Exemplo n.º 1
def get_episodios(item):
    logger.info("pelisalacarta.channels.biblioteca get_episodios")
    itemlist = []

    # Obtenemos los archivos de los episodios
    raiz, carpetas_series, ficheros = filetools.walk(item.path).next()

    # Crear un item en la lista para cada strm encontrado
    for i in ficheros:
        # strm
        if i.endswith(".strm"):
            season, episode = scrapertools.get_season_and_episode(i).split("x")
            # Si hay q filtrar por temporada, ignoramos los capitulos de otras temporadas
            if item.filtrar_season and int(season) != int(item.contentSeason):

            epi = Item().fromurl(filetools.read(filetools.join(raiz, i)))
            epi.contentChannel = item.contentChannel
            epi.path = filetools.join(raiz, i)
            epi.title = i
            epi.channel = "biblioteca"
            epi.action = "findvideos"
            epi.contentEpisodeNumber = episode
            epi.contentSeason = season
            # fix sobreescribe el color del texto si viene pasado en el strm
            epi.text_color = ""
            # fix para que no se ejecute el método de play para la biblioteca de Kodi
            epi.strm = False


        # videos
        elif not i.endswith(".nfo") and not i.endswith(
                ".json") and not i.endswith(".srt"):
            season, episode = scrapertools.get_season_and_episode(i).split("x")
            # Si hay q filtrar por temporada, ignoramos los capitulos de otras temporadas
            if item.filtrar_season and int(season) != int(item.contentSeason):

            epi = Item()
            epi.contentChannel = "local"
            epi.path = filetools.join(raiz, i)
            epi.title = i
            epi.channel = "biblioteca"
            epi.action = "play"
            epi.contentEpisodeNumber = episode
            epi.contentSeason = season


    library.set_infolabels_from_library(itemlist, tipo="Episodes")
    return sorted(itemlist, key=get_sort_temp_epi)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_episodios(item):
    logger.info("pelisalacarta.channels.biblioteca get_episodios")
    itemlist = []

    # Obtenemos los archivos de los episodios
    raiz, carpetas_series, ficheros = filetools.walk(item.path).next()

    # Crear un item en la lista para cada strm encontrado
    for i in ficheros:
        # strm
        if i.endswith(".strm"):
            season, episode = scrapertools.get_season_and_episode(i).split("x")
            # Si hay q filtrar por temporada, ignoramos los capitulos de otras temporadas
            if item.filtrar_season and int(season) != int(item.contentSeason):

            epi = Item().fromurl(filetools.read(filetools.join(raiz, i)))
            epi.contentChannel = item.contentChannel
            epi.path = filetools.join(raiz, i)
            epi.title = i
            epi.channel = "biblioteca"
            epi.action = "findvideos"
            epi.contentEpisodeNumber = episode
            epi.contentSeason = season
            # fix sobreescribe el color del texto si viene pasado en el strm
            epi.text_color = ""
            # fix para que no se ejecute el método de play para la biblioteca de Kodi
            epi.strm = False


        # videos
        elif not i.endswith(".nfo") and not i.endswith(".json") and not i.endswith(".srt"):
            season, episode = scrapertools.get_season_and_episode(i).split("x")
            # Si hay q filtrar por temporada, ignoramos los capitulos de otras temporadas
            if item.filtrar_season and int(season) != int(item.contentSeason):

            epi = Item()
            epi.contentChannel = "local"
            epi.path = filetools.join(raiz, i)
            epi.title = i
            epi.channel = "biblioteca"
            epi.action = "play"
            epi.contentEpisodeNumber = episode
            epi.contentSeason = season


    library.set_infolabels_from_library(itemlist, tipo="Episodes")
    return sorted(itemlist, key=get_sort_temp_epi)
Exemplo n.º 3
def peliculas(item):
    logger.info("pelisalacarta.channels.biblioteca peliculas")
    strm_path = library.MOVIES_PATH
    download_path = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), "Descargas", "Cine")

    itemlist = []

    for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(strm_path):
        for f in ficheros:
            if f.endswith(".strm"):
                i = filetools.join(raiz, f)

                movie = Item().fromurl(filetools.read(i))
                movie.contentChannel = movie.channel
                movie.path = i
                movie.title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(i))[0].capitalize()
                movie.channel = "biblioteca"
                movie.action = "findvideos"
                movie.text_color = "blue"
                # fix para que no se ejecute el método de play para la biblioteca de Kodi
                movie.strm = False


