Exemplo n.º 1
def save_stim_filename(stimulus):
    """ Given a pliers stimulus object, create a hash, filename, and save.
        If type if TextStim or ComplexTextStim, return content rather than path
    if isinstance(stimulus, TextStim):
        stimulus = ComplexTextStim(text=stimulus.data)

    stim_hash = hash_stim(stimulus)

    if isinstance(stimulus, ComplexTextStim):
        return stim_hash, None, stimulus.data
        basepath = Path(current_app.config['STIMULUS_DIR']).absolute()

        stim_types = {ImageStim: '.png',
                      VideoFrameStim: '.png',
                      VideoStim: '.mkv',
                      AudioStim: '.wav'}

        ext = [e for c, e in stim_types.items() if isinstance(stimulus, c)][0]
        path = (basepath / stim_hash).with_suffix(ext)


        return stim_hash, path, None
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_word_counter_extractor():
    stim_txt = ComplexTextStim(text='This is a text where certain words occur'
                                    ' again and again Sometimes they are '
                                    'lowercase sometimes they are uppercase '
                                    'There are also words that may look '
                                    'different but they come from the same '
                                    'lemma Take a word like text and its '
                                    'plural texts Oh words')
    stim_with_onsets = ComplexTextStim(filename=join(TEXT_DIR,
    ext = WordCounterExtractor()
    result_stim_txt = ext.transform(stim_txt).to_df()
    result_stim_with_onsets = ext.transform(stim_with_onsets).to_df()
    assert result_stim_txt.shape[0] == 45
    assert all(result_stim_txt['word_count'] >= 1)
    assert result_stim_txt['word_count'][15] == 2
    assert result_stim_txt['word_count'][44] == 3
    assert result_stim_with_onsets.shape[0] == 8
    assert result_stim_with_onsets['onset'][2] == 0.8
    assert result_stim_with_onsets['duration'][2] == 0.1
    assert result_stim_with_onsets['word_count'][2] == 2
    assert result_stim_with_onsets['word_count'][5] == 2
    assert result_stim_with_onsets['word_count'][7] == 1

    ext2 = WordCounterExtractor(log_scale=True)
    result_stim_txt = ext2.transform(stim_txt).to_df()
    assert all(result_stim_txt['log_word_count'] >= 0)
    assert result_stim_txt['log_word_count'][15] == np.log(2)
    assert result_stim_txt['log_word_count'][44] == np.log(3)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_word_stemming_filter():
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'sample_text.txt'),

    # With all defaults (porter stemmer)
    filt = WordStemmingFilter()
    assert isinstance(filt.stemmer, nls.PorterStemmer)
    stemmed = filt.transform(stim)
    stems = [s.text for s in stemmed]
    target = ['some', 'sampl', 'text', 'for', 'test', 'annot']
    assert stems == target

    # Try a different stemmer
    filt = WordStemmingFilter(stemmer='snowball', language='english')
    assert isinstance(filt.stemmer, nls.SnowballStemmer)
    stemmed = filt.transform(stim)
    stems = [s.text for s in stemmed]
    assert stems == target

    # Handles StemmerI stemmer
    stemmer = nls.SnowballStemmer(language='english')
    filt = WordStemmingFilter(stemmer=stemmer)
    stemmed = filt.transform(stim)
    stems = [s.text for s in stemmed]
    assert stems == target

    # Try lemmatization filter
    except LookupError:
    except LookupError:
    stim = ComplexTextStim(text='These are tests for Stemming filters')
    filt = WordStemmingFilter(stemmer='wordnet')
    lemmatized = filt.transform(stim)
    lemmas = [l.text for l in lemmatized]
    target = ['these', 'be', 'test', 'for', 'stem', 'filter']
    assert lemmas == target

    # Try case sensitive
    filt = WordStemmingFilter(stemmer='wordnet', case_sensitive=True)
    lemmatized = filt.transform(stim)
    lemmas = [l.text for l in lemmatized]
    target = ['These', 'be', 'test', 'for', 'Stemming', 'filter']
    assert lemmas == target

