class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env, learning_rate=0.6, discount_factor=0.35):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.alpha = learning_rate
        self.gamma = discount_factor
        self.state = None
        self.Q_values = self.initialize_Q_values()
    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
    def initialize_Q_values(self, val=10.0):
        Q_values = {}
        for waypoint in ['left', 'right', 'forward']:
            for light in ['red', 'green']:
                for action in self.env.valid_actions:
                    Q_values[((waypoint, light), action)] = val
        return Q_values

    def find_max_Q(self, state):
        action = None
        max_Q = 0.0
        for a in self.env.valid_actions:
            Q = self.Q_values[(state, a)]
            if Q > max_Q:
                action = a
                max_Q = Q
        return (max_Q, action)

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = (self.next_waypoint, inputs['light'])

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        #action = random.choice(self.env.valid_actions) 
        (Q, action) = self.find_max_Q(self.state)

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        state_prime = (next_waypoint, inputs['light'])
        (Q_prime, action_prime) = self.find_max_Q(state_prime)        
        Q += self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma*Q_prime - Q) 
        self.Q_values[(self.state, action)] = Q

        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 2
class QLearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world by using Q-Learning"""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(QLearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self) # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        self.learner = QLearn(epsilon=1, alpha=0.3, gamma=0.6)        

    def reset(self, destination=None):

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self) 
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'], self.next_waypoint)

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        action = self.learner.action(self.state)
        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        next_inputs = self.env.sense(self) 
        self.future_next_way_out = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        next_state = (next_inputs['light'], next_inputs['oncoming'], next_inputs['left'], self.future_next_way_out)
        #next_state = (next_inputs[0], next_inputs[1], next_inputs[3], self.planner.next_waypoint())
        self.learner.learn(self.state, action, next_state, reward)

        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 3
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.A = ['forward', 'left', 'right', None] #all the actions available
        self.trial = 0

        #Initialize Q table(light, oncoming, next_waypoint)
        for i in ['green', 'red']:  #possible lights
            for j in [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']: #possible oncoming_agent
                for k in ['forward', 'left', 'right']: #possible next_waypoints
                    self.Q[(i,j,k)] = [1] * len(self.A)

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], self.next_waypoint)
        #Find the max Q value for the current state
        max_Q = self.Q[self.state].index(max(self.Q[self.state]))

        #assign action
        p = random.randrange(0,5)
        epsilon = 1.5 # small probability to act randomly
        if p<epsilon:
            action = random.choice(self.env.valid_actions)
            action = self.A[max_Q]
        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        gamma = 0.30
        alp_tune =500 # tunning parameter
        alpha = 1/(1.1+self.trial/alp_tune) # decay learning rate
        self.trial = self.trial+1

        #get the next action state Q(s',a')
        next_inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        next_next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        next_state = (next_inputs['light'],next_inputs['oncoming'], next_next_waypoint)

        #Update Q Table
        self.Q[self.state][self.A.index(action)] = \
        (1-alpha)*self.Q[self.state][self.A.index(action)] + \
        (alpha * (reward + gamma * max(self.Q[next_state])))
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint

        valid_waypoints = ['forward','right','left']
        valid_lights = ['red','green']
        valid_actions = ['forward','right','left', None]

        states = [(next_waypoint,light,oncoming,right,left) for next_waypoint in valid_waypoints for light in valid_lights for oncoming in valid_actions for right in valid_actions for left in valid_actions]
        for state in states:
            self.Q_hat[state] = {}
            for action in valid_actions:
                self.Q_hat[state][action] = random.random()

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        if self.next_waypoint == None:
            self.state = 'Destination'
            self.state = (self.next_waypoint, inputs['light'],inputs['oncoming'],inputs['right'],inputs['left'])

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy

        valid_actions = ['forward','right','left', None]
        epsilon = 0.1 #0.01

        best_action = max(self.Q_hat[self.state],key=self.Q_hat[self.state].get)
        random_action = choice(valid_actions)
        action = choice([best_action, random_action],p=[1-epsilon,epsilon])

        # Execute action and get reward

        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # Learn policy based on state, action, reward

        new_next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        new_inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        new_state = (new_next_waypoint, new_inputs['light'],new_inputs['oncoming'],new_inputs['right'],new_inputs['left'])
        alpha = 0.5 #opt 0.7
        gamma = 0.5 #opt 0.1
        max_Qhat_ahat = max(self.Q_hat[new_state].values())
        self.Q_hat[self.state][action] = (1-alpha)*self.Q_hat[self.state][action]+alpha*(reward+gamma*max_Qhat_ahat)

        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 5
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env, alpha, q_initial):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.policy = {}
        self.trip_log = []
        self.trip = None
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.q_initial = q_initial

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        if self.trip:
        self.trip = {}
        self.trip['Deadline'] = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        self.trip['Reward'] = 0
        self.trip['Penalty'] = 0

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = inputs
        self.state['waypoint'] = self.next_waypoint

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        state_hash = hashabledict(frozenset(self.state.iteritems()))
        q = self.policy.get(state_hash, {
            None: self.q_initial,
            'forward': self.q_initial,
            'left': self.q_initial,
            'right': self.q_initial,
        action = max(q.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # Update trip stats
        self.trip['Reward'] += reward
        self.trip['Remaining'] = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        self.trip['Success'] = self.planner.next_waypoint() == None
        if reward < 0: self.trip['Penalty'] += reward

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        q[action] = (1 - self.alpha) * q[action] + self.alpha * reward
        self.policy[state_hash] = q
Exemplo n.º 6
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.QLearning = QLearning(epsilon=0.3, alpha=0.95, gamma=0.9)
        # self.QLearning = pickle.load(open('./QLearning.pkl'))

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def is_action_okay(self, inputs):
        action_okay = True
        if self.next_waypoint == 'right':
            if inputs['light'] == 'red' and inputs['left'] == 'forward':
                action_okay = False
        elif self.next_waypoint == 'forward':
            if inputs['light'] == 'red':
                action_okay = False
        elif self.next_waypoint == 'left':
            if inputs['light'] == 'red' or (inputs['oncoming'] == 'forward' or inputs['oncoming'] == 'right'):
                action_okay = False

        return action_okay

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather states
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        action_okay = self.is_action_okay(inputs)
        self.state = (action_okay, self.next_waypoint, deadline < 3)
        # self.state = (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'], self.next_waypoint)

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        action = self.QLearning.policy(self.state)

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # Gather next states
        next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        next_inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        next_deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        next_action_okay = self.is_action_okay(next_inputs)
        next_state = (next_action_okay, next_waypoint, next_deadline < 3)
        # next_state = (next_inputs['light'], next_inputs['oncoming'], next_inputs['left'], next_waypoint)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        self.QLearning.update_QTable(self.state, action, reward, next_state)
Exemplo n.º 7
class BasicLearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(BasicLearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.last_reward = 0
        self.last_action = None
        self.last_state = None
        self.state = None
        self.total_reward = 0
        self.deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        self.actions = ['forward', 'left', 'right', None]
        self.reached_destination = 0
        self.penalties = 0
        self.movements = 0

    def tuple_state(self, state):
        State = namedtuple("State", ["light", "next_waypoint"])
        return State(light = state['light'], next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()) 

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        self.last_reward = 0
        self.last_action = None
        self.last_state = None
        self.state = None
        self.total_reward = 0

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = self.tuple_state(inputs)

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        action = random.choice(self.actions)

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        if reward >= 10: self.reached_destination += 1
        if reward < 0: self.penalties += 1
        self.movements += 1

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward 
        self.last_action = action
        self.last_state = self.state
        self.last_reward = reward
        self.total_reward += reward
Exemplo n.º 8
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here        
        self.actions = ['forward', 'left', 'right',None]        
        self.q_table = Counter()        
        self.alpha = 0.5
        self.gamma = 0.2

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def get_best_action(self, state):
        best_profit = -999
        best_action = None
        for a in self.actions:
            profit = self.q_table[(state, a)]            
            if profit > best_profit:
                best_profit = profit
                best_action = a
        return best_action, best_profit

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state        
        self.state = (inputs['light'],inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'], self.next_waypoint)       

        if randint(0,10) < 3:
            action = self.actions[randint(0, 3)]
            action, _ = self.get_best_action(self.state)
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        next_inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        next_next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        next_state = (next_inputs['light'],next_inputs['oncoming'], next_inputs['left'], next_next_waypoint)      
        _, best_profit = self.get_best_action(next_state)
        self.q_table[(self.state, action)] = (1-self.alpha)*self.q_table[(self.state, action)] + (self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma * best_profit))

        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 9
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.debugOn = False
        self.reporter = Reporter(driver_type, self.env.valid_actions)
        if driver_type=='random':
            self.driver = RandomDriver(self.env.valid_actions)
        elif driver_type=='greedy':
            self.driver = GreedyDriver(self.env.valid_actions)
        elif driver_type=='greedy2':
            self.driver = Greedy2Driver(self.env.valid_actions)
        elif driver_type=='smart':
            self.driver = SmartDriver(self.env.valid_actions, self.reporter)
        elif driver_type=='smart2':
            self.driver = Smart2Driver(self.env.valid_actions, self.reporter)
        elif driver_type=='smart3':
            self.driver = Smart3Driver(self.env.valid_actions, self.reporter)
            self.driver = Smart2Driver(self.env.valid_actions, self.reporter)

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = State.make(self.next_waypoint, inputs)
        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        action = self.driver.decide(self.state)

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        newWaypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        newState = State.make(newWaypoint, self.env.sense(self))
        self.driver.learn(t, deadline, self.state, action, reward, newState)

        location = self.env.agent_states[self]['location']
        if self.debugOn:
            print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline={} inputs={} action={} reward={} location={}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward, location)  # [debug]
        self.reporter.update(t, deadline, self.state, action, reward, location, self.driver)
Exemplo n.º 10
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.Q = {}
        self.pi = {}
        self.alpha = 1
        self.gema = 0
        self.ACTIONS = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = inputs
        self.state['next_waypoint'] = self.next_waypoint
        self.state = tuple(self.state.items())
        # TODO: Select action according to your policy

        action = random.choice(self.ACTIONS) if self.state not in self.pi else self.pi[self.state]
        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        next_state = self.env.sense(self)
        next_state['next_waypoint'] = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        next_state = tuple(next_state.items())
        next_action = random.choice(self.ACTIONS) if next_state not in self.pi else self.pi[next_state]
        sta_act = (self.state, action)
        self.Q[sta_act] = (1 - self.alpha) * self.Q.get(sta_act, 0) + self.alpha*(reward + self.gema*self.Q.get((next_state, next_action), 0))
        acts_Q = [self.Q.get((self.state, act)) for act in self.ACTIONS]
        if None not in acts_Q:
            max_Q = max(acts_Q)
            max_acts = [act for act in self.ACTIONS if max_Q==self.Q.get((self.state, act))]
            self.pi[self.state] = random.choice(max_acts)
        #print self.Q
        #print self.pi
        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 11
class QLearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world by using Q-Learning"""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(QLearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        self.possible_actions= Environment.valid_actions = QLearn(epsilon=.05, alpha=0.1, gamma=0.9)        

    def reset(self, destination=None):

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self) 
        inputs = inputs.items()
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        self.state = (inputs[0],inputs[1],inputs[3],self.next_waypoint)
        action =
        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        inputs2 = self.env.sense(self) 
        inputs2 = inputs2.items()
        next_state = (inputs2[0],inputs2[1],inputs2[3],self.next_waypoint), action, next_state, reward)

        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 12
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        # # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = self.next_waypoint, inputs['light']
        # self.state = self.next_waypoint, (inputs['oncoming'] == None or inputs['light'] == 'green')

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        # Define actions
        actions = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']

        # QUESTION 1- select random action
        action = random.choice(actions)

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
Exemplo n.º 13
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.alpha = 0.2
        self.Qtable = {}

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        self.state = None
        self.reward = 0
    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state

        # Inform Driving Agent
        self.state = (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], 
                      inputs['left'], inputs['right'], self.next_waypoint)
        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        valid_actions = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']
        # Random Pick Actions
        ### action = random.choice(valid_actions)
        # Get all Q values for all state
        all_actions = {action: self.Qtable.get((self.state, action), 0)
                        for action in valid_actions}
        # Find action that maximizes Q values
        best_actions = [action for action in valid_actions 
                        if all_actions[action] == max(all_actions.values())]
        # Return Best Action
        action = random.choice(best_actions)    
        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward

