def moke_consumnes():
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    tw = prepro_window()

    moke_us_path = calsim_path("I504")
    moke_ref = findpath(f, moke_us_path)
    if moke_ref and len(moke_ref) > 0:
        print "Upstream mokelumne flow found, not calculated"

    consumnes_path = calsim_path("C501")
    moke_ds_path = calsim_path("C504")
    consumnes_ref = findpath(f, consumnes_path)
    if not consumnes_ref:
        raise "Consumnes path %s not found" % consumnes_path
    moke_ds_ref = findpath(f, moke_ds_path)
    if not moke_ds_ref:
        raise "Mokulemne downstream path %s not found" % moke_ds_path
    consumnes = DataReference.create(consumnes_ref[0], tw).getData()
    moke_ds = DataReference.create(moke_ds_ref[0], tw).getData()
    mf = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)
    moke_us_path = calsim_path("I504", mf)
    moke_us = moke_ds - consumnes

    writedss(outfile, moke_us_path, moke_us)
Exemplo n.º 2
def transfer_ec():
    """ Unsmoothed transfer from CALSIM file to model input file.
    f=opendss(getAttr("CALSIMFILE"))           # open CALSIM file
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"    
    if not calsimstudy or calsimstudy=="":
        print "CALSIMSTUDY envvar not set"
    dsspath="/CALSIM.*/VERNWQFINAL/SALINITY-EC//1MON/%s/" % calsimstudy
    print processedpath
    if not refs or len(refs)> 1:
        raise "Vernalis EC path %s not found or not unique" % dsspath
    if daily:
        writedss(outfile,processedpath, daily)
        raise "Failure to find CALSIM input data for: " + calsimname 
Exemplo n.º 3
def transfer_flow(nodes_to_transfer):
    """ Unsmoothed transfer from CALSIM file to model input file.
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    tw = prepro_window()

    for calsimname in nodes_to_transfer:  # Extend the list as needed, but please keep in mind the
        # limitations of the conservative spline, at least at present.
        # Mainly, input flows should be substantially greater than
        # zero at all times (yolo would be inappropriate, for instance)
        dsspath = calsim_path(calsimname)
        paths = findpath(f, dsspath)
        if not paths or len(paths) > 1:
            print "File: %s" % calsimfile
            raise "Path %s not found or not unique" % dsspath
        ref = DataReference.create(paths[0], tw)
        monthly = ref.getData()
        mf = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)
        dsspath = calsim_path(calsimname, modified_fpart=mf)
        if monthly:
            writedss(outfile, dsspath, monthly)

            raise "Failure to find CALSIM input data for: " + calsimname
def transfer_flow(nodes_to_transfer):
    """ Unsmoothed transfer from CALSIM file to model input file.
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    tw = prepro_window()

    for calsimname in nodes_to_transfer:  # Extend the list as needed, but please keep in mind the
        # limitations of the conservative spline, at least at present.
        # Mainly, input flows should be substantially greater than
        # zero at all times (yolo would be inappropriate, for instance)
        dsspath = calsim_path(calsimname)
        paths = findpath(f, dsspath)
        if not paths or len(paths) > 1:
            print "File: %s" % calsimfile
            raise "Path %s not found or not unique" % dsspath
        ref = DataReference.create(paths[0], tw)
        monthly = ref.getData()
        mf = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)
        dsspath = calsim_path(calsimname, modified_fpart=mf)
        if monthly:
            writedss(outfile, dsspath, monthly)

            raise "Failure to find CALSIM input data for: " + calsimname
Exemplo n.º 5
def sjr_sac(sjr_in, sac_in):
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    tw = prepro_window()

    sjr_path = calsim_path("C639")
    sjr_ret_path = calsim_path("R644")
    sjr_ref = findpath(f, sjr_path)
    if not sjr_ref:
        raise "San Joaquin path %s not found" % sjr_path
    sjr_ret_ref = findpath(f, sjr_ret_path)
    if not sjr_ret_ref:
        raise "San Joaquin return flow path %s not found" % sjr_ret_path
    sjr = DataReference.create(sjr_ref[0], tw).getData()
    sjr_ret = DataReference.create(sjr_ret_ref[0], tw).getData()
    sjr_in = sjr + sjr_ret