    # Fails on invalid values
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        filt = WordStemmingFilter(stemmer='nonexistent_stemmer')

    # Try a long text stim
    stim2 = TextStim(text='theres something happening here')
    filt = WordStemmingFilter()
    assert filt.transform(stim2).text == 'there someth happen here'
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_bert_sequence_extractor():
    stim = ComplexTextStim(text='This is not a tokenized sentence.')
    stim_file = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'sentence_with_header.txt'))

    ext_pooler = BertSequenceEncodingExtractor(return_special='pooler_output')

    # Test correct behavior when setting return_special
    assert ext_pooler.pooling is None
    assert ext_pooler.return_special == 'pooler_output'

    res_sequence = BertSequenceEncodingExtractor(
    res_file = BertSequenceEncodingExtractor(
    res_cls = BertSequenceEncodingExtractor(
    res_pooler = ext_pooler.transform(stim).to_df()
    res_max = BertSequenceEncodingExtractor(

    # Check shape
    assert len(res_sequence['encoding'][0]) == 768
    assert len(res_cls['encoding'][0]) == 768
    assert len(res_pooler['encoding'][0]) == 768
    assert len(res_max['encoding'][0]) == 768
    assert res_sequence.shape[0] == 1
    assert res_cls.shape[0] == 1
    assert res_pooler.shape[0] == 1
    assert res_max.shape[0] == 1

    # Make sure pooler/cls/no arguments return different encodings
    assert res_sequence['encoding'][0] != res_cls['encoding'][0]
    assert res_sequence['encoding'][0] != res_pooler['encoding'][0]
    assert res_sequence['encoding'][0] != res_max['encoding'][0]
    assert all([
        res_max['encoding'][0][i] >= res_sequence['encoding'][0][i]
        for i in range(768)

    # test return sequence
    assert res_sequence['sequence'][0] == 'This is not a tokenized sentence .'

    # test file stim
    assert res_file['duration'][0] == 2.9
    assert res_file['onset'][0] == 0.2

    # catch error with wrong numpy function and wrong special token arg
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert 'valid numpy function' in str(err.value)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert 'must be one of' in str(err.value)

    # remove variables
    del ext_pooler, res_cls, res_max, res_pooler, res_sequence, res_file, stim
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_complex_text_stim():
    text_dir = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text')
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(text_dir, 'complex_stim_no_header.txt'),
    assert len(stim.elements) == 4
    assert stim.elements[2].onset == 34
    assert stim.elements[2].duration == 0.2
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(text_dir, 'complex_stim_with_header.txt'))
    assert len(stim.elements) == 4
    assert stim.elements[2].duration == 0.1
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_complex_stim_from_text():
    textfile = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text', 'scandal.txt')
    text = open(textfile).read().strip()
    stim = ComplexTextStim(text=text)
    target = ['To', 'Sherlock', 'Holmes']
    assert [w.text for w in stim.elements[:3]] == target
    assert len(stim.elements) == 231
    stim = ComplexTextStim(text=text, unit='sent')
    # Custom tokenizer
    stim = ComplexTextStim(text=text, tokenizer='(\w+)')
    assert len(stim.elements) == 209
Exemplo n.º 7
def run_fave(input_transcript, input_media, output_file,
             onset=None, offset=None):
    transcript, audio = clean_transcript(
        input_transcript, input_media, onset, offset)

    text_grid = '/tmp/output.textGrid'

    bashCommand = "python2 FAAValign.py -n {} {} {}".format(
        audio, transcript, text_grid)

    stim = ComplexTextStim(elements=parse_textgrid(text_grid))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_bert_extractor():
    stim = ComplexTextStim(text='This is not a tokenized sentence.')
    stim_file = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'sentence_with_header.txt'))

    ext_base = BertExtractor(pretrained_model='bert-base-uncased')
    ext_base_token = BertExtractor(pretrained_model='bert-base-uncased',
    ext_tf = BertExtractor(pretrained_model='bert-base-uncased',

    base_result = ext_base.transform(stim)
    res = base_result.to_df()
    res_model_attr = base_result.to_df(include_attributes=True)
    res_token = ext_base_token.transform(stim).to_df()
    res_file = ext_base.transform(stim_file).to_df()
    res_tf = ext_tf.transform(stim).to_df()