        # To simplify the problem, I set gamma equals 0.
        self.Qtable[(self.state, action)] = \
        (1 - self.alpha) * self.Qtable.get((self.state, action), 0) + self.alpha * reward
        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 14
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        action = None

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward

        print("LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward))  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 15
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        self.q_matrix = {}
        self.alpha = 0.95
        self.gamma = 0.05
        self.explore = 0.05
        self.state = None

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        state = self.observe_state()
        self.state = state
        knowledge = self.knowledge_from_state(state)

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        if random() < self.explore:
            action = choice(OPTIONS)
            action = sorted(knowledge.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0]

        old_value = knowledge[action]

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        new_state = self.observe_state()
        new_state_knowledge = self.knowledge_from_state(new_state)

        self.q_matrix[state][action] = (1-self.alpha) * old_value +\
                                       self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma * max(new_state_knowledge.values()))

        #print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, state = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, state, action, reward)  # [debug]

    def knowledge_from_state(self, state):
        Gets what we know about the given state
        if not state in self.q_matrix:
            self.q_matrix[state] = {option: 0 for option in OPTIONS}
        return self.q_matrix[state]

    def observe_state(self):
        Observe the current state
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        return (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'], self.next_waypoint)
Exemplo n.º 16
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        # location, heading, delta, deadline, oncoming, traffic light state
        inputs['waypoint'] = self.next_waypoint

        self.state = tuple(sorted(inputs.items())) # performs the actual update

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        actions = [None,'forward','left','right']
        action = actions[random.randint(0,3)]

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward

        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
class BasicAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, env):
        super(BasicAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        self.color = 'red'  # override color

    def reset(self, destination=None):
    def update(self, t):
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        action = random.choice(self.env.valid_actions)
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        light = inputs['light']
        oncoming = inputs['oncoming']
        left = inputs['left']
        right = inputs['right']
        #Update the current observed state
        self.state = (light, oncoming, left, right, self.next_waypoint)
        print "Basic.update(): next move = {}".format(action)  # [debug]
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.next_waypoint = None
        self.total_reward = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        self.state = None
        self.next_waypoint = None

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        loc, hed = self.get_my_location()
        action = self.get_next_waypoint_given_location( loc, hed)
        action_okay = self.check_if_action_is_ok(inputs)
        if not action_okay:
            action = None
        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        self.total_reward += reward

        #TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 19
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here

    def reset(self, destination=None):

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = inputs['location']

        action = random.choice(Environment.valid_actions)
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs,
                                                                                                    reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 20
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""
    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint        
        self.mapper= StateMapper(self.learner)                        
        self.actionChooser= QValueRandomMixActionChooser(self.learner)

    def reset(self, destination=None):
    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        learner= self.learner        
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        if learner.prior_state==None:
            learner.prior_state= self.mapper.mapDataToState(self.next_waypoint,inputs,deadline)           
        # Select action according to your policy
        action= self.actionChooser.chooseAction()
        # Execute action and get reward
        learner.reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        if learner.reward<0:
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        location = self.env.agent_states[self]["location"] 
        destination = self.env.agent_states[self]["destination"]
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        learner.current_state= self.mapper.mapDataToState(self.next_waypoint,inputs,deadline)
        #keep track of how often we were successful for later evaluation        
        if location==destination:
            self.successes= self.successes+1
Exemplo n.º 21
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.prevReward = 0
        self.prevAction = None

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        self.state = None
        self.prevReward = 0
        self.prevAction = None

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        state = None
        validActions = []
        if inputs['light'] == 'red':
            if inputs['oncoming'] != 'left':
                validActions = ['right', None]
            if inputs['oncoming'] == 'forward':
                validActions = [ 'forward','right']
                validActions = ['right','forward', 'left']

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        if validActions != []:
            action = random.choice(validActions)
            action = random.choice(Environment.valid_actions)

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        if action != None:
            if reward > self.prevReward:
                self.state = (inputs,self.next_waypoint,deadline) 
                self.prevAction = action
                self.prevReward = reward
                self.state = (inputs,self.next_waypoint,deadline)
                self.prevAction = action
                self.prevReward = reward

        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 22
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        self.qtable = defaultdict(dict)
        self.epsilon = .4  # Randomness factor
        self.alpha = .4  # Learning rate.

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # Update state
        self.state = self.define_state(inputs, self.next_waypoint)

        # Select action according policy
        action = self.select_action()

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        self.update_qtable(action, reward)

        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs,
                                                                                                    reward)  # [debug]

    def select_action(self):
        if random.random() < self.epsilon or self.state not in self.qtable:
            action = random.choice(self.env.valid_actions)
            action = max(self.qtable[self.state], key=self.qtable[self.state].get)

        if self.state not in self.qtable:
            for a in self.env.valid_actions:  # init action:reward dict.
                self.qtable[self.state][a] = 0
        return action

    def update_qtable(self, action, reward):
        old_q = self.qtable[self.state].get(action, 0)
        self.qtable[self.state][action] = ((1 - self.alpha) * old_q) + (self.alpha * reward)
        # Decay alpha and epsilon until it reaches 0.1 and 0.0, respectively.
        self.alpha = max(0.001, self.alpha - 0.002)
        self.epsilon = max(0.0, self.epsilon - 0.002)

    def define_state(inputs, next_waypoint):
        return tuple(inputs.values()) + (next_waypoint, )
Exemplo n.º 23
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.Qtable = {}
        self.alpha = 0.8
        self.gamma = 0.6

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = (self.next_waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'], inputs['right'])
        old_state = self.state
        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        if (old_state, None) not in self.Qtable.keys():
            self.Qtable[(old_state, None)] = 0
        if (old_state, 'left') not in self.Qtable.keys():
            self.Qtable[(old_state, 'left')] = 0
        if (old_state, 'forward') not in self.Qtable.keys():
            self.Qtable[(old_state, 'forward')] = 0
        if (old_state, 'right') not in self.Qtable.keys():
            self.Qtable[(old_state, 'right')] = 0
        max_action = max(self.Qtable[(old_state, None)], self.Qtable[(old_state, 'left')],self.Qtable[(old_state, 'forward')],self.Qtable[(old_state, 'right')])
        action = random.choice([ i for i in ['left', 'forward', 'right', None] if self.Qtable[(old_state, i)] == max_action])

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        #self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        self.state = (self.next_waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'], inputs['right'])
        new_state = self.state

        if (new_state, None) not in self.Qtable.keys():
            self.Qtable[(new_state, None)] = 0
        if (new_state, 'left') not in self.Qtable.keys():
            self.Qtable[(new_state, 'left')] = 0
        if (new_state, 'forward') not in self.Qtable.keys():
            self.Qtable[(new_state, 'forward')] = 0
        if (new_state, 'right') not in self.Qtable.keys():
            self.Qtable[(new_state, 'right')] = 0

        self.Qtable[(old_state, action)] = (1 - self.alpha) * self.Qtable[(old_state, action)] + self.alpha *(reward + self.gamma * max(self.Qtable[(new_state, i)] for i in [None, 'left', 'forward', 'right']))
Exemplo n.º 24
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        self.actions = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']
        self.learning_rate = 0.3
        self.state = None
        self.q = {}
        self.trips = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        self.trips += 1
        if self.trips >= 100:
            self.learning_rate = 0

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # Update state
        state = (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['right'], inputs['left'],
        self.state = state

        # Lazy initialization of Q-values
        for action in self.actions:
            if (state, action) not in self.q:
                self.q[(state, action)] = 1
        # Select action according to the policy

        probabilities = [self.q[(state, None)], self.q[(state, 'forward')], self.q[(state, 'left')], self.q[(state, 'right')]]
        # Use the softmax funtion so that the values actually behave like probabilities
        probabilities = np.exp(probabilities) / np.sum(np.exp(probabilities), axis=0)

        adventurousness = max((100 - self.trips) / 100, 0)
        if random.random() < adventurousness:
            action = np.random.choice(self.actions, p=probabilities)
            action = self.actions[np.argmax(probabilities)]

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        self.q[(state, action)] = self.learning_rate * reward + (1 - self.learning_rate) * self.q[(state, action)]

        #print("LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward))  # [debug]

    def get_state(self):
        return self.state
Exemplo n.º 25
class QLearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(QLearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.total_reward = 0
        self.next_waypoint = None
        self.QLearner = QAlgorithm(epsilon=0.03, alpha = 0.1, gamma = 0.9)
        self.next_state = None
        self.time_step = 1.0
    def get_decay_rate(self, t): #Decay rate for epsilon
       return 1.0 / float(t)
    def reset(self, destination=None):
        self.time_step = 1.0
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        self.previous_action = None
        self.next_state = None
        self.total_reward = 0
        self.next_waypoint = None
        self.QLearner = QAlgorithm(epsilon=0.03, alpha = 0.1, gamma = 0.9)
        self.next_state = None
    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        #env_states = self.env.agent_states[self]
        self.time_step += 1
        epsilon = self.get_decay_rate(self.time_step)
        self.state = (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'], self.next_waypoint)
        #self.state = (inputs['light'], self.next_waypoint)

        action = self.QLearner.q_move(self.state)        
        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        self.total_reward += reward
        new_inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        #env_states = self.env.agent_states[self]
        new_deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        self.next_state =  (new_inputs['light'], new_inputs['oncoming'], new_inputs['left'], self.next_waypoint)
        #self.next_state =  (new_inputs['light'], self.next_waypoint)
        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward

        self.QLearner.q_future_reward(self.state, action, self.next_state, reward)
        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 26
class BasicAgent(Agent):
    """A basic agent upon which to build learning agents."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(BasicAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        self.qvals = {} # mapping (state, action) to q-values
        self.time = 0 # number of moves performed
        self.possible_actions = (None, 'forward', 'left', 'right')
        self.n_dest_reached = 0 # number of destinations reached
        self.last_dest_fail = 0 # last time agent failed to reach destination
        self.sum_time_left = 0 # sum of time left upon reaching destination over all trials
        self.n_penalties = 0 # number of penalties incurred
        self.last_penalty = 0 # last trial in which the agent incurred in a penalty

    def reset(self, destination=None):

    def best_action(self, state):
        Return a random action (other agents will have different policies)
        return random.choice(self.possible_actions)

    def update_qvals(self, state, action, reward):
        Keeps track of visited (state, action) pairs. 
        (in other agents will use reward to update 
        the mapping from (state, action) pairs to q-values)
        self.qvals[(state, action)] = 0
    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        # update time
        self.time += 1

        # Update state
        self.state = (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'],

        # Pick an action
        action = self.best_action(self.state)
        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        if reward < 0:
            self.n_penalties += 1
        # Update the q-value of the (state, action) pair
        self.update_qvals(self.state, action, reward)
        # print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 27
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.acts = ['left', 'right', 'forward', 'stay']
        df_tmp = pd.DataFrame(0*np.ones((2, 4)), index=['red', 'green'], columns=self.acts)
        self.Q = df_tmp
        self.deadline = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        self.deadline = deadline

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = inputs['light'] # in this case the state is simply defined by the color oof the traffic light at the intersection
        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        # Q-Learner
        act_opt = self.Q.ix[self.state].argmax()
        if act_opt=='stay': act_opt=None
#            print "Current state = %s, qlearner action = %s" % (self.state, act_opt)
        action = act_opt

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward

        # Maximize Q conditional on the state we are in = S
        q_S = self.Q.ix[self.state] # Q conditional on state S
        q_S_mx = q_S[q_S==q_S.max()] # just in case there are multiple values and the action that maximizes Q(S, a) is not unique
        ix_mx = np.random.randint(0,len(q_S_mx)) # pick one of the equally qlearner actions
        q_S_mx = q_S_mx.iloc[ix_mx]

        # Update Q
        act_tmp = action if action !=None else 'stay'
        global alpha, alpha0, gamma
        alpha *= alpha0
        self.Q.ix[self.state, act_tmp] = \
            (1-alpha)*self.Q.ix[self.state, act_tmp] + \
            alpha*(reward + gamma*q_S_mx) # note: we update the action that has been actually taken, but we update the contribution to Q(S, a) by the action that could have been taken had we behaved qlearnerly
Exemplo n.º 28
class QLearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(QLearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.Q = {}
        self.learning_rate = 0.9
        self.states = None
        self.possible_actions = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        # state = (self.next_waypoint,inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['right'], inputs['left'],deadline)
        state = (self.next_waypoint,inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['right'], inputs['left'])
        # state = (self.next_waypoint,inputs['light'])
        self.state = state

        for action in self.possible_actions:
            if(state, action) not in self.Q: 
                self.Q[(state, action)] = 20

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        Q_best_value = [self.Q[(state, None)], self.Q[(state, 'forward')], self.Q[(state, 'left')], self.Q[(state, 'right')]]
        # Softmax
        Q_best_value = np.exp(Q_best_value) / np.sum(np.exp(Q_best_value), axis=0)
        #action = np.random.choice(self.possible_actions, p=probabilities)
        action = self.possible_actions[np.argmax(Q_best_value)]

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        if reward == -10.0 :
            print "Invalid move"
        if reward == -0.5 :
            print "valid, but is it correct?"

