Exemplo n.º 1
def get_resp_legs(source, lmax):
    r"""Defines the responses terms for a CMB map anisotropy source.

        source (str): anisotropy source (e.g. 'p', 'f', ...).
        lmax (int): responses are given up to lmax.

        4-tuple (r, rR, -rR, cL):  source spin response *r* (positive or zero),
        the harmonic responses for +r and -r (2 1d-arrays), and the scaling between the G/C modes
        and the potentials of interest. (for lensing, cL is given by :math:`L\sqrt{L (L + 1)}`).

    if source in ['p', 'x']:
        # lensing (gradient and curl): _sX -> _sX -  1/2 alpha_1 \eth _sX - 1/2 \alpha_{-1} \bar \eth _sX
        return {s : (1, -0.5 * uspin.get_spin_lower(s, lmax), -0.5 * uspin.get_spin_raise(s, lmax),
                     lambda ell : uspin.get_spin_raise(0, np.max(ell))[ell]) for s in [0, -2, 2]}
    if source == 'f': # Modulation: _sX -> _sX + f _sX.
        return {s : (0, 0.5 * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float), 0.5 * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                        lambda ell: np.ones(len(ell), dtype=float)) for s in [0, -2, 2]}
    if source in ['a', 'a_p']: # Polarisation rotation _\pm 2 X ->  _\pm 2 X + \mp 2 i a _\pm 2 X
        ret = {s: (0,  -np.sign(s) * 1j * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                       -np.sign(s) * 1j * np.ones(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                        lambda ell: np.ones(len(ell), dtype=float)) for s in [-2, 2]}
        ret[0]=(0, np.zeros(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                   np.zeros(lmax + 1, dtype=float),
                   lambda ell: np.ones(len(ell), dtype=float))
        return ret

    assert 0, source + ' response legs not implemented'
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_mf_resp(qe_key, cls_cmb, cls_ivfs, lmax_qe, lmax_out):
    """Deflection-induced mean-field response calculation.

    See Carron & Lewis 2019 in prep.
    # This version looks stable enough
    assert qe_key in ['p_p', 'ptt'], qe_key

    GL = np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float)
    CL = np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float)
    if qe_key == 'ptt':
        lmax_cmb = len(cls_cmb['tt']) - 1
        spins = [0]
    elif qe_key == 'p_p':
        lmax_cmb = min(len(cls_cmb['ee']) - 1, len(cls_cmb['bb'] - 1))
        spins = [-2, 2]
    elif qe_key == 'p':
        lmax_cmb = min(len(cls_cmb['ee']) - 1, len(cls_cmb['bb']) - 1, len(cls_cmb['tt']) - 1, len(cls_cmb['te']) - 1)
        spins = [0, -2, 2]
        assert 0, qe_key + ' not implemented'
    assert lmax_qe <= lmax_cmb
    if qe_key == 'ptt':
        cl_cmbtoticmb = {'tt': cls_cmb['tt'][:lmax_qe + 1] ** 2 * cls_ivfs['tt'][:lmax_qe + 1]}
        cl_cmbtoti = {'tt': cls_cmb['tt'][:lmax_qe + 1] * cls_ivfs['tt'][:lmax_qe + 1]}
    elif qe_key == 'p_p':
        cl_cmbtoticmb = {'ee': cls_cmb['ee'][:lmax_qe + 1] ** 2 * cls_ivfs['ee'][:lmax_qe + 1],
                         'bb': cls_cmb['bb'][:lmax_qe + 1] ** 2 * cls_ivfs['bb'][:lmax_qe + 1]}
        cl_cmbtoti = {'ee': cls_cmb['ee'][:lmax_qe + 1] * cls_ivfs['ee'][:lmax_qe + 1],
                      'bb': cls_cmb['bb'][:lmax_qe + 1] * cls_ivfs['bb'][:lmax_qe + 1]}
        assert 0, 'not implemented'
    # Build remaining fisher term II:
    FisherGII = np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float)
    FisherCII = np.zeros(lmax_out + 1, dtype=float)

    for s1 in spins:
        for s2 in spins:
            cl1 = uspin.spin_cls(s1, s2, cls_ivfs)[:lmax_qe + 1] * (0.5 ** (s1 != 0) * 0.5 ** (s2 != 0))
            # These 1/2 factor from the factor 1/2 in each B of B Covi B^dagger, where B maps spin-fields to T E B.
            cl2 = np.copy(uspin.spin_cls(s2, s1, cls_cmb)[:lmax_cmb + 1])
            cl2[:lmax_qe + 1] -= uspin.spin_cls(s2, s1, cl_cmbtoticmb)[:lmax_qe + 1]
            if np.any(cl1) and np.any(cl2):
                for a in [-1, 1]:
                    ai = uspin.get_spin_lower(s2, lmax_cmb) if a == - 1 else uspin.get_spin_raise(s2, lmax_cmb)
                    for b in [1]: # a, b symmetry
                        aj = uspin.get_spin_lower(-s1, lmax_cmb) if b == 1 else uspin.get_spin_raise(-s1, lmax_cmb)
                        hL = 2 * (-1) ** (s1 + s2) * uspin.wignerc(cl1, cl2 * ai * aj, s2, s1, -s2 - a, -s1 - b, lmax_out=lmax_out)
                        GL += (- a * b) * hL
                        CL += (-1) * hL

    # Build remaining Fisher term II:
    for s1 in spins:
        for s2 in spins:
            cl1 = uspin.spin_cls(s2, s1, cl_cmbtoti)[:lmax_qe + 1] * (0.5 ** (s1 != 0))
            cl2 = uspin.spin_cls(s1, s2, cl_cmbtoti)[:lmax_qe + 1] * (0.5 ** (s2 != 0))
            if np.any(cl1) and np.any(cl2):
                for a in [-1, 1]:
                    ai = uspin.get_spin_lower(s2, lmax_qe) if a == -1 else uspin.get_spin_raise(s2, lmax_qe)
                    for b in [1]:
                        aj = uspin.get_spin_lower(s1, lmax_qe) if b == 1 else uspin.get_spin_raise(s1, lmax_qe)
                        hL = 2 * (-1) ** (s1 + s2) * uspin.wignerc(cl1 * ai, cl2 * aj, -s2 - a, -s1, s2, s1 - b, lmax_out=lmax_out)
                        FisherGII += (- a * b) * hL
                        FisherCII += (-1) * hL
    GL -= FisherGII
    CL -= FisherCII
    print("CL[1] ",CL[1])
    print("GL[1] (before subtraction) ", GL[1])
    print("GL[1] (after subtraction) ", GL[1] - CL[1])

    GL -= CL[1]
    CL -= CL[1]
    GL *= 0.25 * np.arange(lmax_out + 1) * np.arange(1, lmax_out + 2)
    CL *= 0.25 * np.arange(lmax_out + 1) * np.arange(1, lmax_out + 2)
    return GL, CL