    # Test encoding shape
    assert len(res['encoding'][0]) == 768
    assert len(res_file['encoding'][0]) == 768

    # test base extractor
    assert res.shape[0] == 8
    assert res_token.shape[0] == 8
    assert res_token['token'][5] == '##ized'
    assert res_token['word'][5] == 'tokenized'
    assert res_token['object_id'][5] == 5

    # test base extractor on file
    assert res_file.shape[0] == 8
    assert res_file['onset'][3] == 1.3
    assert res_file['duration'][5] == 0.5
    assert res_file['object_id'][5] == 5

    # test tf vs torch
    cors = [
        np.corrcoef(res['encoding'][i], res_tf['encoding'][i])[0, 1]
        for i in range(res.shape[0])
    assert all(np.isclose(cors, 1))

    # catch error if framework is invalid
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
    assert 'Invalid framework' in str(err.value)

    # Delete the models
    del res, res_token, res_file, ext_base, ext_base_token
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_bert_other_models(model):
    if model == 'camembert-base':
        stim = ComplexTextStim(text='ceci n\'est pas un pipe')
        stim = ComplexTextStim(text='This is not a tokenized sentence.')
    res = BertExtractor(pretrained_model=model, return_input=True).transform(stim).to_df()
    if model == 'bert-large-uncased':
        shape = 1024
        shape = 768
    assert len(res['encoding'][0]) == shape
    if model == 'camembert-base':
        assert res['token'][4] == 'est'

    # remove variables
    del res, stim
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_part_of_speech_extractor():
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'complex_stim_with_header.txt'))
    result = PartOfSpeechExtractor().transform(stim).to_df()
    assert result.shape == (4, 6)
    assert 'NN' in result.columns
    assert result['NN'].sum() == 1
    assert result['VBD'][3] == 1
Exemplo n.º 11
def clean_transcript(input_transcript, input_media, onset=None, offset=None):
    stim = load_stims([input_media])[0]

    if not isinstance(stim, AudioStim):
        conv = VideoToAudioConverter()
        stim = conv.transform(stim)
        input_media = '/tmp/input_audio.wav'

    _, extension = splitext(input_transcript)

    clean_transcript = '/tmp/clean_transcript.txt'
    with open(clean_transcript, 'w') as new_file:

        if extension == 'srt':
            txt = ComplexTextStim(input_transcript)
            for el in txt.elements:
                _clean_save(el.text, new_file, el.onset, el.duration)
        else:  # Treat as a singe block of text
            if onset is None or offset is None:
                raise Exception("Onset and offset must be declared")
            txt = TextStim(input_transcript)
            _clean_save(txt.text, new_file, onset, stim.duration - offset)

    return clean_transcript, input_media
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_indico_api_text_extractor():

    ext = IndicoAPITextExtractor(api_key=os.environ['INDICO_APP_KEY'],
                                 models=['emotion', 'personality'])

    # With ComplexTextStim input
    srtfile = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text', 'wonderful.srt')
    srt_stim = ComplexTextStim(srtfile, onset=4.2)
    result = ext.transform(srt_stim).to_df()
    outdfKeysCheck = set([
    assert set(result.columns) == outdfKeysCheck
    assert result['onset'][1] == 92.622

