def primary_validator(primary_replica, inst_id):
    return ReplicaValidator(replica=primary_replica)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self,
                 node: 'plenum.server.node.Node',
                 instId: int,
                 isMaster: bool = False,
                 bls_bft_replica: BlsBftReplica = None,
                 metrics: MetricsCollector = NullMetricsCollector(),
        Create a new replica.

        :param node: Node on which this replica is located
        :param instId: the id of the protocol instance the replica belongs to
        :param isMaster: is this a replica of the master protocol instance
        self.get_current_time = get_current_time or time.perf_counter
        self.get_time_for_3pc_batch = get_time_for_3pc_batch or node.utc_epoch
        # self.stats = Stats(TPCStat)
        self.config = config or getConfig()
        self.metrics = metrics
        self.node = node
        self.instId = instId = self.generateName(, self.instId)
        self.logger = getlogger(
        self.validator = ReplicaValidator(self)

        self.outBox = deque()
        This queue is used by the replica to send messages to its node. Replica
        puts messages that are consumed by its node

        self.inBox = deque()
        This queue is used by the replica to receive messages from its node.
        Node puts messages that are consumed by the replica

        self.inBoxStash = deque()
        If messages need to go back on the queue, they go here temporarily and
        are put back on the queue on a state change

        self._is_master = isMaster

        # Dictionary to keep track of the which replica was primary during each
        # view. Key is the view no and value is the name of the primary
        # replica during that view
        self.primaryNames = OrderedDict()  # type: OrderedDict[int, str]

        # Flag being used for preterm exit from the loop in the method
        # `processStashedMsgsForNewWaterMarks`. See that method for details.
        self.consumedAllStashedMsgs = True

        self._freshness_checker = FreshnessChecker(

        self._bls_bft_replica = bls_bft_replica
        self._state_root_serializer = state_roots_serializer

        # Did we log a message about getting request while absence of primary
        self.warned_no_primary = False

        self._consensus_data = ConsensusSharedData(
  , self.node.poolManager.node_names_ordered_by_rank(),
            self.instId, self.isMaster)
        self._internal_bus = InternalBus()
        self._external_bus = ExternalBus(send_handler=self.send)
        self.stasher = self._init_replica_stasher()
        self._subscription = Subscription()
        self._checkpointer = self._init_checkpoint_service()
        self._ordering_service = self._init_ordering_service()
        self._message_req_service = self._init_message_req_service()
        self._view_change_service = self._init_view_change_service()
        for ledger_id in self.ledger_ids:
def validator(replica, inst_id):
    return ReplicaValidator(replica=replica)