def follow_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is called when the state machine enters the wallfollower
        self.wp_start_wall_point = Vec2(x, y)
        flag = True
        Check if current wall following start point is already inserted into list  
        If not, append to list
        for x in range(len(self.begin_point_list)):
            wp_point = self.begin_point_list[x][0]
            if abs(wp_point.distance_to(self.wp_start_wall_point) <= 1):
                flag = False

        if (flag == True):
            rospy.loginfo("Inserting Begining point to list")
            self.begin_point_list.append((self.wp_start_wall_point, 0))

        rospy.loginfo("Start Wall Follow.") = rospy.get_rostime()
        If this is first hit on any wall, estimate straight line to goal, 
        use this straight line for checking position later
        if len(self.leave_point_list) < 1:
            rospy.loginfo(" Plot Line...........")
            self.ln_goal_line = Line.from_points(
                [self.wp_start_wall_point, self.wp_goal_point])

Exemplo n.º 2
    def is_time_to_leave_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is regularly called from the wallfollower state to check
        the brain's belief about whether it is the right time (or place) to
        leave the wall and move straight to the goal.

        self.wp_test_pose = Point(x, y)
        self.new_is_left = self.ln_goal_vector.point_left(self.wp_test_pose)

        #Line for comparing if robot is to left
        self.ln_robot = Line.from_points(
            [Point(x, y), Point(x + cos(theta), y + sin(theta))])

        #Check for ditance to entry point
        if abs(self.wp_test_pose.distance_to(
                self.wp_entry_pose)) > self.POINT_TOLERANCE:
            #Check for a change on side
            if self.old_is_left != self.new_is_left:
                self.old_is_left = self.new_is_left

                #Save point

                #Check goal is left to robot
                if self.ln_robot.distance_to(self.wp_goal_point) < 0:
                    #Check if first time on point, then leave
                    if self.is_pose_repeated(self.wp_test_pose) == 1:
                        return True

        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
    def follow_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is called when the state machine enters the wallfollower
        #checking whetre new point is already in the list if not add it
        self.wp_obstacle_start = Vec2(x, y)
        is_following = True

        for x in range(len(self.obstacle_starting_points)):
            wp_new_point = self.obstacle_starting_points[x][0]
            if abs(wp_new_point.distance_to(self.wp_obstacle_start) <= 1):
                is_following = False

        if (is_following == True):
            self.obstacle_starting_points.append((self.wp_obstacle_start, 0))

        self.time = rospy.get_rostime()

        #line for checking the position
        if len(self.obstacle_ending_points) < 1:
            self.ln_line_to_goal = Line.from_points(
                [self.wp_obstacle_start, self.wp_goal])

Exemplo n.º 4
 def follow_wall(self, x, y, theta):
     This function is called when the state machine enters the wallfollower
     self.wp_one = (x, y)
     self.wp_two = (self.goal_x, self.goal_y)
     self.ln_one = Line.from_points([self.wp_one, self.wp_two])
     # compute and store necessary variables
Exemplo n.º 5
    def follow_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is called when the state machine enters the wallfollower
        # compute and store necessary variables
        theta = degrees(theta);
        position = Point(x,y);

        self.ln_path = Line.from_points([position,self.wp_destination]);
        # saving where it started wall following
        self.wp_wf_start = position;
Exemplo n.º 6
    def follow_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is called when the state machine enters the wallfollower
	self.wp_wallfollower_enter = (x, y)
	# Point of entry of wallfollower mode stored	
	self.ln_goal = Line.from_points([self.wp_goal, (x,y)])
	self.ln_goal_perpendicular = self.ln_goal.perpendicular(self.wp_goal)		
	self.ln_enter_wall_perpendicular = self.ln_goal.perpendicular((x,y))	
	# Line constructed, through points of entering wallfollowr mode and goal.
	# Perpendiculars to it constructed in this point and in goal point.
	# They would be used to define robots orientetion relative to goal.
	self.goal_unreachable = False
Exemplo n.º 7
 def follow_wall(self, x, y, theta):
     This function is called when the state machine enters the wallfollower
     state. """
     self.x = x
     self.y = y
     self.theta = theta
     self.wp_hit_point = Point(self.x, self.y) #creating a list for all the points it hits
     self.ln_line_to_goal = Line.from_points([self.wp_hit_point, self.wp_goal_point]) # Draws a line from hit point to goal point
     self.Vec_hit = Point(x,y)
     self.angle_vec = self.wp_goal_point-self.Vec_hit
     print self.angle_vec
     self.last_hit_dist = self.Vec_hit.distance_to(self.wp_goal_point)
     self.count = self.count + 1
Exemplo n.º 8
 def follow_wall(self, x, y, theta):
     This function is called when the state machine enters the wallfollower
     self.x1 = x
     self.y1 = y
     #adding the current values of x and  y in the list
     #creating point for current x,y values
     self.wp_current_point = Point(x, y)
     #creating line between current point to goal point
     self.ln_one = Line.from_points(
         [self.wp_goal_position, self.wp_current_point])
Exemplo n.º 9
    def follow_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is called when the state machine enters the wallfollower
        #Create entry pose when finding wall
        self.wp_entry_pose = Point(x, y)

        #Create line only on first obstacle encountered
        if self.first_line:
            self.ln_goal_vector = Line.from_points(
                [self.wp_goal_point, self.wp_entry_pose])
            self.first_line = False

        self.old_is_left = self.ln_goal_vector.point_left(self.wp_entry_pose)

