Exemplo n.º 1
def testClientNotRetryRequestWhenReqnackReceived(looper, nodeSet, client1,
    A node sends REQNACK. The client does not resend Request.

    numOfNodes = len(nodeSet)

    alpha = nodeSet.Alpha
    origProcReq = alpha.processRequest
    origTrans = alpha.transmitToClient

    def nackReq(self, req, frm):
        self.transmitToClient(RequestNack(*req.key, "testing"), frm)

    def onlyTransNack(msg, remoteName):
        if not isinstance(msg, RequestNack):
        origTrans(msg, remoteName)

    alpha.clientMsgRouter.routes[Request] = types.MethodType(nackReq, alpha)
    alpha.transmitToClient = onlyTransNack

    totalResends = client1.spylog.count(client1.resendRequests.__name__)
    req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1)

    reqAckTimeout = waits.expectedReqAckQuorumTime()
    executionTimeout = waits.expectedTransactionExecutionTime(numOfNodes)

    # Wait till ACK timeout
    looper.runFor(reqAckTimeout + 1)
    assert client1.spylog.count(
        client1.resendRequests.__name__) == totalResends

    # Wait till REPLY timeout
    retryTimeout = executionTimeout - reqAckTimeout + 1

    assert client1.spylog.count(
        client1.resendRequests.__name__) == totalResends
    idr, reqId = req.key
    wait_for_replies(looper, client1, idr, reqId, 3)

    alpha.clientMsgRouter.routes[Request] = origProcReq
    alpha.transmitToClient = origTrans
Exemplo n.º 2
def testClientRetryRequestWhenReplyNotReceived(looper, txnPoolNodeSet, client1,
                                               wallet1, tconf):
    A node say Alpha sends ACK but doesn't send REPLY. The client resends the
    request and gets REPLY

    alpha = txnPoolNodeSet[0]
    skipped = False
    origTrans = alpha.transmitToClient

    def skipReplyOnce(msg, remoteName):
        nonlocal skipped
        if isinstance(msg, Reply) and not skipped:
            skipped = True
        origTrans(msg, remoteName)

    alpha.transmitToClient = skipReplyOnce
    req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1)
    coros = [
        partial(checkReqAck, client1, node, *req.key)
        for node in txnPoolNodeSet
    timeout = waits.expectedReqAckQuorumTime()
    start = time.perf_counter()
    looper.run(eventuallyAll(*coros, retryWait=.5, totalTimeout=timeout))
    idr, reqId = req.key
    # Client should get only 3 replies till the retry timeout since one node
    # is not sending any replies
                     custom_timeout=tconf.CLIENT_REPLY_TIMEOUT - 1)
    end = time.perf_counter()
    # Client should wait till the retry timeout but after that should
    # get the reply from the remaining node
    looper.runFor(tconf.CLIENT_REPLY_TIMEOUT - (end - start))
    wait_for_replies(looper, client1, idr, reqId, 4)
Exemplo n.º 3
def testClientNotRetryingRequestAfterMaxTriesDone(looper, txnPoolNodeSet,
                                                  client1, wallet1,
    A client sends Request to a node but the node never responds to client.
    The client resends the request but only the number of times defined in its
    configuration and no more

    alpha = txnPoolNodeSet[0]
    origTrans = alpha.transmitToClient

    def dontTransmitReply(msg, remoteName):
        if isinstance(msg, Reply):
        origTrans(msg, remoteName)

    alpha.transmitToClient = dontTransmitReply

    totalResends = client1.spylog.count(client1.resendRequests.__name__)
    req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1)

    # Wait for more than REPLY timeout
    # +1 because we have to wait one more retry timeout to make sure what
    # client cleaned his buffers (expectingAcksFor, expectingRepliesFor)
    retryTime = withFewerRetryReq.CLIENT_REPLY_TIMEOUT * \
                (withFewerRetryReq.CLIENT_MAX_RETRY_REPLY + 1)
    timeout = waits.expectedTransactionExecutionTime(
        len(txnPoolNodeSet)) + retryTime


    idr, reqId = req.key
    wait_for_replies(looper, client1, idr, reqId, 3)

    assert client1.spylog.count(client1.resendRequests.__name__) == \
           (totalResends + withFewerRetryReq.CLIENT_MAX_RETRY_REPLY)
    assert req.key not in client1.expectingAcksFor
    assert req.key not in client1.expectingRepliesFor
    alpha.transmitToClient = origTrans
Exemplo n.º 4
def testClientRetryRequestWhenAckNotReceived(looper, nodeSet, client1,
    The client gets disconnected from node say Alpha but does not know it.
    It sends request to all nodes including Alpha, expects ACK and REPLY from
    Alpha too, does not get it, so reconnects to Alpha and sends request again
    and gets REPLY
    alpha = nodeSet.Alpha

    skipped = False
    origPr = alpha.processRequest

    def skipReqOnce(msg, remoteName):
        nonlocal skipped
        if isinstance(msg, Request) and not skipped:
            skipped = True
        origPr(msg, remoteName)

    alpha.clientMsgRouter.routes[Request] = skipReqOnce

    req = sendRandomRequest(wallet1, client1)

    def chkAcks():
        for node in nodeSet:
            if node != alpha:
                checkReqAck(client1, node, *req.key)
                with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
                    checkReqAck(client1, node, *req.key)

    timeout = waits.expectedReqAckQuorumTime()
    looper.run(eventually(chkAcks, retryWait=1, timeout=timeout))
    idr, reqId = req.key
    wait_for_replies(looper, client1, idr, reqId, 4)