Exemplo n.º 1
 def mapRUID_URL(self, unique_ruid, portal):
     ruid_url = {}
     for uid in unique_ruid:
         url = uuidToURL(uid)
         if url is not None:
             ruid_url[uid] = url
     return ruid_url
 def mapRUID_URL(self, unique_ruid, portal):
     ruid_url = {}
     for uid in unique_ruid:
         url = uuidToURL(uid)
         if url is not None:
             ruid_url[uid] = url
     return ruid_url
Exemplo n.º 3
 def replace_uuid(match):
     value = match.group()
     uuid = match.group(3)
     if not uuid:
         return value
     item = uuidToObject(uuid)
     if not item:
         return value
     return u'"{0}"'.format(uuidToURL(uuid))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __call__(self):
        if self.uuid is None:
            raise KeyError("No UUID given in sub-path. Use .../@@redirect-to-uuid/<uuid>")

        url = uuidToURL(self.uuid)
        if url is None:
            raise NotFound(self, self.uuid)

        return u""
Exemplo n.º 5
 def __call__(self):
     if self.uuid is None:
         raise KeyError("No UUID given in sub-path. Use .../@@redirect-to-uuid/<uuid>")
     url = uuidToURL(self.uuid)
     if url is None:
         raise NotFound(self, self.uuid)
     return u''
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_uuidToURL(self):
        from plone.uuid.interfaces import IUUID
        from plone.app.uuid.utils import uuidToURL

        portal = self.layer['portal']
        setRoles(portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])

        portal.invokeFactory('Document', 'd1')
        portal.invokeFactory('Document', 'd2')

        d1 = portal['d1']
        uuid = IUUID(d1)

        self.assertEqual(d1.absolute_url(), uuidToURL(uuid))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_uuidToURL(self):
        from plone.uuid.interfaces import IUUID
        from plone.app.uuid.utils import uuidToURL

        portal = self.layer['portal']
        setRoles(portal, TEST_USER_ID, ['Manager'])

        portal.invokeFactory('Document', 'd1')
        portal.invokeFactory('Document', 'd2')

        d1 = portal['d1']
        uuid = IUUID(d1)

        self.assertEqual(d1.absolute_url(), uuidToURL(uuid))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def listing(self):
     # XXX: discount
     ret = list()
     for booking in self.order_data.bookings:
             'title': booking.attrs['title'],
             'url': uuidToURL(booking.attrs['buyable_uid']),
             'count': booking.attrs['buyable_count'],
             'net': ascur(booking.attrs.get('net', 0.0)),
             'discount_net': ascur(float(booking.attrs['discount_net'])),
             'vat': booking.attrs.get('vat', 0.0),
             'exported': booking.attrs['exported'],
             'comment': booking.attrs['buyable_comment'],
             'quantity_unit': booking.attrs.get('quantity_unit'),
             'currency': booking.attrs.get('currency'),
     return ret
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __call__(self):
        url = uuidToURL(self.uuid)

        if not url:
            # BBB for kupu
            hook = getattr(self.context, 'kupu_resolveuid_hook', None)
            if hook:
                obj = hook(uuid)
                if not obj:
                    raise NotFound("The link you followed is broken")
                url = obj.absolute_url()

        if not url:
            raise NotFound("The link you followed is broken")

        if self.subpath:
            url = '/'.join([url] + self.subpath)

        if self.request.QUERY_STRING:
            url += '?' + self.request.QUERY_STRING

        self.request.response.redirect(url, status=301)

        return ''
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __call__(self, **kw):
        uid = self.request['uid']
        base_url = self.context.absolute_url()
        registry = getUtility(IRegistry)
        settings = registry.forInterface(IKlarnaPaymentSettings)
        data = IPaymentData(self.context).data(uid)
        #amount = data['amount']
        #description = data['description']
        #ordernumber = data['ordernumber']
        currency = data['currency']

        #get items for klarna
        order_data = OrderData(self.context, uid)
        order = dict(order_data.order.attrs)
        # Merchant ID
        eid = settings.klarna_eid
        # Shared Secret
        shared_secret = settings.klarna_secret
        #other settings from control panel
        terms_uri        =  settings.klarna_terms_uri
        checkout_uri     =  settings.klarna_checkout_uri
        confirmation_uri =  settings.klarna_confirmation_uri
        push_uri         =  settings.klarna_push_uri
        #Add the cart items
        cart = list()
        for booking in order_data.bookings:
                        'quantity': int(booking.attrs['buyable_count']),
                        'reference': uuidToURL(booking.attrs['buyable_uid']),
                        'name': booking.attrs['title'],
                        'unit_price': int((booking.attrs.get('net', 0.0)*100)+(booking.attrs.get('net', 0.0)*booking.attrs.get('vat', 0.0))),
                        'discount_rate': int((booking.attrs['discount_net'])*100),
                        'tax_rate': int(booking.attrs.get('vat', 0.0)*100),
        create_data = {}
        create_data["cart"] = {"items": []}
        for item in cart:
        #Configure the checkout order
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        create_data['purchase_country'] = 'NO'
        create_data['purchase_currency'] = currency
        create_data['locale'] = 'nb-no'
        create_data['shipping_address'] = {
            'email'        : order['personal_data.email'],
            'postal_code'  : order['billing_address.zip'],
        create_data['merchant'] = {
            'id'                : eid,
            'terms_uri'         : terms_uri,
            'checkout_uri'      : checkout_uri,
            'confirmation_uri'  : confirmation_uri,
            'push_uri'          : push_uri,
        # Create a checkout order
        klarnacheckout.Order.base_uri = \
        klarnacheckout.Order.content_type = \
        connector = klarnacheckout.create_connector(shared_secret)
        order = klarnacheckout.Order(connector)
        # Render the checkout snippet
        # Store location of checkout session
        #session["klarna_checkout"] = order.location
        # Display checkout
        return "<div>%s</div>" % (order["gui"]["snippet"])
Exemplo n.º 11
def resolve_buyable_url(context, booking):
    return uuidToURL(booking.attrs['buyable_uid'])