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        # self.Q[(state,action)] = reward + self.learning_rate * self.Q[(state,action)]
        self.Q[(state,action)] = reward * self.learning_rate + ( 1 - self.learning_rate ) * self.Q[(state,action)]
Exemplo n.º 29
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env, learning_rate=0.78, discount_factor=0.36):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.Q = {}
        self.discount_factor = discount_factor
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.actions = Environment.valid_actions
        self.oldAction = None

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state
        #action = np.random.choice(self.actions)

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        current_state = tuple(inputs.values() + [self.next_waypoint])
        self.state = (inputs, self.next_waypoint)
        if current_state not in self.Q:
        	self.Q[current_state] = [3,3,3,3]

        Q_max = self.Q[current_state].index(np.max(self.Q[current_state]))
        # Execute action and get reward
        action = self.actions[Q_max]
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        if t!=0:
			oldvalue = self.Q[self.oldAction[0]][self.oldAction[1]]
			newvalue = ((1 - self.learning_rate)*oldvalue)+(self.learning_rate * (self.oldAction[2] + self.discount_factor * self.Q[current_state][Q_max]))
			self.Q[self.oldAction[0]][self.oldAction[1]] = newvalue 
        self.oldAction = (current_state, self.actions.index(action), reward)
        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 30
class RandomAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(RandomAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.availableAction = ['forward', 'left', 'right',None]   

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        #print"RESET, Final state:\n", self.state
            if self.deadline[len(self.features)-1] >0: #deadline less than zero
                self.goal+=1 #FIXME - order
                print "PASS! {} steps to goal,Goal reached {} times out of {}!".format(
                print "FAIL! {} steps to goal,Goal reached {} times out of {}!".format(
            print "Trial 0 - Goal reached {} times out of {}!".format(self.goal,len(self.features))
        print "----------------------------------------------------------"

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        #self.deadline[len(self.features)] = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        self.deadline[len(self.deadline)-1] = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        action = self.availableAction[random.randint(0,3)]    
        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        self.total_reward[len(self.total_reward)-1] =self.total_reward[len(self.total_reward)-1]+reward
Exemplo n.º 31
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """ 

    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)     # Set the agent in the evironment 
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict()          # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon   # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha       # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        #self.a = 0.01
        self.t = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to
        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        self.t = self.t+1
        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0;
            self.alpha = 0;
            #self.epsilon = self.epsilon - 0.05
            #self.epsilon = 0.98**self.t
            #self.epsilon =1.0/(self.t**2)
            #self.epsilon = math.exp(-(0.01*self.t))
            self.epsilon = math.cos(0.003 * self.t)
            #self.epsilon = 1;
        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint() # The next waypoint 
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)           # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent        
        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['left'], inputs['right'], inputs['oncoming'])
        #if self.learning:

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        ## My example for easy understanding
        #Q = {'left':10.0, 'right':11.0, 'forward':-5.0, None :0.0 }
        #max(Q)---> right
        #maxQ = -1000.0
        #for action in self.Q[state]:
        #    if maxQ < self.Q[state][action]:
        #        maxQ = self.Q[state][action]
        #maxQ = max(self.Q[state][action] for action in self.valid_actions)
        maxQ = max(self.Q[state].values())        #max(self.Q[state])  
        return maxQ 

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        #if self.learning:
        #    if state not in self.Q:
        #        self.Q[state] = {'left':0.0, 'right':0.0, 'forward':0.0, None :0.0 }
        if (self.learning) and (state not in self.Q):
            self.Q[state] = {}
            for action in self.valid_actions:
                self.Q[state][action] = 0.0
             #self.Q[state] =  self.Q.get(state, {None : 0.0 , 'left' : 0.0 , 'right' : 0.0 , 'forward' : 0.0 })


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        if self.learning:
            if self.epsilon > random.random():
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                maxQ = self.get_maxQ(state)
                action = random.choice([action for action in self.valid_actions if self.Q[state][action]==maxQ])
                #maxActions = []
                #for action_key in self.Q[state]:
                #    if self.Q[state][action_key] == maxQ:
                #        maxActions.append(action_key)
                #action = random.choice(maxActions)
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        #inputs_new = self.env.sense(self)
        #state_new = (self.planner.next_waypoint(), inputs_new['light'], inputs_new['oncoming'], inputs_new['left'], inputs_new['right'])
        #self.q_table[self.state][action] = (1 - alpha) * self.q_table[self.state][action] + alpha * (reward + gamma * max(self.q_table[state_new]))
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state][action] = ( 1- self.alpha) * self.Q[state][action] + self.alpha * reward

    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()          # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)                 # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action) # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)   # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 32
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""
    def __init__(self, env, gamma, alpha):
        # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)
        # Initialize additional variables and QLearning here
        self.actions = ['forward', 'left', 'right', None]
        self.states = []
        self.q_learn = QLearning(self.actions,
        self.p_action = None
        self.p_reward = None

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def get_state_code(self, inputs):
        dic = {
            'red': 1,
            'green': 2,
            'forward': 1,
            'left': 2,
            'right': 3,
            None: 4
        state_code = 0
        for i in xrange(len(inputs)):
            state_code += dic[inputs[i]] * 10**i
        return state_code

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint(
        )  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # Get previous state and action taken in state
        p_state, p_action, p_reward = self.state, self.p_action, self.p_reward

        # Get current state
        state = self.get_state_code([self.next_waypoint] + inputs.values())

        # if state is observed for the first time add it to Q and states list

        # To avoid crash at first run when p_state == p_action == p_reward == None
        if p_state is not None:
            # Learn policy based on state, action, reward

        # Select action according to your policy
        action = self.q_learn.get_best_action(state)

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        # sets previous state and action based for next state
        self.p_action, self.state, self.p_reward = action, state, reward

        global total_actions, total_rewards
        total_actions += 1
        total_rewards += reward
        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(
            deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 33
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing:
            self.alpha = 0
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.epsilon = max(
                self.epsilon - 0.01,
                0.0)  # Make epsilon smaller as the number of trials increases

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        # When learning, check if the state is in the Q-table
        #   If it is not, create a dictionary in the Q-table for the current 'state'
        #   For each action, set the Q-value for the state-action pair to 0

        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'],

        return state

    def get_maxQ_action(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q_action function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            action with the maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Find the action that gives the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        state_dict = self.Q[state]

        # find the max Q value
        maxQ = max(state_dict.values())

        # choose a random action out of all actions with the highest Q
        return random.choice(
            [item[0] for item in state_dict.items() if item[1] >= maxQ])

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0

        if (self.learning and state not in self.Q):
            self.Q[state] = {action: 0.0 for action in self.valid_actions}


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        action = random.choice(self.valid_actions) if (
            not self.learning) else (random.choice(self.valid_actions) if
                                     (random.uniform(0, 1) < self.epsilon) else

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state][action] = (
                1 - self.alpha) * self.Q[state][action] + self.alpha * reward

    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 34
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.t = 0

    def linear_decay(self):
        A linear decaying function for the initial Q-Learning implementation
        return self.epsilon - 0.05

    def optimized_decay(self):
        A optimized version of the decaying function
        return math.pow(math.e, -.005 * self.t)

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        self.t += 1

        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0
            self.epsilon = self.optimized_decay()

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        return (inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'], inputs['light'], waypoint)

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        qs = self.Q[state]
        return max(qs[action] for action in self.valid_actions)

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0

        if self.learning and state not in self.Q:
            self.Q[state] = {action: 0.0 for action in self.valid_actions}


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        if not self.learning:
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            if self.epsilon > random.random():
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                maxQ = self.get_maxQ(state)
                best_actions = [
                    action for action, q in self.Q[state].iteritems()
                    if maxQ == q
                action = random.choice(best_actions)
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #    Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
            q = self.Q[state][action]
            self.Q[state][action] = q + self.alpha * (reward - q)


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 35
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.testing = False
        self.t = 0.0  # t - number of tries

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        self.testing = testing
        self.t = self.t + 1.0

        if self.testing:
            self.epsilon = 0.0
            self.alpha = 0.0
            # First Q-learning implementation: epsilon = epsilon - 0.05
            # self.epsilon = self.epsilon - 0.05

            # Improved Q-learning implementation: epsilon = 1 / (t*t)
            self.epsilon = 1.0 / (self.t * self.t)  # 1 / t*t

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##

        # NOTE : you are not allowed to engineer eatures outside of the inputs available.
        # Because the aim of this project is to teach Reinforcement Learning, we have placed
        # constraints in order for you to learn how to adjust epsilon and alpha, and thus learn about the balance between exploration and exploitation.
        # With the hand-engineered features, this learning process gets entirely negated.

        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        state = (waypoint, inputs)  #None

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        # recommended method per code review
        maxQ = max(self.Q[str(state)].values())
        maxQ = 0.0
        state_str = str(state)
        if  state_str in self.Q.keys():
            adict = self.Q[state_str]
            print("Q-list: state_str  ", state_str)
            for key in adict.keys():
                value = adict[key]
                print("Q-list: action = ", key, " ,value = ", value) 
                if value > maxQ:
                    maxQ = value
            print("state_str = ", state_str, " not in Q list!")

        #maxQ = None
        print("max Q value = ", maxQ)

        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0

        # Code review comment: Make sure your Q-Table is ONLY initialized when Learning == True
        if (not self.learning):

        # convert state to string
        state_str = str(state)
        if state_str in self.Q.keys():
            dict_item = dict()
            for action in self.valid_actions:
                dict_item[action] = 0.0
            self.Q[state_str] = dict_item


    def getQ(self, state, action):
        """ Yuefeng add this function for calculating running average of rewards. """
        qvalue = 0.0
        state_str = str(state)
        if state_str in self.Q.keys():
            vdict = self.Q[state_str]
            if action in vdict.keys():
                qvalue = vdict[action]
                print("getQ: action not in vdict!!!")
            print("getQ: state not in self.Q!!!")

        return qvalue

    def setQ(self, state, action, qvalue):
        """ Yuefeng add this function for calculating running average of rewards and then updating Q value. """
        state_str = str(state)
        if state_str in self.Q.keys():
            vdict = self.Q[state_str]
            if action in vdict.keys():
                vdict[action] = qvalue
                print("setQ: action not in vdict!!!")
            print("setQ: state not in self.Q!!!")