    # With TextStim input
    ts = TextStim(text="It's a wonderful life.")
    result = ext.transform(ts).to_df()
    assert set(result.columns) == outdfKeysCheck
    assert len(result) == 1
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_indico_api_text_extractor():

    ext = IndicoAPITextExtractor(api_key=os.environ['INDICO_APP_KEY'],
                                 models=['emotion', 'personality'])

    # With ComplexTextStim input
    srtfile = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text', 'wonderful.srt')
    srt_stim = ComplexTextStim(srtfile, onset=4.2)
    result = merge_results(ext.transform(srt_stim), extractor_names=False)
    outdfKeysCheck = {
        'onset', 'duration', 'order', 'object_id', 'emotion_anger',
        'emotion_fear', 'emotion_joy', 'emotion_sadness', 'emotion_surprise',
        'personality_openness', 'personality_extraversion',
        'personality_agreeableness', 'personality_conscientiousness'
    meta_columns = {'source_file', 'history', 'class', 'filename'}
    assert set(result.columns) - set(['stim_name'
                                      ]) == outdfKeysCheck | meta_columns
    assert result['onset'][1] == 92.622

    # With TextStim input
    ts = TextStim(text="It's a wonderful life.")
    result = ext.transform(ts).to_df(object_id=True)
    assert set(result.columns) == outdfKeysCheck
    assert len(result) == 1
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_compound_stim():
    audio_dir = join(get_test_data_path(), 'audio')
    audio = AudioStim(join(audio_dir, 'crowd.mp3'))
    image1 = ImageStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'image', 'apple.jpg'))
    image2 = ImageStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'image', 'obama.jpg'))
    filename = join(get_test_data_path(), 'video', 'small.mp4')
    video = VideoStim(filename)
    text = ComplexTextStim(text="The quick brown fox jumped...")
    stim = CompoundStim([audio, image1, image2, video, text])
    assert len(stim.elements) == 5
    assert isinstance(stim.video, VideoStim)
    assert isinstance(stim.complex_text, ComplexTextStim)
    assert isinstance(stim.image, ImageStim)
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
    assert stim.video_frame is None

    # Test iteration
    len([e for e in stim]) == 5

    imgs = stim.get_stim(ImageStim, return_all=True)
    assert len(imgs) == 2
    assert all([isinstance(im, ImageStim) for im in imgs])
    also_imgs = stim.get_stim('image', return_all=True)
    assert imgs == also_imgs
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_check_target_type():
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'sample_text.txt'),
    td = SharpnessExtractor()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_metric_er_as_stim():
    stim = ComplexTextStim(text='This is [MASK] test')
    ext_bert = BertLMExtractor(return_softmax=True)
    ext_metric = MetricExtractor(functions='numpy.sum')
    r = ext_metric.transform(ext_bert.transform(stim))
    df = merge_results(r, extractor_names=False)
    assert np.isclose(df['sum'][0], 1)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_transcribed_audio_stim():
    audio = AudioStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'audio', "barber_edited.wav"))
    text_file = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text', "wonderful_edited.srt")
    text = ComplexTextStim(text_file)
    stim = TranscribedAudioCompoundStim(audio=audio, text=text)
    assert isinstance(stim.audio, AudioStim)
    assert isinstance(stim.complex_text, ComplexTextStim)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_word_stemming_filter():
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'sample_text.txt'),

    # With all defaults (porter stemmer)
    filt = WordStemmingFilter()
    assert isinstance(filt.stemmer, nls.PorterStemmer)
    stemmed = filt.transform(stim)
    stems = [s.text for s in stemmed]
    target = ['some', 'sampl', 'text', 'for', 'test', 'annot']
    assert stems == target

    # Try a different stemmer
    filt = WordStemmingFilter(stemmer='snowball', language='english')
    assert isinstance(filt.stemmer, nls.SnowballStemmer)
    stemmed = filt.transform(stim)
    stems = [s.text for s in stemmed]
    assert stems == target

    # Handles StemmerI stemmer
    stemmer = nls.SnowballStemmer(language='english')
    filt = WordStemmingFilter(stemmer=stemmer)
    stemmed = filt.transform(stim)
    stems = [s.text for s in stemmed]
    assert stems == target

