def removeCoreOffEvents(self):
        Code defines the first shutoff days for each reactor.  Then,
        goes through the experiment, bin by bin, and re-shoots a value
        for each bin with the average scaled by how many days the reactor
        was off for that bin.
        #generate the days that each reactor shuts off
        core_shutoffs = {'Core_1': [], 'Core_2': []}
        for core in core_shutoffs:
            if core == self.unknown_core:
                shutoff_day = UNKNOWN_FIRSTOFF
                shutoff_day = KNOWN_FIRSTOFF
            while ((shutoff_day + self.uptime) <
                   (self.totaldays - self.offtime)):
                shutoff_day = (shutoff_day + self.offtime) + self.uptime
        print("CORE SHUTOFF DAYS: " + str(core_shutoffs))
        #Now, go through each bin of core data and remove the appropriate
        #portion of reactor flux for the shutoff

        for core in core_shutoffs:
            for shutdown_day in core_shutoffs[core]:
                OT_complete = False
                for j, daybin in enumerate(self.experiment_days):
                    flux_scaler = 1.0  #Stays 1 if no off-days in bin
                    #If a shutdown happened, scale the events according to
                    #Days on before offtime begins
                    if shutdown_day < daybin:
                        dayson_beforeOT = self.resolution - (daybin -
                        if dayson_beforeOT > 0:
                            flux_scaler = (float(dayson_beforeOT) /
                            flux_scaler = 0
                    #If a reactor started back up, add back the proper
                    #flux ratio
                    if ((shutdown_day + self.offtime) < daybin):
                        dayson_afterOT = daybin - (shutdown_day + self.offtime)
                        flux_scaler += (float(dayson_afterOT) /
                        OT_complete = True
                    #After calculating how much this bin should be scaled for
                    #This day, re-fire the bin value if re-scaled
                    #statistics are needed
                    if flux_scaler < 1.0:
                        if core == self.unknown_core:
                            self.unknown_core_events[j] = pd.RandShoot_p(
                                (flux_scaler * self.unknown_core_binavg), 1)
                            self.known_core_events[j] = pd.RandShoot_p( \
                                    (flux_scaler * self.known_core_binavg), 1)
                    if OT_complete:
Exemplo n.º 2
 def BootstrapCL(self, CL, n):
     Assuming the a,b,c, and d boxes are means on the true bifurcation box
     values, re-shoots n values for the boxes and calculates y1y2 using the
     avg_y1y2 equation.  The the upper limit on the contamination y1y2Beta 
     is then calculated to the given CL (between 0 and 1).
     #Using the bifurcation boxes as averages, shoot values for a,b,c, and d
     #assuming poisson fluctuations.  Calculated background assuming
     #bkg = b + c + d
     ashot = pd.RandShoot_p(self.a, n)
     bshot = pd.RandShoot_p(self.b, n)
     cshot = pd.RandShoot_p(self.c, n)
     dshot = pd.RandShoot_p(self.d, n)
     bkgevts = bshot + cshot + dshot
     #see how many results have no background (beta=0). These will have an
     #estimated zero contamination. Trying to run the calculation will result
     #in code-breaking infinities.  Delete the elements and add zeros to
     #y1y2 later.
