Exemplo n.º 1
 async def exposeBinding(self, name: str, binding: FunctionWithSource) -> None:
     if name in self._bindings:
         raise Error(f'Function "{name}" has been already registered')
     if name in self._browser_context._bindings:
         raise Error(
             f'Function "{name}" has been already registered in the browser context'
     self._bindings[name] = binding
     await self._channel.send("exposeBinding", dict(name=name))
 async def exposeBinding(self, name: str, binding: Callable) -> None:
     for page in self._pages:
         if name in page._bindings:
             raise Error(
                 f'Function "{name}" has been already registered in one of the pages'
     if name in self._bindings:
         raise Error(f'Function "{name}" has been already registered')
     self._bindings[name] = binding
     await self._channel.send("exposeBinding", dict(name=name))
Exemplo n.º 3
 async def exposeBinding(
     self, name: str, binding: Callable, handle: bool = None
 ) -> None:
     if name in self._bindings:
         raise Error(f'Function "{name}" has been already registered')
     if name in self._browser_context._bindings:
         raise Error(
             f'Function "{name}" has been already registered in the browser context'
     self._bindings[name] = binding
     await self._channel.send(
         "exposeBinding", dict(name=name, needsHandle=handle or False)
Exemplo n.º 4
 async def waitForEvent(
     self, event: str, predicate: Callable[[Any], bool] = None, timeout: int = None
 ) -> Any:
     if timeout is None:
         timeout = self._timeout_settings.timeout()
     wait_helper = WaitHelper(self._loop)
         timeout, f'Timeout while waiting for event "${event}"'
     if event != Page.Events.Crash:
         wait_helper.reject_on_event(self, Page.Events.Crash, Error("Page crashed"))
     if event != Page.Events.Close:
         wait_helper.reject_on_event(self, Page.Events.Close, Error("Page closed"))
     return await wait_helper.wait_for_event(self, event, predicate)
Exemplo n.º 5
 async def addInitScript(self, source: str = None, path: str = None) -> None:
     if path:
         with open(path, "r") as file:
             source = file.read()
     if not isinstance(source, str):
         raise Error("Either path or source parameter must be specified")
     await self._channel.send("addInitScript", dict(source=source))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def _setup_navigation_wait_helper(self, timeout: int = None) -> WaitHelper:
     wait_helper = WaitHelper(self._loop)
         self._page, "close", Error("Navigation failed because page was closed!")
         self._page, "crash", Error("Navigation failed because page crashed!")
         Error("Navigating frame was detached!"),
         lambda frame: frame == self,
     if timeout is None:
         timeout = self._page._timeout_settings.navigation_timeout()
     wait_helper.reject_on_timeout(timeout, f"Timeout {timeout}ms exceeded.")
     return wait_helper
Exemplo n.º 7
 async def waitForEvent(self,
                        event: str,
                        predicate: Callable[[Any], bool] = None,
                        timeout: int = None) -> Any:
     if timeout is None:
         timeout = cast(Any, self._parent)._timeout_settings.timeout()
     wait_helper = WaitHelper(self._loop)
         timeout, f'Timeout while waiting for event "${event}"')
     if event != WebSocket.Events.Close:
         wait_helper.reject_on_event(self, WebSocket.Events.Close,
                                     Error("Socket closed"))
     if event != WebSocket.Events.Error:
         wait_helper.reject_on_event(self, WebSocket.Events.Error,
                                     Error("Socket error"))
     wait_helper.reject_on_event(self._parent, "close",
                                 Error("Page closed"))
     return await wait_helper.wait_for_event(self, event, predicate)
Exemplo n.º 8
 async def waitForLoadState(self,
                            state: DocumentLoadState = None,
                            timeout: int = None) -> None:
     if not state:
         state = "load"
     if state not in ("load", "domcontentloaded", "networkidle"):
         raise Error(
             "state: expected one of (load|domcontentloaded|networkidle)")
     if state in self._load_states:
     wait_helper = self._setup_navigation_wait_helper(timeout)
     await wait_helper.wait_for_event(self._event_emitter, "loadstate",
                                      lambda s: s == state)
Exemplo n.º 9
 async def register(
     name: str,
     source: str = None,
     path: str = None,
     contentScript: bool = None,
 ) -> None:
     if not source and not path:
         raise Error("Either source or path should be specified")
     if path:
         with open(path, "r") as file:
             source = file.read()
     params: Dict = dict(name=name, source=source)
     if contentScript:
         params["contentScript"] = True
     await self._channel.send("register", params)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def to_impl(self, obj: Any) -> Any:
         if not obj:
             return obj
         if isinstance(obj, dict):
             return {
                 name: self.to_impl(value)
                 for name, value in obj.items()
         if isinstance(obj, list):
             return [self.to_impl(item) for item in obj]
         if isinstance(obj, ImplWrapper):
             return obj._impl_obj
         return obj
     except RecursionError:
         raise Error("Maximum argument depth exceeded")
Exemplo n.º 11
        def greenlet_main() -> None:
            loop = None
            own_loop = None
                loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
            except RuntimeError:
                loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
                own_loop = loop

