Exemplo n.º 1
        def extractMapping(manager_name, category, key, mapping):
            for name, assignment in mapping.items():
                type_ = None
                for schema in providedBy(assignment).flattened():
                    type_ = portletSchemata.get(schema, None)
                    if type_ is not None:

                if type_ is not None:
                    child = self._doc.createElement('assignment')
                    child.setAttribute('manager', manager_name)
                    child.setAttribute('category', category)
                    child.setAttribute('key', key)
                    child.setAttribute('type', type_)
                    child.setAttribute('name', name)

                    assignment = assignment.__of__(mapping)

                    settings = IPortletAssignmentSettings(assignment)
                    visible = settings.get('visible', True)
                    child.setAttribute('visible', repr(visible))

                    handler = IPortletAssignmentExportImportHandler(assignment)
                    handler.export_assignment(schema, self._doc, child)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def exportAssignments(self, obj):
        assignments = []
        for manager_name, manager in self.portlet_managers:
            mapping = queryMultiAdapter((obj, manager),
            if mapping is None:

            mapping = mapping.__of__(obj)

            for name, assignment in mapping.items():
                type_ = None
                for schema in providedBy(assignment).flattened():
                    type_ = self.portlet_schemata.get(schema, None)
                    if type_ is not None:

                if type_ is not None:
                    child = self.doc.createElement('assignment')
                    child.setAttribute('manager', manager_name)
                    child.setAttribute('category', CONTEXT_CATEGORY)
                    child.setAttribute('key', '/'.join(obj.getPhysicalPath()))
                    child.setAttribute('type', type_)
                    child.setAttribute('name', name)

                    assignment = assignment.__of__(mapping)
                    # use existing adapter for exporting a portlet assignment
                    handler = IPortletAssignmentExportImportHandler(assignment)
                    handler.export_assignment(schema, self.doc, child)


        return assignments
Exemplo n.º 3
def extract_mapping(manager_name, category, key, mapping):
    portlets_schemata = dict([
        (iface, name) for name, iface in getUtilitiesFor(IPortletTypeInterface)

    for name, assignment in mapping.items():
        type_ = None
        schema = None
        for schema in providedBy(assignment).flattened():
            type_ = portlets_schemata.get(schema, None)
            if type_ is not None:

        if type_ is not None:
            child = PrettyDocument().createElement('assignment')
            child.setAttribute('manager', manager_name)
            child.setAttribute('category', category)
            child.setAttribute('key', key)
            child.setAttribute('type', type_)
            child.setAttribute('name', name)

            assignment = assignment.__of__(mapping)

            settings = IPortletAssignmentSettings(assignment)
            visible = settings.get('visible', True)
            child.setAttribute('visible', repr(visible))

            handler = IPortletAssignmentExportImportHandler(assignment)
            handler.export_assignment(schema, PrettyDocument(), child)

            yield child
Exemplo n.º 4
    def importAssignment(self, obj, node):
        """ Import an assignment from a node
        # 1. Determine the assignment mapping and the name
        manager_name = node.getAttribute('manager')

        manager = getUtility(IPortletManager, manager_name)
        mapping = getMultiAdapter((obj, manager), IPortletAssignmentMapping)
        if mapping is None:

        # 2. Either find or create the assignment
        assignment = None
        name = node.getAttribute('name')
        if name:
            assignment = mapping.get(name, None)

        type_ = node.getAttribute('type')

        if assignment is None:
            portlet_factory = getUtility(IFactory, name=type_)
            assignment = portlet_factory()

            if not name:
                chooser = INameChooser(mapping)
                name = chooser.chooseName(None, assignment)

            mapping[name] = assignment

        # aq-wrap it so that complex fields will work
        assignment = assignment.__of__(obj)

        # 3. Use an adapter to update the portlet settings
        portlet_interface = getUtility(IPortletTypeInterface, name=type_)
        assignment_handler = IPortletAssignmentExportImportHandler(assignment)
        assignment_handler.import_assignment(portlet_interface, node)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _initAssignmentNode(self, node):
        """Create an assignment from a node
        site = self.environ.getSite()

        # 1. Determine the assignment mapping and the name
        manager = node.getAttribute('manager')
        category = node.getAttribute('category')
        key = node.getAttribute('key')
        # convert unicode to str as unicode paths are not allowed in
        # restrictedTraverse called in assignment_mapping_from_key
        if six.PY2:
            key = key.encode()

        purge = False
        if node.hasAttribute('purge'):
            purge = self._convertToBoolean(node.getAttribute('purge'))

        mapping = assignment_mapping_from_key(site,

        # 2. Either find or create the assignment

        assignment = None
        name = node.getAttribute('name')
        if name:
            name = str(name)
            assignment = mapping.get(name, None)

        __traceback_info__ = "Assignment name: " + name

        if node.hasAttribute('remove'):
            if assignment is not None:
                del mapping[name]

        if purge:
            for portlet in mapping.keys():
                del mapping[portlet]

        type_ = str(node.getAttribute('type'))

        if assignment is None:
            portlet_factory = getUtility(IFactory, name=type_)
            assignment = portlet_factory()

            if not name:
                chooser = INameChooser(mapping)
                name = chooser.chooseName(None, assignment)

            mapping[name] = assignment

        # aq-wrap it so that complex fields will work
        assignment = assignment.__of__(site)

        # set visibility setting
        visible = node.getAttribute('visible')
        if visible:
            settings = IPortletAssignmentSettings(assignment)
            settings['visible'] = self._convertToBoolean(visible)

        # 3. Use an adapter to update the portlet settings

        portlet_interface = getUtility(IPortletTypeInterface, name=type_)
        assignment_handler = IPortletAssignmentExportImportHandler(assignment)
        assignment_handler.import_assignment(portlet_interface, node)

        # 4. Handle ordering

        insert_before = node.getAttribute('insert-before')
        if insert_before:
            position = None
            keys = list(mapping.keys())

            if insert_before == "*":
                position = 0
            elif insert_before in keys:
                position = keys.index(insert_before)

            if position is not None:
                keys.insert(position, name)