if __name__ == '__main__': my_id = "pk-man" # my_id = "730908575451990f4f3dc625baef4697" my_md5 = hashlib.md5(my_id).hexdigest() # my_md5 = "730908575451990f4f3dc625baef4697" print my_md5 try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: print 'Must install matplotlib to run this demo.\n' t = Table(smallBlind=1, bigBlind=2, maxBuyIn=200) players = [] for i in range(6): #create BasicPlayer that uses GradientBoostingRegressor as machine learning model #with wealth of 1 million and 10 discrete choices for raising, #with each raise choice .7 times the next largest raise choice #Player forgets training samples older than 100,000 r = GradientBoostingRegressor() name = 'Player ' + str(i + 1) p = BasicPlayer(name=name, reg=r, bankroll=10000, nRaises=4, rFactor=.7,
from pklearn import Table from pklearn.templates import simulate, BasicPlayer from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor if __name__ == '__main__': t = Table(smallBlind=1, bigBlind=2, maxBuyIn=200) players = [] for i in range(6): #create BasicPlayer that uses GradientBoostingRegressor as machine learning model #with wealth of 1 million and 10 discrete choices for raising, #with each raise choice .7 times the next largest raise choice #Player forgets training samples older than 100,000 r = GradientBoostingRegressor() name = 'Player ' + str(i+1) p = BasicPlayer(name=name, reg=r, bankroll=10**6, nRaises=10, rFactor=.7, memory=10**5) players.append(p) for p in players: t.addPlayer(p) #simulate 'nHands' hands #begin training after 'firstTrain' hands #before which players take random actions and explore state space #players train every 'nTrain' hands after 'firstTrain' #players cash out/ buy in every 'nBuyIn' hands #table narrates each hands if 'vocal' is True simulate(t, nHands=10000, firstTrain=2000, nTrain=1000, nBuyIn=10) simulate(t, nHands=20, nBuyIn=10, vocal=True)
from pklearn import Table from pklearn.templates import simulate, BasicPlayer import numpy as np from sklearn.cross_validation import cross_val_score from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression, Lasso from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor if __name__ == '__main__': try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: print 'Must install matplotlib to run this demo.\n' t = Table(smallBlind=1, bigBlind=2, maxBuyIn=200) players = [] for i in range(6): # create BasicPlayer without a machine learning model # with wealth of 1 million and 10 discrete choices for raising, # with each raise choice .7 times the next largest raise choice # Player forgets training samples older than 100,000 name = 'Player ' + str(i + 1) p = BasicPlayer(name=name, bankroll=10 ** 6, nRaises=10, rFactor=.7, memory=10 ** 5) players.append(p) for p in players: t.addPlayer(p) # simulate 1,000 hands, cashing out/buying in every 10 hands, without training or narrating