Exemplo n.º 10
    def is_time_to_leave_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is regularly called from the wallfollower state to check
        the brain's belief about whether it is the right time (or place) to
        leave the wall and move straight to the goal.

        theta = degrees(theta);
        self.current_theta  =theta;

        self.wp_current_position = Point(x,y);
        self.current_direction = Vec2.polar(angle = theta,length = 1);
        #Robot Orientation Line.
        self.ln_current_orentation = Line(Vec2(x,y),self.current_direction);

        # the prependicular line to the path
        self.ln_distance = self.ln_path.perpendicular(self.wp_current_position);
        distance_to_path= self.ln_path.distance_to(Point(x,y));
        self.distance_to_path = distance_to_path;
        distance_to_destination = self.ln_current_orentation.distance_to(self.wp_destination);
        if(abs(distance_to_path) > 1):
            self.path_started =True;

        self.distance_to_goal = self.wp_destination.distance_to(Point(x,y));
        checking if distance to the straight path is approx. 0 and
        if destenation on the opposit side of wall then leave the path
        NOTE and TODO: works only for the circles not for complex path.
        if(abs(distance_to_path) < self.TOLERANCE() and
            self.distance_to_goal < self.distance_when_left and
            self.is_destination_opposite_to_wall(distance_to_destination) and 
            self.path_started): # is robot started following wall!
            self.wp_wf_stop = Point(x,y);
            return True;

        return False
Exemplo n.º 11
class BugBrain:

    # declearing constants
        return 0;
        return 1;
    def LEFT_SIDE(self):
        return -1;
    def RIGHT_SIDE(self):
        return 1;
    def TOLERANCE(self):
        return planar.EPSILON;

    def __init__(self, goal_x, goal_y, side):
        self.wall_side = side;
        self.wp_destination = Point(goal_x, goal_y);
        self.path_started = False;
        #the tolerence == planar.EPSILON at default value does not work good
        self.distance_when_left = 9999;
    # method to determin if the destenation is on opposit side of wall being followed.
    # @param: distance
    #         signed distance from the robot to goal.
    #         can be obtained by path_line.distance_to(ROBOT CURRENT POSITION).
    def is_destination_opposite_to_wall(self,distance):
        direction = math.copysign(1,distance);

        if(self.wall_side == self.LEFT_WALLFOLLOWING()):
            if(direction == self.RIGHT_SIDE()):
                return True;
                return False;
            if(direction == self.LEFT_SIDE()):
                return True;
                return False;

    def follow_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is called when the state machine enters the wallfollower
        # compute and store necessary variables
        theta = degrees(theta);
        position = Point(x,y);

        self.ln_path = Line.from_points([position,self.wp_destination]);
        # saving where it started wall following
        self.wp_wf_start = position;

    def leave_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is called when the state machine leaves the wallfollower
        # compute and store necessary variables
        self.path_started = False;
        self.distance_when_left = self.wp_destination.distance_to(Point(x,y));
        self.wp_left_wall_at = Point(x,y);
        # self.wp_when_left = 

    def is_goal_unreachable(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is regularly called from the wallfollower state to check
        the brain's belief about whether the goal is unreachable.
        # if the robot goes around an obstacle and
        # reaches the starting point and the destenation is still not reached then
        # the goal is unreachable.
        distance_to_path= self.ln_path.distance_to(Point(x,y));

        if(abs(distance_to_path) < self.TOLERANCE() 
            and Vec2(x,y).almost_equals(self.wp_wf_start) 
            and self.path_started):
            # self.path_started = False;
            rospy.logwarn("UNREACHABLE POINT!");
            return True

        return False

    def is_time_to_leave_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is regularly called from the wallfollower state to check
        the brain's belief about whether it is the right time (or place) to
        leave the wall and move straight to the goal.

        theta = degrees(theta);
        self.current_theta  =theta;

        self.wp_current_position = Point(x,y);
        self.current_direction = Vec2.polar(angle = theta,length = 1);
        #Robot Orientation Line.
        self.ln_current_orentation = Line(Vec2(x,y),self.current_direction);

        # the prependicular line to the path
        self.ln_distance = self.ln_path.perpendicular(self.wp_current_position);
        distance_to_path= self.ln_path.distance_to(Point(x,y));
        self.distance_to_path = distance_to_path;
        distance_to_destination = self.ln_current_orentation.distance_to(self.wp_destination);
        if(abs(distance_to_path) > 1):
            self.path_started =True;

        self.distance_to_goal = self.wp_destination.distance_to(Point(x,y));
        checking if distance to the straight path is approx. 0 and
        if destenation on the opposit side of wall then leave the path
        NOTE and TODO: works only for the circles not for complex path.
        if(abs(distance_to_path) < self.TOLERANCE() and
            self.distance_to_goal < self.distance_when_left and
            self.is_destination_opposite_to_wall(distance_to_destination) and 
            self.path_started): # is robot started following wall!
            self.wp_wf_stop = Point(x,y);
            return True;

        return False
Exemplo n.º 12
		for x in range(len(self.begin_point_list)):
            if abs(wp_point.distance_to( self.wp_start_wall_point)<=1):
        if (flag==True) :     
            rospy.loginfo("Adding first point to the list")
        rospy.loginfo("Initialize Wall Follow.") = rospy.get_rostime()
		if len(self.leave_point_list)<1:
            rospy.loginfo(" Line plot")
            self.ln_goal_line=Line.from_points([self.wp_start_wall_point, self.wp_goal_point])

    def leave_wall(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is called when the state machine leaves the wallfollower
		#Storing points

    def is_goal_unreachable(self, x, y, theta):
        This function is regularly called from the wallfollower state to check