    # Fails on invalid values
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        filt = WordStemmingFilter(stemmer='nonexistent_stemmer')

    # Try a long text stim
    stim2 = TextStim(text='theres something happening here')
    filt = WordStemmingFilter()
    assert filt.transform(stim2).text == 'there someth happen here'
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_complex_text_stim():
    text_dir = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text')
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(text_dir, 'complex_stim_no_header.txt'),
                           columns='ot', default_duration=0.2)
    assert len(stim.elements) == 4
    assert stim.elements[2].onset == 34
    assert stim.elements[2].duration == 0.2
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(text_dir, 'complex_stim_no_header.txt'),
                           columns='ot', default_duration=0.2, onset=4.2)
    assert stim.elements[2].onset == 38.2
    assert stim.elements[1].onset == 24.2
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(text_dir, 'complex_stim_with_header.txt'))
    assert len(stim.elements) == 4
    assert stim.elements[2].duration == 0.1

    assert stim._to_sec((1.0, 42, 3, 0)) == 6123
    assert stim._to_tup(6123) == (1.0, 42, 3, 0)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_part_of_speech_extractor():
    import nltk
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'complex_stim_with_header.txt'))
    result = merge_results(PartOfSpeechExtractor().transform(stim), extractor_names=False)
    assert result.shape == (4, 52)
    assert result['NN'].sum() == 1
    assert result['VBD'][3] == 1
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_complex_stim_from_srt():
    srtfile = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text', 'wonderful.srt')
    textfile = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text', 'wonderful.txt')
    df = pd.read_csv(textfile, sep='\t')
    target = df["text"].tolist()
    srt_stim = ComplexTextStim(srtfile)
    texts = [sent.text for sent in srt_stim.elements]
    assert texts == target
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_stim_iteration_converter():
    textfile = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text', 'scandal.txt')
    stim = ComplexTextStim(text=open(textfile).read().strip())
    words = ComplexTextIterator().transform(stim)
    assert len(words) == 231
    assert isinstance(words[1], TextStim)
    assert words[1].text == 'Sherlock'
    assert str(
        words[1].history) == 'ComplexTextStim->ComplexTextIterator/TextStim'
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_mean_amplitude_extractor():
    audio = AudioStim(join(AUDIO_DIR, 'barber_edited.wav'))
    text_file = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text', 'wonderful_edited.srt')
    text = ComplexTextStim(text_file)
    stim = TranscribedAudioCompoundStim(audio=audio, text=text)
    ext = MeanAmplitudeExtractor()
    result = ext.transform(stim).to_df()
    targets = [-0.154661, 0.121521]
    assert np.allclose(result['mean_amplitude'], targets)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_text_extractor():
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'sample_text.txt'),
                           columns='to', default_duration=1)
    td = DictionaryExtractor(join(TEXT_DIR, 'test_lexical_dictionary.txt'),
                             variables=['length', 'frequency'])
    assert td.data.shape == (7, 2)
    result = td.transform(stim)[2].to_df()
    assert result['duration'][0] == 1
    assert result.shape == (1, 6)
    assert np.isclose(result['frequency'][0], 11.729, 1e-5)
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_tfhub_text_transformer_tokens():
    cstim = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'wonderful.txt'))
    tkn_ext = TFHubTextExtractor(ELECTRA_URL,
    tkn_df = merge_results(tkn_ext.transform(cstim.elements[:3]),
    assert all([tkn_df['token_encodings'][i].shape == (128, 256) \
                for i in range(tkn_df.shape[0])])
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_bert_sentiment_extractor():
    stim = ComplexTextStim(text='This is the best day of my life.')
    stim_file = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'sentence_with_header.txt'))

