Exemplo n.º 1
def test_lower_hybrid_frequency():
    r"""Test the lower_hybrid_frequency function in parameters.py."""

    ion = "He-4 1+"
    omega_ci = gyrofrequency(B, particle=ion)
    omega_pi = plasma_frequency(n=n_i, particle=ion)
    omega_ce = gyrofrequency(B)
    omega_lh = lower_hybrid_frequency(B, n_i=n_i, ion=ion)
    omega_lh_hz = lower_hybrid_frequency(B, n_i=n_i, ion=ion, to_hz=True)
    assert omega_ci.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_pi.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_ce.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_lh.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    left_hand_side = omega_lh ** -2
    right_hand_side = (
        1 / (omega_ci ** 2 + omega_pi ** 2) + omega_ci ** -1 * omega_ce ** -1
    assert np.isclose(left_hand_side.value, right_hand_side.value)

    assert np.isclose(omega_lh_hz.value, 299878691.3223296)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lower_hybrid_frequency(0.2 * u.T, n_i=5e19 * u.m ** -3, ion="asdfasd")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lower_hybrid_frequency(0.2 * u.T, n_i=-5e19 * u.m ** -3, ion="asdfasd")

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        lower_hybrid_frequency(np.nan * u.T, n_i=-5e19 * u.m ** -3, ion="asdfasd")

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert lower_hybrid_frequency(1.3, 1e19) == lower_hybrid_frequency(
            1.3 * u.T, 1e19 * u.m ** -3
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_upper_hybrid_frequency():
    r"""Test the upper_hybrid_frequency function in parameters.py."""

    omega_uh = upper_hybrid_frequency(B, n_e=n_e)
    omega_uh_hz = upper_hybrid_frequency(B, n_e=n_e, to_hz=True)
    omega_ce = gyrofrequency(B, "e-")
    omega_pe = plasma_frequency(n=n_e, particle="e-")
    assert omega_ce.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_pe.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_uh.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)
    assert omega_uh_hz.unit.is_equivalent(u.Hz)
    left_hand_side = omega_uh**2
    right_hand_side = omega_ce**2 + omega_pe**2
    assert np.isclose(left_hand_side.value, right_hand_side.value)

    assert np.isclose(omega_uh_hz.value, 69385868857.90918)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        upper_hybrid_frequency(5 * u.T, n_e=-1 * u.m**-3)

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert upper_hybrid_frequency(1.2, 1.3) == upper_hybrid_frequency(
            1.2 * u.T, 1.3 * u.m**-3)

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert upper_hybrid_frequency(1.4 * u.T,
                                      1.3) == upper_hybrid_frequency(
                                          1.4, 1.3 * u.m**-3)

def calculate_gyrofrequency(form):
    mag_fld = form['mf_mag']
    mag_unit = form['unitsB']
    particle = form['particle']
    z = form['z']
    signed = form['signed']
    to_hz = form['to_hz']

    if mag_fld == None or mag_unit == 'select':
        return render_template('gyrofrequency.html', sum="Enter all required fields")

    # Gyrofrequency with only Magnetic Field and Particle
    b = u.Quantity(mag_fld, u.Unit(mag_unit))
    p = plasmapy.particles.Particle(particle)
    sum = pfp.gyrofrequency(b, p)

    # Gyrofrequency with B, particle, z

    # Gyrofrequency with B, particle, z, signed

    # Output if to_hz is true
    return sum
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_gyroradius():
    r"""Test the gyroradius function in parameters.py."""

    assert gyroradius(B, "e-", T_i=T_e).unit.is_equivalent(u.m)

    assert gyroradius(B, "e-", Vperp=25 * u.m / u.s).unit.is_equivalent(u.m)

    Vperp = 1e6 * u.m / u.s
    Bmag = 1 * u.T
    omega_ce = gyrofrequency(Bmag, "e-")
    analytical_result = (Vperp / omega_ce).to(
        u.m, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles())
    assert gyroradius(Bmag, "e-", Vperp=Vperp) == analytical_result

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        gyroradius(u.T, "e-")

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitTypeError):
        gyroradius(5 * u.A, "e-", Vperp=8 * u.m / u.s)

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitTypeError):
        gyroradius(5 * u.T, "e-", Vperp=8 * u.m)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        gyroradius(np.array([5, 6]) * u.T,
                   Vperp=np.array([5, 6, 7]) * u.m / u.s)

    assert np.isnan(gyroradius(np.nan * u.T, "e-", Vperp=1 * u.m / u.s))

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        gyroradius(3.14159 * u.T, "e-", T_i=-1 * u.K)

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert gyroradius(1.0, "e-",
                          Vperp=1.0) == gyroradius(1.0 * u.T,
                                                   Vperp=1.0 * u.m / u.s)

