = f(((packages.AlwaysTrue, default_keys), ), accept_keywords)

        if incremental:
            raise NotImplementedError(self.incremental_apply_keywords_filter)
            #f = self.incremental_apply_keywords_filter
            f = self.apply_keywords_filter
        return delegate(partial(f, data, profile_keywords))

    def incremental_apply_keywords_filter(data, pkg, mode):
        # note we ignore mode; keywords aren't influenced by conditionals.
        # note also, we're not using a restriction here.  this is faster.
        allowed = data.pull_data(pkg)
        return any(True for x in pkg.keywords if x in allowed)

    def apply_keywords_filter(data, profile_keywords, pkg, mode):
        # note we ignore mode; keywords aren't influenced by conditionals.
        # note also, we're not using a restriction here.  this is faster.
        pkg_keywords = pkg.keywords
        for atom, keywords in profile_keywords:
            if atom.match(pkg):
                pkg_keywords += keywords
        allowed = data.pull_data(pkg)
        if '**' in allowed:
            return True
        if "*" in allowed:
            for k in pkg_keywords:
                if k[0] not in "-~":
                    return True
        if "~*" in allowed:
            for k in pkg_keywords:
                if k[0] == "~":
                    return True
        return any(True for x in pkg_keywords if x in allowed)

    def split_use_expand_flags(self, use_stream):
        matcher = self.use_expand_re.match
        stream = ((matcher(x), x) for x in use_stream)
        flags, ue_flags = predicate_split(bool, stream, itemgetter(0))
        return map(itemgetter(1),
                   flags), [(x[0].groups(), x[1]) for x in ue_flags]

    def get_package_use_unconfigured(self, pkg, for_metadata=True):
        # roughly, this alog should result in the following, evaluated l->r
        # non USE_EXPAND; profiles, pkg iuse, global configuration, package.use configuration, commandline?
        # stack profiles + pkg iuse; split it into use and use_expanded use;
        # do global configuration + package.use configuration overriding of non-use_expand use
        # if global configuration has a setting for use_expand,

        pre_defaults = [x[1:] for x in pkg.iuse if x[0] == '+']
        if pre_defaults:
            pre_defaults, ue_flags = self.split_use_expand_flags(pre_defaults)
            pre_defaults.extend(x[1] for x in ue_flags
                                if x[0][0].upper() not in self.settings)

        attr = 'stable_' if self.stable_arch in pkg.keywords \
            and self.unstable_arch not in self.settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'] else ''
        disabled = getattr(self, attr + 'disabled_use').pull_data(pkg)
        immutable = getattr(self, attr + 'forced_use').pull_data(pkg)

        # lock the configurable use flags to only what's in IUSE, and what's forced
        # from the profiles (things like userland_GNU and arch)
        enabled = self.enabled_use.pull_data(pkg, pre_defaults=pre_defaults)

        # support globs for USE_EXPAND vars
        use_globs = [u for u in enabled if u.endswith('*')]
        enabled_use_globs = []
        for glob in use_globs:
            for u in pkg.iuse:
                if u.startswith(glob[:-1]):

        if for_metadata:
            preserves = set(x.lstrip('-+') for x in pkg.iuse)

        return immutable, enabled, disabled

    def get_package_use_buildable(self, pkg):
        # isolate just what isn't exposed for metadata- anything non-IUSE
        # this brings in actual use flags the ebuild shouldn't see, but that's
        # a future enhancement to be done when USE_EXPAND is kept separate from
        # mainline USE in this code.

        metadata_use = self.get_package_use_unconfigured(pkg,
        raw_use = self.get_package_use_unconfigured(pkg, for_metadata=False)[1]
        enabled = raw_use.difference(metadata_use)

        return enabled

    def get_package_bashrcs(self, pkg):
        for source in self.profile.bashrcs:
            yield source
        for restrict, source in self.bashrcs:
            if restrict.match(pkg):
                yield source
        if not self.ebuild_hook_dir:
        # matching portage behaviour... it's whacked.
        base = pjoin(self.ebuild_hook_dir, pkg.category)
        for fp in (pkg.package, "%s:%s" % (pkg.package, pkg.slot),
                   getattr(pkg, "P",
                           "nonexistent"), getattr(pkg, "PF", "nonexistent")):
            fp = pjoin(base, fp)
            if os.path.exists(fp):
                yield local_source(fp)

    def _mk_nonconfig_triggers(self):
        return ebuild_generate_triggers(self)

    def _get_tempspace(self):
        path = self.settings.get("PORTAGE_TMPDIR", None)
        if path is not None:
            path = pjoin(path, 'portage')
        return path
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self,
        # voodoo, unfortunately (so it goes)
        # break this up into chunks once it's stabilized (most of code
        # here has already, but still more to add)
        self._triggers = triggers