    sac_path = calsim_path("C169")
    frwa_div1_path = calsim_path("D168B")
    frwa_div2_path = calsim_path("D168C")
    sac_ref = findpath(f, sac_path)
    if not sac_ref:
        raise "Sacramento path %s not found" % sac_path
    frwa_div1_ref = findpath(f, frwa_div1_path)
    if not frwa_div1_ref:
        raise "Freeport Regional Water Authority Diversion path %s not found" % frwa_div1_path
    frwa_div2_ref = findpath(f, frwa_div2_path)
    if not frwa_div2_ref:
        raise "Freeport Regional Water Authority Diversion path %s not found" % frwa_div2_path
    sac = DataReference.create(sac_ref[0], tw).getData()
    frwa_div1 = DataReference.create(frwa_div1_ref[0], tw).getData()
    frwa_div2 = DataReference.create(frwa_div2_ref[0], tw).getData()
    sac_in = sac + frwa_div1 + frwa_div2
Exemplo n.º 6
def moke_consumnes():
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    tw = prepro_window()

    moke_us_path = calsim_path("I504")
    moke_ref = findpath(f, moke_us_path)
    if (moke_ref and len(moke_ref) > 0):
        print "Upstream mokelumne flow found, not calculated"

    consumnes_path = calsim_path("C501")
    moke_ds_path = calsim_path("C504")
    consumnes_ref = findpath(f, consumnes_path)
    if not consumnes_ref:
        raise "Consumnes path %s not found" % consumnes_path
    moke_ds_ref = findpath(f, moke_ds_path)
    if not moke_ds_ref:
        raise "Mokulemne downstream path %s not found" % moke_ds_path
    consumnes = DataReference.create(consumnes_ref[0], tw).getData()
    moke_ds = DataReference.create(moke_ds_ref[0], tw).getData()
    mf = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)
    moke_us_path = calsim_path("I504", mf)
    moke_us = moke_ds - consumnes

    writedss(outfile, moke_us_path, moke_us)
Exemplo n.º 7
def txfr_flow_day(nodes_to_txfr_day):
    """ Unsmoothed transfer from CALSIM file to model input file.
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    tw = prepro_window()

    for calsimname in nodes_to_txfr_day:  # Extend the list as needed
        mf = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)
        dsspath = calsim_path(calsimname)
        dsspath1 = calsim_path(calsimname, modified_fpart=mf)
        processedpath = dsspath1.replace("1MON", "1DAY")
        print dsspath
        print processedpath
        paths = findpath(f, dsspath)
        if not paths or len(paths) > 1:
            print "File: %s" % calsimfile
            raise "Path %s not found or not unique" % dsspath
        ref = DataReference.create(paths[0], tw)
        monthly = ref.getData()
        daily = interpolate(monthly, "1DAY")
        if daily:
            writedss(outfile, processedpath, daily)
            raise "Failure to find CALSIM input data for: " + calsimname
def txfr_flow_day(nodes_to_txfr_day):
    """ Unsmoothed transfer from CALSIM file to model input file.
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    tw = prepro_window()

    for calsimname in nodes_to_txfr_day:  # Extend the list as needed
        mf = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)
        dsspath = calsim_path(calsimname)
        dsspath1 = calsim_path(calsimname, modified_fpart=mf)
        processedpath = dsspath1.replace("1MON", "1DAY")
        print dsspath
        print processedpath
        paths = findpath(f, dsspath)
        if not paths or len(paths) > 1:
            print "File: %s" % calsimfile
            raise "Path %s not found or not unique" % dsspath
        ref = DataReference.create(paths[0], tw)
        monthly = ref.getData()
        daily = interpolate(monthly, "1DAY")
        if daily:
            writedss(outfile, processedpath, daily)
            raise "Failure to find CALSIM input data for: " + calsimname
def sjr_sac(sjr_in, sac_in):
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    tw = prepro_window()

    sjr_path = calsim_path("C639")
    sjr_ret_path = calsim_path("R644")
    sjr_ref = findpath(f, sjr_path)
    if not sjr_ref:
        raise "San Joaquin path %s not found" % sjr_path
    sjr_ret_ref = findpath(f, sjr_ret_path)
    if not sjr_ret_ref:
        raise "San Joaquin return flow path %s not found" % sjr_ret_path
    sjr = DataReference.create(sjr_ref[0], tw).getData()
    sjr_ret = DataReference.create(sjr_ret_ref[0], tw).getData()
    sjr_in = sjr + sjr_ret