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert gyroradius(1.1, "e-", T_i=1.2) == gyroradius(1.1 * u.T,
                                                            T_i=1.2 * u.K)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        gyroradius(1.1 * u.T, "e-", Vperp=1 * u.m / u.s, T_i=1.2 * u.K)

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitTypeError):
        gyroradius(1.1 * u.T, "e-", Vperp=1.1 * u.m, T_i=1.2 * u.K)

    assert gyroradius(B, particle="p", T_i=T_i).unit.is_equivalent(u.m)

    assert gyroradius(B, particle="p",
                      Vperp=25 * u.m / u.s).unit.is_equivalent(u.m)

    # Case when Z=1 is assumed
    assert np.isclose(
        gyroradius(B, particle="p", T_i=T_i),
        gyroradius(B, particle="H+", T_i=T_i),
        atol=1e-6 * u.m,

    gyroPos = gyroradius(B, particle="p", Vperp=V)
    gyroNeg = gyroradius(B, particle="p", Vperp=-V)
    assert gyroPos == gyroNeg

    Vperp = 1e6 * u.m / u.s
    Bmag = 1 * u.T
    omega_ci = gyrofrequency(Bmag, particle="p")
    analytical_result = (Vperp / omega_ci).to(
        u.m, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles())
    assert gyroradius(Bmag, particle="p", Vperp=Vperp) == analytical_result

    T2 = 1.2 * u.MK
    B2 = 123 * u.G
    particle2 = "alpha"
    Vperp2 = thermal_speed(T2, particle=particle2)
    gyro_by_vperp = gyroradius(B2, particle="alpha", Vperp=Vperp2)
    assert gyro_by_vperp == gyroradius(B2, particle="alpha", T_i=T2)

    explicit_positron_gyro = gyroradius(1 * u.T,
                                        T_i=1 * u.MK)
    assert explicit_positron_gyro == gyroradius(1 * u.T, "e-", T_i=1 * u.MK)

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        gyroradius(u.T, particle="p", Vperp=8 * u.m / u.s)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        gyroradius(B, particle="p", T_i=-1 * u.K)

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        gyro_without_units = gyroradius(1.0, particle="p", Vperp=1.0)
        gyro_with_units = gyroradius(1.0 * u.T,
                                     Vperp=1.0 * u.m / u.s)
        assert gyro_without_units == gyro_with_units

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        gyro_t_without_units = gyroradius(1.1, particle="p", T_i=1.2)
        gyro_t_with_units = gyroradius(1.1 * u.T, particle="p", T_i=1.2 * u.K)
        assert gyro_t_with_units == gyro_t_without_units

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        gyroradius(1.1 * u.T, particle="p", Vperp=1 * u.m / u.s, T_i=1.2 * u.K)

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitTypeError):
        gyroradius(1.1 * u.T, particle="p", Vperp=1.1 * u.m, T_i=1.2 * u.K)

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitTypeError):
        gyroradius(1.1 * u.T, particle="p", Vperp=1.2 * u.m, T_i=1.1 * u.K)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_gyrofrequency():
    r"""Test the gyrofrequency function in parameters.py."""

    assert gyrofrequency(B, "e-").unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)

    assert gyrofrequency(B, "e-", to_hz=True).unit.is_equivalent(u.Hz)

    assert np.isclose(gyrofrequency(1 * u.T, "e-").value, 175882008784.72018)

    assert np.isclose(gyrofrequency(2.4 * u.T, "e-").value, 422116821083.3284)

    assert np.isclose(
        gyrofrequency(1 * u.T, "e-", to_hz=True).value, 27992490076.528206)

    assert np.isclose(
        gyrofrequency(2.4 * u.T, "e-", signed=True).value, -422116821083.3284)

    assert np.isclose(gyrofrequency(1 * u.G, "e-").cgs.value,

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        gyrofrequency(u.m, "e-")

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitTypeError):
        gyrofrequency(u.m * 1, "e-")

    assert np.isnan(gyrofrequency(B_nanarr, "e-")[-1])

    # The following is a test to check that equivalencies from astropy
    # are working.
    omega_ce = gyrofrequency(2.2 * u.T, "e-")
    f_ce = (omega_ce / (2 * np.pi)) / u.rad
    f_ce_use_equiv = omega_ce.to(u.Hz, equivalencies=[(u.cy / u.s, u.Hz)])
    assert np.isclose(f_ce.value, f_ce_use_equiv.value)

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        assert gyrofrequency(5.0, "e-") == gyrofrequency(5.0 * u.T, "e-")

    assert gyrofrequency(B, particle=ion).unit.is_equivalent(u.rad / u.s)

    assert np.isclose(
        gyrofrequency(1 * u.T, particle="p").value, 95788335.834874)

    assert np.isclose(
        gyrofrequency(2.4 * u.T, particle="p").value, 229892006.00369796)

    assert np.isclose(gyrofrequency(1 * u.G, particle="p").cgs.value,

    assert gyrofrequency(-5 * u.T, "p") == gyrofrequency(5 * u.T, "p")