        # prevent critical variables from being changed by the user in make.conf
        for k in set(profile.profile_only_variables).intersection(
            del settings[k]

        if 'CHOST' in settings and 'CBUILD' not in settings:
            settings['CBUILD'] = settings['CHOST']

        # map out sectionname -> config manager immediately.
        repositories_collapsed = [r.collapse() for r in repositories]
        repositories = [r.instantiate() for r in repositories_collapsed]

        self.fetcher = settings.pop("fetcher")

        self.default_licenses_manager = OverlayedLicenses(*repositories)
        vdb_collapsed = [r.collapse() for r in vdb]
        vdb = [r.instantiate() for r in vdb_collapsed]
        self.repos_raw = {
            collapsed.name: repo
            for (collapsed, repo) in izip(repositories_collapsed, repositories)
            (collapsed.name, repo)
            for (collapsed, repo) in izip(vdb_collapsed, vdb))
        self.repos_raw.pop(None, None)
        if profile.provides_repo is not None:
            self.repos_raw['package.provided'] = profile.provides_repo

        self.profile = profile
        pkg_maskers, pkg_unmaskers, pkg_keywords, pkg_licenses = [], [], [], []
        pkg_use, self.bashrcs = [], []

        self.ebuild_hook_dir = settings.pop("ebuild_hook_dir", None)

        for key, val, action in (
            ("package.mask", pkg_maskers, parse_match),
            ("package.unmask", pkg_unmaskers, parse_match),
            ("package.keywords", pkg_keywords, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.accept_keywords", pkg_keywords,
            ("package.license", pkg_licenses, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.use", pkg_use, package_keywords_splitter),
            ("package.env", self.bashrcs, package_env_splitter),

            for fp in settings.pop(key, ()):
                    if key == "package.env":
                        base = self.ebuild_hook_dir
                        if base is None:
                            base = os.path.dirname(fp)
                        action = partial(action, base)
                    for fs_obj in iter_scan(fp, follow_symlinks=True):
                        if not fs_obj.is_reg or '/.' in fs_obj.location:
                            action(x) for x in iter_read_bash(fs_obj.location))
                except EnvironmentError as e:
                    if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                        raise MissingFile(fp, key)
                    raise_from(Failure("failed reading '%s': %s" % (fp, e)))
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise_from(Failure("failed reading '%s': %s" % (fp, e)))

        self.name = name
        settings.setdefault("PKGCORE_DOMAIN", name)
        for x in incrementals:
            if isinstance(settings.get(x), basestring):
                settings[x] = tuple(settings[x].split())

        # roughly... all incremental stacks should be interpreted left -> right
        # as such we start with the profile settings, and append ours onto it.
        for k, v in profile.default_env.iteritems():
            if k not in settings:
                settings[k] = v
            if k in incrementals:
                settings[k] = v + tuple(settings[k])

        # next we finalize incrementals.
        for incremental in incrementals:
            # Skip USE/ACCEPT_LICENSE for the time being; hack; we need the
            # negations currently so that pkg iuse induced enablings can be
            # disabled by negations. For example, think of the profile doing
            # USE=-cdr for brasero w/ IUSE=+cdr. Similarly, ACCEPT_LICENSE is
            # skipped because negations are required for license filtering.
            if incremental not in settings or incremental in (
                    "USE", "ACCEPT_LICENSE"):
            s = set()
            incremental_expansion(s, settings[incremental],
                                  'While expanding %s ' % (incremental, ))
            settings[incremental] = tuple(s)

        # use is collapsed; now stack use_expand.
        use = settings['USE'] = set(
            optimize_incrementals(settings.get("USE", ())))

        self._extend_use_for_features(use, settings.get("FEATURES", ()))

        self.use_expand = frozenset(profile.use_expand)
        self.use_expand_hidden = frozenset(profile.use_expand_hidden)
        for u in profile.use_expand:
            v = settings.get(u)
            if v is None:
            u2 = u.lower() + "_"
            use.update(u2 + x for x in v.split())

        if not 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS' in settings:
            raise Failure("No ACCEPT_KEYWORDS setting detected from profile, "
                          "or user config")
        s = set()
        default_keywords = []
        incremental_expansion(s, settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'],
                              'while expanding ACCEPT_KEYWORDS')
        settings['ACCEPT_KEYWORDS'] = set(default_keywords)

        self.use = use

        if "ARCH" not in settings:
            raise Failure(
                "No ARCH setting detected from profile, or user config")

        self.arch = self.stable_arch = settings["ARCH"]
        self.unstable_arch = "~%s" % self.arch