    sac_path = calsim_path("C169")
    frwa_div1_path = calsim_path("D168B")
    frwa_div2_path = calsim_path("D168C")
    sac_ref = findpath(f, sac_path)
    if not sac_ref:
        raise "Sacramento path %s not found" % sac_path
    frwa_div1_ref = findpath(f, frwa_div1_path)
    if not frwa_div1_ref:
        raise "Freeport Regional Water Authority Diversion path %s not found" % frwa_div1_path
    frwa_div2_ref = findpath(f, frwa_div2_path)
    if not frwa_div2_ref:
        raise "Freeport Regional Water Authority Diversion path %s not found" % frwa_div2_path
    sac = DataReference.create(sac_ref[0], tw).getData()
    frwa_div1 = DataReference.create(frwa_div1_ref[0], tw).getData()
    frwa_div2 = DataReference.create(frwa_div2_ref[0], tw).getData()
    sac_in = sac + frwa_div1 + frwa_div2
Exemplo n.º 10
def copy_dicu_flow():
    """ Unsmoothed transfer from DICU file to model input file.
    f=opendss(dicufile)           # open CALSIM file
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"    

    for item in f : 
        writedss(outfile,ref.getPathname().toString(), data)
Exemplo n.º 11
def copy_dicu_flow():
    """ Unsmoothed transfer from DICU file to model input file.
    f=opendss(dicufile)           # open CALSIM file
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"    

    for item in f : 
        writedss(outfile,ref.getPathname().toString(), data)
Exemplo n.º 12
def copy_stage():
    """ Unsmoothed transfer from DICU file to model input file.
    dsspath="/FILL\+CHAN/RSAC054/STAGE//15MIN/%s/" % stageversion
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"    
    ref = findpath(f,dsspath)
    if len(ref) != 1:
        raise "Stage path not found or not unique. Found refs: %s" % ref
    writedss(outfile,ref.getPathname().toString(), data)
Exemplo n.º 13
def copy_stage():
    """ Unsmoothed transfer from DICU file to model input file.
    sourcefile = getAttr("STAGE_SOURCE_FILE")
    f = opendss(sourcefile)
    outfile = getAttr("STAGEFILE")
    stageversion = getAttr("STAGE_VERSION")
    dsspath = "/FILL\+CHAN/RSAC054/STAGE//15MIN/%s/" % stageversion
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    tw = prepro_window()
    ref = findpath(f, dsspath)
    if len(ref) != 1:
        raise "Stage path not found or not unique. Found refs: %s" % ref
    ref = DataReference.create(ref[0], tw)
    data = ref.getData()
    writedss(outfile, ref.getPathname().toString(), data)
def smooth_flow(nodes_to_smooth):
    """ A slightly smoothed version of monthly flows to avoid sharp transitions
        between months. Uses a tension spline.
    f=opendss(calsimfile)           # open CALSIM file
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"

    for calsimname in nodes_to_smooth:      # Extend the list as needed, but please keep in mind the
                                            # limitations of the conservative spline, at least at present.
                                            # Mainly, input flows should be substantially greater than
                                            # zero at all times (yolo would be inappropriate, for instance)
        dsspath = calsim_path(calsimname)
        if not paths or len(paths)>1:
            print "File: %s" % calsimfile
            raise "Path %s not found or not unique" % dsspath
        if monthly:		
            if len(monthly) < 4:
			    raise "Length of monthly data too short for smoothing. Wrong time window?"
                print "Failure to smooth path: %s over time window: %s" % (paths[0], tw)
                     "/CALSIM-SMOOTH/"+calsimname+"/FLOW/1DAY//" \
            raise "Failure to find CALSIM input data for: " + calsimname 
Exemplo n.º 15
def smooth_flow(nodes_to_smooth):
    """ A slightly smoothed version of monthly flows to avoid sharp transitions
        between months. Uses a tension spline.
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    fpart_mod = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)

    tw = prepro_window()

    for calsimname in nodes_to_smooth:  # Extend the list as needed, but please keep in mind the
        # limitations of the conservative spline, at least at present.
        # Mainly, input flows should be substantially greater than
        # zero at all times (yolo would be inappropriate, for instance)
        dsspath = calsim_path(calsimname)
        paths = findpath(f, dsspath)
        if not paths or len(paths) > 1:
            print "File: %s" % calsimfile
            raise "Path %s not found or not unique" % dsspath

        ref = DataReference.create(paths[0], tw)
        monthly = ref.getData()
        if monthly:
            if len(monthly) < 4:
                raise "Length of monthly data too short for smoothing. Wrong time window?"
                daily = conserve.conserveSpline(monthly, "1DAY")
                print "Failure to smooth path: %s over time window: %s" % (
                    paths[0], tw)