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        # Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        # Be sure that when choosing an action with highest Q-value that you randomly select between actions that "tie".
        state_str = str(state)
        action_index = random.randint(0, 3)
        if (not self.learning):
            action = self.valid_actions[action_index]
            random_number = random.uniform(0.0, 1.0)
            if random_number <= self.epsilon:
                action = self.valid_actions[action_index]
                print("exploration, action = ", action)
                # recommended method per code review
                best_actions = [
                    action for action in self.valid_actions if self.Q[str(
                        state)][action] == max(self.Q[str(state)].values())
                action = random.choice(best_actions)
                maxQ = self.get_maxQ(state)
                best_actions = []
                dict_item = self.Q[state_str]
                for action in self.valid_actions:
                    qvalue = dict_item[action]
                    if qvalue >= maxQ:
                number_of_actions = len(best_actions)
                if number_of_actions < 1:
                    print("choose_action error: best actions list is empty!")
                    action = None
                elif number_of_actions == 1:
                    action = best_actions[0]
                    print("only one best action = ", action)
                    best_action_index = random.randint(0, number_of_actions - 1)
                    action = best_actions[best_action_index]
                    print("multiple best actions, randomly selected action = ", action)

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives a reward. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        state_str = str(state)
        if self.learning:

            # get the previous Q value for the pair of (state, action)
            qvalue = self.getQ(state, action)
            print("current Q value = ", qvalue)

            # get alpha
            alpha = self.alpha

            # calculate new Q value
            new_qvalue = (1.0 - alpha) * qvalue + alpha * reward
            print("new Q value = ", new_qvalue)

            # update Q value
            self.setQ(state, action, new_qvalue)



    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 36
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.cnt = 1

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        # linear
        # self.epsilon -= 0.05
        # e^t
        # self.epsilon = math.exp(-.08*self.cnt) #
        # 1/t^2
        # self.epsilon = 100 * math.pow((1/self.cnt), 2)  #
        # a^t
        # self.epsilon = math.pow(.991, self.cnt) #
        # self.alpha = 1 - math.pow((1/self.cnt), 2)
        # cos
        if self.cnt < 300:
            self.epsilon = .6 + .2 * math.cos(.6 * self.cnt)
            self.epsilon = math.pow(.991, self.cnt)
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        self.cnt += 1
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0

        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0
        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent

        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'],

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        maxQ = max(self.Q[state].values())

        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if self.learning and not self.Q.has_key(state):
            self.Q[state] = {None: 0., 'forward': 0., 'left': 0., 'right': 0.}

    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        if self.learning:
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < self.epsilon:
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                action_list = []
                mQ = self.get_maxQ(state)
                # for k, v in self.Q[state].items():
                #     if v == mQ:
                #         action_list.append(k)
                # action = random.choice(action_list)
                max_keys = [k for k, v in self.Q[state].items() if v == mQ]
                action = random.choice(max_keys)
        #  not learning
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
            old_q = self.Q[state][action]
            pred_q = reward
            self.Q[state][action] += self.alpha * (pred_q - old_q)


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 37
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.train_no = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        import math
        self.train_no = self.train_no + 1
        # self.epsilon = math.e**(-0.01 * self.train_no)
        # self.alpha = math.e**(-0.001 * (self.train_no))
        # self.epsilon = self.epsilon - 0.05*self.train_no
        # self.alpha = self.alpha - 0.05*self.train_no
        # self.alpha -= 0.005

        # for Question 5, decay function
        self.epsilon -= 0.05

        # for Question 6, use exponential function
        # self.epsilon = 0.7**self.train_no
        # results
        # Trial Aborted!
        # Agent did not reach the destination.

        # for Question 6, use 1/train_no/train_no
        # self.epsilon = 1/self.train_no **2
        # results
        # Trial Aborted!
        # Agent did not reach the destination.

        # for Question 6, use exponential function
        # self.epsilon = math.e**(-0.01 * self.train_no)
        # self.alpha = math.e**(-0.001 * (self.train_no))did not use
        # results
        # Trial Completed!
        # Agent reached the destination.

        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##

        # NOTE : you are not allowed to engineer eatures outside of the inputs available.
        # Because the aim of this project is to teach Reinforcement Learning, we have placed
        # constraints in order for you to learn how to adjust epsilon and alpha, and thus learn
        # about the balance between exploration and exploitation.
        # With the hand-engineered features, this learning process gets entirely negated.

        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        state = (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'], waypoint)

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        # q = [self.Q.get((state,action), 0.0) for action in self.valid_actions]
        q = [self.Q[state][action] for action in self.Q[state]]
        if q:
            maxQ = max(q)
            maxQ = 0.0
        #maxAction = max(self.Q[state], key=self.Q[state].get)

        #return self.Q[state][maxAction]
        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        # Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if self.learning:
            if state not in self.Q:
                self.Q[state] = {}
                for action in self.valid_actions:
                    self.Q[state][action] = 0.0


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        # Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        # Be sure that when choosing an action with highest Q-value that you randomly select between actions that "tie".
        if not self.learning:
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            if random.random() < self.epsilon:
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                maxQ = self.get_maxQ(state)
                max_actions = []
                for action in self.Q[state]:
                    if self.Q[state][action] == maxQ:
                action = random.choice(max_actions)

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives a reward. This function does not consider future rewards
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        # Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state][action] = self.Q[state][action] * (
                1 - self.alpha) + reward * self.alpha

    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 38
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        # Set any additional class parameters as needed

        # Counter object for keeping track of trial No
        self.count = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Update counter to keep track of trial No
        self.count += 1

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to
        # Update alpha and epsilon parameters
        if testing == True:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0
            # Update epsilon using decay function
            self.epsilon = 1 / (1 + math.exp(0.05 * (self.count - 150)))

            # Default agent epsilon function
            #self.epsilon = self.epsilon - 0.05

        # Update additional class parameters as needed

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        state = (waypoint, inputs)

        return state

    def get_state_key(self, state):
        """Unpacks state variable into a format appropriate for a dictionary key"""

        waypoint, inputs = state
        light = inputs['light']
        left = inputs['left']
        # excludes inputs['right']
        oncoming = inputs['oncoming']
        # Construct key
        state_key = (waypoint, light, left, oncoming)

        return state_key

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        state_key = self.get_state_key(state)

        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        # In the case of a tie, max() chooses the value that came first. Since we are calling
        # max on a dictionary, the elements should be randomly ordered to begin with.

        maxQ = None
        maxQ_action = None

        for pair in self.Q[state_key].items():
            action = pair[0]
            Qvalue = pair[1]
            if maxQ == None:
                maxQ = Qvalue
                maxQ_action = action
                if maxQ == Qvalue:
                    maxQ, maxQ_action = random.choice([(maxQ, maxQ_action),
                                                       (Qvalue, action)])
                elif Qvalue > maxQ:
                    maxQ = Qvalue
                    maxQ_action = action

        return maxQ_action, maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. 
        	Updates Q-table with new state"""

        if self.learning == True:
            state_key = self.get_state_key(state)

            if state_key not in self.Q.keys():
                self.Q[state_key] = {
                    action: 0.0
                    for action in self.valid_actions

        return None

    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()

        # When not learning, choose a random action
        if self.learning == False:
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        if self.learning == True:
            if random.random() < self.epsilon:
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            # Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
                action, maxQ = self.get_maxQ(
                    state)  # See get_maxQ() for explaination of ties

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives a reward. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        state_key = self.get_state_key(state)

        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        if self.learning == True:
            self.Q[state_key][action] = self.Q[state_key][
                action] + self.alpha * (reward - self.Q[state_key][action])

        return None

    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 39
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """ 

    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)     # Set the agent in the evironment 
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict()          # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon   # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha       # Learning factor

        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.t = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0.0
            self.alpha = 0.0
            # commented out testing parameters
            self.t += 1.0
            self.epsilon =  float(1/(float(self.t **2)))

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint() # The next waypoint 
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)           # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        # When learning, check if the state is in the Q-table
        #   If it is not, create a dictionary in the Q-table for the current 'state'
        #   For each action, set the Q-value for the state-action pair to 0

        # helper to create state string
        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['left'], inputs['oncoming'])

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        # preset an initialization value that should be replaced by a more valid Q value in the loop.
        maxQ = -1000.0
        for action in self.Q[state]:
            if maxQ < self.Q[state][action]:
                maxQ = self.Q[state][action]
        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state] = self.Q.get(state, {None:0.0, 'forward':0.0, 'left':0.0, 'right':0.0})


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state

        if not self.learning:
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            if self.epsilon > 0.01 and self.epsilon > random.random():
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                valid_actions = []
                maxQ = self.get_maxQ(state)
                for act in self.Q[state]:
                    if maxQ == self.Q[state][act]:
                action = random.choice(valid_actions)
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state][action] = self.Q[state][action] + self.alpha*(reward-self.Q[state][action])


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()          # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)                 # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action) # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)   # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 40
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """ 

    def __init__(self, env, learning=True, epsilon=0.5, alpha=0.5):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)     # Set the agent in the evironment 
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict()          # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon   # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha       # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.t = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to
        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0.0
            self.alpha = 0.0
            #self.epsilon = self.epsilon - 0.05
            #self.epsilon = 1.0/(self.t**2)
            #self.epsilon = math.fabs(math.cos(self.alpha*self.t))
            #self.epsilon = math.exp(-0.5 * self.t)
            self.epsilon = self.epsilon * 0.955

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint() # The next waypoint 
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)           # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # NOTE : you are not allowed to engineer features outside of the inputs available.
        # Because the aim of this project is to teach Reinforcement Learning, we have placed 
        # constraints in order for you to learn how to adjust epsilon and alpha, and thus learn about the balance between exploration and exploitation.
        # With the hand-engineered features, this learning process gets entirely negated.
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent        
        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'])
        print 'build_state', state
        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_maxQ function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        print 'Access get_maxQ'
        maxQ= 0.0
        for action in self.Q[state]:
            if maxQ < self.Q[state][action]:
                maxQ = self.Q[state][action]'''
        #maxQ = max(self.Q[state].iterkeys(), key=(lambda k:self.Q[state][k])) 
        for key,value in self.Q[state].iteritems():
            maxQ = max(maxQ, value)
        print 'maxQ value', maxQ
        return maxQ 

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if not self.Q or state not in self.Q:
            self.Q[state] ={None:0.0, 'left':0.0, 'right':0.0, 'forward':0.0,
                  'green':0.0, 'red':0.0} 
        #print 'selfQ list', self.Q

    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        # Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        # Be sure that when choosing an action with highest Q-value that you randomly select between actions that "tie".
        print 'self_epsilon in choose_action fx', self.epsilon
        if not self.learning:
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            if self.epsilon >= random.random():
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                action = self.Q[state].keys()[(self.Q[state].values()).index(self.get_maxQ(state))]
                #update the valid_actions with maxQ state
                #valid_actions = [] 
                #maxQ = self.get_maxQ(state)
                #for act in self.Q[state]:
                #    if maxQ == self.Q[state][act]:
                #        valid_actions.append(act)
                #    action = random.choice(valid_actions)
        print 'the chosen action:', action
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives a reward. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state][action] = self.alpha + self.alpha*reward   
        #print 'selfQ in learn function', self.Q

    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()          # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)                 # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action) # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)   # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 41
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""
    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(
        )  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(
            self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        valid_actions = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']
        TL_valid_states = [True, False]

        state_desc = {
            'light': TL_valid_states,
            'oncoming': valid_actions,
            'left': valid_actions,
            'right': valid_actions,
            'next_waypoint': ['forward', 'left', 'right']

        self.Q_prev = dict()
        self.gamma = 0.1
        self.alpha = 0.2
        self.p_threshold = 1

        # self.state = TrafficLight

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint(
        )  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        valid_actions = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']
        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = (inputs['light'], self.next_waypoint)

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy

        Q_actions = []

        for action_i in valid_actions:
            str_state_action = [str(s) for s in self.state]
            str_state_action = ",".join(str_state_action)
            if len(self.Q_prev) == 0:
                self.Q_prev[str_state_action] = 0
                if str_state_action in self.Q_prev.keys():
                    self.Q_prev[str_state_action] = 0

        Q_max = max(Q_actions)
        action_max_inds = [
            valid_actions[i] for i in range(len(valid_actions))
            if Q_max == Q_actions[i]
        action = random.choice(action_max_inds)

        str_state_action_now = [str(s) for s in self.state]
        str_state_action_now = ",".join(str_state_action_now)

        #action_random = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']
        #rand_action = action_random[random.randint(0,3)]
        #action = rand_action

        #print (self.state,action)

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        self.Q_prev[str_state_action_now] = (1 - self.alpha) * self.Q_prev[
            str_state_action_now] + self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma * Q_max)
Exemplo n.º 42
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.9):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor
        self.counter = 1

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing:
            self.alpha = 0
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.epsilon = 0.999**self.counter
            self.counter += 1
        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        # When learning, check if the state is in the Q-table
        #   If it is not, create a dictionary in the Q-table for the current 'state'
        #   For each action, set the Q-value for the state-action pair to 0