    res = BertSentimentExtractor().transform(stim).to_df()
    res_file = BertSentimentExtractor().transform(stim_file).to_df()
    res_seq = BertSentimentExtractor(return_input=True).transform(stim).to_df()
    res_softmax = BertSentimentExtractor(return_softmax=True).transform(stim).to_df()

    assert res.shape[0] == 1
    assert res_file['onset'][0] == 0.2
    assert res_file['duration'][0] == 2.9
    assert all([s in res.columns for s in ['sent_pos', 'sent_neg']])
    assert res_seq['sequence'][0] == 'This is the best day of my life .'
    assert all([res_softmax[s][0] >= 0 for s in ['sent_pos','sent_neg'] ])
    assert all([res_softmax[s][0] <= 1 for s in ['sent_pos','sent_neg'] ])

    # remove variables
    del res, res_file, res_seq, res_softmax
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_transformations_on_compound_stim():
    image1 = ImageStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'image', 'apple.jpg'))
    image2 = ImageStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'image', 'obama.jpg'))
    text = ComplexTextStim(text="The quick brown fox jumped...")
    stim = CompoundStim([image1, image2, text])

    ext = BrightnessExtractor()
    results = ext.transform(stim)
    assert len(results) == 2
    assert np.allclose(results[0].data[0], 0.88784294)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_tfhub_text_one_feature():
    stim = TextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'scandal.txt'))
    cstim = ComplexTextStim(join(TEXT_DIR, 'wonderful.txt'))
    ext = TFHubTextExtractor(GNEWS_URL, output_key=None, features='embedding')
    df = merge_results(ext.transform(cstim), extractor_names=False)
    assert df.shape[0] == len(cstim.elements)
    true = hub.KerasLayer(GNEWS_URL)([cstim.elements[3].text])[0, 2].numpy()
    assert np.isclose(df['embedding'][3][2], true)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        TFHubTextExtractor(GNEWS_URL, output_key='key').transform(stim)
    assert 'not a dictionary' in str(err.value)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_save():
    text_dir = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text')
    complextext_stim = ComplexTextStim(join(text_dir, 'complex_stim_no_header.txt'),
                                       columns='ot', default_duration=0.2)
    text_stim = TextStim(text='hello')
    video_stim = VideoStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'video', 'small.mp4'))
    audio_stim = AudioStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'audio', 'crowd.mp3'))
    image_stim = ImageStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'image', 'apple.jpg'))
    stims = [complextext_stim, text_stim, video_stim, audio_stim, image_stim]
    for s in stims:
        path = tempfile.mktemp() + s._default_file_extension
        assert exists(path)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_save():
    cts_file = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text', 'complex_stim_no_header.txt')
    complextext_stim = ComplexTextStim(cts_file,
    text_stim = TextStim(text='hello')
    audio_stim = AudioStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'audio', 'crowd.mp3'))
    image_stim = ImageStim(join(get_test_data_path(), 'image', 'apple.jpg'))
    # Video gives travis problems
    stims = [complextext_stim, text_stim, audio_stim, image_stim]
    for s in stims:
        path = tempfile.mktemp() + s._default_file_extension
        assert exists(path)
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_complex_text_stim():
    text_dir = join(get_test_data_path(), 'text')
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(text_dir, 'complex_stim_no_header.txt'),
                           columns='ot', default_duration=0.2)
    assert len(stim.elements) == 4
    assert stim.elements[2].onset == 34
    assert stim.elements[2].duration == 0.2
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(text_dir, 'complex_stim_no_header.txt'),
                           columns='ot', default_duration=0.2, onset=4.2)
    assert stim.elements[2].onset == 38.2
    assert stim.elements[1].onset == 24.2
    stim = ComplexTextStim(join(text_dir, 'complex_stim_with_header.txt'))
    assert len(stim.elements) == 4
    assert stim.elements[2].duration == 0.1

    assert stim._to_sec((1.0, 42, 3, 0)) == 6123
    assert stim._to_tup(6123) == (1.0, 42, 3, 0)