                     "/CALSIM-SMOOTH/"+calsimname+"/FLOW/1DAY//" \
            raise "Failure to find CALSIM input data for: " + calsimname
Exemplo n.º 16
def calaveras():
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    tw = prepro_window()

    cal_path = calsim_path("C508")
    cal_ret_path = calsim_path("R514")
    cal_ref = findpath(f, cal_path)
    if not cal_ref:
        raise "Calaveras path %s not found" % cal_path
    cal_ret_ref = findpath(f, cal_ret_path)
    if not cal_ret_ref:
        raise "Calaveras return flow path %s not found" % cal_ret_path
    cal = DataReference.create(cal_ref[0], tw).getData()
    cal_ret = DataReference.create(cal_ret_ref[0], tw).getData()
    mf = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)
    cal_in_path = calsim_path("C508_R514", mf)
    cal_in = cal + cal_ret
    writedss(outfile, cal_in_path, cal_in)
def calaveras():
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file
    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    tw = prepro_window()

    cal_path = calsim_path("C508")
    cal_ret_path = calsim_path("R514")
    cal_ref = findpath(f, cal_path)
    if not cal_ref:
        raise "Calaveras path %s not found" % cal_path
    cal_ret_ref = findpath(f, cal_ret_path)
    if not cal_ret_ref:
        raise "Calaveras return flow path %s not found" % cal_ret_path
    cal = DataReference.create(cal_ref[0], tw).getData()
    cal_ret = DataReference.create(cal_ret_ref[0], tw).getData()
    mf = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)
    cal_in_path = calsim_path("C508_R514", mf)
    cal_in = cal + cal_ret
    writedss(outfile, cal_in_path, cal_in)
Exemplo n.º 18
def smooth_flow2():
    """ A slightly smoothed version of monthly flows to avoid sharp transitions
        between months. Uses a tension spline.
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file

    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    fpart_mod = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)

    tw = prepro_window()

    print "Preparing SAC and SJR Inflows"

    sjr_path = calsim_path("C639")
    sjr_ret_path = calsim_path("R644")
    sjr_ref = findpath(f, sjr_path)
    if not sjr_ref:
        raise "San Joaquin path %s not found" % sjr_path
    sjr_ret_ref = findpath(f, sjr_ret_path)
    if not sjr_ret_ref:
        raise "San Joaquin return flow path %s not found" % sjr_ret_path
    sjr = DataReference.create(sjr_ref[0], tw)  #.getData()
    sjr_ret = DataReference.create(sjr_ret_ref[0], tw)  #.getData()
    sjr_in = sjr + sjr_ret

    sac_path = calsim_path("C169")
    frwa_div1_path = calsim_path("D168B")
    frwa_div2_path = calsim_path("D168C")
    sac_ref = findpath(f, sac_path)
    if not sac_ref:
        raise "Sacramento path %s not found" % sac_path
    frwa_div1_ref = findpath(f, frwa_div1_path)
    if not frwa_div1_ref:
        raise "Freeport Regional Water Authority Diversion path %s not found" % frwa_div1_path
    frwa_div2_ref = findpath(f, frwa_div2_path)
    if not frwa_div2_ref:
        raise "Freeport Regional Water Authority Diversion path %s not found" % frwa_div2_path
    sac = DataReference.create(sac_ref[0], tw)  #.getData()
    frwa_div1 = DataReference.create(frwa_div1_ref[0], tw)  #.getData()
    frwa_div2 = DataReference.create(frwa_div2_ref[0], tw)  #.getData()
    sac_in = sac + frwa_div1 + frwa_div2

