Exemplo n.º 1
def transition(obj=None, transition=None):
    """Perform a workflow transition for the object.

    :param obj: [required] Object for which we want to perform the workflow
    :type obj: Content object
    :param transition: [required] Name of the workflow transition.
    :type transition: string
    :Example: :ref:`content_transition_example`
    if not obj or not transition:
        raise MissingParameterError('You have to provide the ``obj`` and the '
                                    '``transition`` parameters')

    workflow = getToolByName(portal.get(), 'portal_workflow')
        workflow.doActionFor(obj, transition)
    except WorkflowException:
        transitions = [
            action['id'] for action in workflow.listActions(object=obj)

        raise InvalidParameterError(
            "Invalid transition '%s'. \n"
            "Valid transitions are:\n"
            "%s" % (transition, '\n'.join(sorted(transitions))))
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_tool(name=None):
    """Get a portal tool in a simple way.

    :param name: [required] Name of the tool you want.
    :type name: string
    :returns: The tool that was found by name
    :Example: :ref:`portal_get_tool_example`
    if not name:
        raise MissingParameterError("Missing required parameter: name")

        return getToolByName(get(), name)
    except AttributeError:

        # get a list of all tools so we can display their names in the error msg
        portal = get()
        tools = []
        for id in portal.objectIds():
            if id.startswith('portal_'):

        raise InvalidParameterError(
            "Cannot find a tool with name '%s'. \n"
            "Available tools are:\n"
            "%s" % (name, '\n'.join(tools)))
Exemplo n.º 3
def create(email=None,
           roles=('Member', ),
    """Create a user.

    :param email: [required] Email for the new user.
    :type email: string
    :param username: Username for the new user. This is required if email
        is not used as a username.
    :type username: string
    :param password: Password for the new user. If it's not set we generate
        a random 8-char alpha-numeric one.
    :type password: string
    :param properties: User properties to assign to the new user. The list of
        available properties is available in ``portal_memberdata`` through ZMI.
    :type properties: dict
    :returns: Newly created user
    :rtype: MemberData object
    :Example: :ref:`user_create_example`
    if properties is None:
        # Never use a dict as default for a keyword argument.
        properties = {}

    # it may happen that someone passes email in the properties dict, catch
    # that and set the email so the code below this works fine
    if not email and properties.get('email'):
        email = properties.get('email')

    if not email:
        raise MissingParameterError("You need to pass the new user's email.")

    site = portal.get()
    props = site.portal_properties
    use_email_as_username = props.site_properties.use_email_as_login

    if not use_email_as_username and not username:
        raise InvalidParameterError(
            "The portal is configured to use username "
            "that is not email so you need to pass a username.")

    registration = portal.get_tool('portal_registration')
    user_id = use_email_as_username and email or username

    # Generate a random 8-char password
    if not password:
        chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
        password = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for x in range(8))


    registration.addMember(user_id, password, roles, properties=properties)
    return get(username=user_id)
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_view(name=None, context=None, request=None):
    """Get a BrowserView object.

    :param name: [required] Name of the view.
    :type name: string
    :param context: [required] Context on which to get view.
    :type context: context object
    :param request: [required] Request on which to get view.
    :type request: request object
    :Example: :ref:`content_get_view_example`
    if not name:
        raise MissingParameterError("Missing required parameter: name")

    if not context:
        raise MissingParameterError("Missing required parameter: context")

    if not request:
        raise MissingParameterError("Missing required parameter: request")

    # It happens sometimes that ACTUAL_URL is not set in tests. To be nice
    # and not throw strange errors, we set it to be the same as URL.
    # TODO: if/when we have api.env.test_mode() boolean in the future, use that
    config = getConfiguration()
    if config.dbtab.__module__ == 'plone.testing.z2':
        request['ACTUAL_URL'] = request['URL']

        return getMultiAdapter((context, request), name=name)
        # get a list of all views so we can display their names in the error msg
        sm = getSiteManager()
        views = sm.adapters.lookupAll(required=(providedBy(context),
        views_names = [view[0] for view in views]

        raise InvalidParameterError("Cannot find a view with name '%s'. \n"
                                    "Available views are:\n"
                                    "%s" %
                                    (name, '\n'.join(sorted(views_names))))
Exemplo n.º 5
        def wrapped(f, *args, **kwargs):
            """The wrapped function (whose docstring will get replaced)."""
            supplied_args = _get_supplied_args(signature_params, args, kwargs)
            candidates = [s for s in supplied_args if s in candidate_params]
            if len(candidates) < 1:
                raise MissingParameterError(
                    "At least one of these parameters must be "
                    "supplied: {0}.".format(", ".join(candidate_params)))

            return f(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 6
        def wrapped(f, *args, **kwargs):
            """The wrapped function (whose docstring will get replaced)"""
            supplied_args = _get_supplied_args(signature_params, args, kwargs)

            missing = [p for p in required_params if p not in supplied_args]
            if len(missing):
                raise MissingParameterError(
                    "Missing required parameter(s): {0}".format(
                        ", ".join(missing)))

            return f(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 7
def rename(obj=None, new_id=None, safe_id=False):
    """Rename the object.