     divzeros = np.where(bkgevts == 0)[0]
     print("DIVZEROS: " + str(divzeros))
     numdivzeros = len(divzeros)
     ashot = np.delete(ashot, divzeros)
     bshot = np.delete(bshot, divzeros)
     cshot = np.delete(cshot, divzeros)
     dshot = np.delete(dshot, divzeros)
     bkgevts = np.delete(bkgevts, divzeros)
     n_nonz = n - numdivzeros
     #Now shoot values for x1 and x2 assuming a Gaussian prior
     x1_shot = pd.RandShoot(self.x1, self.x1_unc, n_nonz)
     x2_shot = pd.RandShoot(self.x2, self.x2_unc, n_nonz)
     #Calculate all y1y2 values given the re-shot values
     _avg_y1y2s = self._avg_y1y2(ashot, bshot, cshot, x1_shot, x2_shot,
     _avg_y1y2Bs = _avg_y1y2s * bkgevts
     #Add estimated background of zero for events with no background back
     zero_results = np.zeros(numdivzeros)
     _avg_y1y2Bs = np.sort(np.append(_avg_y1y2Bs, zero_results))
     _avg_y1y2s = np.sort(np.append(_avg_y1y2s, zero_results))
     #Find the y1y2 and y1y2B value associated with the input confidence limit
     y1y2B_CL = _avg_y1y2Bs[int(float(CL) * float(len(_avg_y1y2Bs)))]
     y1y2_CL = _avg_y1y2s[int(float(CL) * float(len(_avg_y1y2s)))]
     self.contamination_summary["CL"] = CL
     self.contamination_summary["y1y2_to_CL"] = y1y2_CL
     self.contamination_summary["y1y2B_to_CL"] = y1y2B_CL
     return _avg_y1y2Bs
 def generateCoreEvents(self):
     core_signal_dict = {}
     core_binavg_dict = {}
     for signal in self.signals:
         if signal in CORE_NAMES:
             core_binavg = self.signals[signal] * float(self.resolution)
             binned_events = pd.RandShoot_p(core_binavg, self.numcycles)
             core_signal_dict[signal] = binned_events
             core_binavg_dict[signal] = core_binavg
     for core in core_signal_dict:
         if core == self.unknown_core:
             self.unknown_core_events = core_signal_dict[core]
             self.unknown_core_binavg = core_binavg_dict[core]
             self.known_core_events = core_signal_dict[core]
             self.known_core_binavg = core_binavg_dict[core]
Exemplo n.º 4
 def generateNRBKG(self):
     bkg_signal_dict = {}
     avg_NRbackground = 0.  #In events/day
     #Fire average events for each non-reactor BKG signal for each day
     for signal in self.signals:
         if signal not in self.allcores:
             avg_events = self.signals[signal]
             avg_NRbackground = avg_NRbackground + avg_events
             events = pd.RandShoot_p(avg_events, self.totaldays)
             bkg_signal_dict[signal] = events
     self.avg_NRbackground = avg_NRbackground
     self.NR_bkg = []  #clear out NR_bkg if already filled previously
     self.NR_bkg_unc = []
     for bkg_signal in bkg_signal_dict:
     self.NR_bkg = np.sum(self.NR_bkg, axis=0)
     self.NR_bkg_unc = np.sqrt(self.NR_bkg)
 def generateNRBKG(self):
     bkg_signal_dict = {}
     avg_NRbackground = 0.  #In events/day
     #Fire average events for each
     for signal in self.signals:
         if signal not in CORE_NAMES:
             avg_events = self.signals[signal] * self.resolution
             avg_NRbackground = avg_NRbackground + avg_events
             events = pd.RandShoot_p(avg_events, self.numcycles)
             bkg_signal_dict[signal] = events
     self.avg_NRbackground = avg_NRbackground
     self.NR_bkg = []  #clear out NR_bkg if already filled previously
     for bkg_signal in bkg_signal_dict:
     self.NR_bkg = np.sum(self.NR_bkg, axis=0)
     self.NR_bkg_unc = []
     self.NR_bkg_unc = np.sqrt(self.NR_bkg)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def generateCoreEvents(self):
     core_signal_dict = {}
     core_binavg_dict = {}
     for signal in self.signals:
         if signal in self.allcores:
             core_binavg = self.signals[signal]
             binned_events = pd.RandShoot_p(core_binavg, self.totaldays)
             if self.killreacs != None:
                 binned_events = self.stripSDDays(binned_events)
             core_signal_dict[signal] = binned_events
             core_binavg_dict[signal] = core_binavg
     for core in core_signal_dict:
         if core in self.coredict["known_cores"]:
             self.known_core_events = core_signal_dict[core]
             self.known_core_binavg = core_binavg_dict[core]
         elif core in self.coredict["unknown_cores"]:
             self.unknown_core_events = core_signal_dict[core]
             self.unknown_core_binavg = core_binavg_dict[core]
Exemplo n.º 7
 def generateCoreEvents(self):
     #average events/day (binavg) arrays and random shoot events/day
     core_signal_dict = {}
     core_binavg_dict = {}
     for signal in self.signals:
         if signal in self.allcores:
             core_binavg = self.signals[signal]
             core_events = pd.RandShoot_p(core_binavg, self.totaldays)
             for j, killcore in enumerate(self.killreacs):
                 if signal == killcore:
                     core_events = self.stripSDDays(core_events,
             core_signal_dict[signal] = core_events
             core_binavg_dict[signal] = core_binavg
     #Place the values into their proper class containers
     for core in core_signal_dict:
         if core in self.coredict["known_cores"]:
             self.known_core_events[core] = core_signal_dict[core]
             self.known_core_binavg += core_binavg_dict[core]
         elif core in self.coredict["unknown_cores"]:
             self.unknown_core_events[core] = core_signal_dict[core]
             self.unknown_core_binavg += core_binavg_dict[core]