    # Case when Z=1 is assumed
    # assert gyrofrequency(B, particle='p+') == gyrofrequency(B, particle='H-1')

    assert gyrofrequency(B, particle="e+") == gyrofrequency(B, "e-")

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        gyrofrequency(8, "p")

    with pytest.raises(u.UnitTypeError):
        gyrofrequency(5 * u.m, "p")

    with pytest.raises(InvalidParticleError):
        gyrofrequency(8 * u.T, particle="asdfasd")

    with pytest.warns(u.UnitsWarning):
        # TODO this should be WARNS, not RAISES. and it's probably still raised
        assert gyrofrequency(5.0, "p") == gyrofrequency(5.0 * u.T, "p")

    gyrofrequency(1 * u.T, particle="p")
    # testing for user input Z
    testMeth1 = gyrofrequency(1 * u.T, particle="p", Z=0.8).si.value
    testTrue1 = 76630665.79318453
    errStr = f"gyrofrequency() gave {testMeth1}, should be {testTrue1}."
    assert np.isclose(testMeth1, testTrue1, atol=0.0, rtol=1e-5), errStr

    assert_can_handle_nparray(gyrofrequency, kwargs={"signed": True})

    assert_can_handle_nparray(gyrofrequency, kwargs={"signed": False})
Exemplo n.º 6
def cold_plasma_permittivity_SDP(B: u.T, species, n, omega: u.rad / u.s):
    Magnetized Cold Plasma Dielectric Permittivity Tensor Elements.

    Elements (S, D, P) are given in the "Stix" frame, ie. with B // z.

    The :math:`\exp(-i \omega t)` time-harmonic convention is assumed.

    B : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla.

    species : list of str
        List of the plasma particle species
        e.g.: ['e', 'D+'] or ['e', 'D+', 'He+'].

    n : list of ~astropy.units.Quantity
        `list` of species density in units convertible to per cubic meter
        The order of the species densities should follow species.

    omega : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Electromagnetic wave frequency in rad/s.

    sum : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        S ("Sum") dielectric tensor element.

    difference : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        D ("Difference") dielectric tensor element.

    plasma : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        P ("Plasma") dielectric tensor element.

    The dielectric permittivity tensor is expressed in the Stix frame with
    the :math:`\exp(-i \omega t)` time-harmonic convention as
    :math:`\varepsilon = \varepsilon_0 A`, with :math:`A` being

    .. math::

        \varepsilon = \varepsilon_0 \left(\begin{matrix}  S & -i D & 0 \\
                              +i D & S & 0 \\
                              0 & 0 & P \end{matrix}\right)


    .. math::
        S = 1 - \sum_s \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega^2 - \Omega_{c,s}^2}

        D = \sum_s \frac{\Omega_{c,s}}{\omega}
            \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega^2 - \Omega_{c,s}^2}

        P = 1 - \sum_s \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega^2}

    where :math:`\omega_{p,s}` is the plasma frequency and
    :math:`\Omega_{c,s}` is the signed version of the cyclotron frequency
    for the species :math:`s`.

    - T.H. Stix, Waves in Plasma, 1992.

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> from numpy import pi
    >>> B = 2*u.T
    >>> species = ['e', 'D+']
    >>> n = [1e18*u.m**-3, 1e18*u.m**-3]
    >>> omega = 3.7e9*(2*pi)*(u.rad/u.s)
    >>> permittivity = S, D, P = cold_plasma_permittivity_SDP(B, species, n, omega)
    >>> S
    <Quantity 1.02422...>
    >>> permittivity.sum   # namedtuple-style access
    <Quantity 1.02422...>
    >>> D
    <Quantity 0.39089...>
    >>> P
    <Quantity -4.8903...>
    S, D, P = 1, 0, 1

    for s, n_s in zip(species, n):
        omega_c = parameters.gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=s, signed=True)
        omega_p = parameters.plasma_frequency(n=n_s, particle=s)

        S += -(omega_p ** 2) / (omega ** 2 - omega_c ** 2)
        D += omega_c / omega * omega_p ** 2 / (omega ** 2 - omega_c ** 2)
        P += -(omega_p ** 2) / omega ** 2
    return StixTensorElements(S, D, P)
Exemplo n.º 7
def cold_plasma_permittivity_LRP(B: u.T, species, n, omega: u.rad / u.s):
    Magnetized Cold Plasma Dielectric Permittivity Tensor Elements.

