Exemplo n.º 1
def test_parse_InvalidElementErrors(arg):
    r"""Tests that _parse_and_check_atomic_input raises an
    InvalidElementError when the input corresponds to a valid
    particle but not a valid element, isotope, or ion."""
    with pytest.raises(InvalidElementError):
        pytest.fail("An InvalidElementError was expected to be raised by "
                    f"{call_string(_parse_and_check_atomic_input, arg)}, "
                    f"but no exception was raised.")
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_parse_InvalidParticleErrors(arg, kwargs):
    r"""Tests that _parse_and_check_atomic_input raises an
    InvalidParticleError when the input does not correspond
    to a real particle."""
    with pytest.raises(InvalidParticleError):
        _parse_and_check_atomic_input(arg, **kwargs)
            "An InvalidParticleError was expected to be raised by "
            f"{call_string(_parse_and_check_atomic_input, arg, kwargs)}, "
            f"but no exception was raised.")
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_parse_and_check_atomic_input(arg, kwargs, expected):
    result = _parse_and_check_atomic_input(arg, **kwargs)
    assert result == expected, ("Error in _parse_and_check_atomic_input.\n"
                                "The resulting dictionary is:\n\n"
                                "whereas the expected dictionary is:\n\n"
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_parse_AtomicWarnings(arg, kwargs, num_warnings):
    r"""Tests that _parse_and_check_atomic_input issues an AtomicWarning
    under the required conditions."""

    with pytest.warns(ParticleWarning) as record:
        _parse_and_check_atomic_input(arg, **kwargs)
        if not record:
                f"No AtomicWarning was issued by "
                f"{_particle_call_string(arg, kwargs)} but the expected number "
                f"of warnings was {num_warnings}")

    assert len(record) == num_warnings, (
        f"The number of AtomicWarnings issued by {_particle_call_string(arg, kwargs)} "
        f"was {len(record)}, which differs from the expected number "
        f"of {num_warnings} warnings.")