Exemplo n.º 1
def test_with_points_slopes():
    from copy import copy
    # test the new
    fi = np.array([1e4, 1e9])
    ldbc_fi = np.array([-40, -150])
    slopes = np.array([-30, -20])
    pnoise_model = Pnoise.with_points_slopes(fi, ldbc_fi, slopes)
    fm = np.logspace(3, 9, 20)
    pnoise_extrapolated = copy(pnoise_model)
    pnoise_extrapolated.fm = fm
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_with_points_slopes():
    from copy import copy
    # test the new
    fi = np.array([1e4, 1e9])
    ldbc_fi = np.array([-40, -150])
    slopes = np.array([-30, -20])
    pnoise_model = Pnoise.with_points_slopes(fi, ldbc_fi, slopes)
    fm = np.logspace(3, 9, 20)
    pnoise_extrapolated = copy(pnoise_model)
    pnoise_extrapolated.fm = fm
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_generate_samples():
    pnobj = Pnoise.with_points_slopes([1e5, 1e6, 1e9], [-80, -100, -120],
                                      [-30, -20, 0])
    npoints = 2**16
    fs = 500e6
    phi_t = pnobj.generate_samples(npoints, fs)
    f, pxx = sig.welch(phi_t, fs, window='blackman', nperseg=2**8)
    ldbc_noise = 10 * np.log10(pxx / 2)
    pnobj.fm = f[1:]
    error = np.max(np.abs((pnobj.ldbc - ldbc_noise[1:]) / pnobj.ldbc * 100))
    assert error < 2.5
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_generate_samples():
    pnobj = Pnoise.with_points_slopes([1e5, 1e6, 1e9],
    npoints = 2 ** 16
    fs = 500e6
    phi_t = pnobj.generate_samples(npoints, fs)
    f, pxx = sig.welch(phi_t, fs, window='blackman', nperseg=2**8)
    ldbc_noise = 10 * np.log10(pxx / 2)
    pnobj.fm = f[1:]
    error = np.max(np.abs((pnobj.ldbc - ldbc_noise[1:]) / pnobj.ldbc * 100))
    assert error < 2.5