    Elements (L, R, P) are given in the "rotating" basis, ie. in the basis
    :math:`(\mathbf{u}_{+}, \mathbf{u}_{-}, \mathbf{u}_z)`,
    where the tensor is diagonal and with B // z.

    The :math:`\exp(-i \omega t)` time-harmonic convention is assumed.

    B : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to tesla.

    species : list of str
        The plasma particle species (e.g.: `['e', 'D+']` or
        `['e', 'D+', 'He+']`.

    n : list of ~astropy.units.Quantity
        `list` of species density in units convertible to per cubic meter.
        The order of the species densities should follow species.

    omega : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        Electromagnetic wave frequency in rad/s.

    left : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        L ("Left") Left-handed circularly polarization tensor element.

    right : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        R ("Right") Right-handed circularly polarization tensor element.

    plasma : ~astropy.units.Quantity
        P ("Plasma") dielectric tensor element.

    In the rotating frame defined by
    :math:`(\mathbf{u}_{+}, \mathbf{u}_{-}, \mathbf{u}_z)`
    with :math:`\mathbf{u}_{\pm}=(\mathbf{u}_x \pm \mathbf{u}_y)/\sqrt{2}`,
    the dielectric tensor takes a diagonal form with elements L, R, P with:

    .. math::
        L = 1 - \sum_s
                \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega\left(\omega - \Omega_{c,s}\right)}

        R = 1 - \sum_s
                \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega\left(\omega + \Omega_{c,s}\right)}

        P = 1 - \sum_s \frac{\omega_{p,s}^2}{\omega^2}

    where :math:`\omega_{p,s}` is the plasma frequency and
    :math:`\Omega_{c,s}` is the signed version of the cyclotron frequency
    for the species :math:`s`.

    - T.H. Stix, Waves in Plasma, 1992.

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> from numpy import pi
    >>> B = 2*u.T
    >>> species = ['e', 'D+']
    >>> n = [1e18*u.m**-3, 1e18*u.m**-3]
    >>> omega = 3.7e9*(2*pi)*(u.rad/u.s)
    >>> L, R, P = permittivity = cold_plasma_permittivity_LRP(B, species, n, omega)
    >>> L
    <Quantity 0.63333...>
    >>> permittivity.left    # namedtuple-style access
    <Quantity 0.63333...>
    >>> R
    <Quantity 1.41512...>
    >>> P
    <Quantity -4.8903...>
    L, R, P = 1, 1, 1

    for s, n_s in zip(species, n):
        omega_c = parameters.gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=s, signed=True)
        omega_p = parameters.plasma_frequency(n=n_s, particle=s)

        L += -(omega_p ** 2) / (omega * (omega - omega_c))
        R += -(omega_p ** 2) / (omega * (omega + omega_c))
        P += -(omega_p ** 2) / omega ** 2
    return RotatingTensorElements(L, R, P)
def alfven_dispersion_solution(
    B: u.T,
    ion: Union[str, Particle],
    k: u.rad / u.m,
    n_i: u.m**-3,
    T_e: u.K,
    T_i: u.K,
    theta: u.deg,
    gamma_e: Union[float, int] = 1,
    gamma_i: Union[float, int] = 3,
    z_mean: Union[float, int] = None,

    # validate argument ion
    if not isinstance(ion, Particle):
            ion = Particle(ion)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                f"For argument 'ion' expected type {Particle} but got {type(ion)}."
    if not (ion.is_ion or ion.is_category("element")):
        raise ValueError(
            "The particle passed for 'ion' must be an ion or element.")

    # validate z_mean
    if z_mean is None:
            z_mean = abs(ion.integer_charge)
        except ChargeError:
            z_mean = 1
        if not isinstance(z_mean, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument 'z_mean', but got {type(z_mean)}."
        z_mean = abs(z_mean)

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("B", "n_i", "T_e", "T_i"):
        val = locals()[arg_name].squeeze()
        if val.shape != ():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument '{arg_name}' must a single value and not an array of "
                f"shape {val.shape}.")
        locals()[arg_name] = val

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("gamma_e", "gamma_i"):
        if not isinstance(locals()[arg_name],
                          (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument '{arg_name}', but got "

    # validate argument k
    k = k.squeeze()
    if not (k.ndim == 0 or k.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'k' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy Quantity,"
            f" got array of shape {k.shape}.")
    if np.any(k <= 0):
        raise ValueError("Argument 'k' can not be a or have negative values.")

    # validate argument theta
    theta = theta.squeeze()
    theta = theta.to(u.radian)
    if not (theta.ndim == 0 or theta.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'theta' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy "
            f"Quantity, got array of shape {k.shape}.")

    n_e = z_mean * n_i
    c_s = pfp.ion_sound_speed(
    v_A = pfp.Alfven_speed(B, n_i, ion=ion, z_mean=z_mean)
    omega_ci = pfp.gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=ion, signed=False, Z=z_mean)

    #Grid/vector creation for k?