    #    sjr_sac(sjr_inf,sac_inf)

    print "smoothing SAC"
    sac_mon = sac_in.getData()
    if sac_mon:
        if len(sac_mon) < 4:
            raise "Length of monthly data too short for smoothing. Wrong time window?"
            sac_day = conserve.conserveSpline(sac_mon, "1DAY")
            print "Failure to smooth path: %s over time window: %s" % (
                "C169_D168B_D168C", tw)

                 "/CALSIM-SMOOTH/C169_D168B_D168C/FLOW/1DAY//" \
        raise "Failure to find monthly data for C169+D168B+D168C"

    print "smoothing SJR"
    sjr_mon = sjr_in.getData()
    if sjr_mon:
        if len(sjr_mon) < 4:
            raise "Length of monthly data too short for smoothing. Wrong time window?"
            sjr_day = conserve.conserveSpline(sjr_mon, "1DAY")
            print "Failure to smooth path: %s over time window: %s" % (
                "C639_R644", tw)

             "/CALSIM-SMOOTH/C639_R644/FLOW/1DAY//" \
        raise "Failure to find monthly data for C639+R644"
Exemplo n.º 19
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        raise SystemExit("""
        Usage: vscript infile-for-envvars
        where infile-for-envvars is the input file for env variables
        (give full path if not in current running shell)
        infile = sys.argv[1]

        c = setConfigVars(infile)
        print 'Creating Delta Cross Channel daily ops from monthly...'
        sdate = getAttr('START_DATE')
        if int(sdate[5:]) < 1974:
            tw = prepro_window("82yr")
            tw = prepro_window("16yr")
        tws = str(tw)
        print "Using time window: %s (dcc processing may exceed your run dates)" % tws

            getAttr('CALSIMFILE'),              # CALSIM DSS file (input for DSM2)
            getAttr('GATEFILE'),                # processed gate DSS file (will be input for DSM2)
            '/CALSIM/DXC/GATE-DAYS-OPEN//1MON//' + getAttr('CALSIMSTUDY') + '/', # CALSIM DXC pathname
            '/CALSIM-PROCESSED/DCC/OP//IR-YEAR/' +   \
            getAttr('CALSIMSTUDY') + '/', # processed cross channel pathname
            0,                                  # 0: CALSIM input is hardwired to 30-day months
            1,                                  # operate gate between 0 & 1
            tws                                 # time window
Exemplo n.º 20
import config
import interpolate
from vtimeseries import timewindow
from vista.set import DataReference
import config
from planning_time_window import prepro_window

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        raise SystemExit("""
        Usage: vscript configfile
        where configfile is the input file for configuration variables
        (give full path if not in current running shell)
        print "IN prep EC"
        infile = sys.argv[1]
        print "Expanding seasonal DICU WQ drainage values"
            config.getAttr('DICUFILE_EC'),        # original DICU DSS file for EC
            config.getAttr('DICUFILE_ECE'),       # processed DICU DSS file (will be input for DSM2)
        planning_ec_vernalis.transfer_ec()  #direct copy of planning ec, no vamp

Exemplo n.º 21
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        raise SystemExit("""
        Usage: vscript infile-for-envvars
        where infile-for-envvars is the input file for env variables
        (give full path if not in current running shell)
        infile = sys.argv[1]

        print 'Creating Delta Cross Channel daily ops from monthly...'
        sdate = getAttr('START_DATE')
        if int(sdate[5:]) < 1974:
            tw = prepro_window("82yr")
            tw = prepro_window("16yr")
        tws = str(tw)
        print "Using time window: %s (dcc processing may exceed your run dates)" % tws
            getAttr('CALSIMFILE'),              # CALSIM DSS file (input for DSM2)
            getAttr('GATEFILE'),                # processed gate DSS file (will be input for DSM2)
            '/CALSIM/DXC/GATE-DAYS-OPEN//1MON//' + getAttr('CALSIMSTUDY') + '/', # CALSIM DXC pathname
            '/CALSIM-PROCESSED/DCC/OP//IR-YEAR/' +   \
            getAttr('CALSIMSTUDY') + '/', # processed cross channel pathname
            0,                                  # 0: CALSIM input is hardwired to 30-day months
            1,                                  # operate gate between 0 & 1
            tws                                 # time window
Exemplo n.º 22
from planning_time_window import prepro_window
from vdss import opendss, find, writedss