        #this reflects the final optimized model
        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['left'], inputs['oncoming'])
        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        maxAction = max(self.Q[state], key=lambda x: self.Q[state][x])
        maxQ = self.Q[state][maxAction]
        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if state not in self.Q:
            self.Q[state] = {'left': 0, 'right': 0, 'forward': 0, None: 0}


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.old_state = self.state
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        if self.learning and random.random() > self.epsilon:
            maxVal = self.get_maxQ(state)

            #choose randomly if there are more than one max values
            pos_actions = [
                act for act in pos_actions if pos_actions[act] == maxVal
            action = random.choice(pos_actions)
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        old_value = self.Q[state][action]
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state][action] = (
                1 - self.alpha) * old_value + self.alpha * (reward)


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 43
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self,
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor
        self.exploration = exploration  # Exploration factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.t = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0.0
            self.alpha = 0.0
            #self.epsilon = self.epsilon - 0.05
            self.t += 1.0
            if self.exploration == 1:
                self.epsilon = 1.0 / (self.t**2)
            elif self.exploration == 2:
                self.epsilon = 1.0 / (self.t**2 + self.alpha * self.t)
            elif self.exploration == 3:
                self.epsilon = 1.0 / (self.t**2 - self.alpha * self.t)
            elif self.exploration == 4:
                self.epsilon = math.fabs(math.cos(self.alpha * self.t))
            elif self.exploration == 5:
                self.epsilon = math.fabs(math.cos(
                    self.alpha * self.t)) / (self.t**2)

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent

        # Create state string
        def state_str(state):
            if state is None:
                return 'None'
                return str(state)

        state = state_str(waypoint) + "_" + inputs['light'] + "_" + state_str(
            inputs['left']) + "_" + state_str(inputs['oncoming'])
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        maxQ = max(self.Q[state].values())

        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0

        if (self.learning) and (state not in self.Q):
            self.Q[state] = {action: 0.0 for action in self.valid_actions}


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        possible_actions = self.Q[state]
        if not self.learning:
            action = random.choice(possible_actions)
            choose_using_epsilon = random.random() < 1 - self.epsilon
            if not choose_using_epsilon:
                maxQ = self.get_maxQ(state)
                best_actions = [
                    action for action in possible_actions
                    if self.Q[state][action] == maxQ
                action = random.choice(best_actions)
                action = max(possible_actions.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0]

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state][action] = self.Q[state][action] + self.alpha * (
                reward - self.Q[state][action])


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 44
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here

        #Set traffic_light and movement
        motion = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']

        #Initialize q_table(States are traffic_light,waypoint,oncoming,left and right)
        #Set all features to 0
        self.q_table = {}
        for light in traffic_light:
            for point in waypoint:
                for on in oncoming:
                    for lf in left:
                        for ri in right:
                            self.q_table[(light, point, on, lf,ri)] = {None: 0, 'forward': 0, 'left': 0, 'right': 0}
       # print self.q_table


    def reset(self,destination=None,total=0):

        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required

    def update(self, t):
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        print 'Old_TIME',old_time

        # TODO: Update state
        self.state = (inputs['light'],

        print "The current state is: {}".format(self.state)

        print "t:{}".format(t)

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy
        if rand<epsilon:
            print "RANDOM ACTION"
            if max(self.q_table[self.state].values())==0:
                print self.q_table[self.state]

                action = max(self.q_table[self.state],

            print action

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        print "REWARD IS:",reward

        print "Total Reward",self.total_reward
Exemplo n.º 45
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.trial = 1
        self.epsilonDecayVariable = epsilon
        self.alphaDecayVariable = alpha

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        #self.epsilon =self.epsilon -.05
        #?=e^ ?at ,for 0<a<1
        #self.epsilon =math.exp(-self.epsilonDecayVariable*self.trial*1)
        #?=cos(at),for 0<a<1
        #self.epsilon =math.cos(self.epsilonDecayVariable*self.trial)
        trialNum = self.trial
        ParmA = -5E-11
        ParmB = 0.104
        ParmC = 210

        self.epsilon = 1 * math.exp(
            -ParmA * trialNum) / (1 + math.exp(ParmB * (trialNum - ParmC)))
        #self.epsilon=self.epsilon -.05
        #=EXP   (-lambda*A1)*(4+COS(freq*A1))/5

        #decay learning rate
        #self.alpha =.75 #math.exp(-self.alphaDecayVariable*self.trial)
        #self.epsilon =math.pow(self.epsilonDecayVariable,self.trial )

        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        #not sure on additional class parms  -time remaining, success rate,etc.. ?

        self.trial = self.trial + 1
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        # When learning, check if the state is in the Q-table
        #   If it is not, create a dictionary in the Q-table for the current 'state'
        #   For each action, set the Q-value for the state-action pair to 0

        state = (inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['right'],
                 inputs['left'], waypoint)

        if self.learning:
            if state not in self.Q:
                #state is in Q table already
                self.Q[state] = {None: 0, 'left': 0, 'right': 0, 'forward': 0}

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##

        #get the highest Q value from the dict of actions for this state: state parm.
        maxQ = max(self.Q[state].values())
        #maxQ = None

        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if self.learning:
            if state not in self.Q:
                self.Q[state] = {None: 0, 'left': 0, 'right': 0, 'forward': 0}


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        #action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state

        #get max q value
        maxQ = self.get_maxQ(state)

        #initially choose action with highest Q Value
        dictActions = self.Q[state]
        action = dictActions.keys()[dictActions.values().index(maxQ)]

        if self.learning:
            #if the random choice is within epsilon prob, then choose randomly.
            lDblRand = random.random()
            #is the random less than epsilon ?
            if lDblRand < self.epsilon:
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            print('not learning')

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state][action] = (
                1 - self.alpha) * self.Q[state][action] + (reward * self.alpha)


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 46
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self,
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.epsilon_decay = epsilon_decay
        self.step = 0
        self.global_step = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        self.step = 0
        self.nsteps = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0.0
            self.alpha = 0.0
            #self.epsilon -= self.epsilon_decay
            self.epsilon = math.cos(self.global_step * self.epsilon_decay)
            if self.epsilon < 0.0: self.epsilon = 0.0

            #self.alpha = 0.98 * self.alpha
        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        # When learning, check if the state is in the Q-table
        #   If it is not, create a dictionary in the Q-table for the current 'state'
        #   For each action, set the Q-value for the state-action pair to 0
        state = tuple({
            'waypoint': waypoint,
            'light': inputs['light'],
            'left': 'forward' if inputs['left'] == 'forward' else None,
            'oncoming': inputs['oncoming']

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        maxQs = list()
        if state in self.Q.keys():
            max_value = float('-inf')
            for action in self.Q[state].keys():
                value = self.Q[state][action]
                #print("Action found for state: %s - value: %f" % (str(action), value))
                if value > max_value:
                    max_value = value
                    maxQs = [action]
                elif value == max_value:

        #print("maxQs: %s" % str(maxQs))
        if (len(maxQs) == 0): return None
        return maxQs[0] if (len(maxQs) == 1) else random.choice(maxQs)

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if self.learning and state not in self.Q.keys():
            self.Q[state] = {
                'forward': 0.0,
                'left': 0.0,
                'right': 0.0,
                None: 0.0


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        self.step += 1
        self.global_step += 1
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        if self.learning == True:
            choice = np.random.choice((0, 1),
                                      p=(self.epsilon, 1 - self.epsilon))
            if choice == 0:
                    "### Explore (step %d, nsteps %d, epsilon %f, epsilon*nsteps %f)"
                    % (self.step, self.nsteps, self.epsilon,
                       self.epsilon * self.nsteps))
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                    "@@@ Exploit (step %d, nsteps %d, epsilon %f, epsilon*nsteps %f)"
                    % (self.step, self.nsteps, self.epsilon,
                       self.epsilon * self.nsteps))
                action = self.get_maxQ(state)
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)

        print("self.learning: %s" % str(self.learning))
        print("Q-learning database size: %d" % len(self.Q))
        print("self.valid_actions: %s" % str(self.valid_actions))
        print("action: %s" % str(action))
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')

        if self.learning == False:

        if state in self.Q.keys():
            old_value = self.Q[state][action]
            self.Q[state][action] = old_value + self.alpha * (reward -
            #print("Action %s got updated to %f\n" % (action, self.Q[state][action]))


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 47
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """ 

    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(env)     # Set the agent in the evironment 
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict()          # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon   # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha       # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        #self.trial = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to
        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        global trial
        trial = trial + 1
        if testing == False:
            self.epsilon -= 0.05
            #self.epsilon = math.pow(0.97, trial)
        elif testing == True:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0
            print self.epsilon
        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint() # The next waypoint 
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)           # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent        
        #state = (waypoint, inputs)
        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'])

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        maxQ = max(self.Q[state].values())

        return maxQ 

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if self.learning:
            if self.state not in self.Q:
                self.Q[state] = {None : 0.0, 'left': 0.0, 'right' : 0.0, 'forward' : 0.0}

    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        #action = 'forward'
        #action = None
        action_list = [None, 'left', 'right', 'forward']
        #action = random.choice(action_list)
        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        if self.learning == False:
            action = random.choice(action_list)
        elif self.learning == True:
            if random.random() <= self.epsilon:
                action = random.choice(action_list)
                #print action
                #print self.Q
                #print self.Q
                #print self.Q[self.state]
                #print self.get_maxQ(self.state)
                action = self.get_action(self.Q[self.state], self.get_maxQ(self.state))
                print action
        return action
    def get_action(self, dictionary, value):
        for k, v in dictionary.iteritems():
            if v == value:
                return k

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        #self.Q[state][action] = (1- self.alpha) * self.Q[state][action] + self.alpha * reward
        self.Q[state][action] = reward

    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()          # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)                 # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action) # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)   # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 48
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.t = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0
            self.t += 1
            # self.epsilon-=0.05
            # self.epsilon=(self.alpha**self.t)
            # self.epsilon=1.0/(self.t**2)
            # self.epsilon=math.exp(-(self.alpha * self.t))
            self.epsilon = math.fabs(math.cos(self.alpha * self.t))
            #self.epsilon = math.fabs(math.cos(self.alpha*self.t))
            # self.epsilon -= self.epsilon / 100
        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##

        # NOTE : you are not allowed to engineer eatures outside of the inputs available.
        # Because the aim of this project is to teach Reinforcement Learning, we have placed
        # constraints in order for you to learn how to adjust epsilon and alpha, and thus learn about the balance between exploration and exploitation.
        # With the hand-engineered features, this learning process gets entirely negated.

        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        # state = (waypoint,
        #          inputs['left'],
        #          inputs['light'],
        #          inputs['oncoming'])
        # stringify = lambda s: 'None' if s is None else str(s)
        # state = [stringify(s) for s in state]
        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['left'], inputs['right'],

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        # maxQ = max(self.Q[state].values())
        # return maxQ
        if state in self.Q:
            # Get all the Action on current state
            state_actions = self.Q[state]

            # Get all the values of actions at current state
            state_actions_val = state_actions.values()

            # Take maximum value of action value on current state
            maxQ = max(state_actions_val)
            print('MaxWQ', maxQ)
        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0

        # Set Default value of action
        action_initial_val = 0.0

        # If learning is true
        if self.learning is True:
            if state not in self.Q:
                # self.Q = dict()
                # Adding all the validate action at current state
                self.Q[state] = {
                    action: action_initial_val
                    for action in self.valid_actions


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        # Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        # Be sure that when choosing an action with highest Q-value that you randomly select between actions that "tie".
        if self.learning is not True:
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
        elif self.learning is True:
            if self.epsilon > random.random():
                print('Learning True')
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                # print(state)
                # Max Q-value at current state
                maxQ_Val = self.get_maxQ(state)
                # print('maxQ_val', maxQ_Val)

                # Actions list at current state
                action_at_state = self.Q[state]

                # print('action_at_state', action_at_state)
                max_Q_actions = [
                    val[0] for val in action_at_state.items()
                    if val[1] == maxQ_Val

                # print('max_Q_actions', max_Q_actions)
                action = random.choice(max_Q_actions)
                # print('max_Q_actions  action', action)
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives a reward. This function does not consider future rewards
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning is True:
            self.Q[state][action] = (
                1 - self.alpha) * self.Q[state][action] + (self.alpha * reward)

    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn
Exemplo n.º 49
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""
    def __init__(self, env):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(
        )  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(
            self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.serial = 0

        # initialize Q-matrix
        self.Qmat = {}

        # initialize other variables
        # Basic Q-learning
        #self.alpha = 0.8
        #self.gamma = 0.5
        #self.epsilon = 0.0

        # Enhanced Q-learning

        #self.alpha = 0.8
        self.alpha = 0.4
        #self.gamma = 1.0
        #self.gamma = 0.5
        self.gamma = 0.2

        self.epsilon = 1.0
        #self.success = 0.