    #Parameters kz

    kz = np.cos(theta.value) * k
    kx = np.sqrt(k**2 - kz**2)

    #Parameters sigma, D, and F to simplify equation 3
    A = (kz * v_A)**2
    F = ((kx * c_s) / omega_ci)**2

    omega = np.sqrt(A * (1 + F))
    return omega
Exemplo n.º 9
 def time_gyrofrequency(self):
     gyrofrequency(0.01 * u.T, particle='T+', to_hz=True)
def hollweg_dispersion_solution(
    B: u.T,
    ion: Union[str, Particle],
    k: u.rad / u.m,
    n_i: u.m**-3,
    T_e: u.K,
    T_i: u.K,
    theta: u.deg,
    gamma_e: Union[float, int] = 1,
    gamma_i: Union[float, int] = 3,
    z_mean: Union[float, int] = None,

    # validate argument ion
    if not isinstance(ion, Particle):
            ion = Particle(ion)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                f"For argument 'ion' expected type {Particle} but got {type(ion)}."
    if not (ion.is_ion or ion.is_category("element")):
        raise ValueError(
            "The particle passed for 'ion' must be an ion or element.")

    # validate z_mean
    if z_mean is None:
            z_mean = abs(ion.integer_charge)
        except ChargeError:
            z_mean = 1
        if not isinstance(z_mean, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument 'z_mean', but got {type(z_mean)}."
        z_mean = abs(z_mean)

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("B", "n_i", "T_e", "T_i"):
        val = locals()[arg_name].squeeze()
        if val.shape != ():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument '{arg_name}' must a single value and not an array of "
                f"shape {val.shape}.")
        locals()[arg_name] = val

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("gamma_e", "gamma_i"):
        if not isinstance(locals()[arg_name],
                          (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument '{arg_name}', but got "

    # validate argument k
    k = k.squeeze()
    if not (k.ndim == 0 or k.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'k' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy Quantity,"
            f" got array of shape {k.shape}.")
    if np.any(k <= 0):
        raise ValueError("Argument 'k' can not be a or have negative values.")

    # validate argument theta
    theta = theta.squeeze()
    theta = theta.to(u.radian)
    if not (theta.ndim == 0 or theta.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'theta' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy "
            f"Quantity, got array of shape {k.shape}.")
    # Calc needed plasma parameters
    n_e = z_mean * n_i
    c_s = pfp.ion_sound_speed(
    v_A = pfp.Alfven_speed(B, n_i, ion=ion, z_mean=z_mean)
    omega_ci = pfp.gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=ion, signed=False, Z=z_mean)
    omega_pe = pfp.plasma_frequency(n=n_e, particle="e-")

    # Parameters kx and kz

    kz = np.cos(theta.value) * k
    kx = np.sqrt(k**2 - kz**2)

    # Bellan2012JGR beta param equation 3
    beta = (c_s / v_A)**2

    # Parameters D, F, sigma, and alpha to simplify equation 3
    D = (c_s / omega_ci)**2
    F = (c / omega_pe)**2
    sigma = (kz * v_A)**2
    alpha = (k * v_A)**2

    # Polynomial coefficients: c3*x^3 + c2*x^2 + c1*x + c0 = 0
    c3 = (F * kx**2 + 1) / sigma
    c2 = -((alpha / sigma) * (1 + beta + F * kx**2) + D * kx**2 + 1)
    c1 = alpha * (1 + 2 * beta + D * kx**2)
    c0 = -beta * alpha * sigma

    omega = {}
    fast_mode = []
    alfven_mode = []
    acoustic_mode = []

    # If a single k value is given
    if np.isscalar(k.value) == True:

        w = np.emath.sqrt(np.roots([c3.value, c2.value, c1.value, c0.value]))
        fast_mode = np.max(w)
        alfven_mode = np.median(w)
        acoustic_mode = np.min(w)

    # If mutliple k values are given
        # a0*x^3 + a1*x^2 + a2*x^3 + a3 = 0
        for (a0, a1, a2, a3) in zip(c3, c2, c1, c0):

            w = np.emath.sqrt(
                np.roots([a0.value, a1.value, a2.value, a3.value]))

    omega['fast_mode'] = fast_mode * u.rad / u.s
    omega['alfven_mode'] = alfven_mode * u.rad / u.s
    omega['acoustic_mode'] = acoustic_mode * u.rad / u.s

    return omega
Exemplo n.º 11
def two_fluid_dispersion_solution(
    B: u.T,
    ion: Union[str, Particle],
    k: u.rad / u.m,
    n_i: u.m**-3,
    T_e: u.K,
    T_i: u.K,
    theta: u.deg,
    gamma_e: Union[float, int] = 1,
    gamma_i: Union[float, int] = 3,
    z_mean: Union[float, int] = None,
    Using the solution provided by Bellan 2012, calculate the analytical
    solution to the two fluid, low-frequency (:math:`\omega/kc \ll 1`) dispersion
    relation presented by Stringer 1963.  This dispersion relation also
    assummes a uniform magnetic field :math:`\mathbf{B_o}`, no D.C. electric
    field :math:`\mathbf{E_o}=0`, and quasi-neutrality.  For more information
    see the **Notes** section below.