        # ~amd64 -> [amd64, ~amd64]
        for x in default_keywords[:]:
            if x.startswith("~"):
        default_keywords = unstable_unique(default_keywords + [self.arch])

        accept_keywords = pkg_keywords + list(profile.accept_keywords)
        vfilters = [
                                      in incrementals)

        del default_keywords, accept_keywords

        # we can finally close that fricking
        # "DISALLOW NON FOSS LICENSES" bug via this >:)
        master_license = []
        master_license.extend(settings.get('ACCEPT_LICENSE', ()))
        if master_license or pkg_licenses:
                self.make_license_filter(master_license, pkg_licenses))

        del master_license

        # if it's made it this far...

        self.root = settings["ROOT"] = root
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.settings = ProtectedDict(settings)

        for data in self.settings.get('bashrc', ()):
            source = local_source(data)
            # this is currently local-only so a path check is ok
            # TODO make this more general
            if not os.path.exists(source.path):
                raise Failure('user-specified bashrc %r does not exist' %
                              (data, ))
            self.bashrcs.append((packages.AlwaysTrue, source))

        # stack use stuff first, then profile.
        self.enabled_use = ChunkedDataDict()
            chunked_data(k, *split_negations(v)) for k, v in pkg_use)

        for attr in ('', 'stable_'):
            c = ChunkedDataDict()
            c.merge(getattr(profile, attr + 'forced_use'))
            c.add_bare_global((), (self.arch, ))
            setattr(self, attr + 'forced_use', c)

            c = ChunkedDataDict()
            c.merge(getattr(profile, attr + 'masked_use'))
            setattr(self, attr + 'disabled_use', c)

        self.repos = []
        self.vdb = []
        self.repos_configured = {}
        self.repos_configured_filtered = {}

        rev_names = {repo: name for name, repo in self.repos_raw.iteritems()}

        profile_masks = profile._incremental_masks()
        profile_unmasks = profile._incremental_unmasks()
        repo_masks = {
            r.repo_id: r._visibility_limiters()
            for r in repositories

        for l, repos, filtered in ((self.repos, repositories, True),
                                   (self.vdb, vdb, False)):
            for repo in repos:
                if not repo.configured:
                    pargs = [repo]
                        for x in repo.configurables:
                            if x == "domain":
                            elif x == "settings":
                            elif x == "profile":
                                pargs.append(getattr(self, x))
                    except AttributeError as ae:
                            Failure("failed configuring repo '%s': "
                                    "configurable missing: %s" % (repo, ae)))
                    wrapped_repo = repo.configure(*pargs)
                    wrapped_repo = repo
                key = rev_names.get(repo)
                self.repos_configured[key] = wrapped_repo
                if filtered:
                    config = getattr(repo, 'config', None)
                    masters = getattr(config, 'masters', ())
                    if masters is None:
                        # tough cookies.  If a user has an overlay, no masters
                        # defined, we're not applying the portdir masks.
                        # we do this both since that's annoying, and since
                        # frankly there isn't any good course of action.
                        masters = ()
                    masks = [
                        repo_masks.get(master, [(), ()]) for master in masters
                    mask_atoms = set()
                    for neg, pos in masks:
                    unmask_atoms = set(chain(pkg_unmaskers, *profile_unmasks))
                    filtered = self.generate_filter(
                        generate_unmasking_restrict(unmask_atoms), *vfilters)
                if filtered:
                    wrapped_repo = visibility.filterTree(
                        wrapped_repo, filtered, True)
                self.repos_configured_filtered[key] = wrapped_repo

        if profile.virtuals:
            l = [
                x for x in (getattr(v, 'old_style_virtuals', None)
                            for v in self.vdb) if x is not None
            profile_repo = profile.make_virtuals_repo(
                multiplex.tree(*repositories), *l)
            self.repos_raw["profile virtuals"] = profile_repo
            self.repos_configured_filtered["profile virtuals"] = profile_repo
            self.repos_configured["profile virtuals"] = profile_repo
            self.repos = [profile_repo] + self.repos

        self.use_expand_re = re.compile(
            "^(?:[+-])?(%s)_(.*)$" %
            "|".join(x.lower() for x in sorted(self.use_expand, reverse=True)))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def stable_forced_use(self):
     use = ChunkedDataDict()
     use.merge(getattr(self.profile, 'stable_forced_use'))
     use.add_bare_global((), (self.arch,))
     return use
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __call__(self, namespace, out, err):
     u = ChunkedDataDict()
     namespace.use = u
     super().__call__(namespace, out, err)