    # Obtenemos todos los videos de la biblioteca de CINE recursivamente
    for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(download_path):
        for f in ficheros:
            if not f.endswith(".json") and not f.endswith(".nfo") and not f.endswith(".srt"):
                i = filetools.join(raiz, f)

                movie = Item()
                movie.contentChannel = "local"
                movie.path = i
                movie.title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(i))[0].capitalize()
                movie.channel = "biblioteca"
                movie.action = "play"
                movie.text_color = "green"


    library.set_infolabels_from_library(itemlist, tipo="Movies")

    # Agrupamos las peliculas por canales
    join_itemlist = []

    for i in range(len(itemlist)):
        encontrado = False
        for j in range(i + 1, len(itemlist)):
            if "tmdb_id" in itemlist[i].infoLabels and "tmdb_id" in itemlist[j].infoLabels:
                if itemlist[i].infoLabels["tmdb_id"] == itemlist[j].infoLabels["tmdb_id"]:
                    encontrado = True

                    if "list_channels" not in itemlist[i]:
                        list_channels = []
                        dict_first_channel = {"path": itemlist[i].path, "channel": itemlist[i].contentChannel}
                        itemlist[j].list_channels = list_channels

                    dict_other_channel = {"path": itemlist[j].path, "channel": itemlist[j].contentChannel}
                    itemlist[j].action = "get_canales_movies"
                    itemlist[j].text_color = "orange"

        # TODO pendiente de probar
        if "contentTitle" in itemlist[i] and itemlist[i].contentTitle != "":
            itemlist[i].title = itemlist[i].contentTitle

        if not encontrado:

    return sorted(join_itemlist, key=lambda it: it.title.lower())
Exemplo n.º 4
def series(item):
    logger.info("pelisalacarta.channels.biblioteca series")
    strm_path = library.TVSHOWS_PATH
    download_path = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), "Descargas", "Series")

    itemlist = []

    # Obtenemos todos los strm de la biblioteca de SERIES recursivamente
    for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(strm_path):
        for f in ficheros:
            if f == "tvshow.json":
                i = filetools.join(raiz, f)

                tvshow = Item().fromjson(filetools.read(i))
                tvshow.contentChannel = tvshow.channel
                tvshow.path = os.path.dirname(i)
                tvshow.title = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(i))
                tvshow.channel = "biblioteca"
                tvshow.action = "get_temporadas"
                tvshow.text_color = "blue"


    # Obtenemos todos los videos de la biblioteca de SERIES recursivamente
    for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(download_path):
        for f in ficheros:
            if f == "tvshow.json":
                i = filetools.join(raiz, f)

                tvshow = Item().fromjson(filetools.read(i))
                tvshow.contentChannel = "local"
                tvshow.path = os.path.dirname(i)
                tvshow.title = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(i))
                tvshow.channel = "biblioteca"
                tvshow.action = "get_temporadas"
                tvshow.text_color = "green"


    library.set_infolabels_from_library(itemlist, tipo="TVShows")

    # Agrupamos las series por canales
    join_itemlist = []

    for i in range(len(itemlist)):
        encontrado = False
        for j in range(i + 1, len(itemlist)):
            if "tmdb_id" in itemlist[i].infoLabels and "tmdb_id" in itemlist[j].infoLabels:
                if itemlist[i].infoLabels["tmdb_id"] == itemlist[j].infoLabels["tmdb_id"]:
                    encontrado = True

                    if "list_channels" not in itemlist[i]:
                        list_channels = []
                        dict_first_channel = {"path": itemlist[i].path, "channel": itemlist[i].contentChannel}
                        itemlist[j].list_channels = list_channels

                    dict_other_channel = {"path": itemlist[j].path, "channel": itemlist[j].contentChannel}
                    itemlist[j].action = "get_canales_tvshow"
                    itemlist[j].text_color = "orange"

        if "contentTitle" in itemlist[i] and itemlist[i].contentTitle != "":
            itemlist[i].title = itemlist[i].contentTitle

        if not encontrado:

    return sorted(join_itemlist, key=lambda it: it.title.lower())
Exemplo n.º 5
def peliculas(item):
    logger.info("pelisalacarta.channels.biblioteca peliculas")
    strm_path = library.MOVIES_PATH
    download_path = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), "Descargas",

    itemlist = []

    for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(strm_path):
        for f in ficheros:
            if f.endswith(".strm"):
                i = filetools.join(raiz, f)

                movie = Item().fromurl(filetools.read(i))
                movie.contentChannel = movie.channel
                movie.path = i
                movie.title = os.path.splitext(
                movie.channel = "biblioteca"
                movie.action = "findvideos"
                movie.text_color = "blue"
                # fix para que no se ejecute el método de play para la biblioteca de Kodi
                movie.strm = False