    B : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The magnetic field magnitude in units convertible to :math:`T`.
    ion : `str` or `~plasmapy.particles.particle_class.Particle`
        Representation of the ion species (e.g., ``'p'`` for protons, ``'D+'``
        for deuterium, ``'He-4 +1'`` for singly ionized helium-4, etc.). If no
        charge state information is provided, then the ions are assumed to be
        singly ionized.
    k : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array
        Wavenumber in units convertible to :math:`rad / m`.  Either single
        valued or 1-D array of length :math:`N`.
    n_i : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        Ion number density in units convertible to :math:`m^{-3}`.
    T_e : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The electron temperature in units of :math:`K` or :math:`eV`.
    T_i : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
        The ion temperature in units of :math:`K` or :math:`eV`.
    theta : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, single valued or 1-D array
        The angle of propagation of the wave with respect to the magnetic field,
        :math:`\cos^{-1}(k_z / k)`, in units must be convertible to :math:`deg`.
        Either single valued or 1-D array of size :math:`M`.
    gamma_e : `float` or `int`, optional
        The adiabatic index for electrons, which defaults to 1.  This
        value assumes that the electrons are able to equalize their
        temperature rapidly enough that the electrons are effectively
    gamma_i : `float` or `int`, optional
        The adiabatic index for ions, which defaults to 3. This value
        assumes that ion motion has only one degree of freedom, namely
        along magnetic field lines.
    z_mean : `float` or int, optional
        The average ionization state (arithmetic mean) of the ``ion`` composing
        the plasma.  Will override any charge state defined by argument ``ion``.

    omega : Dict[str, `~astropy.units.Quantity`]
        A dictionary of computed wave frequencies in units :math:`rad/s`.  The
        dictionary contains three keys: ``'fast_mode'`` for the fast mode,
        ``'alfven_mode'`` for the Alfvén mode, and ``'acoustic_mode'`` for the
        ion-acoustic mode.  The value for each key will be a :math:`N x M` array.

        If applicable arguments are not instances of `~astropy.units.Quantity` or
        cannot be converted into one.

        If ``ion`` is not of type or convertible to `~plasmapy.particles.Particle`.

        If ``gamma_e``, ``gamma_i``, or``z_mean`` are not of type `int` or `float`.

        If applicable arguments do not have units convertible to the expected

        If any of ``B``, ``k``, ``n_i``, ``T_e``, or ``T_i`` is negative.

        If ``k`` is negative or zero.

        If ``ion`` is not of category ion or element.

        If ``B``, ``n_i``, ``T_e``, or ``T_I`` are not single valued
        `astropy.units.Quantity` (i.e. an array).

        If ``k`` or ``theta`` are not single valued or a 1-D array.

    : `~plasmapy.utils.exceptions.PhysicsWarning`
        When the computed wave frequencies violate the low-frequency
        (:math:`\omega/kc \ll 1`) assumption of the dispersion relation.


    The complete dispersion equation presented by Springer 1963 [2]_ (equation 1
    of Bellan 2012 [1]_) is:

    .. math::
        \left( \cos^2 \theta - Q \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {v_A}^2} \right) &
            \left( \cos^2 \theta - \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {c_s}^2} \right)
            - Q \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {v_A}^2} \left(
                1 - \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {c_s}^2}
        \right] \\
            &= \left(1 - \frac{\omega^2}{k^2 {c_s}^2} \right)
              \frac{\omega^2}{{\omega_{ci}}^2} \cos^2 \theta


    .. math::
        Q &= 1 + k^2 c^2/{\omega_{pe}}^2 \\
        \cos \theta &= \frac{k_z}{k} \\
        \mathbf{B_o} &= B_{o} \mathbf{\hat{z}}

    :math:`\omega` is the wave frequency, :math:`k` is the wavenumber, :math:`v_A`
    is the Alfvén velocity, :math:`c_s` is the sound speed, :math:`\omega_{ci}` is
    the ion gyrofrequency, and :math:`\omega_{pe}` is the electron plasma frequency.
    This relation does additionally assume low-frequency waves
    :math:`\omega/kc \ll 1`, no D.C. electric field :math:`\mathbf{E_o}=0` and

    Following section 5 of Bellan 2012 [1]_ the exact roots of the above dispersion
    equation can be derived and expressed as one analytical solution (equation 38
    of Bellan 2012 [1]_):