        # This function reaches at the very beginning of the script

        # Open a csv file to keep track of the agent's success rate
        with open("SimulationResults_Enhanced.csv", "a") as outputFile:
            #with open("SimulationResults.csv","a") as outputFile:
            outputFile.write("\n{},{},{},{},".format("Gamma", self.gamma,
                                                     "Alpha", self.alpha))

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # This function reaches at every start of a new trial

        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        #self.serial = 0
        self.serial += 1

    def update(self, t):
        # ----------------------------- check information from previous time step

        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint(
        )  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        # TODO: Update state

        #printOK = True
        printOK = False

        self.state = (inputs['light'], self.next_waypoint)

        if printOK: print "1. current state is:", self.state

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy

        epsilon = (self.epsilon / (self.epsilon + self.serial))

        if self.state in self.Qmat.keys():
            if printOK:
                print "   1.a ----------------------------------{} exists".format(
            action_key_value = self.Qmat[
                self.state]  # this shows key/value of selected state in Qmat

            if printOK:
                print "        Q table for this state: ", action_key_value

            # when multiple maxima exist - random selection
            actions_max = {actions:action_value for actions, action_value \
                        in action_key_value.items() if action_value == max(action_key_value.values())}

            action = random.choice(actions_max.keys())
            if printOK: print "      available actions={}".format(actions_max)
            if printOK: print "         learned_action={}".format(action)

            # "exploring" takes place randomly
            if random.random() < epsilon:
                action = random.choice([None, 'forward', 'left', 'right'])
                if printOK:
                    print "         learned_action={} (random)".format(action)
            if printOK:
                print "   1.b ----------------------------------{} NEW state".format(
            self.Qmat[self.state] = {
                None: 0.0,
                'forward': 0.0,
                'left': 0.0,
                'right': 0.0

            # random action, when landed on a 'new' state
            action = random.choice([None, 'forward', 'left', 'right'])
            if printOK: print "        random action={}".format(action)

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        if printOK: print "   Reward for this action={}".format(reward)

        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward

        # New state definition seems incorrect
        # FIX: New definition of next state: state and waypoint after action was determined above!
        inputs_new = self.env.sense(self)

        # This is the key; next_waypoint should be called twice: once above and once here!
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        new_state = (inputs_new['light'], self.next_waypoint)
        if printOK: print "2. next state is:", new_state
        if new_state in self.Qmat.keys():
            Q_next = max(self.Qmat[new_state].values())
            if printOK:
                print "   2.a -----------------------------Q table for NEXT state: ", self.Qmat[
            if printOK:
                print "   2.a -----------------------------Q table for NEXT state: NOT FOUND"
            Q_next = 0.

        if printOK:
            print "   2.b -----------------------------Q[new state]=", Q_next

        Qhat = (1.0 - self.alpha) * self.Qmat[
            self.state][action] + self.alpha * (reward + self.gamma * Q_next)

        self.Qmat[self.state][action] = Qhat
        # print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]

        if printOK: print "3. CONCLUSION"
        if printOK:
            print "   action is {}, state is {}".format(action, self.state)
        if printOK:
            print "   Q table for (s,a) is: {}".format(self.Qmat[self.state])
Exemplo n.º 50
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=True, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.t = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        def decay_exponential(a):
            self.epsilon = a**self.t

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing == True:
            self.epsilon = 0.0
            self.alpha = 0.0
            self.t += 1

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##

        # NOTE : you are not allowed to engineer features outside of the inputs available.
        # Because the aim of this project is to teach Reinforcement Learning, we have placed
        # constraints in order for you to learn how to adjust epsilon and alpha, and thus learn about the balance between exploration and exploitation.
        # With the hand-engineered features, this learning process gets entirely negated.

        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'],

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_maxQ function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        maxQ = max(self.Q[state].values())

        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0

        if self.learning:
            if state not in self.Q:
                self.Q[state] = {
                    None: 0.0,
                    'forward': 0.0,
                    'left': 0.0,
                    'right': 0.0
                }  # Init default Q Score.

    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        # Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        # Be sure that when choosing an action with highest Q-value that you randomly select between actions that "tie".
        if not self.learning:
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            if self.epsilon > random.random():
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                max_Q = max(self.Q[state].values())
                max_candidate = [
                    x for x in self.Q[state] if self.Q[state][x] == max_Q
                action = random.choice(max_candidate)

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives a reward. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
                self.Q[state][action] = (1 - self.alpha) * (
                    self.Q[state][action]) + self.alpha * reward
            except KeyError:


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 51
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.75):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions
        self.action_list = ['None', 'left', 'right', 'forward']

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.n_trial = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        self.n_trial += 1
        #self.alpha = 1.0 / self.n_trial**2
        #self.epsilon = 1.0/ (self.n_trial**2)
        self.epsilon = 1.0 / self.n_trial
        #self.epsilon = 1.0/ ((self.n_trial+1.0)/2.0)
        #self.epsilon = 1.0 - (self.n_trial**1.5/50.0)
        #self.epsilon -= .05
        if testing == True:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        # When learning, check if the state is in the Q-table
        #   If it is not, create a dictionary in the Q-table for the current 'state'
        #   For each action, set the Q-value for the state-action pair to 0

        state = (inputs['oncoming'], inputs['left'] == 'forward',
                 inputs['light'], waypoint)
        if self.learning == True:
            if str(state) not in self.Q.keys():
                self.Q[str(state)] = dict()
                for action in self.action_list:
                    self.Q[str(state)].update({action: 0.0})

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        # I found this code on stack overflow to get the max key
        maxQ = self.Q[str(state)][str(
            max(self.Q[str(state)], key=lambda key: self.Q[str(state)][key]))]

        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if self.learning == True:
            if str(self.state) not in self.Q.keys():
                self.Q[str(state)] = dict()
                for action in self.action_list:
                    self.Q[str(state)].update({action: 0.0})


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        #random action
        action_list = []
        if self.learning == False:
            action = self.valid_actions[random.randint(0, 3)]
        elif self.epsilon > random.random() and self.epsilon > 0:
            action = self.valid_actions[random.randint(0, 3)]
            for i in self.Q[str(state)]:
                if self.Q[str(state)][i] == self.get_maxQ(state):
            if len(action_list) > 1:
                action = action_list[random.randint(0, len(action_list) - 1)]
                action = action_list[0]
            if action == 'None':
                action = None

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning == True:
            currentQ = self.Q[str(state)][str(action)]
                action)] = reward * self.alpha + currentQ * (1 - self.alpha)
            #self.alpha = self.alpha**1.5


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 52
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""
    def __init__(self, env, **kwargs):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(
        )  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(
            self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        add_total = 0
        add_total = False
        self.success = 0 = 0
        self.counter = 0
        self.epsilon_reset_counter = 0
        self.trial_counter = 0.0
        self.min_epsilon = 0.001
        self.eps_freq = 1.0
        self.filled_cell_count = 0
        self.total_cell_count = 0
        self.updated_func_counter = 0
        global stats_df_counter
        global stats_df

        for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
            print "%s = %s" % (key, value)
            if key == 'alp':
                self.alpha = value
            elif key == 'gma':
                self.gamma = value
            elif key == 'eps':
                self.epsl = value
        self.epsilon = self.epsl
        print "epsilon: ", self.epsilon
        self.qt = QTable(self.alpha, self.gamma)
        print '-' * 80

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        totalTime = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        self.trial_counter += 1.0
        if self.epsilon > self.min_epsilon:
            self.epsilon = (5.0 * self.epsl) / self.trial_counter
            self.eps_freq = math.ceil(1.0 / self.epsilon)
            print "self.epsilon:", self.epsilon, ", self.eps_freq: ", self.eps_freq, "\n"

    def update(self, t):
        global stats_df
        global stats_df_counter
        self.counter += 1
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint(
        )  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        current_state = self.env.sense(self)
        self.state = current_state

        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        # TODO: Update state

        # TODO: Select action according to your policy

        #action = random.choice([None, 'forward', 'left', 'right'])
        #if > 0 and % self.epsilon_freq == 0.0:
        #    print "simulated annealing at ",
        #    action = random.choice([None, 'forward', 'left', 'right'])
        if self.epsilon > self.min_epsilon and deadline != 0 and deadline != self.eps_freq and math.floor(
                deadline % self.eps_freq) == 0.0:
            #self.epsilon_reset_counter += 1
            action = random.choice([None, 'forward', 'left', 'right'])
            print "annealing now.", "self.epsilon:", self.epsilon, ", action: ", action, ", deadline:", deadline

            #print "self.counter: ", self.counter, ", multiplier:", (self.counter * self.epsilon)
            action = self.qt.get_next_action(self.next_waypoint, deadline,

        # Execute action and get reward
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        add_total = False
        if deadline == 0:
            add_total = True
        if reward > 10:
            self.success += 1
            add_total = True
        if add_total:
   += 1
            print("success: {} / {}".format(self.success,

        if == 100:

            for item, frame in self.qt.qtable.iteritems():
                for item2, frame2 in frame.iteritems():
                    for item3, frame3 in frame2.iteritems():
                        for item4, frame4 in frame3.iteritems():
                            self.total_cell_count += 1
                            #print("f4:", frame4)
                            if frame4 != 0.0:
                                #print "\n"
                                print "Q-Val: {0:.5f}".format(frame4)
                                self.filled_cell_count += 1
            print '-' * 80
            print "updated cells: ", self.filled_cell_count, ", self.total_cell_count:", self.total_cell_count, ", updated_func_counter:", self.updated_func_counter
            print "self.alpha:", self.alpha, "self.gamma:", self.gamma, ", self.epsilon:", self.epsl, ", success:", self.success, " in steps: ", deadline
            stats_df.loc[stats_df_counter] = [
                self.alpha, self.gamma, self.epsl, self.success, deadline
            stats_df_counter += 1
            print '_' * 80
            #    print '_'*20
        # TODO: Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        next_state_value = self.env.sense(self)
        next_state_deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        next_state_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        self.qt.update(self.next_waypoint, deadline, current_state, action,
                       reward, next_state_value, next_state_waypoint, self,
        self.updated_func_counter += 1

    def printAction(self, code):
        print '|',
        if code == 'AN':
            print "Action: None",
        elif code == 'BF':
            print "Action: Forward",
        elif code == 'CR':
            print "Action: Right",
        elif code == 'DL':
            print "Action: Left",
        print '|',

    def printNav(self, code):
        print '|',
        if code == 0:
            print "Nav: None",
        elif code == 1:
            print "Nav: Forward",
        elif code == 2:
            print "Nav: Right",
        elif code == 3:
            print "Nav: Left",

    def printTraffic(self, code):
        left_mask = 0b000011
        right_mask = 0b001100
        oncoming_mask = 0b110000

        left_filtered = code & left_mask
        right_filtered = code & right_mask
        oncoming_filtered = code & oncoming_mask

        print '| Traffic state: ',
        if left_filtered == 0:
            print "Left: None",
        elif left_filtered == 1:
            print "Left: Forward",
        elif left_filtered == 2:
            print "Left: Right",
        elif left_filtered == 3:
            print "Left: Left",
        print '-+-',

        if right_filtered == 0:
            print "Right: None",
        elif right_filtered == 4:
            print "Right: Forward",
        elif right_filtered == 8:
            print "Right: Right",
        elif right_filtered == 12:
            print "Right: Left",
        print '-+-',

        if oncoming_filtered == 0:
            print "Oncoming: None",
        elif oncoming_filtered == 16:
            print "Oncoming: Forward",
        elif oncoming_filtered == 32:
            print "Oncoming: Right",
        elif oncoming_filtered == 48:
            print "Oncoming: Left",

    def printTrafficLight(self, code):
        print '| ',
        if code == 0:
            print "Light: Red",
            print "Light: Green",
Exemplo n.º 53
class QLearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world using Q learning"""

    def __init__(self, env):
        super(QLearningAgent, self).__init__(env)  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'yellow'  # OverflowError(" error")ide color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        ##initialize q table here
        self.Q = dict()
        self.alpha    = 1.0
        self.epsilon  = 0.0 
        self.gamma    = 0.05 = self.gamma
        self.state = None

    def flipCoin(self, p ):
        r = random.random()
        return r < p

    def reset(self, destination=None):

    def getQValue(self, state, action):
        return self.Q.get((state, action), 1)  

    def getValue(self, state):

        for action in Environment.valid_actions:
            if(self.getQValue(state, action) > 0):
                bestQValue = self.getQValue(state, action)

        return bestQValue

    def getPolicy(self, state):

        bestQValue = 0
        for action in Environment.valid_actions:
            if(self.getQValue(state, action) > bestQValue):
                bestQValue = self.getQValue(state, action)
                bestAction = action
            if(self.getQValue(state, action) == bestQValue):
                bestQValue = self.getQValue(state, action)
                bestAction = action
        return bestAction

    def getAction(self, state):
        action = None
        if (self.flipCoin(self.epsilon)):
            action = random.choice(Environment.valid_actions)
            action = self.getPolicy(state)
        return action

    def qTable(self, state, action, nextState, reward):
        if((state, action) not in self.Q): 
            self.Q[(state, action)] = 1
            self.Q[(state, action)] = self.Q[(state, action)] + self.alpha*(reward +*self.getValue(nextState) - self.Q[(state, action)]) 

    def update(self, t):
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)