    :param obj: [required] Object that we want to rename.
    :type obj: Content object
    :param new_id: New id of the object.
    :type new_id: string
    :param safe_id: When False, the given id will be enforced. If the id is
        conflicting with another object in the container, raise a
        InvalidParameterError. When True, choose a new, non-conflicting id.
    :type safe_id: boolean
    :Example: :ref:`content_rename_example`
    if not obj:
        raise MissingParameterError("Missing required parameter: obj")

    if not new_id:
        raise MissingParameterError("Missing required parameter: new_id")

    move(source=obj, id=new_id, safe_id=safe_id)
 def decrypt_token(self, token):
     @param token: the JWT token we have to decrypt
     @return: the JWT token payload
     secret = api.portal.get_registry_record(
         self.registry_record, default=None
     if not secret:
         We miss a parameter
         raise MissingParameterError("Secret is missing")
     decoded = jwt.decode(token, secret, algorithms=self.algorithm)
     return decoded
Exemplo n.º 9
        def wrapped(function, *args, **kwargs):
            """The wrapped function (whose docstring will get replaced)"""
            supplied_args = _get_supplied_args(signature_params, args, kwargs)

            missing = [
                for param in required_params
                if param not in supplied_args
            if len(missing):
                raise MissingParameterError(
                    'Missing required parameter(s): {params}'.format(
                        params=', '.join(missing),

            return function(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 10
        def wrapped(function, *args, **kwargs):
            """The wrapped function (whose docstring will get replaced)."""
            supplied_args = _get_supplied_args(signature_params, args, kwargs)
            candidates = [
                for candidate in supplied_args
                if candidate in candidate_params
            if len(candidates) < 1:
                raise MissingParameterError(
                    'At least one of these parameters must be '
                    'supplied: {params}.'.format(
                        params=', '.join(candidate_params),

            return function(*args, **kwargs)
    def generate_token(self, expiration=None, payload={}):
        @param obj: the reservation
        @param time: eventual expiration date or time
        @return a new JWT token
        secret = api.portal.get_registry_record(
            self.registry_record, default=None
        if not secret:
            We miss a parameter
            raise MissingParameterError("Secret is missing")

        if expiration:
            # Right now not handled
            payload.update({"expiration": expiration.isoformat()})
            # we set as a default midnight of the previous day
            payload.update({"expiration": None})

        encoded = jwt.encode(payload, secret, algorithm=self.algorithm)
        return encoded
Exemplo n.º 12
def create(container=None,
    """Create a new content item.

    :param container: [required] Container object in which to create the new
    :type container: Folderish content object
    :param type: [required] Type of the object.
    :type type: string
    :param id: Id of the object.  If the id conflicts with another object in
        the container, a suffix will be added to the new object's id. If no id
        is provided, automatically generate one from the title. If there is no
        id or title provided, raise a ValueError.
    :type id: string
    :param title: Title of the object. If no title is provided, use id as
        the title.
    :type title: string
    :param safe_id: When False, the given id will be enforced. If the id is
        conflicting with another object in the target container, raise a
        InvalidParameterError. When True, choose a new, non-conflicting id.
    :type safe_id: boolean
    :returns: Content object
    :Example: :ref:`content_create_example`
    if not container:
        raise MissingParameterError("Missing required parameter: container")

    if not type:
        raise MissingParameterError("Missing required parameter: type")

    if not id and not title:
        raise MissingParameterError(
            'You have to provide either the ``id`` or the '
            '``title`` parameter')

    # Create a temporary id if the id is not given
    content_id = not safe_id and id or str(random.randint(0, 99999999))

    if title:
        kwargs['title'] = title

        container.invokeFactory(type, content_id, **kwargs)
    except ValueError:
        if ISiteRoot.providedBy(container):
            types = [type.id for type in container.allowedContentTypes()]
            types = container.getLocallyAllowedTypes()

        raise InvalidParameterError(
            "Cannot add a '%s' object to the container. \n"
            "Allowed types are:\n"
            "%s" % (type, '\n'.join(sorted(types))))

    content = container[content_id]

    # Archetypes specific code
    if IBaseObject.providedBy(content):
        # Will finish Archetypes content item creation process,
        # rename-after-creation and such

    if not id or (safe_id and id):
        # Create a new id from title
        chooser = INameChooser(container)
        derived_id = id or title
        new_id = chooser.chooseName(derived_id, content)
        # kacee: we must do a partial commit, else the renaming fails because
        # the object isn't in the zodb.
        # Thus if it is not in zodb, there's nothing to move. We should
        # choose a correct id when
        # the object is created.
        # maurits: tests run fine without this though.
        content.aq_parent.manage_renameObject(content_id, new_id)

    return content