Exemplo n.º 1
def _particle_call_string(arg, kwargs=None) -> str:
    Return a `str` that recreates the call to create a particular
    `~plasmapy.particles.Particle` instance from the input.
    if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = {}

    return call_string(Particle, arg, kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _particle_call_string(arg: Union[str, Integral],
                          kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None) -> str:
    Return a `str` that recreates the call to create a particular
    `~plasmapy.particles.Particle` instance from the input.
    if kwargs is None:
        kwargs = {}

    return call_string(Particle, arg, kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_Particle_class(arg, kwargs, expected_dict):
    Test that `~plasmapy.particles.Particle` objects for different
    subatomic particles, elements, isotopes, and ions return the
    expected properties.  Provide a detailed error message that lists
    all of the inconsistencies with the expected results.

    call = call_string(Particle, arg, kwargs)
    errmsg = ""

        particle = Particle(arg, **kwargs)
    except Exception as exc:
        raise AtomicError(f"Problem creating {call}") from exc

    for key in expected_dict.keys():
        expected = expected_dict[key]

        if inspect.isclass(expected) and issubclass(expected, Exception):

            # Exceptions are expected to be raised when accessing certain
            # attributes for some particles.  For example, accessing a
            # neutrino's mass should raise a MissingAtomicDataError since
            # only upper limits of neutrino masses are presently available.
            # If expected_dict[key] is an exception, then check to make
            # sure that this exception is raised.

                with pytest.raises(expected):
            except pytest.fail.Exception:
                errmsg += f"\n{call}[{key}] does not raise {expected}."
            except Exception:
                errmsg += (
                    f"\n{call}[{key}] does not raise {expected} but "
                    f"raises a different exception."


                result = eval(f"particle.{key}")
                assert result == expected or u.isclose(result, expected)
            except AssertionError:
                errmsg += (
                    f"\n{call}.{key} returns {result} instead "
                    f"of the expected value of {expected}."
            except Exception:
                errmsg += f"\n{call}.{key} raises an unexpected exception."

    if len(errmsg) > 0:
        raise Exception(f"Problems with {call}:{errmsg}")
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __repr__(self):


        >>> from astropy import units as u
        >>> PlasmaBlob(1e4*u.K, 1e20/u.m**3, particle='p')
        PlasmaBlob(T_e=10000.0*u.K, n_e=1e+20*u.m**-3, particle='p', Z=1)
        argument_dict = {'T_e': self.T_e,
                         'n_e': self.n_e,
                         'particle': self.particle,
                         'Z': self.Z}

        return call_string(PlasmaBlob, (), argument_dict)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_call_string(function, args, kwargs, expected):
    """Tests that call_string returns a string that is
    equivalent to the function call."""
    assert expected == call_string(function, args, kwargs)