        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        inputs['waypoint'] = self.next_waypoint
        self.state = tuple(sorted(inputs.items()))

        action = self.getAction(self.state)

        reward = self.env.act(self, action)

        self.prevAction = action
        self.prevState = self.state
        self.prevReward = reward

        if self.prevReward!= None:

        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(deadline, inputs, action, reward)
Exemplo n.º 54
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns how to drive in the smartcab world."""
    def __init__(self,
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(
        )  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override default color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(
            self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint

        ## Initialize the Q-function as a dictionary (state) of dictionaries (actions)
        self.q_function = {}
        self.history = history
        if self.history > 0:

        ## Initial value of any (state, action) tuple is an arbitrary random number
        self.init_value = init_value
        ## Discount factor gamma: 0 (myopic) vs 1 (long-term optimal)
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.discount_deadline = discount_deadline

        ## Learning rate alpha: 0 (no learning) vs 1 (consider only most recent information)
        ## NOTE: Normally, alpha decreases over time: for example, alpha = 1 / t
        self.alpha = alpha
        ## Parameter of the epsilon-greedy action selection strategy
        ## NOTE: Normally, epsilon should also be decayed by the number of trials
        self.epsilon = epsilon

        ## The trial number
        self.trial = 1
        ## The cumulative reward
        self.cumulative_reward = 0

    def get_q_function(self):
        return self.q_function

    def set_params(self,
        self.init_value = init_value
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.discount_deadline = discount_deadline
        self.history = history

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        self.trial += 1
        ## Decay the epsilon parameter
        #         self.epsilon = self.epsilon / math.sqrt(self.trial)
        # TODO: Prepare for a new trip; reset any variables here, if required
        self.cumulative_reward = 0

    def init_q_function(self):
        Initializes the Q-tables with previously learned results.
        csv_files = glob.glob('../q_tables/*.csv')
        history_counter = 0
        state_counter = {}
        for csv_file in csv_files:
            q_df = pd.read_csv(csv_file, sep=',', header=None)
            ## Assign the header
            header = ['state'
                      ] + [str(action) for action in self.env.valid_actions]
            q_df.columns = header
            for i in xrange(q_df.shape[0]):
                state = q_df.ix[i]['state']
                state = state[1:-1]
                state_tuple = literal_eval(state)
                if state_tuple in self.q_function:
                    action_function = self.q_function[state_tuple]
                    for action in self.env.valid_actions:
                        current_value = action_function[action]
                        action_function[action] = current_value + q_df.ix[i][
                    self.q_function[state_tuple] = action_function
                    ## Update the frequency counter
                    counter = state_counter[state_tuple]
                    state_counter[state_tuple] = counter + 1
                    action_function = {}
                    for action in self.env.valid_actions:
                        action_function[action] = q_df.ix[i][str(action)]
                    self.q_function[state_tuple] = action_function
                    state_counter[state_tuple] = 1
            history_counter += 1
            if history_counter >= self.history:

        ## Average all action values
        for state in state_counter.keys():
            count = state_counter[state]
            action_function = self.q_function[state]
            for action in self.env.valid_actions:
                current_value = action_function[action]
                action_function[action] = current_value / count
            self.q_function[state] = action_function

    def select_action(self, state=None, is_current=True, t=1):
        Implements the epsilon-greedy action selection that selects the best-valued action in this state
        (if is_current) with probability (1 - epsilon) and a random action with probability epsilon.
        't' is the current time step that can be used to modify epsilon.
        if state in self.q_function:
            ## Find the action that has the highest value
            action_function = self.q_function[state]
            q_action = max(action_function, key=action_function.get)
            if is_current:
                ## Generate a random action
                rand_action = random.choice(self.env.valid_actions)
                ## Select action using epsilon-greedy heuristic
                rand_num = random.random()
                action = q_action if rand_num <= (
                    1 - self.epsilon) else rand_action
                action = q_action
            ## Initialize <state, action> pairs and select random action
            action_function = {}
            for action in self.env.valid_actions:
                action_function[action] = self.init_value
            self.q_function[state] = action_function
            action = random.choice(self.env.valid_actions)

        return action

    def update(self, t):
        At each time step t, the agent:
        - Is given the next waypoint (relative to its current location and direction)
        - Senses the intersection state (traffic light and presence of other vehicles)
        - Gets the current deadline value (time remaining)
        ## The destination trying to reach
        #         destination = self.env.agent_states[self]['destination']

        ## Observe the current state variables
        ## (1) Traffic variables
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        light = inputs['light']
        oncoming = inputs['oncoming']
        left = inputs['left']
        ## (2) Direction variables
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint(
        )  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator

        ## Update the current observed state
        self.state = (light, oncoming, left, self.next_waypoint)
        current_state = self.state  # save this for future use

        ## Select the current action
        action = self.select_action(state=current_state, is_current=True, t=t)
        ## Execute action, get reward and new state
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        self.cumulative_reward += reward

        ## Retrieve the current Q-value
        current_q = self.q_function[self.state][action]
        #         print 'Current Q = ' + str(current_q)

        ## Update the state variables after action
        ## (1) Traffic variables
        new_inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        light = new_inputs['light']
        oncoming = new_inputs['oncoming']
        left = new_inputs['left']
        ## (2) Direction variables
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()

        if self.discount_deadline:
            deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
            if t == 1:
                ## TODO: Set this as an input param
                self.gamma = 1 - float(4) / deadline

        ## Update the new state, which is a tuple of state variables
        self.state = (light, oncoming, left, self.next_waypoint)
        ## Get the best q_action in the new state
        new_action = self.select_action(state=self.state,
        ## Get the new Q_value
        new_q = self.q_function[self.state][new_action]

        ## Update the Q-function
        #         current_alpha = 1 / math.sqrt(t+1)
        current_alpha = self.alpha
        self.q_function[current_state][action] = (
            1 - current_alpha) * current_q + current_alpha * (
                reward + self.gamma * new_q)
        #         print 'Updated Q = ' + str(self.q_function[current_state][action])
        print "LearningAgent.update(): deadline = {}, inputs = {}, action = {}, reward = {}".format(
            deadline, inputs, action, reward)  # [debug]
Exemplo n.º 55
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.T = 0.0

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing:

            self.epsilon = 0.0
            self.alpha = 0.0
            self.T = self.T + 1.0
            #self.epsilon = self.epsilon - 0.05;
            #self.epsilon = 1.0 / ( (self.T * self.T) + (self.alpha * self.T))
            #self.epsilon = self.epsilon = 1.0 / (self.T **2)
            self.epsilon = math.fabs(math.cos(self.alpha * self.T))

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        state = {
            "light": inputs["light"],
            "oncoming": inputs["oncoming"],
            "left": inputs["left"],
            "direction": waypoint

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, hash_key):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        maxQ = -1000.0
        for action in self.Q[hash_key]:
            if maxQ < self.Q[hash_key][action]:
                maxQ = self.Q[hash_key][action]

        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        state_key = self.hash_key(state)
        print "state: {}".format(state_key)
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state_key] = self.Q.get(state_key, {
                None: 0.0,
                'forward': 0.0,
                'left': 0.0,
                'right': 0.0
        #print self.Q
        return state


    def hash_key(self, state):
        """ Method to create the key string object based on the state passed """
        light = state['light']
        oncoming = state['oncoming']
        left = state['left']
        direction = state['direction']

        if light is None:
            light = 'None'
        if oncoming is None:
            oncoming = 'None'
        if left is None:
            left = 'None'
        if direction is None:
            direction = 'None'

        return str(light + '_' + oncoming + '_' + left + '_' + direction)

    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        if not self.learning:
            actionSelected = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            print "Not Learning....setting action: {}".format(
            action = actionSelected
            if self.epsilon > 0.01 and self.epsilon > random.random():
                action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                possible_actions = []
                hash_key = self.hash_key(state)
                maxQ = self.get_maxQ(hash_key)
                for action in self.Q[hash_key]:
                    if maxQ == self.Q[hash_key][action]:
                action = random.choice(possible_actions)

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        hash_key = self.hash_key(state)
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[hash_key][action] = self.Q[hash_key][
                action] + self.alpha * (reward - self.Q[hash_key][action])
            #self.Q[hash_key][action] = (1 - self.alpha) * self.Q[hash_key][action] + (reward * self.alpha)


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 56
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.t = 0
        self.state_def = [
            ['left', 'right', 'forward'],  #waypoint
            ['red', 'green'],  #light
            ['left', 'right', 'forward', None],  #vehicleleft
            ['left', 'right', 'forward', None],  #vehicleright
            ['left', 'right', 'forward', None]  #vehicleoncoming

        self.template_q = dict((k, 0.0) for k in self.valid_actions)

        for state_tuple in itertools.product(*self.state_def):
            self.Q[state_tuple] = self.template_q.copy()

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        if testing:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0
            # Use negative exponential e^(-at) decay function
            self.epsilon = math.exp(-self.alpha * self.t)
            self.t += 1

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent.  Ensure it is the same order as
        # in the class initializer
        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['left'], inputs['right'],

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        maxQ = max(self.Q[state].values())
        maxQ_actions = []
        for action, Q in self.Q[state].items():
            if Q == maxQ:

        return maxQ, maxQ_actions

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        if not self.learning:

        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        # Note: This is already performed in class constructor, but replicated here too

        if not state in self.Q:
            self.Q[state] = self.template_q.copy()


    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        # Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state

        if not self.learning or random.random() <= self.epsilon:
            action = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            maxQ, maxQ_actions = self.get_maxQ(state)
            action = random.choice(maxQ_actions)

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning:
            self.Q[state][action] = reward * self.alpha + self.Q[state][
                action] * (1 - self.alpha)

        #  I've decided to keep alpha constant, so it is not altered


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 57
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed
        self.t = 0
        self.a = 0.005

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        self.epsilon = math.cos((self.a) * self.t)
        # self.alpha = math.exp((-self.a) * self.t)
        # self.epsilon = 1/(self.t ** 2)
        # self.epsilon -= 0.05
        self.t = self.t + 1
        if testing == True:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        state = (
            # inputs['left'],
        # When learning, check if the state is in the Q-table
        #   If it is not, create a dictionary in the Q-table for the current 'state'
        #   For each action, set the Q-value for the state-action pair to 0
        if self.learning == True:
            except KeyError:
                self.Q[state] = dict()
                for action in self.env.valid_actions:
                    self.Q[state][action] = 0

