Exemplo n.º 1
def test_ResourceNotFound_categories_with_suppressed_error():
    Client.config({'suppress_http_errors': True})
    client = Client('test_id', 'test_secret')
    response = client.category('pnc')
    assert response.status_code == 404
    assert (
      json.loads(response.content)['message'] == 'unable to find category'
Exemplo n.º 2
def http_request(url, method=None, data=None, suppress_errors=False):
    response = _base_http_request(url, method, data or {})
    ERROR = PLAID_ERROR_MAP.get(response.status_code)
    if not suppress_errors and ERROR is not None:
        json_data = json.loads(response.content)
        raise ERROR(json_data['resolve'], json_data['code'])
        return response
Exemplo n.º 3
 def inner_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
     response = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
     if response.ok:
         json_data = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))#my chang
         self.access_token = json_data.get(
     return response
Exemplo n.º 4
from collections import defaultdict

import pytest
from mock import patch, Mock

from plaid import Client
from plaid.utils import json
from plaid.errors import (

to_json = lambda response: json.loads(response.content)

no_mfa_credentials = {
  'username': '******',
  'password': '******',

def test_auth_no_mfa():
    client = Client('test_id', 'test_secret')
    response = client.auth('wells', no_mfa_credentials)
    assert to_json(response)['access_token'] == 'test_wells'

def test_auth_mfa():
    client = Client('test_id', 'test_secret')
    response = client.auth('pnc', no_mfa_credentials)
    assert response.status_code == 201
    assert to_json(response)['type'] == 'questions'
Exemplo n.º 5
    def check_plaid_event(
            username):  #checks the database ids and plaid ids for differences
        plaid_list = self.get_list_of_restraunt_transactions(username)
        obj = SQLConnection()
        user_id = obj.find_id_of_user(username)
        database_list = obj.get_users_transactions(username)
        test = list(set(plaid_list) - set(database_list))
        if test != []:  #if there is a difference aka update
            data = self.plaid_results
            data = json.loads(data)
            for items in test:
                for things in data['transactions']:
                    if things['_id'] == items:
                        fast_food = False
                        for classifications in things["category"]:
                            if classifications == "Fast Food":
                                fast_food = True
                        if fast_food == True:
                            obj.add_event_list(user_id, "1")
                                user_id, things['_id'])
                            obj.change_xp(username, -500)
                            obj.add_event_list(user_id, "2")
                                user_id, things['_id'])
                            obj.change_xp(username, -250)
        return "done"

# plaid().check_plaid_event("rwr21")

# print type(response)
#             print type (response.content)
#             d = json.loads(response.content)
#             #print d
#             print type(d)
#            # print response.content
#             for items in d['transactions']:

#                 #TODO SQL DATABSE TO KEEP TRACK OF LVL FAST FOOD -200 restraunt -100

#                # print items['date']
#                 try:
#                     for things in items['category']:
#                         fast_food=False
#                         if things=="Fast Food": #finds if user bought fast food
#                             fast_food=True
#                            #print items['name']
#                     if fast_food==False:
#                          for things in items['category']:
#                             if things=="Restaurants":
#                                 print things
#                                 print items['name']#finds name of restraunt that is not fast food

#                 except:
#                     pass
#                 #print items
#             #print type (response.content.)
#             # User connected
#             data = response.json()
#rint SQLConnection().get_users_transactions("rwr21")

#print plaid().use_token("rwr21")