Exemplo n.º 1
def create_x509_certificate(ca_cert, ca_privkey,
        cert_passphrase_callback, ca_passphrase_callback, serial=0, notbefore=now(),
        notafter=plus_twentyyears(now()), **name):
    """Create and return a new x509 certificate using a Certificate Authority

    @param ca_cert: The Certificate Authority to use to create
    the new X509 certificate
    @type ca_cert: M2Crypto.X509.X509 instance

    @param ca_privkey: The Certificate Authority private key, its the
    private key which was used for sign the CA
    @type ca_privkey: M2Crypto.RSA.RSA instance

    @param cert_passphrase_callback: A Python callable object that is invoked
    during key generation; its usual purpose is to provide visual
    @type cert_passphrase_callback: Callback

    @param ca_passphrase_callback:  A Python callable object that is invoked
    during the new certificate signature; its usual purpose is to provide visual

    @param serial: Serial number for the certificate, default is 0
    @type serial: Integer

    @param notbefore: datetime.datetime instance when the certificate
    starts being valid, default is 0
    @type notbefore: datetime.datetime instance

    @param notafter: datetime.datetime instance when the certificate
    stops being valid, default is 20 years
    @type notafter: datetime.datetime instance

    @param: **name - The name of the subject of the request, possible
    arguments are:
    C     - Country name
    ST    - State or province name
    L     - Locality name
    O     - Organization name
    OU    - Organizational unit name
    CN    - Common name
    emailAddress - E-mail address
    pubkey, privkey = create_rsa_keyring(

    priv_evp = as_evp_pkey(privkey)
    pub_evp = as_evp_pkey(pubkey)
    ca_privkey_evp = as_evp_pkey(ca_privkey)
    cert_req = create_cert_request(pub_evp, priv_evp, **name)
    cert = create_certificate(
            (ca_cert, ca_privkey_evp),
            (notbefore, notafter)

    return cert, pubkey, privkey
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_x509_cert(ca_cert, cacert_privkey, serial):
    mynow = now()
    cert, pub, priv = pki.create_x509_certificate(ca_cert, cacert_privkey,
            notbefore=mynow, notafter=plus_twentyyears(mynow),
            O=my_org, L=my_location,

    return cert, pub, priv
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_certificate_authority(passphrase_callback, serial=0,
        notbefore=now(), notafter=plus_twentyyears(now()), digest="md5", **name):
    """Function to create a certificate authority.

    @param passphrase_callback: a callback that will be called without
    argument and that must return the passphrase you want to use
    on your CA key
    @type passphrase_callback: callable

    @param serial: Serial number for the certificate, default is 0
    @type serial: Integer

    @param notbefore: datetime.datetime instance when
    the certificate starts being valid, default is now
    @type notbefore: datetime.datetime instance

    @param notafter: datetime.datetime instance when the certificate
    stops being valid, default is 20 years more than now
    @type notafter: datetime.datetime instance

    @param: **name - The name of the subject of the request, possible
    arguments are:
    C     - Country name
    ST    - State or province name
    L     - Locality name
    O     - Organization name
    OU    - Organizational unit name
    CN    - Common name
    emailAddress - E-mail address

    assert isinstance(notbefore, datetime.datetime)
    assert isinstance(notafter, datetime.datetime)

    pubkey, privkey = create_rsa_keyring(

    ca_priv_evp = as_evp_pkey(privkey)
    ca_pub_evp = as_evp_pkey(pubkey)
    ca_cert_req = create_cert_request(ca_pub_evp, ca_priv_evp, digest, **name)

    ca_cert = create_certificate(
            (ca_cert_req, ca_priv_evp),
            (notbefore, notafter)

    return ca_cert, pubkey, privkey