    .. math::
        \frac{\omega}{\omega_{ci}} = \sqrt{
            2 \Lambda \sqrt{-\frac{P}{3}} \cos\left(
                \frac{1}{3} \cos^{-1}\left(
                    \frac{3q}{2p} \sqrt{-\frac{3}{p}}
                - \frac{2 \pi}{3}j
            + \frac{\Lambda A}{3}

    where :math:`j = 0` represents the fast mode, :math:`j = 1` represents the
    Alfvén mode, and :math:`j = 2` represents the acoustic mode.  Additionally,

    .. math::
        p &= \frac{3B-A^2}{3} \; , \; q = \frac{9AB-2A^3-27C}{27} \\
        A &= \frac{Q + Q^2 \beta + Q \alpha + \alpha \Lambda}{Q^2} \;
            , \; B = \alpha \frac{1 + 2 Q \beta + \Lambda \beta}{Q^2} \;
            , \; C = \frac{\alpha^2 \beta}{Q^2} \\
        \alpha &= \cos^2 \theta \;
            , \; \beta = \left( \frac{c_s}{v_A}\right)^2 \;
            , \; \Lambda = \left( \frac{k v_{A}}{\omega_{ci}}\right)^2

    .. [1] PM Bellan, Improved basis set for low frequency plasma waves, 2012,
       JGR, 117, A12219, doi: `10.1029/2012JA017856

    .. [2] TE Stringer, Low-frequency waves in an unbounded plasma, 1963, JNE,
       Part C, doi: `10.1088/0368-3281/5/2/304

    >>> from astropy import units as u
    >>> from plasmapy.dispersion import two_fluid_dispersion
    >>> inputs = {
    ...     "k": 0.01 * u.rad / u.m,
    ...     "theta": 30 * u.deg,
    ...     "B": 8.3e-9 * u.T,
    ...     "n_i": 5e6 * u.m ** -3,
    ...     "T_e": 1.6e6 * u.K,
    ...     "T_i": 4.0e5 * u.K,
    ...     "ion": "p+",
    ... }
    >>> omegas = two_fluid_dispersion_solution(**inputs)
    >>> omegas
    {'fast_mode': <Quantity 1520.57... rad / s>,
     'alfven_mode': <Quantity 1261.75... rad / s>,
     'acoustic_mode': <Quantity 0.688152... rad / s>}

    >>> inputs = {
    ...     "k": [1e-7, 2e-7] * u.rad / u.m,
    ...     "theta": [10, 20] * u.deg,
    ...     "B": 8.3e-9 * u.T,
    ...     "n_i": 5e6 * u.m ** -3,
    ...     "T_e": 1.6e6 * u.K,
    ...     "T_i": 4.0e5 * u.K,
    ...     "ion": "He+",
    ... }
    >>> omegas = two_fluid_dispersion_solution(**inputs)
    >>> omegas['fast_mode']
    <Quantity [[0.00767..., 0.00779... ],
               [0.01534..., 0.01558...]] rad / s>

    # validate argument ion
    if not isinstance(ion, Particle):
            ion = Particle(ion)
        except TypeError:
            raise TypeError(
                f"For argument 'ion' expected type {Particle} but got {type(ion)}."
    if not (ion.is_ion or ion.is_category("element")):
        raise ValueError(
            f"The particle passed for 'ion' must be an ion or element.")

    # validate z_mean
    if z_mean is None:
            z_mean = abs(ion.integer_charge)
        except ChargeError:
            z_mean = 1
        if not isinstance(z_mean, (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument 'z_mean', but got {type(z_mean)}."
        z_mean = abs(z_mean)

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("B", "n_i", "T_e", "T_i"):
        val = locals()[arg_name].squeeze()
        if val.shape != ():
            raise ValueError(
                f"Argument '{arg_name}' must a single value and not an array of "
                f"shape {val.shape}.")
        locals()[arg_name] = val

    # validate arguments
    for arg_name in ("gamma_e", "gamma_i"):
        if not isinstance(locals()[arg_name],
                          (int, np.integer, float, np.floating)):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Expected int or float for argument '{arg_name}', but got "

    # validate argument k
    k = k.squeeze()
    if not (k.ndim == 0 or k.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'k' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy Quantity,"
            f" got array of shape {k.shape}.")
    if np.any(k <= 0):
        raise ValueError(f"Argument 'k' can not be a or have negative values.")

    # validate argument theta
    theta = theta.squeeze()
    theta = theta.to(u.radian)
    if not (theta.ndim == 0 or theta.ndim == 1):
        raise ValueError(
            f"Argument 'theta' needs to be a single valued or 1D array astropy "
            f"Quantity, got array of shape {k.shape}.")