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        raise SystemExit("""
        Usage: vscript configfile
        where configfile is the input file for configuration variables
        (give full path if not in current running shell)
        print "IN prep DOC"
        infile = sys.argv[1]
        tw = prepro_window()
        print "Expanding seasonal DICU DOC drainage values"
            config.getAttr('DICUFILE_DOC'),  # original DICU DSS file for EC
            ),  # processed DICU DSS file (will be input for DSM2)
        print "Expanding seasonal boundary DOC values"
#        expand_seasonal_bst.prep_dicu(
#            config.getAttr('TSFILE_DOC'),        # original DICU DSS file for EC
#            config.getAttr('DICUFILE_DOCE'),       # processed DICU DSS file (will be input for DSM2)
#            "DOC",tw)

    f = opendss(config.getAttr("TSFILE_DOC"))  # open DOC boundary file
def smooth_flow2():
    """ A slightly smoothed version of monthly flows to avoid sharp transitions
        between months. Uses a tension spline.
    calsimfile = getAttr("CALSIMFILE")
    f = opendss(calsimfile)  # open CALSIM file

    outfile = getAttr("BOUNDARYFILE")
    if not outfile or outfile == "":
        raise "Config variable BOUNDARYFILE not set and needed for prepro output"
    fpart_mod = calsim_study_fpart(modify=1)

    tw = prepro_window()

    print "Preparing SAC and SJR Inflows"

    sjr_path = calsim_path("C639")
    sjr_ret_path = calsim_path("R644")
    sjr_ref = findpath(f, sjr_path)
    if not sjr_ref:
        raise "San Joaquin path %s not found" % sjr_path
    sjr_ret_ref = findpath(f, sjr_ret_path)
    if not sjr_ret_ref:
        raise "San Joaquin return flow path %s not found" % sjr_ret_path
    sjr = DataReference.create(sjr_ref[0], tw)  # .getData()
    sjr_ret = DataReference.create(sjr_ret_ref[0], tw)  # .getData()
    sjr_in = sjr + sjr_ret

    sac_path = calsim_path("C169")
    frwa_div1_path = calsim_path("D168B")
    frwa_div2_path = calsim_path("D168C")
    sac_ref = findpath(f, sac_path)
    if not sac_ref:
        raise "Sacramento path %s not found" % sac_path
    frwa_div1_ref = findpath(f, frwa_div1_path)
    if not frwa_div1_ref:
        raise "Freeport Regional Water Authority Diversion path %s not found" % frwa_div1_path
    frwa_div2_ref = findpath(f, frwa_div2_path)
    if not frwa_div2_ref:
        raise "Freeport Regional Water Authority Diversion path %s not found" % frwa_div2_path
    sac = DataReference.create(sac_ref[0], tw)  # .getData()
    frwa_div1 = DataReference.create(frwa_div1_ref[0], tw)  # .getData()
    frwa_div2 = DataReference.create(frwa_div2_ref[0], tw)  # .getData()
    sac_in = sac + frwa_div1 + frwa_div2

    #    sjr_sac(sjr_inf,sac_inf)

    print "smoothing SAC"
    sac_mon = sac_in.getData()
    if sac_mon:
        if len(sac_mon) < 4:
            raise "Length of monthly data too short for smoothing. Wrong time window?"
            sac_day = conserve.conserveSpline(sac_mon, "1DAY")
            print "Failure to smooth path: %s over time window: %s" % ("C169_D168B_D168C", tw)

        writedss(outfile, "/CALSIM-SMOOTH/C169_D168B_D168C/FLOW/1DAY//" + fpart_mod + "/", sac_day)
        raise "Failure to find monthly data for C169+D168B+D168C"

    print "smoothing SJR"
    sjr_mon = sjr_in.getData()
    if sjr_mon:
        if len(sjr_mon) < 4:
            raise "Length of monthly data too short for smoothing. Wrong time window?"
            sjr_day = conserve.conserveSpline(sjr_mon, "1DAY")
            print "Failure to smooth path: %s over time window: %s" % ("C639_R644", tw)

        writedss(outfile, "/CALSIM-SMOOTH/C639_R644/FLOW/1DAY//" + fpart_mod + "/", sjr_day)
        raise "Failure to find monthly data for C639+R644"