    # Obtenemos todos los videos de la biblioteca de CINE recursivamente
    for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(download_path):
        for f in ficheros:
            if not f.endswith(".json") and not f.endswith(
                    ".nfo") and not f.endswith(".srt"):
                i = filetools.join(raiz, f)

                movie = Item()
                movie.contentChannel = "local"
                movie.path = i
                movie.title = os.path.splitext(
                movie.channel = "biblioteca"
                movie.action = "play"
                movie.text_color = "green"


    library.set_infolabels_from_library(itemlist, tipo='Movies')

    # Agrupamos las peliculas por canales
    join_itemlist = []

    for i in range(len(itemlist)):
        encontrado = False
        for j in range(i + 1, len(itemlist)):
            if "tmdb_id" in itemlist[i].infoLabels and "tmdb_id" in itemlist[
                if itemlist[i].infoLabels["tmdb_id"] == itemlist[j].infoLabels[
                    encontrado = True

                    if "list_channels" not in itemlist[i]:
                        list_channels = []
                        dict_first_channel = {
                            "path": itemlist[i].path,
                            "channel": itemlist[i].contentChannel
                        itemlist[j].list_channels = list_channels

                    dict_other_channel = {
                        "path": itemlist[j].path,
                        "channel": itemlist[j].contentChannel
                    itemlist[j].action = "get_canales_movies"
                    itemlist[j].text_color = "orange"

        # TODO pendiente de probar
        if "contentTitle" in itemlist[i] and itemlist[i].contentTitle != "":
            itemlist[i].title = itemlist[i].contentTitle

        if not encontrado:

    return sorted(join_itemlist, key=lambda it: it.title.lower())
Exemplo n.º 6
def series(item):
    logger.info("pelisalacarta.channels.biblioteca series")
    strm_path = library.TVSHOWS_PATH
    download_path = filetools.join(config.get_library_path(), "Descargas",

    itemlist = []

    # Obtenemos todos los strm de la biblioteca de SERIES recursivamente
    for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(strm_path):
        for f in ficheros:
            if f == "tvshow.json":
                i = filetools.join(raiz, f)

                tvshow = Item().fromjson(filetools.read(i))
                tvshow.contentChannel = tvshow.channel
                tvshow.path = os.path.dirname(i)
                tvshow.title = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(i))
                tvshow.channel = "biblioteca"
                tvshow.action = "get_temporadas"
                tvshow.text_color = "blue"


    # Obtenemos todos los videos de la biblioteca de SERIES recursivamente
    for raiz, subcarpetas, ficheros in filetools.walk(download_path):
        for f in ficheros:
            if f == "tvshow.json":
                i = filetools.join(raiz, f)

                tvshow = Item().fromjson(filetools.read(i))
                tvshow.contentChannel = "local"
                tvshow.path = os.path.dirname(i)
                tvshow.title = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(i))
                tvshow.channel = "biblioteca"
                tvshow.action = "get_temporadas"
                tvshow.text_color = "green"


    library.set_infolabels_from_library(itemlist, tipo='TVShows')

    # Agrupamos las series por canales
    join_itemlist = []

    for i in range(len(itemlist)):
        encontrado = False
        for j in range(i + 1, len(itemlist)):
            if "tmdb_id" in itemlist[i].infoLabels and "tmdb_id" in itemlist[
                if itemlist[i].infoLabels["tmdb_id"] == itemlist[j].infoLabels[
                    encontrado = True

                    if "list_channels" not in itemlist[i]:
                        list_channels = []
                        dict_first_channel = {
                            "path": itemlist[i].path,
                            "channel": itemlist[i].contentChannel
                        itemlist[j].list_channels = list_channels

                    dict_other_channel = {
                        "path": itemlist[j].path,
                        "channel": itemlist[j].contentChannel
                    itemlist[j].action = "get_canales_tvshow"
                    itemlist[j].text_color = "orange"

        if "contentTitle" in itemlist[i] and itemlist[i].contentTitle != "":
            itemlist[i].title = itemlist[i].contentTitle

        if not encontrado:

    return sorted(join_itemlist, key=lambda it: it.title.lower())