            if loop.is_running():
                raise Error("Can only run one Playwright at a time.")


            if own_loop:
Exemplo n.º 12
def serialize_value(value: Any, handles: List[JSHandle], depth: int) -> Any:
    if isinstance(value, JSHandle):
        h = len(handles)
        return dict(h=h)
    if depth > 100:
        raise Error("Maximum argument depth exceeded")
    if value is None:
        return dict(v="undefined")
    if isinstance(value, float):
        if value == float("inf"):
            return dict(v="Infinity")
        if value == float("-inf"):
            return dict(v="-Infinity")
        if value == float("-0"):
            return dict(v="-0")
        if value == float("-0"):
            return dict(v="-0")
        if math.isnan(value):
            return dict(v="NaN")
    if isinstance(value, datetime):
        return dict(d=value.isoformat() + "Z")
    if isinstance(value, bool):
        return {"b": value}
    if isinstance(value, int):
        return {"n": value}
    if isinstance(value, float):
        return {"f": value}
    if isinstance(value, str):
        return {"s": value}

    if isinstance(value, list):
        result = list(
            map(lambda a: serialize_value(a, handles, depth + 1), value))
        return dict(a=result)

    if isinstance(value, dict):
        result = []  # type: ignore
        for name in value:
                "k": name,
                "v": serialize_value(value[name], handles, depth + 1)
        return dict(o=result)
    return dict(v="undefined")
Exemplo n.º 13
 async def waitForNavigation(
     timeout: int = None,
     waitUntil: DocumentLoadState = "load",
     url: URLMatch = None,
 ) -> Optional[Response]:
     wait_helper = self._setup_navigation_wait_helper(timeout)
     matcher = URLMatcher(url) if url else None
     event = await wait_helper.wait_for_event(
         lambda event: not matcher or matcher.matches(event["url"]),
     if "newDocument" in event and "request" in event["newDocument"]:
         request = from_channel(event["newDocument"]["request"])
         return await request.response()
     if "error" in event:
         raise Error(event["error"])
     return None
Exemplo n.º 14
    async def waitForNavigation(
        url: URLMatch = None,
        waitUntil: DocumentLoadState = None,
        timeout: int = None,
    ) -> Optional[Response]:
        if not waitUntil:
            waitUntil = "load"

        if timeout is None:
            timeout = self._page._timeout_settings.navigation_timeout()
        deadline = monotonic_time() + timeout
        wait_helper = self._setup_navigation_wait_helper(timeout)
        matcher = URLMatcher(url) if url else None

        def predicate(event: Any) -> bool:
            # Any failed navigation results in a rejection.
            if event.get("error"):
                return True
            return not matcher or matcher.matches(event["url"])

        event = await wait_helper.wait_for_event(
        if "error" in event:
            raise Error(event["error"])

        if waitUntil not in self._load_states:
            timeout = deadline - monotonic_time()
            if timeout > 0:
                await self.waitForLoadState(state=waitUntil, timeout=timeout)

        if "newDocument" in event and "request" in event["newDocument"]:
            request = from_channel(event["newDocument"]["request"])
            return await request.response()
        return None
Exemplo n.º 15
def run_driver() -> Connection:
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    if loop.is_running():
        raise Error("Can only run one Playwright at a time.")
    return loop.run_until_complete(run_driver_async())
Exemplo n.º 16
 async def newPage(self) -> Page:
     if self._owner_page:
         raise Error("Please use browser.newContext()")
     return from_channel(await self._channel.send("newPage"))