        # state = None

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state
        maxQ = None
        for action in self.Q[state]:
            if self.Q[state][action] > maxQ:
                maxQ = self.Q[state][action]
        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if self.learning == True:
            except KeyError:
                self.Q[state] = dict()
                for action in self.env.valid_actions:
                    self.Q[state][action] = 0.0

    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        if self.learning == False:
            action = random.choice(self.env.valid_actions)
            if random.random() < self.epsilon:
                action = random.choice(self.env.valid_actions)
                action_choice = []
                for actions, value in self.Q[state].items():
                    if value == self.get_maxQ(state):
                action = random.choice(action_choice)
        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. This function does not consider future rewards
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning == True:
            #current_value = self.Q[state][action]
            #learned_value = reward + self.get_maxQ(state)
            #new_q_value = learned_value + (self.alpha * (learned_value - current_value))
            self.Q[state][action] += self.alpha * (reward -

    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn

Exemplo n.º 58
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=True, epsilon=0.5, alpha=0.5, gamma=0):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor
        self.gamma = gamma  # Discount factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Create a series of waypoints

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0

        return None

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent requests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        # When learning, check if the state is in the Q-table
        #   If it is not, create a dictionary in the Q-table for the current 'state'
        #   For each action, set the Q-value for the state-action pair to 0

        state = None

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maxmimum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        maxQ = None

        return maxQ

    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        #   Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward, new_state):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives an award. 'new_state' is the state the smartcab arrives at
            once completing the action. This is for calculating future rewards. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use both the learning rate 'alpha', and the discount factor, 'gamma'


    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        # Update the agent based on the functions built above.
        state = self.build_state()  # Build the agent pre-action state
        action = self.choose_action(
            state)  # Choose an action based on the agent state
        reward = self.env.act(self,
                              action)  # Receive a reward based on the action
        new_state = self.build_state()  # Build the agent's post-action state
        self.learn(state, action, reward,
                   new_state)  # Run the Q-Learning algorithm

Exemplo n.º 59
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """ An agent that learns to drive in the Smartcab world.
        This is the object you will be modifying. """
    def __init__(self, env, learning=False, epsilon=1.0, alpha=0.5):
              self).__init__(env)  # Set the agent in the evironment
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(self.env, self)  # Create a route planner
        self.valid_actions = self.env.valid_actions  # The set of valid actions

        # Set parameters of the learning agent
        self.learning = learning  # Whether the agent is expected to learn
        self.Q = dict(
        )  # Create a Q-table which will be a dictionary of tuples
        self.epsilon = epsilon  # Random exploration factor
        self.alpha = alpha  # Learning factor

        ## TO DO ##
        # Set any additional class parameters as needed

    def reset(self, destination=None, testing=False):
        """ The reset function is called at the beginning of each trial.
            'testing' is set to True if testing trials are being used
            once training trials have completed. """

        # Select the destination as the new location to route to

        ## TO DO ##
        # Update epsilon using a decay function of your choice
        # Update additional class parameters as needed
        # If 'testing' is True, set epsilon and alpha to 0
        if testing == True:
            self.epsilon = 0
            self.alpha = 0
            self.epsilon = self.epsilon - 0.05
        # checks it is not negative
        if self.epsilon <= 0:
            self.epsilon = 0

        return self.epsilon

    def build_state(self):
        """ The build_state function is called when the agent r[equests data from the 
            environment. The next waypoint, the intersection inputs, and the deadline 
            are all features available to the agent. """

        # Collect data about the environment
        waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()  # The next waypoint
        inputs = self.env.sense(
            self)  # Visual input - intersection light and traffic
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)  # Remaining deadline

        ## TO DO ##

        # NOTE : you are not allowed to engineer eatures outside of the inputs available.
        # Because the aim of this project is to teach Reinforcement Learning, we have placed
        # constraints in order for you to learn how to adjust epsilon and alpha, and thus learn about the balance between exploration and exploitation.
        # With the hand-engineered features, this learning process gets entirely negated.

        # Set 'state' as a tuple of relevant data for the agent
        state = (waypoint, inputs['light'], inputs['oncoming'])

        return state

    def get_maxQ(self, state):
        """ The get_max_Q function is called when the agent is asked to find the
            maximum Q-value of all actions based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # Calculate the maximum Q-value of all actions for a given state

        maxQ = max(self.Q[state], key=lambda key: self.Q[state][key])

        return maxQ

    def createQ(self, state):
        """ The createQ function is called when a state is generated by the agent. """
        #    valid_actions = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, check if the 'state' is not in the Q-table
        # If it is not, create a new dictionary for that state
        #   Then, for each action available, set the initial Q-value to 0.0
        if self.Q.has_key(state) == False:
            self.Q[state] = {None: 0, 'forward': 0, 'left': 0, 'right': 0}

    def choose_action(self, state):
        """ The choose_action function is called when the agent is asked to choose
            which action to take, based on the 'state' the smartcab is in. """

        # Set the agent state and default action
        self.state = state
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint()
        action = None

        ## TO DO ##
        # When not learning, choose a random action
        # When learning, choose a random action with 'epsilon' probability
        # Otherwise, choose an action with the highest Q-value for the current state
        # Be sure that when choosing an action with highest Q-value that you randomly select between actions that "tie".
        # To remember where it came from...
        if self.learning == False:
            newmove = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
            if random.random() < self.epsilon:
                newmove = random.choice(self.valid_actions)
                newmove = self.get_maxQ(state)
                print("New MAX move is", newmove)

        action = newmove

        return action

    def learn(self, state, action, reward):
        """ The learn function is called after the agent completes an action and
            receives a reward. This function does not consider future rewards 
            when conducting learning. """

        ## TO DO ##
        # When learning, implement the value iteration update rule
        #   Use only the learning rate 'alpha' (do not use the discount factor 'gamma')
        if self.learning == True:
            #lastStateActionValue = lastStateActionValue + (self.alpha * (reward + maxQ - lastStateActionValue))
            #actionsForLastState[lastAction] = lastStateActionValue
            #self.Q[lastState] = actionsForLastState
            print("learnig in state:", state)
            print("learning in action:", action)
            print("self.Q[state][action]", self.Q[state][action])
            currentQ = self.Q[state][action]
            self.Q[state][action] = reward * self.alpha + currentQ * (
                1 - self.alpha)
            print("NEW self.Q[state][action]", self.Q[state][action])
            #self.Q[self.prev_state][self.prev_action] = ((1 - alpha)* self.Q[self.prev_state][self.prev_action]) + alpha * (self.prev_reward + gamma *maxQ)

    def update(self):
        """ The update function is called when a time step is completed in the 
            environment for a given trial. This function will build the agent
            state, choose an action, receive a reward, and learn if enabled. """

        state = self.build_state()  # Get current state
        self.createQ(state)  # Create 'state' in Q-table
        action = self.choose_action(state)  # Choose an action
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)  # Receive a reward
        self.learn(state, action, reward)  # Q-learn
        print("Finished Learning....")
Exemplo n.º 60
class LearningAgent(Agent):
    """An agent that learns to drive in the smartcab world."""
    def __init__(self, env_):
        super(LearningAgent, self).__init__(
        )  # sets self.env = env, state = None, next_waypoint = None, and a default color
        self.color = 'red'  # override color
        self.planner = RoutePlanner(
            self.env, self)  # simple route planner to get next_waypoint
        # TODO: Initialize any additional variables here
        self.state = {}
        self.actions = [None, 'forward', 'left', 'right']
        self.state_roots = [
            'light', 'next_waypoint', 'right', 'left', 'oncoming'
        #self.state_roots = ['light', 'next_waypoint']
        self.Qtable = {}
        #tuning variables
        self.gamma = 0.1  # discount factor
        self.alpha = 0.9  # learning rate
        self.epsilon = 10  # exploration rate (select random action every x iteration)
        self.overall_simulations = 0
        self.overall_iterations = 0
        self.total_sucess = 0

    def reset(self, destination=None):
        self.overall_simulations += 1
        print "\n-----starting new simulation-----"
        print "overall_iterations: ", self.overall_iterations
        print "overall_simulations: ", self.overall_simulations
        print "total_sucess: ", self.total_sucess
        print "self.gamma: ", self.gamma
        if self.total_sucess == 0:
            print "sucess_rate: 0%"
            sucess_rate = float(self.total_sucess) / float(
            print "sucess_rate: ", sucess_rate * 100, "%"

    def add_new_state_to_Qtable(self, new_state_):
        #print "ADDING NEW STATE: ", new_state_
        action_state_init = 2
        init_actions = [(None, action_state_init),
                        ('forward', action_state_init),
                        ('left', action_state_init),
                        ('right', action_state_init)]
        state_tuple = {new_state_: init_actions}
        return init_actions

    def print_Qtable(self):
        print "self.Qtable:"
        for row in self.Qtable:
            print "\t", row, self.Qtable[row]

    def get_action_from_Qtable(self, state_):
        state_tuple = self.Qtable.get(str(state_))
        new_action_tuple = None

        if state_tuple is None:
            # if the state is not in Q-table create it and choose random action
            state_actions = self.add_new_state_to_Qtable(state_)
            new_action_tuple = random.choice(state_actions)
            #print "new_random_action: ", new_action_tuple
            # state is in Q_table so get the maximum
            #print "found_existing_Qtable_state: ", state_tuple

            # if all items have the same Q_value, just return a random one
            Q_values = map(lambda state: state[1], state_tuple)
            #print "Q_values:", Q_values
            are_the_same = all(x == Q_values[0] for x in Q_values)
            #print "are_the_same:", are_the_same
            if are_the_same:
                return state_tuple[random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3])]

            #check epsilon greedy
            if ((self.env.t != 0) and ((self.env.t % self.epsilon) == 0)):
                return state_tuple[random.choice([0, 1, 2, 3])]

            max_value = -sys.maxint - 1
            #print "state_tuple:", state_tuple

            for index in range(len(state_tuple)):
                if state_tuple[index][1] > max_value:
                    max_state_index = index
                    max_value = state_tuple[index][1]

            new_action_tuple = state_tuple[max_state_index]
        return new_action_tuple

    def update(self, t):
        self.overall_iterations += 1
        # Gather inputs
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint(
        )  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        deadline = self.env.get_deadline(self)
        inputs.update({'next_waypoint': self.next_waypoint})
        inputs.update({'deadline': deadline})

        # Update state
        #print "\n\ninputs:", inputs
        # get only the monitoring states and save them to self.state
        map(lambda state: self.state.update({state: inputs[str(state)]}),


        # 1) ----- get new state from Q-table (according to your policy)
        state_string = str(self.state)
        #print "state_string:", state_string
        new_action_tuple = self.get_action_from_Qtable(state_string)

        # 2) ----- Execute action and get reward
        action = new_action_tuple[0]
        #action = random.choice(self.actions)
        #action = self.next_waypoint
        #print "new_action_tuple:", new_action_tuple
        reward = self.env.act(self, action)
        #print "action REWARD: ", reward

        # 3) ----- Learn policy based on state, action, reward
        new_state = {}
        new_inputs = self.env.sense(self)
        self.next_waypoint = self.planner.next_waypoint(
        )  # from route planner, also displayed by simulator
        new_inputs.update({'next_waypoint': self.next_waypoint})
        new_inputs.update({'deadline': self.env.get_deadline(self)})

        map(lambda state: new_state.update({state: new_inputs[str(state)]}),
        #print "new_state:", new_state
        max_action_tuple = self.get_action_from_Qtable(str(new_state))

        Q_hat = (1 - self.alpha) * new_action_tuple[1] + self.alpha * (
            reward + self.gamma * max_action_tuple[1])

        #print "Q_hat:", Q_hat
        state_tuples = self.Qtable[state_string]
        # store new/updated value to Qtable
        updated_state_tuples = state_tuples
        i = 0
        for s in state_tuples:
            if s[0] == action: state_tuples[i] = (action, Q_hat)
            i += 1

        #print "updated_state_tuples:", updated_state_tuples
        self.Qtable[state_string] = updated_state_tuples

        if self.env.trial_data['success'] == 1:
            self.total_sucess += 1
            self.epsilon += 1  #decay e-greedy implementation
            #for every 10 correct predictions we decay the exploration rate
            if (self.total_sucess > 1 and ((self.total_sucess % 10) == 0)
                    and (self.gamma < 1)):
                self.gamma += 0.1