    # Calc needed plasma parameters
    n_e = z_mean * n_i
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=PhysicsWarning)
        c_s = pfp.ion_sound_speed(
    v_A = pfp.Alfven_speed(B, n_i, ion=ion, z_mean=z_mean)
    omega_ci = pfp.gyrofrequency(B=B, particle=ion, signed=False, Z=z_mean)
    omega_pe = pfp.plasma_frequency(n=n_e, particle="e-")

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 32
    alpha = np.cos(theta.value)**2
    beta = (c_s / v_A).to(u.dimensionless_unscaled).value**2
    alphav, kv = np.meshgrid(alpha, k.value)  # create grid
    Lambda = (kv * v_A.value / omega_ci.value)**2

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 2
    Q = 1 + (kv * c.value / omega_pe.value)**2

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 35
    A = ((1 + alphav) / Q) + beta + (alphav * Lambda / Q**2)
    B = alphav * (1 + 2 * Q * beta + Lambda * beta) / Q**2
    C = beta * (alphav / Q)**2

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 36
    p = (3 * B - A**2) / 3
    q = (9 * A * B - 2 * A**3 - 27 * C) / 27

    # Bellan2012JGR params equation 38
    R = 2 * Lambda * np.emath.sqrt(-p / 3)
    S = 3 * q / (2 * p) * np.emath.sqrt(-3 / p)
    T = Lambda * A / 3
    omega = {}
    for ind, key in enumerate(("fast_mode", "alfven_mode", "acoustic_mode")):
        # The solution corresponding to equation 38
        w = omega_ci * np.emath.sqrt(
            R * np.cos(1 / 3 * np.emath.arccos(S) - 2 * np.pi / 3 * ind) + T)
        omega[key] = w.squeeze()

        # check for violation of dispersion relation assumptions
        # (i.e. low-frequency, w/kc << 0.1)
        wkc_max = np.max(w.value / (kv * c.value))
        if wkc_max > 0.1:
                f"The {key} calculation produced a high-frequency wave (w/kc == "
                f"{wkc_max:.3f}), which violates the low-frequency (w/kc << 1) "
                f"assumption of the dispersion relation.",

    return omega
Exemplo n.º 12
def calculate_gyrofrequency(form):
    r''' Returns 
            Gyrofrequency in units of radians per second

        `form`: The calculator form from the HTML page where the user enters data for calculation.
    mag_fld = form['mf_mag']  # Magnetic field magnitude
    mag_unit = form['unitsB']  # Unit of magnetic field
    particle = form['particle']

    # Use MultiDict.get() to get Z as an int or None
    z = form.get('z', type=int)  # Average ionization
    signed = form['signed']

    # Boolean to convert output from angular frequency to Hz
    to_hz = form['to_hz']

    # Prompt user for required inputs
    if mag_fld == "" or mag_unit == 'select':
        return -1

    b = u.Quantity(mag_fld, u.Unit(mag_unit))
    p = plasmapy.particles.Particle(particle)

    # Form returns 'True' and 'False' as strings and not booleans

    # Gyrofrequency with only Magnetic Field and Particle
    if signed == 'False' and z == None and to_hz == 'False':
        sum = pfp.gyrofrequency(b, p)
        return sum

    # Gyrofrequency with B, particle, z
    elif signed == 'False' and z != None and to_hz == 'False':
        sum = pfp.gyrofrequency(b, p, signed=False, Z=z, to_hz=False)
        return sum

    # Output if to_hz is true, signed is false and Z is given
    elif signed == 'False' and z != None and to_hz == 'True':
        sum = pfp.gyrofrequency(b, p, signed=False, Z=z, to_hz=True)
        return sum

    # Output if to_hz is true, signed is false and Z is not given
    elif signed == 'False' and z == None and to_hz == 'True':
        sum = pfp.gyrofrequency(b, p, signed=False, Z=None, to_hz=True)
        return sum

    # Gyrofrequency with B, particle, signed
    elif signed == 'True' and z == None and to_hz == 'False':
        sum = pfp.gyrofrequency(b, p, signed=True, Z=None, to_hz=False)
        return sum

    # Output if to_hz is true, signed is true and Z is not given
    elif signed == 'True' and z == None and to_hz == 'True':
        sum = pfp.gyrofrequency(b, p, signed=True, Z=None, to_hz=True)
        return sum

    # Gyrofrequency with B, particle, z, signed
    elif signed == 'True' and z != None and to_hz == 'False':
        sum = pfp.gyrofrequency(b, p, signed=True, Z=z, to_hz=False)
        return sum

    # Output if to_hz is true, signed is true and Z is given
    elif signed == 'True' and z != None and to_hz == 'True':
        sum = pfp.gyrofrequency(b, p, signed=True, Z=z, to_hz=True)
        return sum
    return sum